I don't own The Lost Boys... But GOD do I wish I did...
sorry for any mistakes, spelling/punctuation.
Let me know your thoughts...
The screams filled the air as usual that night, the screams of teens on the rollercoaster's and other such rides that filled the Boardwalk.
But the screams that the four boys cherished the most, those of the people whose lives' they held in their hands, would come later. For the moment they were content to just stand around their bikes and scan the crowd.
To passersby, it looked like they were searching for a particular someone in the sea of people that passed them. And to a degree, they were. What the passersby didn't know was that they were searching for their next victims. Or Prey as they preferred to call them. When they had first changed, calling their food prey had made it easier for them to suck the life out of their meal. Now it was just a habit.
At this hour of the night, it was mainly the Teens, Runaways, couples on dates and Adults having a good time. The occasional parent with sleeping child would be seen heading home.
No sane parent would let their child still be awake at this late hour.
Marko spotted a group of three girls headed towards the Ice Cream parlor. He didn't need to point it out to his brothers though. They were already eyeing them up to. The girls giggled as they noticed they were being admired by the boys. Thinking it was their prettiness that was attracting them. How wrong they were. By all means, they were pretty. But it was the way they were dressed. A little scruffy and showing too much skin. This group would be perfect. David had a feeling that they would not be missed. Even if there was a missing person's poster sign with their faces plastered on it, who would care? Everyone knew that if you made it onto the missing person wall, you were never coming back. Most people wondered why they bothered.
Dwayne, who did not seem interested in the three, continued to stare out at the ocean, occasionally glancing round in the hope of a prettier meal. He noticed a girl standing by herself. She was dressed up, no doubt waiting for a date, but she also looked a little sad. Apparently she had been stood up. He was just about to make his way over to her when he felt something bang into his leg. Looking down he saw that a girl, no older than four or maybe five was looking back up at him. Her blue eyes showed innocence and sweetness, her blonde hair scruffy and unkempt. As a human, Dwayne had always had a soft spot for kids. And as he looked down at this little one, the dateless girl, vanished from his mind. Without hesitation, he bent down to look at her at eye level.
"You lost little one?" He asked gently so as not to frighten her.
"Shelly knocked my hand and I let go of my balloon. Have you seen it?" She asked hopefully.
"We'll be back soon Dwayne." Paul spoke to him through their mind connection. From the corner of his eye he noticed that his 'brothers' had managed to pick up the girls and were already taking them to the beach.
"No, I haven't." At his reply, the girl looked sad.
"It was for my birthday. Momma bought it for me specially."
"Well we can get you another?"
"It was the only purple they had. Momma will know the difference. Stupid Shelly." Dwayne was amused at the unexpected anger in the girl's voice.
"Want to go find your Momma?" He asked her, thinking she, not to mention her mother, would be anxious to find each other. He was surprised however when she shook her head no.
"What do you want to do?" She looked around at her surroundings thoughtfully.
He noticed her eyes light up when they reached the Ice Cream Parlour.
"Ice cream?" She nodded enthusiastically.
He offered her his hand which she took without hesitation, and he led her over to the stand, joining the queue.
"So it's your birthday huh?"
"Tomorrow, but we don't come to the Boardwalk every day."
"How old?" He asked.
"Tomorrow I will be Six." She replied, holding up six fingers as if to prove the fact, quickly taking back possession of his hand when he had seen.
"Six huh? That's pretty old." She nodded seriously and tugged him down to her level to whisper in his ear as if to tell him a secret.
"It's ok though. Stinky Shelly will always be older." She whispered. She giggled as they reached the front of the queue.
"What'll it be?" The man behind the counter asked. Looking over the counter at her, she didn't need to think very long.
"Chocolate ice cream, with chocolate sauce and chocolate sprinkles please." Her smile lighting up her face as it showed the gaps where her baby teeth had fallen out. "In a tub if you have any?"
"You got it Sweet cheeks, anything for you?" He asked looking at Dwayne, the laughter evident in his voice.
He shook his head as way of a reply.
The man nodded and made up her order.
The girl took in her surroundings from her tiny height as the two waited.
She was a quiet type and he was ok with that. In fact he preferred it that way. Quiet kids were always his favorite.
After a few moments, the man arrived back with her order as Dwayne handed over the money.
"Thanks." He said before turning to walk back over to the bikes, still holding onto her hand.
"Thank you." His companion shouted over her shoulder a hint of chocolate ice cream already over her mouth.
He sat her on the railing placing his hands on either side of her to prevent her from falling and stood in front of her to watch as the amount of ice cream over her face amounted to the point where he wondered if any was actually going in her mouth.
