Compassion Returns

Chapter 3

Naevia stood watching children play together outside of the villa that Spartacus had taken for his lodgings. She could not help but think how the babe Diona would be at that age. Happy and oblivious to the struggles of the world around her. Naevia decided then that she would do all within her power to see that Diona saw that age and experienced that joy. She was pulled out of her fantasies by the sound of her name. She turned to see Spartacus approach with Agron.

"Spartacus. Agron," she said in greetings.

"Naevia," Spartacus said. "Come, I would have your report."

She followed him inside to a room located on the second level of the dwelling. It had a large veranda that provided a view of the city.

"So how goes the tending of wounds?"

She relayed to him the various wounds that their warriors had taken. How many were expected to recover to fight again and how many would not be capable of such even if they recovered.

Spartacus watched Naevia as she gave her report. It was more than he had expected. The details and care for which she took to the task impressed him. Naevia, herself, had impressed him. He had seen her go from the timid, broken mouse that he and others had fought so fiercely to save to this strong, steady lioness that any warrior would give to have by his side in battleā€¦or in his bed at night. Despite how courageous she had become, he could still see pain in her eyes. One that he recognized only because it had also been in the eyes of his wife Sura as she lay dying in his arms. He had failed in saving her. Maybe that was why he took so much pride in returning Naevia to Crixus' arms. Why he took so much pride in Naevia herself although she remained severely damaged. Despite his efforts not to notice, and despite the scars to her face to match those to her soul, she also remained painfully beautiful.

"Gratitude," he said when she finished speaking. "Your thoroughness is one I wish was had by all who issue reports."

She gave him a small hesitant smile then turned to leave. He felt a slight pang inside. A small longing for her to remain in his presence a little longer. Without even acknowledging to himself what he was doing, his brain scrambled for a reason to have her stay. Then he remembered the child that Crixus had spoken about earlier.

"Crixus tells me of a child for whom you are caring," he said to her back.

She turned around to face him again then said, "Yes."

"Have you found her mother?"

"No," she said looking down and placing her hand on the table next to her. Her look was almost guilty. "I have not," she said looking up into his eyes.

"I would question Laeta," he said. He thought that she would be happy about this but she did not look it. He saw sadness instead. He walked closer to her so that they stood only a foot or so apart. This was probably the closest he had been to her since the day in the mines. He hoped the gods did not punish him for it, but he took pleasure in her nearness. "Does this not please you?" he asked confused.

"Yes," she said. "The babe's mother should be found," she said softly.

"And if she is not?" he asked. Naevia did not respond. So he continued. "I need not tell you what those who lead beside me recommend."

"No," she said with a fire her eyes. A fire that drew Spartacus in for the response was so like Sura.

"Be at ease," he said placing his hand upon hers on the table. He knew that he was wrong. But the feel of her hand beneath his gave him more pleasure than it should. "I would not have it so. Yet, neither will I force the burden upon another."

"You will not be required," she said. "I would gladly take over the care of her permanently."

"Gratitude. I leave the child in your capable hands," he said.

Then it occurred. Her smile. A full vibrant smile. One that not only transformed her face but reached her eyes, which brightened to a familiar color. That of the leaves on a tree outside his home during the middle of fall. He remembered how he and Sura had lain under that tree and spoke of the children they would have one day.

"None required. The pleasure is all mine. She is a treasure," Naevia said.

He had never seen her so happy or excited. It was infectious. He felt her happiness seeping into his own veins.

"I would like to meet this little treasure," he said with a smile to match the one that Naevia wore. He rubbed his fingers over the top of her hand enjoying the feel of her supple skin beneath the pads of his fingers. She did not flinch away. "Where is she now?"

"She is with an elderly woman who is willing to care for her when I am not able. But after sunset, if you would come by the lodgings that Crixus and I have taken then you may meet her," Naevia said excitedly like a proud mother anticipating showing off her new babe.

At the sound of Crixus name, Spartacus removed his hand from hers. Naevia had shamed him without attempting to do so. From the look in her eyes, she had not noticed his advances. For that he was grateful. He would not betray his brother by coveting his heart. He was a better man than that.

