Hello and sorry if I got any of your expectations up but yeah I'm putting this story up for adoption.

But in my defense I didn't even write this story originally it was put up by someone else who put it up for adoption and deleted it.

I adopted solely so people could still read what was already written, the original author unfortunately deleted his Fanfic account and took the rest of his wonderful stories with him.

But I'll just cut to the chase; since I can't write anything that was started by other people I obviously haven't been writing new chapters but I do want to see this story continued and why I didn't do this 3 years ago when I was given official control but whatever.

And if you want to adopt the story there's you need to follow and none are optional.

No emo orange hating cold Naruto. Now yeah he starts off that way but he isn't meant to stay like that there's a reason he's being paired with the super optimistic, bubbly Ty Lee instead of the deadpan, cynical Mai.

Don't try to make it a super dark and gritty story. I don't want it to feel like it's being written by Frank Millar by that I mean don't bring up murder, rape, prostitution, drug use, and abuse whenever you get a chance. You can bring these things up but just not to the point where that's all the story can be remembered for.

No bashing that's all I have to say.

Now there is a request I have that is optional.

A few Naruto/Azula scenes with Azula being particularly creepy towards Naruto this includes but is not limited to molestation and reverse rape and maybe some yandereness.
You don't have to unless you're into that...like me.

So if you want to adopt it just PM me.