Rating: Rated T

Genre: Romance

Prompt: Secret

Drabble #3 Hidden Kisses

They've been sneaking behind his back for quite some time now. It's not that they wanted to hide it. It's just that they still couldn't muster the courage to tell him just yet.

"I feel like I'm betraying your brother," he whispered on her lips in between kisses. "We should just tell him."

She shushed him by kissing him more passionately. She pulled back and said, "He's going to kill you. Being his best friend doesn't give you a free pass to take a pass on his sister."

He laughed and she immediately covered his mouth. "Not too loud! I just heard him come home a while ago and he's probably downstairs. You know how sharp his hearing is."

"Like a cat," he mused.

She nodded her head and removed her hand on his mouth. She kissed him swiftly on the lips and left her bed. "I'll try to find a way to sneak you out without him noticing."

He stared at her for a while before shaking his head and standing up, as well. He went straight for the door, but looked back at her and said, "I don't want to keep this a secret anymore."

As he was about to turn the knob, someone from the other side did it for him. Soon, he felt like a deer caught in headlights. Natsume stood there, an awfully calm expression on his face. The calm before the storm, he thought sourly. The calm before the storm.

"Ruka, What the hell are you doing in my sister's room?"

Then all hell broke loose.

Ruka sat on the couch, holding his bruised jaw, as Aoi sat beside him, stifling a laugh. She said, "I told you he was gonna kill you."

Natsume entered the room and sat in between the two, shoving an ice pack none too gently on Ruka's jaw, making Ruka wince. Natsume stared at him and said, "Nice shiner, Ruka."

"Yeah," Ruka laughed humorlessly. "Feels nice, too. You should try it sometime."

"Just a preview of what you'll feel if you break my sister's heart," Natsume said, turning on the TV.

Aoi covered her face and groaned. "Spare me your sap. I'll be in my room. Call me when you're done with your bromance."

"I'm not done with you, twerp," Natsume called on Aoi, and she ran immediately upstairs because she knew her brother was going to give her the talk. In front of Ruka, no less.