Chapter 6, Lucid Lovin'

Shock Rating: 1-2-3-4-(5)-6-7-8-9-10

Requested by: Anonymous

Vinyl walked into her room, her heart pounding hard. "Calm the fuck down girl... breaaath..." Vinyl took several calm breaths. After a while her heart finally returned to a stable rhythm. "OK... OK... alright." She walked over to her bed, telekinetically locked the door and plopped down on her bedspread. She looked down at her snow white coat and ran a hoof along her torso. Licking her lips Vinyl smiled, "mmm... delicious little mare... gods damn, If I could, I'd fuck me..."

Vinyl took another calming sigh and slipped under the covers. She lay upon her back and closed her eyes, calmly relazing her mind over and over... calmness... stillness...

She temporarily pushed her fantasies out of mind as she relaxed and focused. Then, with a little effort she unleashed a subtle spell on her brain, nothing too advanced, just something that would force her heart rate and lungs to maintain a calm relaxed rhythm through her dream. She knew from passed experiences that she'd need it.

Lucid Dreaming. Something she'd been getting into over the last few years. But she could never make full use of it as her excitement in the dream would spike her heart rate and wake her up, just as her fantasy partner was about to fuck her brains out.

But about eight months ago she learned a spell that would keep her body nice and relaxed while her mind went crazy in the dreamscape. Ever since then, kinky dreams had become her ultimate mate. She could dream up partners of whatever desires popped into her head at the time, mare, stallion, pony, dragon, tentacle, living water, goo pony, what ever she felt like fucking that particular night. They were as gentle or rough as she wanted them, as loving or cruel as her fetish desired at the time.

And after doing three straight fucking shows in a row with all nighters and barely any sleep, Vinyl had a liiiitle bit of pent up stress and sexual frustration. So now it was time to let loose and give herself a much needed reward. She'd learned how to properly use her dreams for sex. It wasn't something you did lightly, just dreaming up a fuck toy and abusing it then chucking it away; the issues with that were subtle effects on a pony's psyche, they would gradually become more slutty or lose self esteem as they were enforcing an idea in their subcontious that they existed only as a sex toy. Afterall, when you're fucking your dreamscape fantasies, you're essentially fucking yourself.

Vinyl took these lessons to heart and not only avoided the negative ramifications but actually abused this weakness and turned it into a major advantage. What one did to themselves in the dreamscape would have long term effects in the waking world, so Vinyl would not only fuck her dream fantasies raw, but she'd also tell them how much she loved them, how much she loved herself. Identifying each nightly fuck buddy as an extention of her own soul, she would shower the fantasy being with love and praise, making passionate love, having rough kinky fetish fucks, but always cuddling and kissing at the end, reminding her dreamself how special and perfect of a pony she was.

And indeed, this did have its effect on her. Over the years since she began lucid dreaming, her ego had bosted tendfold, her confidence and self worth sky rocketed. She was the top pony and she knew it. She recognized the growing narcicissm but couldn't care less, that just made her dreams all the more sexy, knowing that not only was she fucking an impossible fantasy, but that she was also fucking herself ragged and that notion just made her all the more satisfied.

And so she rested, drifting off into a peaceful slumber, maintaining and awareness the entire way.


At last, Vinyl opened her eyes to a grassy meadow. Looking around she smiled. Then tilting her head in though she willed the world away until she sat in and endless black void. She lay down on the supposed floor and stared up into nothingness as her mind wondered.

"What to fuck, what to fuck... grow a dick and fuck myself? Have myself with a dick fuck me? Gay sex with myself as a stallion fucking a stallion? Lesbian sixty nineing? Living pie focing its way up my pussy? gelatenous pony filling up every hole? ugghhhhh so many choices!" she rolled back an forth, "OK, OK, calm down... let's see... what do I want... I waaaaaaant... OH! I haven't done that in a while!"

