Author's Notes: This story was last updated nearly two years ago… My God. Well, I actually wrote this chapter a while ago, but I wasn't satisfied with the way it came out.

I re-wrote it, similar out-come, trying to see if it might work. You be the judge – if I still have any readers left.

No Way Out

Chapter 5: Forbidden Fruit

Chiba Mamoru gaped in shock as the door to the 'Employees Only' room clicked open. He stood, frozen and numb in place, eyes glued to the two people before him.

Motoki and Rei both had the most horrified looks on their faces. Rei's mouth hung open, trying to make a sound, but not quite able to. Motoki just stood there, grip on the doorknob loosening, his hand sliding off of it.

The priestess managed to tear her eyes away from Mamoru's own after a moment. She took in the whole picture before her. What in God's name is going on here?!!

Mamoru was standing near the wall, giving Rei and Motoki a profile view. Usagi was in his arms, drooping to one side. Her eyes were closed, her cheeks flushed, and her hair was a crazy mess of golden threads. A…. yellow (?) like substance ran down her legs.

"Uh…" Mamoru began finally. He was looking back and forth between Rei and Motoki awkwardly. "I know that this probably looks really bad… but, um…" How the hell am I supposed to rectify this?!

Motoki took a shaky step forward. "Mamoru… is she… dead…?"

"No she's not dead, you moron!!" the older teen cried. "I didn't do anything to her!! I swear it!"

"Convincing story, I'm sure," Rei countered, sauntering to the passed out blonde. She was trying to hold her temper as best she could. "Then why is it she's unconscious in your arms? And why, then, did she apparently pee herself?" She gulped at the thought. What did he do to her?!

Mamoru shook his head frantically. "No, no! She was drunk!!" He pulled out one arm from beneath her and pointed to the beer cans behind them. "It was the only thing to drink, and I didn't think she'd have such a low tolerance…"

"This is Usagi we're talking about here," Motoki added light-heartedly. Rei glared at him for being so easy about this whole situation. The blonde flinched.

"Look, she had one beer and started to get tipsy." Mamoru shifted his weight to accommodate for the girl in his arms. She was like dead weight. "She tried to get another can, so I pinned her to the wall. It was already open, so when I grabbed her like that, it spilt." He pointing to her legs (which he currently could see too much of). He swallowed with difficulty, trying not to pay attention to her sprawled out manner.

Rei raised a perfectly manicured eyebrow. "So you're saying that this is all just from the beer?"


"And," Motoki continued, stepping next to Rei, "that none of this is your fault."

"Well, no, not really…" Mamoru flustered. "If it's anyone's fault, it's you guys! If you hadn't locked us in here, then none of this would have happened!!"

Rei and Motoki turned to one another, ignoring the fumbling Mamoru. The blonde began whispering something to her, and the priestess nodded back enthusiastically. They both giggled and had devious grins on their faces. The raven-haired man's heart sunk.

He looked to Usagi's prone form. "We're not getting out of here anytime soon, are we?" he asked her, hoping to God she might wake up any second and cry their way out.

"Well, then, Mamoru," Motoki began, leading Rei out of the room, "since no one's hurt, we'll just leave you two alone."

The oldest teen sighed heavily. "God, if you're gonna leave us here, at least do me a favor?"

"What's that?" Rei queried.

"Get rid of all the damn beer."

Mamoru groaned and threw his head back, smacking it against the wall. This sucks, he grumbled mentally. He eyed the passed-out blonde and glowered.

He had just leant down to press his lips against hers and her eyes had fluttered closed. There lips had been mere millimeters apart when all of a sudden her knees buckled.

Sure, the only time I ever manage to get her weak in the knees is when she passes out because she's so damn plastered.

Mamoru sighed heavily and ran a hand through his disheveled hair. He wanted to kiss her. He could still feel her breath on his face and the heat of her body against him. He especially loved the way her fingers curled around the hair at the nape of his neck. He wanted to feel that again… but more. Lips to lips.

Cautiously, so as to not wake the girl, he moved onto all fours and crawled over to her. He felt a lump rising in his throat again and tried to swallow it down, but to no avail. He was at her side in a moment, hovering over her.

Mamoru leaned down just the slightest to the sleeping girl. He could kiss her very quickly, just quick enough to actually feel it, and then pull back. That's all he needed - just a quick peck. Then he could be satisfied.

He leaned back. No, he couldn't do that. What if she had never been kissed before? Sure, it was only a peck, but it would be her first peck.

Mamoru shook his head. That's not possible. She was sixteen! She had to have been at least pecked before!

But what if she woke up…? What if she caught him in the act?

But what if she didn't?

Mamoru groaned. Maybe he shouldn't be doing this. Maybe her passing out was God's way of saying "it's not her time".

The teen froze for a minute. I don't believe in God, he reminded himself after a moment. And it's not like she's dying or anything. What would God care anyway?

With a determined gulp of air, Mamoru leaned forward once last time. He placed one hand on either side of Usagi's head to steady himself. He leaned over the blonde and craned his neck down.

Their noses were just brushing now and her lulled breathing washed over his face. It felt so incredibly warm. Mamoru's stomach clenched.

Just do it quick. Do it quick and she won't know.

Throwing all precautions to the wind, Mamoru leaned down the rest of the way.

Just as Usagi's eyelids fluttered open.

Author's Notes: -snicker- If you like it, then review and I'll put up another chapter. But if no one cares anymore, then I won't bother.

Please care?