Not my characters. They belong to HBO or Charlaine Harris. But I just love S and E together so much.
It was the night of my baby shower and I was still in bed, staring down at Eric. I had just woken up and when I saw the time, I realized that there was no point in getting up, I would just wait for him to get up. His hand moved first, his left one, the one closest to me. I guess I was a little further away than I usually was, because he seemed disgruntled when he reached out and didn't find anything in my spot. Then his eyes opened up and he looked at the ceiling for a moment, his hand stilling. He looked over at me then and a huge smile grew onto his face.
"I thought you were not in here. You are too far away for me to touch. Come closer, Lover." He said, reaching out to me. I rolled over closer to him and he put his arms around and I put mine around his neck. He kissed my forehead and his hands started to roam.
"Hey, none of that! We have to leave soon. Come, on, we have to take a shower and get ready."
He gave me a dirty look, but got out of bed anyways, and headed into the bathroom. I followed in there too, but he shut the door before I got there. I huffed in annoyance and knocked on the door.
He opened it up, but wouldn't let me in.
"Why are you mad?" I asked, annoyed at his behavior.
"You denied me." He said and I felt my face flush in anger.
"Eric, I just said we couldn't have sex in bed. In case you haven't noticed we have somewhere to be tonight." I said, motioning towards my swollen stomach.
"I know that. I just thought we could cuddle for a little while. I am sorry, Sookie. I am acting immature." He said, opening the door and reaching for me.
"You better be, you big jerk." I said, letting him pull me in for a hug.
We got in the shower, with just a bit of kissing and promises for more when we got home later.
We got ready and left for Fangtasia, arriving about a half hour later and I went out in the bar area to see what Pam was doing, while Eric went to his office, were he would be for the rest of the night. I went and sat in Eric's booth and was in aw as I watched Pam Vamp around the bar decorating. It was pretty cool to watch. One second, there was nothing, and then there were streamers all across the ceiling.
"Pam, do we really need this many balloons?" Eric asked, coming out from the back hallway, into the bar area.
"NO! NO MEN ALLOWED!" Pam shouted at her maker. "Get out!"
Eric looked to me, to see if this was really how it was going to be.
"Sorry. Those are the rules." I said, smiling up at him. He growled and turned back around towards his office, slamming the door behind himself, causing me to chuckle.
"Geez, he get's so moody. He's worse then me, and I'm the pregnant one!" I joked, while I watched Pam turn Fangtasia into a room filled with baby blue, well, everything. She had tablecloths, balloons, streamers, baby bottles, baby toys, and even a baby throne next to Eric's, which was really just a high chair that matched his throne. I doubted that would be of much use, seeing as how the baby probably wouldn't be spending much time there.
I guess that I wouldn't be either, which made me sad. I looked around and realized that so many memories were held in this one building. I met Eric here. I spent countless hours hanging out and getting to know him better here. I really wanted to see him then, rules, not mattering to me anymore.
I made my way towards the back hallway, but stopped when Pam called my name.
"Sookie, where are you going? Your shower starts soon!" She said as I turned back around.
"I'm just going to see Eric for a minute, I'll be back in a few minutes."
"Fine. Just no fucking. We don't have time for that." She said, one hand on her hip.
I laughed and shook my head as I made my way back towards Eric's office. When I got close enough, I heard voices coming from inside. And when I opened the door, I was shocked at what I saw.
Eric was standing over a wooden baby crib and was tying a big blue ribbon on it. He turned at looked over at me with a big, goofy smile on his face.
"Oh! Sookie! I didn't want you to see this yet!" He said, crossing towards me and opening the door more. "But it doesn't matter. Come in, my lover."
I walked into the room and Eric motioned for me to step closer to the crib. It was beautiful. It had little ships and fairy's craved all around the outer edge and it had a soft blue lining inside.
"Eric, did you have someone make this? It's beautiful!" I said, running my hand over the edge and imagining looking down at my little boy.
"Well, I craved it actually. Do you really like it?" He asked, rubbing the back of his neck, nervous sounding.
"Eric! This is amazing! I love it so much! I didn't know you could make furniture!" I laughed while I threw my arms around his waist and hugged him tight. His arms wrapped around me and he kissed the top of my head.
"I'm glad you like it. It was hard to keep it a secret. I wanted to tell you so many times, but I wanted to wait until your bath." He said, looking proud and very happy.
"Right. Well, why did you come back here? I thought your party was starting soon?" He asked, pulling away to look at me.
"Well, I just got a little sad thinking about how I won't be around here too much now, with the baby and all and I just wanted to come see you." I said, blushing slightly.
"Well, that is a perfectly good reason, my sweet." He said, kissing me and running his hands up and down my back.
"What the hell did I say? NO fucking!" Pam said, as she stormed into the room, grabbed my hand and brought me back out to the party.
"See you later!" I called over my shoulder as I heard Eric laughing from his office.
Thank you all for your support and kind words, again. An epilogue will follow sometime this week (June 28, 2017).