Sasuke Uchiha was a genius among his peers. At age of one he was able to speak clearly. At age of three he had mastered both reading and writing. At age of five he had been able to put anyone other than his brother in their place by his exceptionally good verbal attacks. To the point he was all that was expected from an Uchiha heir. There was nothing but nothing he could not understand or comprehend if he wanted to.

This brings us to the point where he is looking completely confused and distressed.

Sasuke, after having a good rest in his house while his brother made sure the nanny room was cleansed from Kin, decided to visit the blond dobe in the hospital while eating breakfast with his brother. He was sure that Itachi had made sure that no one would be able sneak into the hospital where Naruto stayed, so he believing that there would be no harm in visiting him, he visited the dobe daily. His intentions were to make sure that the dobe would not escape them while unsupervised and well it is the idiot's job to take care of him isn't it? Itachi being the kind and generous brother he is had agreed and advised the little one to buy ramen for the wounded dobe. Sasuke was not surprised by his brother knowledge in these matters; Itachi Uchiha always learned whatever he wanted to learn. So Sasuke had their driver make a detour and gotten a few ramen just to appease the dobe. As his brother always said appeased idiots were easier to manipulate. So leaving Suigetsu, his bodyguard, at the entrance of the hospital he entered.

Sasuke should have realized the terrified looks people had when he entered the hospital, or the way the receptionist stuttered when he stated which room he was going to visit. One thing that should have bothered him the most was the fact that no female had made cute noises at him or tried to physically pet, molest, him. But with thoughts of teasing the dobe in mind and thinking that the people were weird because of the security measures Itachi had probably taken, he made his happy way to the dobe's room. His hand grabbed the door and opened it.

And this is the point where the genius of Uchiha's was staring what's in front of him, unable to comprehend.

The dobe was lying in his bed, obviously, and there was a red thing on him who was glaring at Sasuke with very evil eyes.

"Ah there is the little demonic brother." Naruto said "Heya teme you visiting me again?"

The red thing hissed at Sasuke much like cats do when you piss them off.

Sasuke just stared at them, who was this red thing on his dobe like he owned him?

"Gaara, hissing to the people is not a nice behavior." Naruto said as he petted the head of the red haired monster.

The red thing blinked then rubbed his head to Naruto's chest.

"What… is… that… thing?" Sasuke finally gritted through his teeth.

"This is Gaara." Was Naruto's nonchalant answer "And you are even a bastard to him. Poor Gaara."

Said poor Gaara gave a very blank, disturbing, look to the genius and made a small whine noise.

"Don't worry Gaara, I will protect you from his demonic ways." Naruto seemed to think that the creature hugging him needed any protection.

Sasuke gathered himself and entered the room.

"Hn… I brought you ramen." He said as he set the ramen to the table next to his bed and froze for a second.

The table was full of ramen cups, 14 if you could count as fast as Sasuke could, and the Gaara creature's eyes glanced back to Sasuke with an amused glint.

"Ramen!" Naruto shined at that moment. "I could always have another one."

Naruto delicately picked the red thing and sat him on the bed while extending a hand to the ramen which Sasuke held with glittery, shiny eyes.

If Sasuke was not an Uchiha he would have ran away from the glare he had been receiving like that Hyuuga girl. Sadly for the Gaara creature he was an Uchiha so he gave a smirk to the red head while he extended the Ramen bowl to Naruto.

Naruto grabbed the cup and started to eat the poor noodles with such haste that the bowl was empty in seconds.

"Ah Ichiraku Ramen is still the best!" Naruto said with a final slurp.

"Your eating habits are horrible dobe."

Naruto smiled sheepishly.

"They are not." The red head said monotonously.

"They are." Sasuke glared at the boy in front of him.

"Not." The boy jumped from the bed to glare even harder.





"What is going on here?" A female voice cut in.

Sasuke's glare turned to the interferer. A woman with blonde hair tied in four pony tails and green eyes had entered the room.

"Gaara you should not argue with your friends in Naruto's hospital room." She said in a chiding tone.

"Maa maa, it's no problem they seem to get along actually Temari." Naruto piped in.

Sasuke and Gaara glared at each other and hmph'ed while crossing their arms and turning to different sides.