Vinyl giggled in a dark voice and licked her lips, a slithering blue mass stretched out form the void towards her, about an inch thick it wrigled its way up to her face. She giggled and kissed it, "hey there little gall... hmmmmmmm momma's missed you, you beautiful, beautiful thing..." she licked the tip of it. The tendril shivered and shook, the end of it bulging a bit, the mass was warm to the touch, like the hot water of a shower, the creature's exterior soft silky and covered in a film of the sliperiest lubricant in the world.

Vinyl's smile stretched out in an almost predatory way as her eyes burned with hunger, "you are going to WRECK me!" she commanded, her marehood already begining to wink.

"Come on honey, make love to every hole I've got..." she stuck out her tongue and licked it up the tip, swirling around the engourged head before suckling a bit on it. the tendril hummed in pleasure, a gentle feminine squeak seemed to erupt from it. Vinyl dreamed up wam colors around her, gentle hues of red, blue and violet flashed dully in the background while a comfy base vibrated throughout the air.

One of her more arousing songs began to play, wubs filled the air and their resulting thrumbs massaged Vinyl's body, the sex oriented dubstep made her moan and sigh as she suckled on the tendril like a sucker.

The slimy blue tendril squeaked again in its feminine tone and burrowed its way into Vinyl's mouth Vinyl rolled her eyes into the back of her head as she screammed mentally 'yes! fuck momy's mouth! come on girl deepthroat me!'

The tendril extending more of its body from the endless void and looped itself around Vinyl's neck; the mare bucked her hips up at the feeling of the very warm slimby appendage securing itself across her throat and neck, tightening just enough to be snug.

'I fucking love you, I love you, I love you, I love you!' Vinyl screamed in her head. 'Make mamma cream her pants! fuck her until she can't move! Fuck me like the horny little piece of ass I am!'

The tendril did not dissapoint. It slithered its way into her mouth and wriggled around her tongue, her gums and teeth until it slathered every inch of her mouth with its slipery hot presence.

A piece of Vinyl's conciousness became part of the tendril. Not only was she loving every second of sucking on this blue slimy tentacle, but now it felt as if she were the thing, having a hot wet mouth suckling her body, like a giant clitoris as if her entire conciousness existed as a giant dick that was now getting serviced by this hot mare dripping from her beautiful cunt with desire.

Vinyl fucked her face, squeaking as the tendril while moaning as herself. 'Deeper.' she thought and deeper she went. As the tendril she snaked her way down past Vinyl's throat, Vinyl gagged a bit but then helped herself down the pipe by swallowing repeatedly until her sexy slimly blue self reached down towards the pits of her tube. As the tendril she shuddered at the feeling of the world's best blowjob, she could feel everything, the taste buts of the tongue as the muscles swished back and forth, the quivering sphincter of the throat spazming against the intrustion, the slick tight constrictiong of the throat all the way down to the entrance of the stomach. As if her whole body were one giant dick being swallowed, she squeaked and squeaked in blisssful ecstacy.

Vinyl moaned and rubbed her chest; the tendril worming down into her belly made her marehood squirt out more spurts of juice, screaming for attention. But she wouldn't give herself that pleasure, not yet. No, her pretty cunt had to earn its proper fucking. Vinyl growled seductively to herself at the thought of self induced pleasure denial. 'earn it you beautiful creature, earn it.' she thought to herself.

She swallowed more of the tendril and felt herself as the slimy appendage slip down into the mare's stomach. Fortunate bits of a dream came into play such as no stomach acid, as well as no need for breathing. The tendril pushed more and more of its mass into Vinyl's stomach, slidding around her neck as it fed more of itself, coiling at the end until a bee hive shaped cone of the thing sat in Vinyl's belly.

