Ka Pio

Disclaimer: I do not own Hawaii 5-0. No money comes my way; just the pleasure of your reviews.

Hi there, I am back with this story to help me along while waiting for the final new episodes of the season. The muse has been a little slow helping me out on this one but I think that I finally have dragged her back on board. Let's see what she comes up with. I will aim for posting every Monday when possible.

Ka Pio (The Captive)

Chapter 1

Steve McGarrett entered 5-0 headquarters after a meeting with the mayor and police commissioner to discover Danny, Chin and Kono watching a special news report on one of the hanging monitors. He joined them in time to hear the reporter wrapping up his story on the steps of the courthouse.

"Jury selection for the accused crime lord; Kekoa Newalu should conclude later today and the trial will begin on Monday morning. District Attorney Michael Kwan is prosecuting this high profile case personally. A conviction in this trial would be a huge stepping stone in DA Kwan's career, as many speculate that he hopes to use this trial as a boost towards the mayor's office in the next election," the man announced to the cameras.

"I cannot believe they are giving that rumor any credence," Kono sputtered in disgust.

"It may not be a rumor," Steve responded, his arms folded over his chest. "Our mayor is a bit nervous about Kwan's plans as well. He expressed as much at our meeting today."

"Kwan has said nothing about running," Danny commented.

5-0 had played a major role in the arrest of Newalu and both Steve and Danny were slated to testify at the trial. Kwan had spent time with both men in preparing for the trial.

"No, he didn't but he also never said he wasn't considering running," Steve pointed out.

"I was under the impression Kwan decided to prosecute because he didn't want any screw ups with this case," Chin stated. "Newalu is a major crime figure in the islands and he needs to be put away."

"We all agree on that point Cuz but because the media is spreading this speculation it is undermining his reasoning. It makes him look like a glory seeker instead of the dedicated public official that we know he is," Kono grumbled.

"It doesn't matter why Kwan wants this case, our job is to help him get a conviction," Steve said and reached for his phone as it began to ring. "McGarrett. Yes sir, right away sir," he responded and hung up. "The Governor wants to see me and he doesn't sound happy," he told his curious team members.

"Well good luck with that," Danny said not envying his partner and glad that he wasn't included. Mixing McGarrett and Denning was like a match and gunpowder, there was bound to be an explosion sooner or later.

Steve gave them a wave over his head as he was all ready heading out of the office.

Arriving at the head of Hawaii's office, the man's assistant ushered him right into the Governor's private office. Not being made to cool his heels out in the outer office immediately set off McGarrett's radar. This had to be very serious for the man to not make Steve wait for an audience.

The big man was not waiting behind his desk when Steve entered the room but was pacing in front of the windows, scowling deeply. He looked up at McGarrett's entrance and nodded curtly to the leader of his task force.

"Governor," Steve said respectfully. "You wanted to see me?"

"Yes Commander, we have a delicate problem and I need 5-0 to deal with it," Denning informed him seriously.

"What type of problem is that sir?" Steve asked as he advanced into the room.

"I was approached at my fitness center this morning by Michael Kwan. He stopped me in the locker room and told me that his eleven year old daughter was abducted on her way home from school yesterday. He was contacted later by phone and told she will die if he doesn't sabotage Newalu's trial or if he tries to withdraw from prosecuting," Denning related as if each word was ground glass in his mouth. "I need your team to find Lili Kwan as quickly and as quietly as possible."

"Does he believe it is Newalu's people who took her?" Steve asked, sickened by the thought. "Did they identify themselves to him?" He worried how Danny would react to this news.

"The caller didn't say but who else would it be?" Denning asked. "We cannot risk them knowing 5-0 is looking for them. A child's life is at stake," he cautioned.

"I understand sir. Do we have any proof that the girl is still alive?" Steve enquired, hoping they would have something to work with.

"Kwan said this was on his doorstep this morning tucked in his morning paper," Denning answered, picking up an envelope from his desk and giving it to Steve.

Pulling an 8x10 photo out, Steve studied the image carefully. A frightened young girl sat in a chair holding a copy of that morning's newspaper in a non-descript room. Steve felt a rush of anger roar through him at the terrified look on the child's face.