"I shall see the three of you then," he said.

She smiled her response before taking her leave.

Laeta methodically visited her shackled countrymen along streets of the city. The depth to which they had fallen was far indeed. From Domina to little more than a slave who was subject to the whims of the slave turned King, Spartacus. She was only free to walk around because he allowed it. She had only been allowed to tend her people because he allowed it. Everything that she was now was because he allowed it. As she kneeled down to speak with Ulpianus, the baker, and saw his mangled hand, that resentment turned into hatred.

"What happened," she asked tearing a scrap of cloth from the bottom of her gown.

"The man they call Crixus forced me to fight for bread in the square," he said as she wrapped his hand.

"He told them he was not a fighter but the animals just jeered and laughed," Ulpianus' pregnant wife said.

"And this happened during the battle?" Laeta asked.

"No, after," his wife said beginning to cry. "Crixus' woman thought that he was reaching for the sword instead of the bread that he had won. She attempted to chop his hand off. She is as much of a brute as Crixus!"

Laeta had noticed the woman Naevia amongst the fighters during the taking of the city. There was very little feminine about her in the eyes of Laeta.

"I was angry," Ulpianus said patting his wife's leg to soothe her as they sat on the ground side by side. "I am not sure which I sought. I knew in that moment I could have killed them all."

"You are not a murderer," his wife said aghast.

"Am I not? Did I not murder a fellow citizen over a loaf of bread," Ulpianus said.

"They forced you into it. You had no choice," his wife said.

"There is always a choice," he said.

Laeta agreed with this. There was always a choice. And she could choose to follow the "law" of Spartacus or she could choose to do what needed to be done for her countryman.

"I will attempt to conceal as many of you as I can to shield you from these rabid slaves," Laeta said. "Prepare. Be ready when I give the word."

Spartacus had spent a couple hours chastising himself for his actions earlier that day. In the past year, he generally stayed away from the dwelling of Naevia and Crixus. Anytime he needed to consult with Crixus, he sent for him. He felt that seeing the two lovers in domesticity would arouse feelings that he did not care to confront. However, today would be an exception. Seeing Naevia and Crixus together in domestic bliss would be his punishment. He also expected the sight to douse the small flame of jealousy currently flickering in his breast. So it was a disappointment to him when he arrived at their lodgings and Crixus was not present.

"Crixus has not returned," Naevia said then she smiled broadly as she had done earlier. "But Diona is asleep in the bedroom. Follow me."

Spartacus followed her in silence to a backroom that held a bed and little else. His eyes lingered on the bed and flashes of Naevia and Crixus wrapped in an embrace assaulted his brain. Cease this madness, he said to himself as attempted to shake the thoughts from his head.

"This is Diona," Naevia whispered

Spartacus walked to stand beside Naevia ensuring that a suitable distance stood between them.

"She is a beautiful child," Spartacus said matching his tone to hers as he looked down at the sleeping babe. Seeing her reminded him of the shared dreams of family he had once shared with Sura.

"She is, is she not?" Naevia agreed with a look of awe in her eyes. He had only ever seen her look at Crixus with such affection. He watched as Naevia smoothed the babe's brow with a tender touch. It was a sweet and gentle gesture.

"It seems that the gods have blessed her," Spartacus said reaching his hand into the basket to caress the babe's cheek.

Naevia looked from the baby to him with her heart still present in her eyes. "By taking her mother," Naevia said cynically.

"By providing a second mother to love and care for her," he said looking into her eyes. The affection present in them wrapping around his heart and pulling him towards her despite his efforts to keep her at a distance.

"Spartacus," he heard Crixus say behind him. The presence of his brother caused guilt to flow through his veins.

Crixus had been looking for Spartacus to provide his opinion on the collusion with the Cilicians when he was told by Agron that Spartacus was at his lodgings. He had found him, along with Naevia, standing over the babe. The sight of Naevia's beautiful face looking so serene made Crixus' breath catch in his throat. Naevia had been broken by the Romans. With her strength of will, she picked up piece by piece of her soul and forged it back together. Yet, he knew that there was something still missing. Watching her now, he could no longer deny what was staring him directly in the face. Despite her inability to voice it, Naevia wanted a child. Naevia wanted this child.

