Hey everyone! This is my newest fic called "Dog Days". This takes place before Vegeta and Bulma fall in love. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own jack squat or anything DBZ-related.

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"Goku!" a voice called out in the Son house. "Where's Gohan?" ChiChi walked over to the table where her husband was currently shoveling food in his mouth. He paused.

"Umm. . . well he's training with Piccolo right now." He quickly shoved some more food in his mouth.

"WHAT?!? Are you telling me he's all alone with that MONSTER?"

Goku nodded and finished cleaning off his plate. Then he stood up and headed for the door. ChiChi crossed her arms. "And just WHERE do you think you're going?" she demanded.

"Well I'm going to go train with them!" he laughed and ran out the door, then blasted into the air. ChiChi sighed and began to clear the table, struggling to retain the tears that threatened to fall.

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At Capsule Corp. . .

"Baka woman!"

"Saiyin bastard!"

The screaming continued as both parties shouted themselves hoarse. Suddenly, Vegeta humphed and left the kitchen, heading to the Gravity Room. Bulma remained where she was and muttered to herself as she cleared dishes.

"What kind of asshole does he think he is? Demanding I cook for him and then insulting my food! Gah! I could just. . ." she clenched her fists in anger.

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Goku was trading blows with Piccolo while his son looked on. Suddenly, a great light flashed in front of all their eyes. When Gohan and Piccolo could see again, Goku was gone.

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Vegeta was shadow boxing at 300g. Sweat poured off his body as he sparred with an invisible opponent. Suddenly, a great light engulfed him and the walls of the Gravity Room disappeared.

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Goku and Vegeta awoke and groaned as they opened their eyes. They were lying on a dirt floor in the middle of a hut. A wonderful smell reached Goku's nose. Eagerly, he sat straight up and looked around him. He found the source of the smell in a large black crock hanging over a hearth in the little hut. A little old woman was bending over it and stirring the enticing concoction within with a large wooden spoon. She either didn't notice that Goku and Vegeta were up, or just ignored them entirely. Goku was about to say something, but Vegeta, seeing Goku's eyes on the pot, cut him off.

"Where the hell are we?"

The woman looked up. "Ah, I see you two darlings have woken up."

Goku looked confused while Vegeta looked incredibly irritated. "Do I know you?" Goku asked, scratching his head.

The woman replied, "No you don't. And who I am does not matter at the moment. What matters is the reason you're here."

"And what reason is that?" Vegeta asked crossly.

"Your treatment of ChiChi and Bulma is less than acceptable."

Vegeta rolled his eyes. "Is that all?"

Goku looked confused. "What do you mean? ChiChi's fine."

The woman looked at them oddly. "You're ignorance astounds me." She shook her head. "Very soon, you will learn the effects of your behaviors toward the women."

Vegeta snorted. "And how do you think that's going to happen?"

The woman smiled vaguely. "Well let's not talk about that just yet. How would you two handsome boys like something to eat?" She motioned to the large pot beside her. Immediately Goku was at full attention. "Sure! I'd love some!" Vegeta looked uneasy at first, but then assented with a grunt.

"Ok well why don't you just sit at that table and I'll prepare it for you!" She brought out two large bowls and started to ladle the stew into them, all the while chanting a song in a strange language.

"What are you singing, old woman?" Vegeta demanded to know.

"Oh, just a little childhood song," she murmured. She placed the bowl in front of him and handed him a spoon. The smell emitting from the bowl was so alluring even Vegeta's mouth began to water. Goku was all out drooling as his bowl and spoon were set down. Forgoing the spoon, Goku grabbed the bowl and dug in. Vegeta grimaced at Goku's barbaric eating methods and grabbed the spoon, quickly eating the delicious meal. Within a matter of minutes both bowls were empty. Goku licked away the stew that had plastered itself around his mouth and leaning back, patted his stomach.

"That really hit the spot." He sighed in contentment. Vegeta just grunted in agreement and turned to the old woman.

"Alright old woman you fed us now tell us what the hell is going on."

The woman blinked. "Oh dear! I forgot to tell you! There's a certain side effect to that stew you just ate."

"Side effect? What side effect?!?" Vegeta thundered. Goku just had another confused look on his face. Then he jovially replied, "Oh we're Saiyins. It won't make us sick!"

The old woman sweat-dropped. "That's not what I meant. You'll know what I'm talking about . . . right now."