"We need to find Lili Kwan quickly Commander. I know this a difficult assignment but I will not tolerate criminals taking children to manipulate our justice system," the Governor growled.

"We will do our best sir," McGarrett promised.

"I'm depending on that," Denning said stopping in front of Steve, his eyes locked on McGarrett's. "I want to make something very clear here Commander…..Steve, you have full means and immunity on this case. You do what is necessary to bring Lili Kwan home safe to her parents. Do you understand?"

"Yes sir, thank you sir," Steve responded, standing straighter and nodding. "We won't let you down sir."

"I know that Commander and I am trusting you to do your best. I know that your team gets results. If my office can assist you in any way, call and ask to be put through to me directly," Denning instructed. "Good luck Commander," he added holding out his hand.

Steve shook it firmly and promised again that 5-0 would do their best. He left the office with his mind working furiously on how to find Lili without alerting the kidnappers that they were searching for them. It was a relief to know that they had no restrictions on how they worked the case but this was not going to be easy.

As he strode into the bullpen, his three teammates hurried out of their offices to see what was up. Steve went quickly to the computer table, set the envelope down and began typing. With a wave of his hand he brought up a photo of Michael Kwan and his wife and daughter from the newspaper's society section.

"The Governor called me in to inform me that Lili Kwan was abducted yesterday on her way home from school. Her kidnappers contacted the DA and have instructed him to mismanage the trial or they will kill his daughter," Steve announced.

"Can't he just withdraw from the case?" Kono asked.

"If he does, they said they would still kill her. And if there is any sign of a police investigation they won't wait to see how the trial ends, Lili will die," Steve said grimly.

"So Kwan is over the proverbial barrel and it's up to us to find Lili and to do it quickly," Chin said with a sigh.

"If it helps…Denning did give us full means and immunity on this one. He doesn't care how we do it, we just need to find and rescue Lili," McGarrett informed them.

"Whoa….that sure sounds like he is desperate," Kono whistled. "This has him worried if he is willing to overlook how we operate."

"He said we cannot allow criminals to believe that holding children hostage to influence the justice system is ever an option. So we have to get to work and do it fast. I have the photo of Lili that was delivered to the Kwan's house early this morning," Steve said indicating the envelope that Danny had picked up.

He looked at his partner who had yet to say a word during the briefing. Very slowly Danny withdrew the photo and stared down at the frightened girl who was too close to Grace's age for comfort.

"Danny, you okay buddy?" Steve prompted gently.

"The bastards who use a young child to force her father to do their bidding don't deserve to live," Danny growled under his breath.

"I am with you there partner, but we need to find her first and rescue her. That is our main priority," Steve reminded him. "We will deal with the kidnappers once we have the girl."

"And we make them pay," Danny insisted.

"We rescue the girl first," Steve repeated trying to bring Danny back to the focus of their mission. He put a hand on his friend's shoulder and shook him slightly. He could not have Williams lose focus and be more interested in the punishment and not the rescue. "We do that and the rest will follow, okay?"

Danny looked up from the picture and saw the concern on Steve's face.

"I am okay Steve, don't worry," he assured him. "We need to see if we can figure out where this picture was taken. And we need to see if we missed anyone when we arrested Newalu who would be bold enough to try and orchestrate something this bold. Someone who wants Newalu to walk on these charges," Danny responded.

Kono and Chin exchanged relieved looks, knowing how close to home this was hitting Danny. Like Steve, they had worried if Danny would personalize this and be hampered in his thinking.

"Good idea. Chin, Kono, I want to you to look in to that while Danny and I are gone. There has to be someone who we missed in the arrests," Steve told them.

"Where are you going Boss?" Kono asked.

"Danny and I are going to check in with Kamekona and see if he has any connections that might know Newalu's people. Then we are going to stop by the courthouse and talk to our DA and see what else he can tell us," Steve answered.

End chapter.

I look forward to your comments. I hope you enjoyed this beginning. The muse always loved encouragement. Thanks.