A/N: Hey. If you are reading this, thank you. Thank you for not giving up on me. I hope this will fulfill your needs and expectations.

Also, I call Kurt "KC" because I have a friend who moved to Australia. She wasn't close, but we tolerated each other enough to be called friends more or less. I miss her so much so...yeah.

Chapter 5: Narrator

Title: Sectionals

Days pass, and Sectionals was coming.

KC and Blaine talked everyday, even if their glee club were going against each other. KC though would keep it secret. But the changes were stunning and obvious: she would smile more often, and joke around more; she would actually eat during lunch and would eat more at home; she would help out at Burt's shop- knowing her, that is a really big thing.

Even The Unholy Trinity noticed something. And you know what that means: time for an intervention.

"Okay, Hummel, spill," Quinn said. They managed to corner her after Cheerios practice.

Said girl just gave an amused and puzzled stare. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Look, I know we look like bitches, 'cause we are." KC rolled her eyes at this. "But that doesn't mean we don't care," the Latina said.

"And just because we're not Hispanic, doesn't mean we don't have psychic Mexican third eyes," Quinn said. Which earned a confused Brittany saying: "But Quinn you only have two eyes."

Quinn ignored her. "Remember, when you're happy, we're happy."

"Thanks, but-" KC smirked. "like I said," she had caught on about what they were saying, "I don't know what you're talking about." She took her bag and water jug then sashayed out the door, leaving the girls with a lingering sense of mystery.

The Warblers were perfect: they knew the notes and steps like it was second nature, moving in sync; their voices creating a beautiful harmony, a symphony of individual voices coming together to make music; and they have an amazing soloist under their wings (no pun intended).

Now if only that soloist can focus.

His phone was glued to his hand at all hours of the day. Sometimes, Wes and David would catch him in his dorm, just waiting for a reply, when he should be practicing.

You know what this means: time for an intervention.

The two Council members cornered Blaine in the Warblers' choir room.

"Look, Blaine, we're happy that you're happy, but we really need you to focus. Sectionals is in two weeks. And I know you always give it your all. But we need 150% of your attention now," Wes said.

Blaine nodded. "I understand, It's just that, no one has ever understood me like this. It's weird, but I like it." Blaine looked up with a kicked puppy expression and stared at the two knuckleheads he called his best friends. "I'm sorry, I'll try to focus more. But if it means anything, the Warblers are as perfect as can be. I think you should give them more credit."

Blaine stood up and left the room. He couldn't say that they weren't right. But he couldn't say he wasn't offended. He know his friends are only looking out for him. But he gave 40% of his life to the Warblers. He deserved to relax and take a break.

Unbeknownst to him, his friends were talking about something entirely different.

"You know, if KC was a dude, I'd ship her and Blaine," David said.

Wes grinned. "Knowing you, you ship like FedEx." David punched his arm.

"Let's give them time before we wager on anything."

"Alright, guys," Mr. Schue said as he entered the choir room. "I have a new assignment for the week: truth."

The glee club groaned. There had been a lot of drama. It's their Senior year, and they can't help but over react to little things.

"I want you guys to express how you feel. Because really the truth is, everything has an end(*). And your high school years are ending, and there's nothing we can do about it."

And that's what got KC thinking.

She checked her iphone for songs. She had now finally realized what her subconscious had been dreading: unrequited love- at least, that is what the melodramatic Rachel Berry would call it.

You see, like Rachel- though he would never admit having even mere likeness of something utterly Rachel Berry-like- she also likes Broadway music.

Shall we fast-forward if your choice of song is correct?

"Okay, anyone ready for this week's assignment?" Mr. Schue asked.

KC raised her hand. She stood and sat on the piano. She played:

There's a fine, fine line

Between a lover and a friend

There's a fine, fine line

Between reality and pretend

And you never know 'til you reached the top

If it was worth the uphill climb

There's a fine, fine line, between love,

And a waste of time

She poured her heart in the song. No one understands. Not even Rachel or Quinn- and we all know they are victims of unrequited love. But unlike them, KC doesn't do anything about it. Not like she can, anyway.

She continued...

There's a fine, fine line

Between a fairytale, and a lie

There's a fine, fine line

Between "you're wonderful" and "goodbye"

I guess if someone doesn't love you back

It isn't such a crime

But there's a fine, fine line, between love

And a waste of your time

She looked to Finn. She knew it was hard for Quinn and Rachel. But she will never understand the confusion and hardship Finn had to go through.

She remembered one night: Finn heated milk and they talked about Blaine and Rachel and everything else. It was nice. Maybe, having Finn as a brother wasn't bad after all.

And I don't have the time to waste on you anymore

I don't think that you even know what you're looking for

For my own sanity I've got to close the door

And walk away

There's a fine, fine line

Between together and not

And there's a fine, fine line

Between what you wanted, and what you've got

You gotta go after the things you want

While you're still in your prime

There's a fine, fine line, between love

And a waste of your time

She took a deep breath and exhaled.

Sometimes we've just gotta let go, sometimes, you have to let even love go. (*)

Blaine found himself outside of the green room pacing, anxiously waiting to get it over with.

It's Sectionals, and he got a solo. He saw KC and hugged her then and there. The butterflies attacked his stomach once again.

Blaine was the Warblers' soloist. He was given solos without a second thought, and everyone agreed. But KC on the other hand, was given a solo against Rachel Berry's will and was handed to the Cheerio over her dead body. About time someone else won the Hunger Games, Blaine thought.

He was proud and terrified of what she could do.

"Wish me luck," he whispered. It was so intimate. But so Blaine.

A few minutes and a performance, the Warblers were singing an a capella rendition of "Hey, Soul Sister". New Directions had to admit, they were worthy competition.

Blaine's eyes always found the New Directioner's glasz eyes. He looked with utter interest with butterflies fluttering. Yet he couldn't deny it; when he saw her, it was like it was only the two of them.

The audience's applause broke him out of his reverie. He went backstage and told KC to break a leg. Adding a bold kiss to her cheek that left her stunned and earned catcalls from Wevid.

They took a seat as the announcer introduced New Directions (pronouncing "die" so it didn't come off as "Nude Erections"). A blonde guy with big lips came from behind the theatre and started singing. Suddenly, Quinn comes out too. The couple looked cute. David's face though, was not.

They sang as they made their way to the stage, finishing the song with the whole glee club in the background. Then, she came out.

She started the first few words of "Valerie" by Amy Winehouse. But Blaine couldn't care less- she could be singing the alphabet and she would still have Blaine's heart thumping wildly in his chest, reality vanishing as he is taken by the angel in front of him.

His eyes widened like saucers.

Was this what it's like to be in love?

The tie was both expected and unexpected. New Directions congratulated the Warblers and vice versa. But for some reason, Blaine couldn't look KC in the eyes.

Probably because he'll never see her the same way again.