"Spartacus," Crixus said loudly, breaking the serenity of the room.

"Lower you voice. I don't want to wake her," Naevia said in a whisper.

"I would have words with Spartacus," Crixus said following her directions.

"Then you both go out if you must," Naevia said sending them out of the room.

Crixus departed and Spartacus walked behind him.

"We should not meet outside of the gate," Crixus said adamantly. "This is an ill-conceived plan."

"It is a gesture of trust Crixus," Spartacus supplied by way of explanation.

"Trust is earned. I see nothing the Cilicians have done to garner such a gesture."

"Crixus and I share thought," Naevia said walking up to stand next to him. He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her close to his body. He was grateful for her support and her presence at his side. He looked into her eyes for a few seconds, conveying his thoughts to her without words.

"I respect your counsel on this matter," Spartacus said to him. Then he looked from Crixus towards Naevia. A small smile creasing is lips. "Each of your counsel," he said nodding his head slightly towards her. "But we must make this bargain. Cilicians bleed just as easily as all mortal men. A lesson that shall be taught if we are betrayed."

Crixus smiled despite his misgivings. He was never one to back down from a possible battle. He would not begin the habit with Cilicians pirates.

"I am not adverse to spilling blood this night," Crixus said holding his hand out.

Spartacus clasped his forearm readily. "And I long for it."

"And yet, I do not," Naevia said. "I do not see the value in this plan. I do not like taking unnecessary risks."

Naevia's frustration was evident by the rigidity of her body. The thought of attempting to placate her floated through his brain. But this was a plan concocted by Spartacus. He should be the one to defend it to Naevia. He was also amused at the thought of Spartacus getting a sample of her will. She was all fire and strength when she wanted a thing. And this would be his opportunity to watch and enjoy the beauty of it without having it directed at himself.

"Do you not trust our skill with sword?" Spartacus said. The small smile he had given Naevia earlier becoming broader.

"Of course, I trust your skill. It is the Cilician's that I do not trust," Naevia said in an exasperating tone.

"The opponent is of no consequence when the skill is trusted," Spartacus returned. "Your trust in us rings false."

"I do not relish placing you in unnecessary harm, Crixus," she said looking at Crixus. Then she turned her eyes back to Spartacus again. "Nor you, Spartacus."

"I am reluctant to change the plan at this late hour, Naevia. However, I appreciate your concern," Spartacus said.

"No. You ignore my concern," she said glaring at Spartacus.

"Changing the plan now will only unduly arouse the Cilician's suspicions. We seek their trust. We seek to be a friend and not merely an ally. For it is an easy thing to betray an ally. Not so with a friend. So we meet on their terms," Spartacus explained.

"I understand the need although I do not think it outweighs the risk," Naevia said.

"Do you not trust us?" Spartacus said. The question similar to the one he asked prior.

"I trust Crixus," Naevia said.

Crixus saw the flash of pain in Spartacus eyes before he masked it with another smile.

"I would ask that you lead in our absence," Spartacus said to Naevia. Giving her the trust that she had denied him.

"If you must see this crazed plan through, I shall stand by Crixus' side," Naevia said. Her tone inflexible. "Where he goes, I shall go."

Naevia's dedication to him warmed Crixus. She always insisted on being by his side despite the danger and her fears. She had a warrior's heart that inspired more love within his breast than he thought possible. Crixus pulled her closer to his body allowing his hand to slowly rub her bare back.

"I need you to remain here. To carry out my orders," Spartacus said with more patience than Crixus had ever seen him display.

"And I would remain by Crixus' side at all times. I had to relinquish my place just a few nights past. Do not ask it of me again," she pleaded.

"Naevia," Spartacus said on an exasperated groan.