Vinyl moaned sensually in gentle satisfaction, like a thank you as she rubbed her hoof across her now bulging belly. The warmth of the tendril seeping into the muscles of her abdomen and back, she used her hooves to massage abdomin and was rewarded with intense pleasure as the tendril. The mass pleasure from burying herself in her own stomach was amplified as she felt pony hooves mash the stomach around her slimy form; the feeling of being a penis enhanced as the massive blowjob was now enriched with a new massaging experience stacked ontop. She skqueaked and skueaked as she thrashed around in the mare's mouth, throat, and belly. It was so good, so fucking good.

So.. s-so good!

The tendril squeaked and shuddered as a series of five bulges fed their way through the tendril from the darkness and making their way towards Vinyl's mouth. The mare's eyes sparkled at the sight, her cunt dripped even heavier as she saw the masses of liquid being forced through the intruder in her mouth, knowing that the tendril was about to paint the inside of her stomach with cum.

'yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!' Vinyl cheered in her head as she saw the bulges reach her mouth, force her lips and jaw oopen and then felt a massive heat force its way down her throat as if she had taken a much to large swallow of hot chocolate all at once. And it was glorious.

At last, Vinyl let out a muffled screm as she felt the liquid fire spray her insides, her tendril conciousness was having a siezure of bliss as it came inside the mare's stomach, coating herself in her own cum as she wriggled around in the hot wet squishy prison.

Vinyl felt her belly inflat to an uncomfortable point and the tendril finally withdrew, still pumping load after load into her throat. At last the tip retracted into her mouth cavity and painted her throat, teeth and tongue with another blast of hot cum, only to be followed by freeing itself from Vinyl's mouth with a 'pop' and busting one last load all over Vinyl's face much to her delight.

Vinyl swallowed as much as she could and let the rest dribble out of her lipps flowing down her chin and onto her neck as the tendril unwraped itself from her throat.

Vinyl chewed a bit on the thick white syrup in her mouth before pushing it out with her tongue and enjoying the feeling of the thick hot goo drizzling down her muzzle. Finally she took the first breath since having the tendril in her mouth and sighed in satisfaction, "I fucking love you..." she gazed tenderly at the tendril that squeaked in glee, then wrapped her hoof around it and licked the bulbous edge clean.

As it hung outside of her mouth, Vinyl shuddered blissfully and kissed the appendage as the tip flared and bulged, one last tiny squirt hit her nose and she giggled before licking the tip ravenously like a sucker as she had earlier. The music continued to play and Vinyl felt the wubs vibrating the hot goo in her belly, making it slosh around a bit with each beat, the base massaging her insides with its delicious beat.

Vinyl dreamed up a soft cushy bed in her mind and suddenly hse felt her body laying on the most comfortable matress in the world as the blanket of the black void surrounded her. Her marehood dripped and burned with need making her giggle in an almost sadistic delight as if she enjoyed teasing herself, "ah-ah-ah Vinyl... not yet honey, not yet... you still need to get fucked good in proper in every possible way..." her hooves curled and muscles shuddered, she kissed the tentacle's tip once more as a mona began to build up inside.

"miss tentacle here is gonna have her way with you first. She's gonna fuck you like the cum hungry little slut you are, you're gonna have jizz pouring out of every orifice except your beautiful glistening delicious cunt. No, that'll be last. Once tentacle fucks you raw, then you can cum all over her as he pound your hungry pussy into oblivion." Vinyl squirted out bits of juices from her slit as her body shook from her own dirty talk. being used as a fuck toy for this warm loving tendril made her drool in excitement. She wanted it, needed it so bad, more, she wanted more of it inside her. She wanted to be fucked good and proper in every conceavable way.

And thankfully, since this was a dream, that wish was more than manageable. Vinyl quivered out a sigh as she rested on the bed, dreaming up some more tentacles. The thin one swam back intot he dark void, dissappearing while five ones two and a half inches thick took its place. Vinyl cupped her forehooves behind her head and spread her hind legs wide eagle smirking seductively at the five wriggling appendages, "hey there sexy ladies... looken for something hot, wet, and squishy?" she giggled and wiggled her rump a bit as her tail flicked out to the side, "take your pick. Choose a hole and abuse it until you can't move." She shuddered again and squeaked a bit in the back of her throat from her massive arousal.