Temari looked at the scene in front of her. She knew that the little brother had an obsession with her best friend. Until now he would chase anyone who dared to talk with the blond, even once had made a Kankurou cry because Kankurou in hopes of calming Gaara had made a Naruto puppet yet Gaara had believed that Kankurou was trying to get the blond away from him. Yet the child who seemed to be at the same age as Gaara was holding down his fort very well. Temari was a smart woman, there was only one person who would enter Naruto's room and survive a glare match with her little brother, also the fact that Naruto was her best friend and that she knew all of the kids around him because he was fond of showing their pictures helped her out and finally the information that for the six days Naruto had stayed at the hospital one certain boy visited everyday (courtesy of Naruto blabbering).

"You are Sasuke Uchiha I presume?" She said with a smile.


Temari's smile widened, definitely the boy Naruto talked about from the robbery.

"I am Sabaku Temari and the red is Sabaku Gaara my little brother." She entered the room with a nylon bag in her hand. "Nice meeting you, Naruto talked a lot about you and your brother."

"He did not." Was Gaara's reply as he sat on the side of Naruto's bed.

"C'mon Gaara, I did because you guys wanted to learn how I got shot." Naruto said with a smile.

"Okay." Gaara seemed calmer and Temari could spot a small smile on his face, only visible to the ones know him very well.

"I am sorry Temari you had to come from your excavation because of me." Naruto's smile turned apologetic.

"Non-sense, apparently Gaara picked up the phone and he nearly demolished the dig house. I can just imagine how he scared poor Iruka." She placed the ramen cups into the nylon bags. "And I couldn't just leave my friend alone could I? Shame that none of Sakura's calls reached me."

Temari and Kankurou were archaeologists, well Kankurou was technically an anthropology student but that is only a minor detail, and currently they were part of a team excavating in Suna. Gaara had to come with them because no nanny or human being could survive the encounter, and he had seemed interested in the archaic weapons they had found.

Sasuke chose that moment to pull a chair next to the blonde's bed and sit on it.

Gaara's eyes narrowed.

"Well I feel bad that you had to leave there."

"Don't worry about it." Temari tied the nylon bag and scouted a chair. "So tell me Uchiha Sasuke, I hear that Naruto is to become your nanny. Is that true?"

Sasuke gave a smirk to Gaara he had been glaring.

"Yes, brother was most impressed by the dobe."

Temari's keen, and troublesome Shikamaru would fondly say, eyes caught the slight paling on the blond lying on the bed before he jumped into some very Narutoesque motions.

Itachi had been in a very good mood. This was rare for the stoic Uchiha, only happened when Sasuke had accomplished something. Or when he had gotten hold of an exceptionally good deal. He would have preferred to keep his good mood for a long time yet fate had a different plan for him. The different plan aka his wild bunch of friends were currently residing in his house. They had met each other in high school, with smaller additions to the group in university, namely Obito, Sasori and Kakuzu, they had reached to their state today. Akatsuki, Yahiko once called their group; he was a bit obsessed with dawns as a traveler and usually was absent from their meetings since he could be found in the weirdest places of the world. They were a tight bunch, entering the group entailed more than just dating one or befriending one. Deidara would always say something like the person who entered the group had to have the same wavelength. Kisame would say that any person who wanted to enter an initiation but no one really listened to him because the last time it actually involved something about world domination by bears. To the point, his merry (!) troupe of friends had made their business to liven up the nannies room for Uchiha's newest nanny, namely one Uzumaki Naruto.

Itachi had no idea how his friends had found out about Naruto, untrue Itachi being a genius and an observer knew that Kisame's mouth was looser than a… scratch that nothing was looser than Kisame's mouth he was like a gossiping housewife, but here they were with lots of boxes and adorning the pale cream room with useless items. Itachi could only guess what kind of horrendous item Yahiko would add after he had returned from his latest trip.

"Why does he need pink fluffy slippers?" He managed to ask a happy Obito.

Obito gave him a huge grin.

"It's heartwarming, heartwarming!"

Itachi's eyebrow rose slightly.

"And why does he need a painting of elephants dancing over an explosion."

Deidara gave a slight huff and stomped his foot.

"Because its art! Not my favorite kind but no one should be left without proper art, un."

"I told you that the mannequin would have been better." Sasori intervened.

"Your mannequins are too dull; he needs something with style, cool and with a small amount of bang! Un!"