Crixus did not think that his affections for Naevia could grow stronger. But as he stood beside her bearing witness to her battling Spartacus for her right to be by his side in all things, his heart swelled so large that he feared it might burst through his chest. And yet, he agreed with Spartacus on this. He would not risk Naevia's life being held in the hands of the Cilicians.

"Naevia," Crixus interjected. He looked to Spartacus silently communicating that he would handle Naevia before looking towards his heart. "Spartacus is right in this. Your presence is needed here more so than is this meeting with the Cilicians."

"But Crixus-," she began but he lifted his fingers to her lips to silence her complaints. The feel of her lips beneath his fingers was just as enticing as earlier that day when he had felt them slide up and down his cock.

Crixus moaned softly. He looked towards Spartacus to see if he had heard. Their eyes met and Spartacus looked away quickly. Almost guiltily. As if he had been caught staring in a direction that his eyes should not have been. Crixus focused his attention towards Naevia again whose eyes were bright with affection. A knowing smile creeping across her features. She had heard as well.

"You have a child to think of now," Crixus said. "She needs you."

Naevia's smile became softer. Her eyes brighter with the light that he had missed from the ludus. He was not sure about the child becoming a permanent fixture in their lives. But he would do anything to see Naevia happy.

"You agree that I can keep her," she asked excitedly.

"Yes, we will keep her," Crixus said correcting her subtly.

At that moment, Naevia kissed him. Her enthusiasm barely contained as she placed both hands on his cheek to hold him in place for her ministration. Her lips were soft and plush while her tongue delving deeply into his mouth to swipe across his own. After a few long seconds, she broke the kiss to look into his eyes.

"No woman has ever had such a man," she said breathlessly.

Lanus heard from Nemetes that there would be a contingent of soldiers accompanying Crixus to the rendezvous with the Cilicians. He planned to be among the number. So he stood outside of Crixus' lodgings waiting for him to leave so that he could break words on the subject. He had been there some time before the door opened and Crixus appeared.

"Crixus," he said to the man's back making himself known by coming out of the shadow.

Crixus rounded on him while raising one hand to grip him by the neck. The grip was firm yet not tight enough to impede his breathing. Lanus hands immediately went up to grip Crixus wrist.

"It's me, Lanus," he explained.

"I know who you are," Crixus said menacingly before backing him forcefully into the wall. "Why do you creep in the shadows outside of my lodgings?"

"I only sought to break words," Lanus said frantically while releasing Crixus' wrist to lay his hands flat against the wall beside his head in hopes that the pose would convince Crixus that he was of no threat.

"On what subject," Crixus asked.

"The meeting with the Cilician shits. I seek to accompany you."

Crixus looked at him for a few seconds then released him. Lanus breathed a sigh of relief.

"No," Crixus said. "I need warriors, whom I can trust, by my side."

Trust, Lanus thought. He had fought alongside Crixus many times. He thought that they were long past that.

"I have always been steadfast. I have always stood beside you despite the level of ground," Lanus said wondering from where this doubt stemmed.

"Totus will accompany me," Crixus explained turning to walk away. After a few steps he looked over his shoulder. "Never allow your eyes to linger upon Naevia again."

So that was it. Crixus thought he coveted his woman. Lanus had been surprised at the sight. He had never imagined the frigid bitch capable of giving such pleasure, let alone, giving it so enthusiastically. It was a new side to her and for a small amount of time he had been intrigued. And now he was being punished for that.

"Apologies, I shall not," Lanus said. "I meant no disrespect. I shall not repeat the mistake." On that score, Lanus was sure. Despite what he had seen, Naevia was too aggressive and opinionated for his tastes. He preferred his women more docile. He preferred any woman he bedded to know her place - beneath him in all things.

"Ensure that you do not. By Spartacus' command, Naevia will lead in our absence," Crixus stated coldly. "I would not hesitate to remove your eyes and have you eat them for meal if I hear reports that you do not keep your word."

Lanus knew this was no idle threat. Not only was she the cause of him being out of favor, now he had to follow the fucking woman's commands. His blood boiled in his veins as he watched Crixus' retreating back.

