The angels surrounded Dean and Cas. Sam and Bobby were missing, Gabriel and Balthazar dead. There were so many losses that Dean couldn't afford another. He turned to Cas, looked him in the eye and said: "One last time?"

Dean shut his eyes and held Castiel tight, never letting go. Either he would be with him for eternity or there would be nothing, either way better than losing his friend. His family. His love.

An angel smirked at seeing this; after all they had them trapped. Even holding Cas wouldn't save Dean Winchester anymore. One angel had picked up Sam's broken ipod and played a song that was on aloud:

"Carry on my wayward son,

There'll be peace when you are done,

Lay your weary head to rest.

Don't you cry no more."

And in that moment, everything froze. In that moment, Dean and Cas captured what was really theirs. No longer was Dean the brave little soldier; no longer was Castiel the angel of the lord. They were Dean and Cas. They were the fight against fate.

A bright light appeared from Castiel as his vessel began to glow. The other angels tried to shield their eyes, but were too slow. Before they could run, he blinded their own vessels making the angel inside temporarily blind.

Castiel fell to the ground, his mojo had run out. Maybe for good. Yet, Dean couldn't bear to lose him, not after all they had been through. He carried the angel's dying body to the impala parked outside the building; laid him on the backseats and drove as quickly as he could to Bobby's.

"Come on Cas… Damn it! I'm not gonna lose you!"

He kept pumping on the vessels chest, trying to get his heart to keep going.

"Come on, come on!"

He lent in… the kiss of life. He sat back up and began pumping on his chest again 'til there was a flicker of the vessels eyelids.

"Cas?" He asked, taking his hands away from the chest.

"Dean." Mumbled a barely alive Castiel, trying to sit up but failing at lack of energy.

"Never do that again."

"I will if it means saving you."

Dean lent closer, not sure why. But then something clicked. This angel had saved him and his brother's life too many times to count, and now Dean was returning the favour. Dean smiled as he looked into Castiel's eyes knowing that he belonged. And with that, he kissed him. Slowly and indulgent, Castiel pulled him in. Not knowing what they where doing, just that he felt happy. No more brave little soldier, no more angel of the lord. Dean pulled away, lay next to Cas and stared at the ceiling.

There was peace at last. They were going to find Sammy and Bobby. But in this moment; there was peace. And Dean whispered the last words to a song he was very fond of:

"Lay your weary head to rest,

Don't you cry no more."