Hidan placed a small altar to the corner of the room.

"And maybe he will also need some praying, that little fucker. Right?"

The others minus Itachi and Konan shook their heads.

"You need to paint the walls, though it's cheaper if you make him do it." Kakuzu who had brought nothing but his counsel said calmly.

Konan poked him on his arm.

"Are you an idiot? We are livening up this place so that the nanny will not be scared of the blandness of this room."

Itachi gave the woman a glare.

"Haha… um well he might have different tastes than yours?" Konan started to sweat a little.

"Konan is true, Naruto-san's favorite color is orange and his house seemed to be… lively." Zetsu piped in.

That guaranteed a few seconds of silence from the crew.

"I will never be able to get used to your creepiness Zetsu." Obito said as he pulled a curtain from its place.

The silence continued for a few more seconds, no one wanted to agree with Obito out loud because Zetsu was very touchy.

"At least you can actually change that ancient bed." Nagato said breaking the awkward silence.

Itachi glanced at the bed which was being filled by small bears, left from the last initiation he hazarded, by a guilty looking Kisame.


"Don't just mutter you sick son of a-" Hidan started…

…and was promptly cut out by Kisame who had stuffed one bear to his face.

Itachi looked around the room and picked up a book on the computer table.

"And pray tell me why does he need shounen ai mangas?"

In a faraway corner of the city a man was walking towards a destination in quick precise steps. He sported round glasses and tied his silver hair just at his nape. Unlike the most of the citizens of this part of the town he wore a simple looking two piece suit and looked like he did not belong there at all. Interestingly enough no one dared to even glance at the man who made his way to a seemingly abondoned nightclub building. The denizens of the lowtown part of Konoha would never even dream of entering the building unless they were permitted. And even then they wouldn't do it gladly. The man entered the abandoned building continuing on with his slow stride. The building used to be all colorful and extravagant, but now pale purple and grey dominated the walls. In the middle where there used to be a stage stood nothing, and the chairs around it seemed to be scattered.

"Orochimaru-sama?" The man asked to the darkness.

A malevolent chuckle answered him from the darkness.

"Kabuto, how bold to venture in here to notify me of the failed assassination." Orochimaru's sneer could be felt from his voice.

Kabuto forced down a gulp.

"It was your idea to use Kin as well as the others." He said his voice slightşy shaking.

"And how are they?"

"The other two have been eliminated, Kin however will take some time..." Kabuto allowed himself to make a dramatic pause and checked his cellphone which made a small vibration "... like now."

Kabuto stylishly closed his cellphone and placed it back to his pocket.

"What is more interesting however is that they will hire an Uzumaki Naruto as a nanny, who saved the boy at the super market."

Orochimaru let a snort roll gracefully out of his mouth.

"Uzumaki? It has been ages since I heard that name." He sounded amused. "He is of no consequence anymore though."

"What is our next move Orochimaru-sama?"

He was only answered with a laugh that would make a saner man run away in fear.

AN: Well this took a while I have debated over about simply making the villains as silly... ahem... fun as the main characters but decided maybe just maybe I could live with some serious bad guys. Anyway from now on rather than weekly I am aiming for 1.5 or 2 weekly updates since work and RL decided to get very dramatic. Thank you all for supporting me though I will not let this go. ^^

Replies: Juubihost (for some reason I am unable to write your name silly FF) : Mission accomplished hope you like it. =) Sachiel Angelo: Well ah at least there is a new chapter? Well mysterious guy puzzle solved, as for who is Naruto? He is the number one most surprising character that's what he is. 777angeloflove: Haha thanks ^^ not very perfect i guess but thank you really. TechnoAngelprincess: Yeah well Kiba deserved it... sort of. hahaha sousie: Well here is a new update yay! Zakudeath: Well the doctor wanted me to say that its not his fault it is uat's fault and he really wanted that relationship to be serious, however currently he is comforting the psychologist who believes that the world will end. Well I hope you liked the Gaara part, did I ever mention that he is my fav? I hope that I am able to do him justice in this story. And Gaara wont be all cutey to Itachi either but that showdown is for another chapter. Yea I like Sasuke better when he is a child, however after the last chapter I guess I like him more. Thank you, I hope this chapter whets your appetite as they say. =)