Spartacus left Crixus and Naevia more conflicted than he had come. Seeing those two together had initially produced the desired result. He had felt properly chastised and better able to control his unhealthy interest in Naevia. But then she had crossed words with him in a way that reminded him yet again of Sura. He couldn't determine whether his attraction to her was due to Naevia herself, the likeness he saw in her of Sura, or a combination of both. Either way, he needed a distraction. His thoughts turned to Laeta and he sought her out. He found her in the barn on the outskirts of the city.

"Laeta," he said. "I seek information."

"Of what sort," she said bristling. "Do not expect me to supply information that will help you further destroy my city."

Spartacus smiled involuntarily. Laeta also had a fire within her that was almost as attractive as that within Naevia. And she was also a safer object of interest. One that would not cause him to lose his self-respect nor the respect of his brothers.

"I seek the mother of a child. The babe has grey eyes and golden hair. She is very young. No more than 4 moons old. Do you know of anyone in the city who might have had a child meeting this description," he asked.

"I shall inquire of my people," she said. "Where is the babe now?"

"Naevia has taken it upon herself to care for the little one."

"Naevia," Laeta said appalled. "She and Crixus are animals. I would not trust them to care for a dog, let alone a Roman babe. No, I will care for her myself until the mother is found. Bring her to me at once," Laeta said.

"Naevia is a loving woman. Any child would be lucky to be within her care," Spartacus said in response.

"I disagree. Did you take note of her during the taking of the city? She was rabid for blood. No woman, no mother, would take lives so unnecessarily," Laeta explained.

"Naevia does what she must to survive. As we all do," Spartacus said. Laeta couldn't possibly understand the lives that they had lived as slaves. Even now, she had freedoms that they had never had. He would not dishonor Naevia by listening to slights against her. Nor would he open himself up to speculation by defending her. Hence, there was nowhere else for this conversation to go. He decided to end it now.

"Now see to finding the babe's mother. I have business outside the gates so I won't be available to hear your findings until early tomorrow morn," Spartacus said before turning and walking away.

Naevia stood inside the gates as they closed with Crixus on the other side. She prayed to the gods, that she wasn't sure she even believed in anymore, for his safe return to her. It did not please her having to be separated from Crixus. But according to him, it was unavoidable. She had now seen the other side of motherhood. Making difficult choices of the heart. No woman should have to choose between her man and her child. Protecting Crixus versus nurturing Diona. Naevia stared at the gate as frustration washed over her.

Nemetes was fuming. He had done all he could for this rebellion. A rebellion for which he had not asked. Spartacus spoke overly much about choice. But he had not given Nemetes and his countrymen much of one when they rescued them from the shores of Neapolis. Despite his misgivings, Nemetes had gone along with the rest when they had pledged theirs swords to the Thracian's cause. In his estimation, at least he would be well compensated. And that had been the case until tonight. Spartacus had demanded all his spoils for this deal with the Cilicians. And Nemetes felt cheated. So he would take payment the only way that he could.

"Lanus," Nemetes said. "I am getting an urge for Roman cunt."

"My passions lie elsewhere," Lanus said. "I am not in need of cunt."

Nemetes did not need three guesses as to that which Lanus spoke. The man had been speaking ill of Naevia all night. Despite his protesting and name calling, the man seemed to be developing some sick attraction to her. Nemetes thought about advising against it but turned his mind away.

"All men are in need of cunt. Close your eyes and conjure up that which you are passionate about," Nemetes said instead.

Lanus looked towards him. A feral and dangerous smile lighting his eyes.

"Lead the way brother," Lanus said.

Laeta knew that tonight was the best chance she would have in being successful in rescuing Ulpianus and his wife. She stood peeking around the corner as Nemetes and Lanus watched over them. She watched the two men talk for some time then thanked the gods when they left Ulpianus and his family unattended. Once they turned the corner she ran to free her people.

