This story takes place after Santabarbratown 2 and about five months after The Lost Hero.

Wow… it's been awhile, hasn't it? Not quite a whole year, but still a long time. I feel awful for how long it took to update. I know that I get kind of mad/ sad when it takes a person forever to update. School's been rough but we've been having snow days and I finally sat back and re-read my whole story to see where I was and got my muse back! WHOO! Because I haven't just not been writing at all. Oh no. I've been starting and never finishing some pretty random stories whenever the muse just hits me and yet nothing had been coming for Demigod Cases Suck. BUT it's here now and I HOPE YOU ALL ENJOY IT! Also, thank you Cynthia Darling for PMing me and encouraging me to write another chapter! You're awesome!

And I apologize in advance for any past tense/ present tense mix ups. I tend to do that, but I'll fix whatever you point out to me!

To my reviewer (Guest: Matt), I appreciate your input, I've actually gone back and redone some stuff. (That whole Murder/ murderer thing was just embarrassing! Idk what I was thinking) Like the sword fighting mistake in the first one. I'd PM you about it, but… you're a guest so I just hope you read this and check it out if you'd like ^.^ As for the William being Bill thing, Bill is actually a nickname for William, and many people might prefer it over Will. They kept saying Ball ski things because they weren't completely sure what they were called- though Gus knew. Like Percy doesn't really remember names of monsters. So yeah it was intentional. Unless you're talking about the extra 's' at the end of basilisk, because that was like 'more than one'. Does that require an apostrophe? I don't think it does, but… grammar. I'm trying! Thanks for telling me and keep reviewing :)

And thanks to everyone else who is clicking the favorite button/ following/ reviewing! Please, please, please review! I'd love to know your thoughts! They make my day :D

Disclaimer: I do not own Psych or Percy Jackson. They belong to their respective owners

Shawn POV

It didn't take long before Shawn lost sight of the only two people in the room who could probably keep him and Gus alive. But he had a pretty good idea where they were if the large mass of baddies swarming a specific area was anything to go by.

Gus whimpered and jabbed his javelin in the direction all the bad guys were, his hand shaking noticeably. Shawn mimicked his best friend's position, keeping his mouth closed in fear of attracting attention.

"I don't wana die, Shawn," Gus whispered with a sharp look towards his best friend. "We're dealing with the supernatural."

"We are not," Shawn whispered back. "That's a totally different world. With demons and angles and stuff."

The glare he got from Gus meant that now might not be the time for jokes. His best friend kept silent in fear of losing it with Shawn. And not crying, either. More like yelling. And then crying.

The large mass of bad guys was actually becoming a small mass of bad guys fairly quickly. Though Shawn still couldn't see Attie or Nico, his worry for them decreased exponentially. Instead, his worry for himself and Gus increased when a monster on the outside of the little circle created around the demigod heroes got bored of waiting his turn, so instead turned his head to the two mortals still standing at the mouth of the cave.

Shawn felt any color that had still been in his face leave all at once as a vicious grin was set on the unidentified monster's face. The grin showed off his horribly crooked teeth- seriously, this guy needed braces, fast- each sharpened to a deadly point. The muscles that made up his arms and legs were huge, and so were the veins clearly popping out of the appendages. His finger nails were long and cracked and something red was staining them though it didn't seem to bother the monster so much.

He walked over towards Shawn and Gus, grunting and pulling along a huge tree branch, which was about the size of a baby tree but thicker, as both consulting detectives watched with mute fascination.

"A Laistrygonian Giant," and it took Shawn a moment to realize that Gus was the one who had squeaked that out and not a little girl.

"Does it have a weakness?" Shawn asked almost conversationally as the Laistrygonian Giant's body became bigger and bigger the closer it got.

"Probably a Celestial Bronze weapon through its stomach," Gus replied, seeming to gain enough courage to speak regularly if not a little shaky. The Giant stopped just a few feet away from the two men, glaring with brown eyes full of hate and expression not looking very happy.

"You disturbed the Earth Mother," he growled, surprising Shawn with his coherent speaking. "You brought the demigods here."

"Uh, yeah, you see," Shawn started, almost faltering when the Giant's glare worsened, "we didn't know, um, she meant so much to you. And that's nice and all, I mean, evil ladies that want to take over the world need someone- or something- to love them, right? I'm just glad it's you, man. Hey, maybe Gus and I should get going, you know? I think you have enough on your plate," he made a point to look around the Giant towards his monster friends (there's still about the same number as the last time he had checked, Shawn noticed. Nico and Attie must be tiring). He turned back towards the Giant, "So, it was very nice to meet you, so sorry we have to run, but, ah, I think I'm about to pass out-"

He was so rudely interrupted when the Giant had about enough of his rambling and with a quick, almost too fast to be seen flick of his wrist, Shawn was airborne.