"oh dear fucking goddesses I love this... Come on you beautiful creatures, make momma scream!"

The tendrils shivered with excitement, this unbelievably beautiful horny mare wanted them, no needed them! They just had to help her out! It was simply the right thing to do!

Two of the tendrils made themselves useful by peeling away into two smaller ones each. The four thinner tentacles each wrapped around one of Vinyl's legs just above the hoof, spreading her forelegs wide and keeping her hind legs open in that deliciously welcoming position.

The other three dripped with excess lubricant as if they were drooling, starving for sexual gratification from this irrisistable goddess before them. One slithered around her right hind leg's thigh right next to her crotch before wrapping itself around her torso, slipping between the pony's back and the bedsheets until her belly and chest were entirely ensnared. More of the tendril's form came into existence from the void, feeding more length as it rose up like a snake in front of Vinyl's cum splattered face.

Vinyl liked the salty goo on her lips and eyed the tendril with bestial hunger, "ready for sloppy seconds sexy?" she asked in an almost growling voice, lust and primal animilistic hunger clouding her mind.

The tendril dripped more and more, squirting a bit of precum onto Vinyl's nose which made her drool, "fuck. my. throat. now." she commanded before opening her mouth. The tendril didn't need to be told twice and darted straight in, burrying itself down down her throat and into her belly, where it pressed against the edge of her stomach and poked the mass of its own body wrapped around Vinyl's torso. Then, it slipped itself out of her stomach and all the way up to the back of her mouth, then plunged right in again down into the cum filled organ. Again and again it penetrated her entire esaphagus as she gurgled out a moan around it's girth.

The other two blue tendrils were dripping with pre, shuddering with barely controlled horny excitement. The second one wrapped itself around her left thigh and began tracing a line of shining pre cum around her crotch area, coming so teasingly close to her vagina but never actually touching it, and finally it rested down at her tail hole and pressed against her anus.

Vinyl wiggled her rump, inviting the creature in and so the tendril pressed on past the tight ring of her rectum and pushed passed the tightening muscles until it entered into the beginnin or rather the end of her intestines.

The massive lubrication coating the tendril was much more than necessary for it to slither unimpeded through the intestinal tract, feeding more and more of itself into Vinyl's ass until an entire two feet were inside her. Yet another bonus of dreams, no solid waste gets in the way of anal.

'Deeper!' Vinyl commanded in her mind as her mouth was quite occupied with the first tendril making love to her throat and stomach.

And deeper it went, pushing further and further, Vinyl could feel every detail of the tendril, the bulbus head leading the way as she felt it snake back and forth through her intestines, working its way through a very very long set of tunnels. Amazing how much can fit in a pony's body...

'deeper!" Vinyl yelled yet again in her mind, she could feel the intrusion filling her up, stuffing her ass and occupying her intestines, so fucking full! 'DEEPER!'

And then the tendril's head pokked out into her stomach where it crashed into the other tendril fucking her throat. the two tendrils squeaked in laughter, then sailed past oneanother until the first tendril was five inches into Vinyl's intestines and the second was five inches up her esaphagus.

Then, as one pulled out, the other pushed in and vice versa, turning Vinyl into a spit roast as the two tendrils literally fucked her in one end and out the other.

'I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you!' Vinyl sang in her head, if her forehooves weren't restrained she would have hugged her belly in deep affection. Her pusy was leaking like a fossit and Vinyl figured that the poor thing had finally earned its time in the limelight.

'Alright girl, you were patient and obedient, time to have your treat. Ladies?'

The third tendril squeaked and lined itself up with Vinyl's utterly soaked pussy, reveling in its anticipation of penetrating those pufy soaked squishy lips.

'Alright girl, show me what you're made of.' Vinyl though to the tendril, immediately it penetated her crotch with huge enthusiasm, botoming out through Vinyl's entire vaginal tube and poking againsther womb.