Suddenly, both men felt the ground rushing up. Vegeta tried to yell, but his vocal cords were changing. His whole body was changing! It was like going oozaru, but he was getting smaller instead of bigger. He looked over to Goku. Goku had likewise fallen to all fours. His skin was sprouting tan fur and his face was turning black. He developed a muzzle. Before Vegeta could witness any more of this strange transformation, he blacked out.

Vegeta whimpered as he awoke. Wait a minute . . . whimpered? He tried to stand up, but could only make it to all fours. He growled and looked down at his hands. But where his hands should have been, there were a pair of paws! Astonished, Vegeta whirled around, and promptly fell over. He groaned and pushed himself up on his haunches. Looking ahead, he saw the old woman; he growled at her.

""Oh hush you," she replied. "I'll explain when Goku wakes up." Vegeta looked over to his fellow Saiyin, and saw a gigantic dog lying on its side, drool hanging out of its mouth. The huge dog whimpered and opened its eyes. Vegeta growled. "Kakarot hurry and get your lazy ass up! I want to know what the hell is going on!"

Goku the dog quickly lumbered to his feet. He took a few unsteady steps, and then gained his balance. He started to check himself out. Looking behind him, he saw . . . oh my goodness! He had a tail! In glee Goku started to chase the appendage, running in circles until he fell over. Vegeta growled in annoyance until a thought occurred to him. If Kakarot had a tail, so should he! He quickly looked behind him, only to see a pitiful brown stub. Unknowingly, he whimpered in disappointment. Then he rounded on the old woman.

Growling, he advanced on her. But she stood her ground and as he got closer she pulled something out and put it in front of Vegeta. He stopped for a moment, trying to figure out what it was. Suddenly, he realized she had set a mirror in front of him! He looked into it, curious as to what he looked like. The creature staring back at him had to be one of the most ugly he'd ever seen. He was a dog obviously. Vegeta didn't study any Earth things so he had no idea what breed he was or if he was just a mutt. He had a black face with a small nose and huge jaw, but his muzzle didn't stick very far out. His eyes were somewhat large and expressive. He had ears that were short and flopped next to his head. He had a well-built chest that had a white crest on it, and all four of his paws were white. Excepting those three areas (face, chest and paws), the rest of his dog body was a reddish- brown. The hair covering it was incredibly short. His hind legs were a little smaller than his front ones, but altogether he was a stocky and powerfully built dog. Vegeta admitted that his body wasn't that bad, he just wished his face weren't so ugly. Suddenly a large force shoved Vegeta out of the way. Growling, Vegeta realized it was just that fool Kakarot wanting to see what he looked like.

Goku looked into the mirror before him. A huge black face gazed back. Well, it was almost totally black. He, likewise had a somewhat short muzzle, but it was a little longer than Vegeta's. His muzzle was totally black, as were the areas surrounding his small eyes and the ears flopping on either side of his head. But the area between his eyes and the rest of his head and body was a tan color. He was also a shorthaired dog, but that was the only other thing short about him besides his muzzle. The rest of his body was huge! Goku the dog was a giant! He had a massive body with thick skin to boot!

Getting over his initial excitement, Goku looked questioningly up at the old woman standing in front of him, reading his reaction. She cleared her throat.

"As you can see, the two of you have been transformed into dogs. Vegeta, you are a Boxer. Goku, you are a Mastiff. You are to go back to your respective homes and adopt Bulma and ChiChi. Become their pets and let them open up to you. Learn from your mistakes."

"You will be able to communicate with each other, because you are dogs. Therefore you can communicate with other dogs. However no human can understand you."

Vegeta gave her an odd look. She nodded as if she understood a question he asked.

"The only way you can be changed back are when you realize what harm you've caused to Bulma and ChiChi, and from there they having to realize who you really are. Don't worry; I will be watching you. Good luck!" She clapped her hands and the great light enveloped them once again.

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Important note: If my descriptions were somewhat hazy, here are links to pictures of Boxers and Mastiffs:

Boxer - http://www.spirit-creations.com/graphics/boxer.jpg and http://pages.ivillage.com/skyesm/images/jazout.jpg

Mastiff: http://www.bestbuddies.net/mastiff.jpg and http://www.shaku1.com/mastiff.jpg

Well that's the end of chapter 1! Please tell me what you think!