Had he ever been airborne? Shawn took a moment of his time to think. He'd jumped from the back of a truck onto Lassie's moving care (the second he was in the air had felt like minuets), but that wasn't the same. Shawn was, in every sense of the word, airborne. The ground looked so far away as he traveled into the air, wondering for a brief moment if the impact from the fall would kill him. There was a yell of, "SHAWN!" that sounded like Gus before his friend's voice was abruptly cut off. Shawn really hoped that Gus wasn't suffering the same fate.

When his body hit solid ground, the pain he felt was both unbearable and completely welcome. Pain meant that he was alive and if he was alive then there wouldn't be a funeral everyone would have to attend which was great because funerals were awful and made everyone sad and Shawn didn't want anyone he knew to be sad because of him-

But the ringing in his ears and the fact that it feels like his spleen is in his esophagus makes the concept of being alive less tolerable. Shawn was on the ground, fully aware that he was wheezing, attempting to bring precious air into his lungs, and oh my god he was just sent into the air like some sort of flying squirrel man. The javelin that had been in his hands- why hadn't he swung at the Giant when he had the chance?- was lying a few centimeters away from his face, sitting there innocently, waiting for Shawn to pick it up and use it. He looked up slightly, vision annoyingly blurry, though he was quite aware of the image he was seeing. The Giant was obviously angry as he twisted and turned, arms swinging wildly as he tried to swat at the smaller by about five feet man that was weaving his way between and around huge legs, generally confusing the heck out of him.

If he had his voice, Shawn would have shouted something like, "Go Gus!" but couldn't and didn't even try though he was very proud of his best friend. Gus didn't want to die (while no one did, Gus was very adamant about that whole subject) so dodge ball skills from way back when they were in middle school looks to have kicked in. And possibly a little bit of fencing talent from those three lessons they had when they were kids (Gus had real lessons and Shawn made his friend teach him since his dad wouldn't sign him up) considering there was some stabbing action going on with the javelin in his hands.

Shawn's attention shifted away from Gus when he was suddenly being flipped on his backside, pressure similar to the weight of a truck being pressed firmly on his stomach causing any air that had finally gotten into his lungs be forcibly pushed out again. Honestly, was it too much to ask to breathe? Gasping, his vision was suddenly filled with teeth and drool and a stench that just was not okay any time, ever. The growling, deep and threatening, had Shawn thinking that maybe this was a Hellhound. After all, a Hellhound was the only monster he had heard of that was dog-like.

The Hellhound's jaw opened wide enough to swallow Shawn whole, offering a snarl that was cut off and continued with an almost yelp-like sound as it stared confusedly at the mortal underneath it's body. It looked almost… vulnerable. Like, why did you just run me through with a javelin? And Shawn felt slightly bad. Slightly. The weight on his chest finally let up as the Hellhound fell sideways, landing heavily on its side where it turned to gold dust- starting from the hole Shawn had made and making its way through the rest of the monsters body. Shawn sat up to watch the scene with a weird sort of fascination, seeing that the size of the hound was about two Gus's long and two Gus's tall. Otherwise known as: huge and black.

Catching his breath was easier this time as Shawn staggered to his feet, determined not to be pinned on the floor again and caught off guard from another monster. A quick glance at Gus showed that the man was doing surprisingly well if the gigantic man on the floor slowly turning to dust was anything to go by.

Something grabbed the back of Shawn's shirt, causing said man to give a cry of surprise as he was suddenly being lifted into the air, higher and higher until he was at least thirty feet off the ground. Oh my god, Shawn felt his heart hammer in his chest as he turned his head to see what had him. A blue face greeted him. The man was an actual giant, which was obvious, with smurf-blue skin, silver eyes, and gray-white hair. His expression wasn't evil, per say, but it wasn't friendly either. He held Shawn like he was a Borrower!

Shawn didn't see any weapons on his person; then again his huge hands could crush the life out of him in a matter of seconds. Shawn decided that this giant didn't need any weapons, not really. He stared at the blue being for a few seconds, javelin clutched tightly in his hands, the sound of a battle dulled to Shawn's own ears.

"You… wana put me down?" he tried experimentally, hoping he wouldn't be dropped. The fall would break his legs.

The giant merely cocked his head to the side, silver eyes unblinking. Well, that hadn't worked. New tactic. Stupid tactic. Shawn jabbed the javelin towards the giant's face, arms outstretched as far as they could go, attempting to stab the blue dude in the eye. The giant just extended his own arm slightly, causing the point of Shawn's weapon to come up short by a few inches. The giant's other hand came and ripped his weapon away from him fairly easily, almost dislocating Shawn's arm in the process, and threw the stick to the ground.

