Apologies for the late update. I was planning on ending this story somewhere around 25 chapters but it felt too rushed and incomplete so I have been picking the chapters apart until I feel they are right.

Chapter 27

"Tell me mortal, what are the Valar?"

Hermione whipped around, wand raised defensively at the cool voice behind her. A tall round-faced elleth with the customary long, straight, blonde hair stood looking down at her with amiable blue eyes. She silently cursed Erestor again for ever having this idea and she cursed herself too for ever having mentioned examinations and tests to prove what one had learned. This was taking it too far, the elves of the valley were just having too much fun startling her; someone was bound to get hurt one of these days, (actually several had already received shocks and burns, but that only seemed to encourage them more) and all because they had scared her. Well, at least this elf seemed well-mannered about the whole affair.

"Mortal? Have you forgotten?"

"Hermione. My name is Hermione."

"What are the Valar, Hermione."

"They are the Ainur that chose to dwell in Eä rather than reside with Ilúvatar."

"Their names?"

"Manwë, King of the Valar, husband of Varda, Queen of Stars."

"Ulmo, Lord of Waters.

"Aulë the Smith, Mahal to the Dwarves, husband of Yavanna, Queen of the Earth and Giver of Fruits."

"Oromë the Huntsman, Lord of Trees, husband of Vána the Ever-young, Queen of Blossoming Flowers."

"Námo, Keeper of Souls, commonly known as Mandos. He is husband of Vairë the Weaver."

"Irmo, Master of Visions and Dreams commonly known as Lórien, husband of Estë the Gentle, healer of hurts and weariness."

"Tulkas the Strong, Champion of Valinor husband of Nessa the Dancer."

"Nienna, Lady of Mercy."

"And Melkor renamed Morgoth, the Great Enemy."

"And what do you know of the lesser Ainur?"

"They are the Maiar. They associate themselves with a Vala; Osse and Uinen act under Ulmo. Sauron was also a Maia until he was corrupted by Morgoth. The Maiar rarely have names speak-able in any language known to elf or man, though there are five others Curumo, Olórin, Aiwendil, Alatar and Pallando whom came to Arda and have become known as the Istari and were renamed Saruman the White, Gandalf the Grey, Radagast the Brown, Morinehtar the Blue and Rómestámo the Blue."

"You will come riding with me tomorrow."

"I- what?"

"You will come ride with me tomorrow. On a horse. You do know what a horse is?" she assumed a mock look of concern.

Hermione scowled at the taller female. Of course she knew what a horse was!

"I will see you on the morrow, ask for Toreth in the stables."