Angels Heart

Ryoma sat on his bed. He was tired. His emerald hair was wet from the rain and his golden eyes looked dead. He stared at the ceiling.

Hmmm, an angel of love and beauty heart broken,

Ryoma thought. He laid on his back and curled into a ball. He hated love. It always leaves someone broken. Just like his father.

The darkness illuminated his pale skin. He hoped he could forget Kise. Kise is his boyfriend…ex boyfriend. As an angel of love and beauty, he could barely trust anyone who confessed to him. Kise was the first to try and get to know him. He could see that now it was a mistake.

Sigh, tomarrow is another day…I guess.

Ryoma pulled the covers over him and a cat jumped by his stomach. Kuripin…you're the only one I need, Ryoma thought. He fell asleep. He dreamt of how Kise broke up with him. A single tear went down his face.

2 Years Later

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

Ryoma hit his alarm clock. Its been two years and he thinks he is over him. He got out of bed to get tackled back on it by a boy with black hair. "Ryo-Chan! Good morning!" yelled the boy. Yuki. Hitori Yuki. He has vibrant green eyes and is 5'6''. He was pale but not as pale as Ryoma.

Yuki lived with Ryoma in a small apartment. His boyfriend and his sister lived with the others. By others I mean angels.

Yuki, Misaki -Yuki's Boyfriend- , and Kathy -Yuki's Sister- were all angels. Yuki is an angel of love. Misaki is an angel of war. Kathy is an angel of hate.

"Yuki get off! I have to get ready!" Ryoma yelled. Yuki got off and helped Ryoma up. "Gomen Ryo-Chan. I'm going to make breakfast. Want any?" Yuki asked. Ryoma shook his head. "Wont have enough time."

Yuki left and Ryoma went to the bathroom. He brushed his hair and teeth. He got dressed for school and looked at the time. Fuck! It was 6:15. 15 minutes left to get to school. He was 16 and a senior at Seigaku High School. He skipped two grades. It was also the first day of school.

He made it to school just before the bell. "Welcome back to a another year at Seigaku High and for the new ones, welcome and hope you enjoy the school," the teacher said, "my name is Mrs. Kozagi, and I'm your homeroom teacher and maybe your first class if you are advanced math students."

Ryoma dropped his head on his desk and was rudely awoken by girls squeal. Five boys walked in and he knew that two of them were angels. They had an aura about them.

"Hey, don't stare. Are you gay or something?" a boy asked. Ryoma turned his head to see this boy and he didn't like what he saw. He had brown hair and eyes.

Ryoma rolled his eyes and was about to put his head back down to sleep, but the boy tapped his shoulder. "I'm talking here," he said and spat. "Learn to talk without spitting and I might listen. Also its rude to call someone gay unless you are," Ryoma said.

The boy took a step back. One of the boys from the group of five came over. It was one of the angels and his eyes were closed. "Its rude to try and make accusations about someone you don't know," he said.

The guy had brown hair that almost reached his shoulders. He was almost as pale as Ryoma. The boy walked away and then the boy turned to Ryoma. "My name is Fuji. And you would be?" Fuji asked. "Echizen." Ryoma said, "Echizen Ryoma."

Fuji nodded and leaned down. "You are one of us, correct?" Fuji asked again. Ryoma smirked, "What ever do you mean, Fuji?" Fuji's smile widened. It seems this guy always is going to smile.

"Syuu! Who are you talking to" another boy said. About the same height, same skin tone, and same weird smile. He had blue hair and only a little bit shorter than Fuji's. His eyes were violet.

"This is Echizen. Echizen Ryoma. He is a newbie. Oh, how old are you" Fuji asked, "there is suppose to be a 16 year old and is a senior.""You don't say Syuu. Its not us that is for sure," the other said.

"Well, it was nice but I think the others you left are staring over here," Ryoma said. They turned to the other three left. "Oh, my name is Yukimura and I hope we can see each other again," Yukimura said. They went back over to the other three.

Class started. They had a test to see how much they could remember. Ryoma and the other five got the top grades. The teacher lectured those who failed and those who were average. She didn't lecture the six.

"So you are Echizen Ryoma," a guy with silver hair said. He was taller than the other two but shorter than the human two. "My name is Atobe. Ore sama doesn't like how Ore sama's boyfriends think of you," Atobe said. Atobe flipped his hair and glared at a Ryoma.

"Should I care, monkey king." Ryoma asked. He glared harder. "Monkey king! Brat. No one calls Ore sama a monkey!" He said just loud enough to catch the other boys attention. "Keigo, whats wrong." another boy with brown hair said.

He had hazel eyes. He wore glasses and he had a stoic look. The other guy had black hair and brown eyes. He would be about 6 feet. He to, wore a stoic look.

