"Cas. It's been weeks. Sam says I should give up on you, but no matter how hard… I can't. We ganked that demon in Illinois yesterday. It was pretty cool. Nothing without you though… We went back to the warehouse you and I first met, just to get Bobby's equipment back. The roof's still shattered. No one bothered to fix it, I like it better that way. Memories huh? Remember how I tried to stab you? The good old days.

Bobby gave me a sleeping pill to help me sleep, but nothing works. I can't sleep, I can't eat, I can't even think straight without you around. Not even pie can make me eat, and that's saying something.

I know the last time I saw you, you were lying on the floor dead, but this is just like last time. You'll come back, right? Of course you will, you wouldn't have left without a goodbye.

Cas I need you, buddy. I need you here with me. You are about the closest thing I have to family apart from Sam and Bobby. In fact, you're more than family to me. You're my angel and I want you back. You saved me, you saved Sam… you can't be gone.

You can't. I won't believe it. I know you can hear so damn it Cas get your feathery ass down here and stop the death act. Come on Cas, listen to me… I'm begging you!

I need you buddy… I… I… I love you alright?! Damn it the world is wrong without you, come back. Please, please, please just come home. Come home Cas…"