Saxa feared for Gannicus. Like Naevia with Crixus, she trusted Gannicus' abilities more when watching them on display first hand. This way she could protect his back when he became arrogant or more reckless than usual. She had become tired of standing atop the gate waiting for their return. It was frustrating to see movement and hope it was them returning only to be disappointed when one discovered it was a bird or some other living animal. So when Naevia, whom Saxa was sure noticed her rising frustrations, gave her the command to relieve Lanus, Saxa leaped at the chance. But when she arrived at the location, neither Lanus, Nemetes, nor the Romans were present. She looked around for signs of where they might have gone then decided to report their absence to Naevia. Before she rounded the corner, she met Nemetes and Lanus.

"Where prisoners go?" she asked in a broken Common Tongue. She had made a habit of using the odd language as much as possible so that she could learn to communicate better with Gannicus.

"They are where they are supposed to be," Nemetes said walking back into the opening that had been the prisoner's home for a day.

"Fuck the gods," Lanus said. "They are gone. We left them here."

"I go report missing to Naevia," Saxa said turning to exit.

"No," Lanus said grabbing her arm. "Allow us the opportunity to locate the Romans."

Saxa looked from his hand tightly gripping her am to his flushed face. He seemed afraid.

"Naevia send help for find prisoners," Saxa explained pulling her arm away.

"No," Lanus screamed gripping tighter, refusing to release her. "I do not want others to know."

"Remove fucking hand," Saxa said becoming angry. Lanus released her arm. She looked from him to Nemetes daring either one to attempt to detain her again. "I go now," she said before hurrying away.

Naevia's mind raced as she replayed the entire confrontation with Attius in her brain. She tried to focus on what Crixus said as she lay wrapped in his arms in bed. Despite the effort expended, her mind just would not focus. She heard some of what he said, but her mind would not process it. She heard him say that Totus had been killed at the end of a Roman sword. That did not make sense to her because the Romans were not supposed to be there. He also spoke of how Spartacus trusted the Cilicians after they joined them against the Romans. Crixus was less assured that this was not a set up. He thought it some plan concocted between to Cilicians and Romans to lure them into a false sense of security.

"Apologies for Totus," she said attempting to focus on Crixus. "I am aware that it pains you to lose another brother to the Romans."

"I do not blame the Romans. His blood is on Spartacus's hands. He has begun making questionable decisions. The choice to keep the prisoners alive within the city is just as much a mistake as making a deal with the Cilicians," Crixus said.

"Break words with him," she said rubbing his chest enjoying the feel of the hard muscle beneath his firm yet soft skin. "Inform him of your concerns."

"Spartacus will not hear me. He follows no one's counsel but his own," Crixus said.

The two lay in silence. The absence of conversation allowing Naevia to fall back into thoughts of the blacksmith.

"Do you want to have words on the traitor Attius," Crixus said. "My ears are open."

"I have already relayed what happened. Do you not believe me?" Naevia said raising her head from Crixus' chest to look at his face.

"Are you certain that he was the culprit?" Crixus asked.

"I have already explained myself," Naevia said pushing away from Crixus with the intent to rise.

"I do not question you, Naevia," Crixus said holding her in place. "I only seek to share your burdens."

Naevia looked into Crixus' eyes and saw truth in their depths.

"He spoke of not knowing of the missing Romans. But I did not believe him. I had no intention of killing him. I only sought to question. To loosen his tongue," Naevia said. "He expressed intent to kill me. I had no choice."

"I do not enjoy the absence of choice. This war seems to have robbed us of much of it. Allowing Spartacus to give command may have been a mistake."

Naevia began to speak but was cut off by the cry of Diona. She made to rise but was halted by Crixus.

"Stay," he said sliding from beneath. "I shall fetch her."

Naevia watched Crixus rise from the bed and walk over to Diona's crib. He picked her up carefully with one hand beneath her head and the other under her bottom.

"Sssshh, don't cry little one," he said in a low tone. Upon hearing his voice, Diona ceased crying. Naevia was impressed and envious at the same time. She could never get the babe to stop crying with so little effort. Crixus brought the babe to the bed and passed her to Naevia before lying down. He took the child from her to lay her on his chest. Then he reached for Naevia and pulled her to his side.

"Rest," Crixus commanded. "I will care for the child this night."