Weaponless, Shawn made an 'hmm' noise, like, well, there goes that. At a loss for what to do, Shawn went boneless, head bent low, arms and legs dangling, and eyes wide open. The giant made an indignant noise, obviously confused at the man that had seemingly died right in his hands when he had done nothing to make that happen.

"Shawn!" Gus shouted. Shawn, still using the 'I'm totally dead' thing, watched as his friend, who had somehow managed to get an honest-to-god sword, gave a battle cry as he ran full force at the blue giant. The sword ran all the way through the giant's shin, though it seemed to only annoy the giant rather than kill it. Bellowing, the giant kicked out, missing Gus who had fallen right on his stomach to avoid the foot. Instead, the giant tried to stomp on Gus, but Shawn's best friend managed to roll away in time.

Having no need for the dead weight in his hands, the giant released Shawn sending him free falling in the air. Shawn gasped and he reached towards the toga-like sheet on the giant's body, gripping the fabric and slowing his decent towards the floor. By slowing, Shawn obviously meant stop. Because, hey, look at that, Shawn's fingers had an iron grip on the fabric and those fingers were not letting go.

"You gotta let go, Shawn!" Gus shouted up at his friend who was moving with every motion the giant made, swinging back and forth, bouncing, and looking a little green.

"No!" Shawn shouted, sounding a bit like a child who didn't want to give up his favorite toy. He was well aware that he should let go, but he was also aware that he really didn't want to. He'd probably get squashed by a giant foot once he got to the ground.

Shawn's eyes were closed tightly when he suddenly heard a shrill whistle somewhere off to his right. Nothing extraordinary happened for a full twenty seconds, but suddenly there was a bark loud enough to shake the area that they're in. Gus screamed which caused Shawn's eyes to pop open just in time to see the ground rushing up to meet him and his friend the giant. The giant took the full impact as he smashed onto the ground, while Shawn was left clinging awkwardly onto the fabric, body now parallel with the ground. Something jumped on top of the giant's back, causing Shawn to look up curiously.

With a yelp, Shawn let go of the cloth and fell unceremoniously onto the cement floor as a Hellhound, the same size as the one he had killed before, dug it's frighteningly sharp claws into the back of the giant, who shouted in pain and began to pick itself off the floor. But the hellhound was having none of that. It growled and crawled up to the head of the giant where it, quite disgustingly, used its head as a chew toy. Golden blood leaking out of various places, the giant disintegrated into a large pile of golden sand.

They're turning on one another, Shawn thought; hope rises in his chest, until he realized that this is the only monster that is attacking its own. Which means it probably wanted to kill Shawn and Gus itself. With the giant done for, the Hellhound turned its attention on the closest human (guess who) and ran straight for him. Shawn, standing there with nothing but his fists to defend himself with, yelled as he got knocked onto the floor. There's a tense second when Shawn closed his eyes, fully convinced that this was the end. He doesn't even know where Gus is.

Then something wet with the texture similar to sandpaper was being rubbed against Shawn's face. Shawn squints up at the Hellhound who actually looks to be happy, not at all threatening, just in time to see it dip its head down and lick his face.

"Ew! Gross!" Shawn shouts when the tongue is lifted off his face. "Off! Off, off, off!"

The dog obliges and sat down right in front of Shawn who regarded the massive dog warily. It didn't seem to be attacking, if fact, it seemed to be waiting for Shawn's command.

"Shawn!" Gus's voice comes from behind Shawn and he literally hears his best friend skid to a stop.

"It's alright, Gus," Shawn assured his friend, though he's still not sure what's happening. "It's friendly."

Gus was suddenly right next to Shawn, leaning close before pulling back suddenly, nose crinkled in disgust, "Gah! You smell horrible!"

"It licked me," Shawn confessed, finally taking his eyes off the dog and looking at Gus. He's sweaty, there's a gash right on his temple, clothes rumpled and dirty, and a freaked out look is on his face. Though, that's understandable. "Nice job with the Laistrygonian Giant." Gus just nods, panting. Shawn's honestly surprised his best friend hadn't passed out yet and chalked it up to adrenalin. Shawn could feel his own adrenalin pumping through his veins making it feel like he could take on even more monsters.

But taking a breather is nice. So Shawn falls back on the floor and breaths through the nose and out the mouth for a few seconds, well aware that he and Gus had only taken on three monsters while Nico and Attie are still stuck in the swirling mass of bad guys. He looked over towards said swirling mass of bad guys who's numbers aren't decreasing fast enough for it to be healthy. His gaze shifts over to the Hellhound, sitting right in front of Shawn, attention completely focused on him and waiting for a command.

Shakily, Shawn stood up, though Gus remained on his knees, still breathing deeply. Shawn knew that he couldn't let Gus sit out too long or his friend would go into shock. So, Shawn rudely hauled his friend up and looked back to the Hellhound, an interesting plan forming in his mind.