Rayman mix up


Rayman has defeated Razorbeard and ends up marring Ly. He decides to go on holiday and a portal sucks him up and he ends up in Rayman 3.

The story

Murfy 3: "Hey Rayman its time to kill some Hoodlums!" Rayman: "What what WHAT!" Tries to kill Hoodlums the way he kills robo-pirates does it wrong.

Rayman: "Hoodlums?"

Mufry: "You know black lums, red lums and hoodlums."

Rayman: " What about yellow lums, green lums, purple lums and sliver lums."

Murfy: "How do you know that, That's from Rayman 2!" "You are not supposed to know that!"

Rayman: "I'm from Rayman 2!"

Murfy: "WHAT! Hey what happened after you defeated Razorbeard?"

Rayman: "I got married to Ly and was going to go on holiday when I ended up here."

Murfy: "You married Ly!?"

Rayman: "Yeah I always loved her."

Murfy: "But I thought that the game finished after you defeated Razorbeard."

Rayman: "Not in my game."

Murfy: "Well in this game you're not supposed to know anything about Rayman 2 and its controls!" "Looks like you need a memory wipe."

Rayman: "What!" "No…no memory wipes got that!"

Murfy: "Ok ok shesh." "Hey look the Manuel says that Rayman from this game disappeared somewhere, because you came along so until you leave he stays wherever he is."

A portal opens Murfy from Rayman 2 pops into the game. Murfy 2 says in his quiet voice: "How did I end up here?"

Rayman: "I don't know how I got here either."

Murfy: "Whats that thing saying!? And who is that!?"

Rayman: "It's you from Rayman 2."

Murfy: "What!" "The old me, how come it whispers all the time, I can't hear him." I must have gotten a personality change."

Rayman: "Yeah from quiet to loud and rude."

Murfy: "RUDE your calling me ru- OPPS!" "Look everyone playing this game right now is hearing everything we say, I better put this technical issues sign up." Puts the sign up.

Murfy 2: "I think I worked it out what happened is a random portal from Rayman 2 to Rayman 3 opened up, that's how Rayman and me got here, if you close the portal no one else will get in."

Murfy: "What did he say?!"

Rayman: "He said to close that portal over there."

Murfy: "Okay." Closes the portal.

Rayman: "Is there something wrong with my fist?" "I can't shoot right."

Murfy: " Rayman you don't shoot magic balls in this game you shoot your own fist." "You know this could all be solved by a memory wipe."

Rayman: "No Murfy No memory wipes!"

Murfy 2: " By my calculations the portal shall open in five seconds for five seconds, better get ready it won't open for another fifty thousand years." Portal opens Murfy 2 fly's towards it.

Murfy: "What did he say this time!" Rayman explains portal closes. Murfy 2 gets back to Rayman 2.

Murfy 3: "Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my GOSH!" "What are we supposed to do now!?"

Manuel: "Watch your Langue Murfy kids might be watching!"

Rayman: "Bad langue much."

Murfy: " In Rayman 3 its more about comedy than magic."

Rayman: "Comedy?"

Murfy thinks in head: This is going to be a long conversation. After the conversation. Murfy: "Understand?"

Rayman: "Sort of."

Murfy: "Read the Manuel it will give you the instructions on how to play this one."

Rayman: "Cans!?"

Murfy: "Yeah" "Memory wipe?"

Rayman: "No no NO!"

Murfy: "The Manuel says the only way you can get out now is to complete the game, then you can go back to Rayman 2. Murfy thinks in head: I can't make him play the game till he's got a memory wipe, maybe I could fool him into it. I got an ideal. Murfy: "Just go and rest you have had a hard time." Murfy Points to bedroom with weird technology in it.

Rayman: "See you later Murfy."

Murfy: "bye." Murfy takes down sign and starts telling bad jokes to keep the players occupied. Rayman wakes up.

Rayman: "Who are you!?" "Where are we hu?"

Murfy: "Ha, good thing the bed memory wiper still works, come on we need to finish this game."