"This brat called Ore sama a monkey!"* Atobe said. Ryoma got up. "Id love to stay and chat but the bell rang." Ryoma opened the door when the bell rang leaving three speechless boys and two smiling angels.

Fuji and Yukimura fallowed Ryoma out of the class room and pulled him into the bathroom. "Now, why would an angel of your standing be here at this school." Yukimura asked. He pinned Ryoma to a wall with Fuji smiling right behind him. "Hmmm, what ever do you mean, Yuki Chan" Ryoma said.

The smile disappeared off of his face. He took out his wallet from his school jacket and pulled out angel wings that were black. Angels of death, hmmm. "Now will you tell us." Yukimura asked with a little distaste in it. Fuji opened his eyes. Ryoma's eyes widened. They were Caribbean blue.

Ryoma was so entranced by Fuji s eyes he forgot to answer. "Saa, like what you see," Fuji asked. Ryoma looked away with a Che.

Fuji closed them again. "I wanted to." was Ryoma's answer. Ryoma glared at Yukimura. "Now move before I make you."

Yukimura unpinned Ryoma and Ryoma left. He didn't like the idea that the two boys might watch him, but he was used to getting stalked. As he entered the class again, fallowed by the other two, the girls started to whisper. Atobe and the other two males came over to them. The teacher came over as well.

"Glad to see you all are doing fine. Ryoma, I'm glad you are making friends this go around." the teacher said. "Hmmm." was all Ryoma said. "Is he important or something," asked the taller brunette. "Tezuka. This is Ryoma. He is the famous scholar that skipped two grades and has a job." the teacher said. Atobe looked at him, "What is it. It cant be anything small judging from the way he acts."

A tick appeared on Ryoma's head. Did they not think he was here. "Yo, monkey king. You better stop talking about people when they are right in front of you." Ryoma said, "I'm a model in Tokyo." Fuji smiled, "Of course you would be a model. Mind if we come to your job some time." Yukimura nodded with the same smile. Poor boy, everyone thought, including Atobe.

Ryoma shivered but nodded. Fuji smiled widened. "Great we will go today right guys" Everyone else nodded.

After School

Yuki waited for Ryoma by the entrance. He normally wasn't late. He looked around and smiled as he saw Ryoma. "Ryo Chan!" he yelled. Ryoma looked up to see Yuki there, waving his hand in the air.

The others noticed this. Fuji frowned. So he isn't single. Yukimura did the same. "Gomen Yuki. I had something to take care of. They are here to watch me work," Ryoma said. He turned to everyone. "Everyone, this is Yuki. Yuki this is Tezuka, Sanada, Yukimura, Fuji, and Atobe."

Yuki nodded to them all. "Nice to meet you all and I hope you all treated Ryoma nicely. I'm his co worker and manager. Also Ryoma," Yuki said. Ryoma took a step back with a slow nod. "Just think of when we get home. This lateness doesn't look good on your reputation." Yuki smiled and Ryoma made a mental note to never be late again.

Ring Ring! Ryoma answered his cell and soon regretted it. "I'm not talking to you and no I will not text either." Ryoma went into the building. He was talking in fluent English. "Hell no! And if you excuse me Id rather be doing my job that I oh so love," with that he closed his cell.

"Who was it," Fuji asked. "No one," Ryoma answered. He felt an elbow hit his side. He turned to see Yuki smile innocently at him. "Fine! It was Ryoga! You happy!" Ryoma said. "Immensely."

All through out work, the boys watched Ryoma wear all sorts of clothes. Since it was summer, he mostly wore summer attire. Yuki wore more innocent summer attire then Ryoma's.

As they left Fuji grabbed Tezuka s and Atobe s arm. Yukimura did the same to Sanada. "Now, can we have another," they both asked. They knew what they meant and had to be convinced. They smiled and knew they had won since they could tell they were already curious about him.

They all headed home and Fuji and Yukimura were concealing themselves in their room, which they shared. They were coming up with how they would convince them without involving the boy himself.

When they came up with it they smiled. They would put their plan into action and those who heard their laughs wouldn't want to be on the receiving end.

Yay done. I got bored and I thought.

Well its spring break so whats better than making Ryoma and ultimate Uke! Oh ya and those wondering the whole standing thing keep reading this. Those who don't. You will find out when they explain it to the humans!

Those with Multiple Angel abilities are high ranked angels. The highest would be those with the two angel abilities and multiple colored wings. Ryoma has White wings with gold tips. You already know his abilities.

Yuki has Silver wings and only one ability. Misaki has Red wings and one ability. Kathy has the same wings as Misaki except with black tips and one ability.

Yukimura and Fuji have black wings with Silver tips but only one ability.

Others will be revealed soon. War also starts soon! I cant wait!