This was just their luck. The one time he agrees to come to one of their stupid reunions this is how he's greeted, had Tim not barricaded the entire area, he would've broken out and made him eat Alfred's waffles for the rest of his life. Afterall, the ass kept cracking jokes about his affinity for bread. Nevertheless, he was his "little brother" and that meant he was off the make his life hell list, well, most of the time. Even still, that robin wasn't the one he had to worry about, it was the other one within the spandex black and neon blue that was the current dilemma inducing bird. You see, that bird was also in this measly box of a room Tim had stuck them in. Apparently if his "older brothers" wouldn't work it out on their own accords, the damn kid had to take it upon himself. Yeah, stick the two who'd been nearly killing eachother countless times in basically a box, good idea Tim, grand freaking peachy idea.

The blue adorned, Richard "Dick" Grayson, one scanned the walls, his arms moving along the walls, not missing a spot he was sure, searching for a weak point or exit, but it was to no avail. On the other hand, the red adorned male, Jason Todd, sat there across from him, watching him with his vicious emerald eyes.

"We already checked the entire room Dicky-bird, or are you doubting my capability to find a hole in a wall?" Jason asked sarcastically. Dick was used to this, but still responded as he always did.

"I'd rather do something than wait for Tim to get back, unlike you; that means doing something potentially productive," he replied, glancing at the slightly younger male, but returning to face the wall.

"You should know Tim just as well as I do. Therefore accept that there's no weak point already and wasting your damn energy, plus you're making my eyes hurt with that damn neon," Jason stated sourly, "For a performer, you have no fashion sense."

Dick spun around with unnatural grace, "Comes from you wearing a creepy red helmet!" He snapped, sighing with annoyance, why was Jason so distracting anyways? He was trying to help them both out. He was no fonder of this situation than he was. He digressed, sighing again, "And I know. I know how Tim is, but he's a smart kid, but not batman."

Perhaps Dick missed it, but then again, he didn't really care; Jason's entire body tensed, his leather gloved hands clenching into fists. He couldn't care less about the comment of the helmet, it was the batman comment that got him. Removing his helmet with an quick motion he chucked it at the male, hitting him smack in the back.

"Guh-!" The acrobat's body was shoved forward a bit as a sudden object slammed into his lower back, turning, he looked from-the now helmet-less-Jason to the helmet at his feet. Jason wasn't one to take comments like that personally, so it only took him a moment to realize what had set him off. Maybe he shouldn't have mentioned the helmet, he rubbed his back for a second, "Jason would you-"

"I don't recommend bringing him up again, unless you'd like to personally be reminded that my helmet's rigged with a bomb."

Well if that doesn't redefine hot headed and cocky. Dick thought, but he would never say it. "Jason-"

"What!?" Jason snapped, flinging his arms up into the air as he leaned back against the wall again, making a slight bang.

Dick stayed quiet for a moment, not in fear, but in contemplation of how to word the impossible. "Why don't we just try to get along for a day?"

Jason's eyes met Dick's bright blue eyes that had finally given up.

The two males sat in silence for a good few minutes, Dick now leaning with his back against the wall, arms loosely at his sides while Jason sat across from him, leg's sprawled out and his arms crossed firmly across his chest.

"Fine." Jason finally responded, "At least Tim might let us out now."

If only Tim were that gullible.