Chapter 1 – The Party
Hi, my name is Daniel Howell, and I'm a British guy that lives in Reading with his parents. Currently I'm 17 years old and in three days I will start my last year of A levels, before I go to university.
I don't like school that much; classes are boring and I don't have that many friends because most of the people I go to school with, think I am somehow weird. Which means that I suffered from bullying for a while, but I began to cope with this factor without allowing it to hurt me.
Anyway, besides that I'm pretty much an ordinary boy that likes to play Guitar Hero and browse the Internet in his free time.
Was during one of those free times on the Internet that I received a call from one of my friends through Skype. I was actually surprise to see the call icon on my computer screen, since I don't usually receive calls from anyone. I answered it quickly before the caller decided to hang up.
"Hey mate, what's up?"
"Hey Dan, not much… Just calling you to let you know that I'm giving a party tomorrow night, not a big one, just a few friends, just to say goodbye to summer vacation before we start school again. What do you say? "
"Sounds like a great idea, count me in." I said cheerily.
"Great, be at mine around nine."
"Okay, see you tomorrow then"
After he hung up, I got a little happier. These parties were always nice to have a chat, even more after having passed the summer without hanging out with anyone, since I had to work.
-The next day-
After I had a shower, I rushed to my room to get dressed. I was getting late, while I was in the shower I forgot about the time and decided that was a good occasion to start reading all the information on the back of the bottles of shampoo, like it was the most interesting thing in the world.
I put on a t-shirt and some black jeans that gave me the casual look I always have. After my hair was dry I went straightening it. I don't like my natural hair, it gets all curly, and basically makes me look like a hobbit.
I looked at my watch and I was definitely late, there were only ten minutes left before nine. I still had to catch a bus to get to my friend's house, and that journey takes about fifteen minutes. Well, I guess than being a few minutes late wouldn't be the end of the world.
Once I arrived, I rang the doorbell to let them know I was here. Surprisingly I was not that late, only ten minutes. A few seconds passed when my friend opened the door and invited me in. There was some music playing in the living room, where five other people were talking and drinking casually. As they saw me they welcomed me, and soon I was chatting with my friends, and it felt good to know what they had done during summer.
After a several drinks I was starting to feel a little dizzy and with the dizziness came the less social awkward Dan that was capable to start conversations and say stupid things without caring. And like this, I approached one of my female friends, of whom I had a little crush, and started to make conversation with her.
"Hi Sara" I said with probably a stupid smile on my face.
"Oh, hey Dan. How are you?" She gave me a timid smile.
"I'm fine and you? What have you been up to this summer?"
"Ah… not much, just stayed at home most of the time, on the Internet. You know, the usual stuff."
"Yeah, me too. What kinda stuff did you looked up on the Internet?" Wow Dan, that didn't sound creepy at all, I thought to myself.
"All sort of things really… Recently I've been spending most of my time on Youtube. I discovered that some people make videos about their lives, and some of them are actually funny to watch."
"Oh really? I spend a lot of time on Youtube too! Which ones have you been watching?"
"Hmmm… Let me think. I really like this one called AmazingPhil. He's kinda cute and fun to watch. And has been on Youtube since 2005 so there are lots of videos of him!"
"I never heard of him before, I'll look for him when I get home." I said smiling. AmazingPhil hmm? I will have to search who is this Phil guy that Sara thinks is cute.
We kept talking for a while until I started to get tired and thought that was a good time to leave. I said my goodbyes to everybody and returned home.
On the next day, I woke up to my mum calling me, saying that lunch was ready. I was still sleepy and took me a while until I was able to sit down on my bed. The overwhelming feeling of being the last day of summer vacations wasn't helping either.
When I finished lunch, I went back to my room to my normal routine of doing nothing. I turned on my computer and started browsing my favourite websites. Only after two hours I remembered the conversation I had with Sara about that youtuber last night. I opened a new tab on Youtube and typed AmazingPhil in the search bar.
And little did I know that after that moment my life was about to start.
This is my first ever fanfiction, so if you guys could review it, it would be great, just so I know what you think! Thank you for reading, xx