Are you all excited for this long awaited sequel to 'Letter's To All'?! My muse has been harassing me incessantly. That was also coupled with every comment that came in asking for a sequel. I did mention convincing had to be involved and I received it so here… this is for all of you!

Post Script

Chapter 1

The Way it Began

The-boy-who-lived …. DEAD! We received news early this morning that our hero Harry Potter was dead. It seems that the war took a greater toll on our hero then anyone was aware including his close friends Hermione Jean Granger and Ronald Bilius Weasley. The two stated that they found out just this morning and informed the Prophet of this unfortunate occurrence.

I assure you all that this is not a joke and that the Wizarding World is sure to grieve for a long while due to this sudden tragedy.

Our hero was not even twenty this is indeed a great misfortune….

The reporter went on, but it wasn't important to the two men that had been reading the article. All that matter to them was that the wizarding world thought Harry Potter was dead. McGonagall had kept the secret, and for that Harry Potter and Severus Snape were grateful.

That report had come out a year ago to the day. A day that now found Harry Potter walking down the cobblestoned street of a small town in a remote part of Italy. And he was not alone; his hand was held tightly by none other than Severus Snape, who a year and one day ago would not have held Harry Potters hand for all the Galleons in Gringotts.

Today though they were laughing and smiling, waving at those they knew as they passed them on the street market. The sun shining on their tanned cheeks, the sounds of the ocean close enough to smell the sea air.

It was their paradise and they couldn't be happier. A year ago Harry thought he would never be this happy.

"Hello Rosa! What treat do you have for us today?" Harry smiled at a young petite woman with flowing brown hair and equally brown eyes that shined brightly from under thick lashes.

"Well, let's see shall we?" Rosalina walked the length of her table examining each and every baked good spread across it. "What are you in the mood for boys? Sweet, savory, salty, a little of everything?" She glanced back up to them as she finished listing off choices.

Harry looked up at Severus for just a second before looking back to the charming woman standing before them. "Sweet."

"Good choice. I have just the thing!" She went the very center of her table and using a tissue like paper, pulled from the middle of the display two pastries. Each had flaky golden bread and a creamy berry jam middle, topped with a perfect strawberry half. She showed it to her favorite customers and smiled as they did. With the smile still spread across her pretty face, she slid the treats into a paper bag and handed it to Harry who accepted it gratefully. He handed her twice the amount she wanted for them and before she could protest he walked away, only a wave over their shoulders to signal their happy departure.

Harry and Severus walked back to their home chatting happily as they did. Their home was not far from the little market they walked every morning. So it was not long before they were sitting down to enjoy their fresh breakfast.

Harry smiled as he pulled two pale blue plates from the white washed cabinets. He slid the pastries from the bag directly onto the plates and began his routine through his blue and white kitchen to prepare the morning tea.

"How does vanilla and almond tea sound this morning?" Harry looked to his left where their little breakfast nook sat, it was done in various shades of yellow. A year ago Severus would have looked like a Hufflepuff in his customary black sitting in the room, now the man wore white and other nice colors. He seemed to be perfectly at peace in the room.

"That sounds fine love." Harry smiled at the endearment as he turned back to the tea tray. It had taken a while to get Severus to smile or even admit that he had feelings other than contempt or anger in him. But once Harry had chiseled away at the hard stone around the potion masters heart, what was revealed was pure beauty. It was like the turning of a lump of coal into a diamond, hard work, but the results were dazzling.

Severus was no less dazzling as the laid back, comfortable man he was today. He took care of himself now; he ate regularly and washed his hair daily so it was no longer greasy. He wore clothes that suited him and made him look younger and friendly.

Harry smiled fondly just thinking about the first day he saw Severus wear a shirt that wasn't black.

"Hurry up Severus, I want to get to the beach before it gets too crowded, I know you don't like the beach, but it's not as if I make you get in the water with me!" Harry leaned his ear against the door so he could listen to a response. Instead he nearly fell over when the door swung in and a very annoyed looking Severus stared down at him.