Vinyl let out a muffled scream of pleasure and the tendril began pistoning in and out like a ferocious machine, But not only did it move in and out, it also squirmed and spasmed in all directions pressing against every inch of Vinyl's vagina, pushing at all angles, twisting, whipping around, wriggling, and fucking.

Drool and cum seeped out of Vinyl's mouth as her eyes rolled into the back of her head. Were she still awake, her current state of ecstacy would hav knocked her out for sure, the tendrils fucking of her ass and throat sent bouts of cum from her tummy up through her throat and spurting out around the tendril with every thrust while excess drool seeped out.

The base of the dubstep became ever more intense and caused Vinyl's entire body to shake, the vibrations rang throughout the tendrils amplifying the pleasure to new hieghts. Vinyl felt as if she had transcended into a new state of being, paradise existd, it was real for it was her world. She felt as if she were medatating in nirvana, every single sense in every cell devoted to a single purpse, to feel pleasure. Vinyl's world was pleasure. That was all that existed, sexual sensations were no longer a feeling, but a state of existence, like being hot or cold, comfy for stiff.

Vinyl was at true peace, seeing the greature truths of the world as pleasure became her only existence.

Her mind slipped back into the pseudo reality of the dream state as all three of the tendrils squeaked loudly it what was likely orgasmic moans as the bulges of cum began to appear form the void and feed their way through the tendril's lengths.

Vinyl's eyes were leaking with tears from pure joy. Words could not express the love she felt in that moment. The love directed at the tendrils which in turn were herself and therfore, feeling that overwhelming love showered upon her being.

The sensation of pure fullness took over as all three tenddrils thrusted in one last time, the first in her mouth burried itself deep down into her intestines while the second almost poked up into her mouth, the thirt shoved itself into her pussy presssing tightly against the very back of her vagina and then came the floods, lump after lump after lump ran down the tendrils and pumped unreal amounts of cum into her well fucked body.

Cum filled her every orifice, filled her belly to bursting until streams shot out of her belly button which wasn't biologically possible but hey, its a dream. More streams shot out around the tendril in her mouth as well as flooding out her nose. ropes of com spurted out around the tendril in her ass staining the sheets and drenching her tail. Finally the third tendril coated her insides white and exploded cum out the edges of her pussy around the tendril.

Tears poured down Vinyl's face as she cried in happiness. This was pure undefinable bliss.

At last the torents stopped and the tendrils slowly withdrew from their new homes.

This left Vinyl's vagina, anus and throat throbing and more open then they had any right to be, her mouth hung agape, unable to pant with cum still drizzling out her throt like a lake and overflowing down her mouth.

Vinyl lay there, all three holes well and truly fucked proper, void of pain and soreness thanks to her dream state, and still pulsing with the afterglow of her many, many orgasms experienced throughout the tendril gangbang.

And then, in a puff of air, the cum was gone leaving her clean as when she began. the tendrils released her hooves and they all coallessed together into a mass form before morphing into another Vinyl with writhing tendrils for legs. The tendril Vinyl climbed up onto the bed and nuzzled with Vinyl who looked at her clone with tears in her eyes, "I... love... you..." she choked out between happy sobs, "so... fucking... much..."

The tendril Vinyl nuzled her close wraping the appendages around her body, "I love too Vinyl... I love more than the world."

And in the comfy embrace of her lover, of herself, Vinyl drifted off into a deeper sleep, the dreamscape melting away as her counciousness fell into silent cozy darkness.


Vinyl yawned and stretched her legs as she awoke.

Vinyl smacked her lips a few times and smiled with a big goofy grin up at the ceiling, "Vinyl... you are fucking perfect... and I love you" she turned over to her side hugged the bunched up blankets like they were another body and snoozed away, this time dreaming of adventures as the barbarian princess fighting the evil orc army of tirnlokh