Luffy wasn't really thinking bout her ass till they arrive in Mermen Island and though others wasn't noticing Luffy took quick glances at his fellow crewmate's nice round butt.
It became too much of an habit that no matter how much he try to look away or even ignore her it never works cause he always watches her from behind, watching carefuly at how so much she moved and sway her ass. So here was Luffy in the crow nest watching the rain while thinking bout his navigator and her nice Bum. "Why do i feel this way..feel like ik need to eat but its not meat i wanna eat though."
Nami was busy with a map in her and Robin's room, Robin was reading one of her many book's while Nami was trying to forcus on her map but her mind was else where.
Nami been well aware her Captin been watching her for a little while now ever since they left Mermen island and she didn't expect him to be staring at her ass of all things.
Sure she gets that she have grown up alot these past 2 years but she never thought Luffy of all people would even take notice of her behind, Sanji sure but Luffy was a unreal thought.
"Nami is everything alright ?"Robin asked looking over at her friend, Nami snapped out of her thoughts and looked over at her 'Ohh ya im good Robin, just alot on my mind" Robin smiled and nodded at her.
"Well you must be in deep thought since you been on that same line the past hour" Nami looked at the paper she was drawing and notice Robin was right,one little line that been drawn over.
Nami got a bit red in anger, this was Luffy fault and if it not for him staring at her these past few days she wouldn't be worked over this, her mind made up she got up and grab her rain coat.
"Be back robin, gotta take care of something" with that she shut the door,Robin only giggled as she went back to her book. "Our dear captin has great taste it seems"
Luffy was in his own thoughts as the rain kept falling, he was feeling funny, his stomach was feeling like its twisting, his head had nothing but thoughts of his Nakama's ass and between his shorts was getting awfuly tight.
He knew not much bout sex nor pleasing himself so he wasn't too sure how to handle his "Buddy"down there but he was sure it was Nami that was causing it. "How am i suppose to fix this, the more i think the harder it gets" Just as he said those words he heard a gasp and looked behind him to see his wet navigator looking at him and his little problem, well not little but big, very big problem. They both looked at each other not saying a word,
Nami was speechless not sure how to speak but then Luffy runs over and looks at her with pleading eyes. 'Nami, thank goodess your here, i need your help. I can't get my dick to stop growing in my pants and im not sure how to stop it, please help?"
In anger and embarssmentt she hit him over the head as hard as she could and yelled in a red face. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU EXPECT ME TO DO BOUT YOUR HARD ON!" Luffy looked with a pout face "But its your fault im like this, you and your butt
Upon hearing this Nami got redder and looked away from him, its one thing to have him looking but to blame her for his "problem" because he looks at her behind was too pretty upseting but also embarssing, "Luffy i know you been staring at my butt for a few days now and i don't get why that is, why now your so forcus on me all of a sudden.."
Truth be told she had also been staring at her Captin for a while now as well, even though he haven't change as much as the rest of the others he deciding to keep his chest out with that large X scar there made her mind drift to sooo many thoughts.
"Luffy, why have you ben staring at my butt all this time anyway and yes im well aware you have been." Luffy looked at her a bit shocked at her knowing. "Well it happen around the time we meet up after two years..your butt look good in pants." He looked at her with his head tilted to the side.
"After that i just been staring at your butt and now my stomach feel funny, i think bout you alot and my dick keeps getting harder the more i think" As he finished he notice Nami turning from him with her face reading then sea king meat. "Oi Nami ? you okay ?"
Nami to say the least was flattered upon what she heard, she too since they meet up again had been feeling weird around him, though two years before she still had those feelings but never worked the nerve to tell him due to his dreams and her's yet here he was pretty much admiting that he might be having feelings for her.
"Luff..have you ever had these feelings before with anyone ?" She couldn't help but ask this wondering if maybe there was other girls he felt like this for. Luffy shook his head crossed leg and arms folded "No just you, been two years now to be honest." he said truthfully.
At this she turn to him shocked at his answer. "What? you been feeling like this before hand ?" Nami must had heard wrong. "Yeah, i wasn't hard or anything i just thought bout you and my stomach felt weird, I just never thought it be worth talking about."
Nami stared at him for a few mins then her bangs shadow her eyes smiles slowly. "This idoit.." She thought happily to herself.
Her mind made up she takes off her rain coat and toss it aside and she had nothing but her bikini top and those jeans, she then in a cat like manner crawl over towards her captin till their nose touched. "Tell me captin..what do you think of me right now ?"
Luffy looks at her then chuckles"I think your cute, smart, an awesome fighter and a great pirate. oh oh and.." He gets cut short as his Navagitor kissed him hard falling so he was under her.
Nami kissed him hard and long putting as much of her love into the kiss, not wanting to be the only one enjoying this Luffy then wraps his arm around Nami waste and began kissing her back.
Their then began to tongue kiss each other, Nami was wondering where did Luffy learn to kiss like this. When air became an nagging issue they pulled back nd was panting hard looking at each other "Wow.." Said a breathless Nami. "Shishishi that was fun.." Luffy said grinning ear to ear.
Nami sits up and felt the "probelm" from earlier pressed against her ass thenwith ansexy grin she rub aginst it slow but hard. The boy below her moan out closing his eyes. "N..Nami..w..what are you..ahhh.." Unable to finish his sentence she kept on the massage she was giving his hard cock.
" really like my ass rubbing on you don't ya?" Luffy looked up at her panting and moaning and give her a grin. "I only got like this because of it Shishishi"
Nami smirked as she stood up off her captin, Luffy sat up and pouts a bit as he watches her get up. She walks a few feet away. "Have a seat and get comfy Captin~" Ahe says Captin in a purr, Luffy hearing this sat up and sat on the cushion in the crow nest. Nami keeping her back towards Luffy look at him over her shoulder and smirks.
" captin is love the sight of my ass in jeans..cute but.." She unbutton and unzips her pants then slowly she slides her jeans down exposing her ass in a green bikini thong, she then winks at him" How would he react with my bare ass to him~
Heh i'll wait to see if you guys want me to keep going on with this. X3