Harry couldn't care less about that though when his eyes were met with the Severus Snape, not in black, but in a white button down shit with the sleeves rolled up, and khaki pants! Harry didn't know whether to have a heart attack or wolf whistle. He decided neither would be appreciated so he smiled and stepped back to have a better examination of his partner.

They hadn't been in Italy long, only about a month, and this was the first Harry had seen of Severus in a color other then black. And really Harry hadn't seen Severus reveal so much skin either. They had not yet started a truly romantic relationship. They had begun dating and they kissed on occasion, but not yet taken that final step of sex. So this was all new territory to Harry.

"You look amazing Sev! Did you know that black really isn't your color?" Severus huffed.

"Are you mocking me?!"

"No!" Harry looked a little like a kicked puppy, the intimidating man still had that effect on Harry even after knowing this man loved him on some level.

Severus sighs and nodded. "I'm sorry Harry, but I'm still not accustomed to compliment, especially about my looks."

"Well you really should Sev; remember that one bird that started flirting with you at the cafe?"

"Yes! Ugh, she couldn't have been older than you, and she was eyeing me like a piece of meat!"

Harry laughed at the disgust written across Severus' face. "And you almost killed her at first because you were all protective of me and thought she was eyeing me up!"

"No one should dare to gaze with lust or want upon what is mine." Harry smiled inwardly; some might think it annoying or creepy, or stalkerish... Harry loved it! He loved that someone cared enough about him to get possessive and annoyed about others looking at him, honestly he was the same way, but only if other men looked at Sev.

"So why the change of clothing color? I thought you liked your black?" Harry smirked up at Severus he knew why, he just wanted to hear Severus say it.

Severus sighed like he already knew that but answered anyway. "Black is too hot, it is not conducive to the lifestyle I have chosen by moving here and so this unnaturally sunny weather requires lighter colors." Harry sniggered, only Severus could make 'Black makes me sweat and uncomfortable' into a poetic statement with too many big words.

Now Harry couldn't imagine Severus ever wanting to switch back to black, the most black he had seen on the man since were black slacks for their super fancy dates. Harry appreciated it, that Severus was comfortable in his new lifestyle. With a happy smile Harry picked up the tea tray and pastries and brought them through to the breakfast nook. He placed the tray on the table and Snape looked up from the Daily Prophet to give Harry a light kiss.

That was something else knew to their time in Italy. Severus was affectionate. There was no reason to hide behind masks and irony here. Severus could be the man he always should have been, open and happy. He kissed Harry whenever the mood struck, which was actually quite often to Harry's immense pleasure.

Harry kissed back before taking his customary seat across from Severus at the small table. He prepared Severus' tea just how he liked it, because if he didn't then Severus wouldn't even drink it because he'd be so engrossed with the newspaper.

Harry placed the cuppa in front of his lover and with a muffled thank you he prepared his own. He sipped it and tore off a small bite of his pastries as he examined the discarded, already read, pages of the Prophet. This was their routine and it was comfortable and not necessarily boring, but just enough so they were relaxed...

And then Harry's eyes widened to an almost comical level. It would in fact have been funny if it wasn't for the reason behind it. Harry nearly choked on his tea immediately grabbing Severus' attention.

"What Harry? What's going on are you alright?" Severus stood to stand by Harry's side in case he needed assistance, Harry nearly gestured at the page in front of him, still making strangled sounds. "Did you read this page?!" Harry had a wild look in his eyes as he stared between Severus and the headline like a tennis match, waiting for one to seemingly spontaneously combust!

Severus' eyes bulged just like Harry's. What Harry held in his hands had to be some sort of joke. He quickly thought of the date making sure it was not April 1st. He then re-read the headline three times. He sank into the chair next to Harry's and they just looked at each other.

"He's back!" Harry breathed out.

Mwhhahahahaqhhajfdashjkfdrh CLIFF HANGER!

And now you will suffer until I post again eventually!

So? Is it going to be Voldemort back somehow to destroy their peace?