"I don't know Gwen! I really like him, but I don't think he likes me back."

Arthur paused hearing this. He glanced around the corner, into the laundry room, to find two maids sitting there. One being his personal servant, Merlin.

He first met Merlin a few months ago, when she was nothing more than a smart-ass peasant and himself and arrogant pratty prince. She was odd, Arthur had noted. Instead of a dress she wore trousers and tunic like a man, and there was something about her that just didn't meet the eye. He hated her at first, but in the months to come, after saving each other's lives a couple times, the two had begrudgingly become friends. The prince, however, was starting to feel some else for her, something he couldn't put his finger on. It wasn't love – or maybe it was. He wasn't sure. He almost felt this way about Morgana, who was like a sister to him.

"I'm sure he likes you, Merlin. He did save you from a griffin," Gwen said back, soothingly. "Like you were the damsel in distress and he was your knight in shining armor. And we all know how those stories end." Morgana's maid raised her eyebrows in a suggestive way.

Merlin sighed. "But he said I was his friend. I've been friendzoned!"


"I made it up. It's when a man thinks you're just another one of the guys. It'll never amount to anything! What am I going to do?" She put her heads in her hands.

Arthur paused, wide eyes. Merlin liked someone?

"I'm sure he'll come around."

"But what if he doesn't? I really like him, Gwen. Really like him."

Arthur would've laughed. But he didn't. Merlin really liked someone. That was…..interesting. He felt an emotion rise in his chest. It wasn't jealousy. Or possessiveness. It was anger. Who dared to make Merlin feel so sad?

"I know, Merlin, I know. But I still think he likes you."

"Thanks, Gwen, you're a true friend."

Arthur hid in a small alcove off of the corridor. Merlin and Gwen walked out, the latter still soothing the first. Arthur had heard enough to know two things.

One: whoever this is better not mess with Merlin, or he would be missing some body parts in the near future.

And two: If anyone dared to try and get near his maidservant, without his approval, he would bite their head off.

A/N: Hellos everyone! Welcome to "Little Sister," a series of one-shots based off my other one-shot "She's Our Little Sister!" I know this one is short, but I'll try and make the other ones longer (and hopefully more funny; I love humor). I'll update this regularly (if not, blame my parents. Or my teachers. Or my sports teams.)

Review? (pleeeeeease?)