She held the tub out in front of her, offering him some of the ice cream she seemed to love.
He simply shook his head in reply.
"But you bought it. You should have some."
"I bought it for you." As her cheeks flushed a little pink, he couldn't help but smile.
"And I'm offering you some. My Daddy says it's rude not to share."
"I don't have a spoon." He answered.
She simply gave her plastic spoon a look, and nonchalantly threw it over her shoulder.
"Neither do I." She smiled innocently and dipped her finger into the treat.
This time, when she offered the dessert to him, he didn't say anything. Instead, he too dipped a finger into the dessert, more than happy when she gave him a dazzling smile.
"Hey Dwayne." Marko said as he took the spot next to him. Paul and David not far behind leaned against their bikes, sending curious glances at the girl.
"Have you been bleeding?" She asked Marko curiously from her spot.
Marko shot her a Cheshire cat grin before answering. He didn't even bother to look at where she was pointing to the spots of crimson dotted on his top, "Just a little."
She offered him some of her ice cream to.
"Chocolate makes everything better."
Without having to be told twice, he dipped his finger into the half eaten dessert.
"Are these your friends to Dwayne?" She asked sitting up a little straighter to look over his shoulder at the other blondes.
"Yeah, more like brothers though."
"Would you like some of my ice cream?"
"Don't mind if I do Princess." Paul replied moving towards her.
"Who's your friend Dwayne?" David asked his voice smooth and calm as he moved the few steps forward to stand with them. A lot of people would have found his tone intimidating, but not the girl. Her smile simply brightened before she opened her mouth to introduce herself.
"CONAN." The girls head snapped to her left in the direction the voice had come from.
"Momma." She shouted back.
Dwayne thought it was a little odd that she hadn't jumped off the rail and ran towards the woman now standing with them.
"Conan, I've been looking all over for you." She said as she picked the girl up and placed her back on the ground. "What have I told you about going off with strangers?"
"But Momma, they're not strangers. That's Dwayne, and that's..." She watched Dwayne's mouth carefully as he mouthed to her the names of his brothers as she pointed them out to her mother.
"David... Paul...and Marko." She smiled looking pleased with herself.
"Have you been eating Ice Cream?" The older woman asked as she lowered her daughter onto the floor.
"It was just one Momma." She mumbled, looking down at the ground.
"Go and stand with your sister." The woman pointed behind her at a girl ten feet away. "And share your Ice Cream with her."
Conan didn't look to happy to told to share her treat with her sister but moved towards her anyway, mumbling as she did so, "Half sister."
Her Mother turned her eyes back to the four boys in front of her as her daughter reached her half sister.
"Do you really think it's appropriate to be giving a child Ice Cream this late at night? Now she'll be awake till dawn." She scolded them.
Her face was flush, and dotted with freckles. The anger evident by the way her blue eyes that her daughter had inherited sparkled.
"With all due respect Ma'am," Dwayne started, and the other three inched forward, keen to hear what their brother was going to say. It wasn't often that he spoke. But when he did, he always spoke wisdom.
Wether it was making a point, or giving advice, He was the best.
"If she hadn't been out this late, she wouldn't have been eating ice cream." He finished. He didn't need to elaborate; she knew exactly what he was insinuating.
The Mother opened her mouth, looking a little insulted and lost for words, but it quickly closed again when Conan's voice shouted from ten feet away.
"You want the Ice Cream? Have the Ice Cream." And with that she poured the now almost completely melted treat over her sister's head.
"CONAN." Her Mother shouted. Conan turned and tried to give her an innocent look while the half sister stood rooted to the spot, her mouth wide open in shock. But seeing as all five of them, not to mention at least twenty other people had just witnessed the scene she wasn't fooling anybody.
"We are going home right now young lady." Her Mother said as she stormed over to the two girls, taking one of their arms in each of her hands. "Don't worry Shelly, I won't let that stain."
As the four brothers laughed; Paul and Marko almost rolling around on the floor, David chuckling quietly and Dwayne smirking, Conan turned her head back to face them, still being dragged and nagged at by her Mother.
She waved to them, a sad smile on her face.
The four of them waved back, hoping that they would see her again soon.
From the corner of his eye, Dwayne spotted something purple floating in the sky.
"Conan. Conan sweetie wake up." Her mother was gently shaking her shoulder, bringing her away from the dream she was having, back in to boring reality.
"Happy Birthday Sweet pea." Her parent's chorused together when her eyes were finally wide awake.
Shelly of course had refused to join in the celebrations, but that would change later when the time came to cut the cake.
"Thanks Momma." The girl yawned before rubbing more sleep from her blue orbs.
"We'll be downstairs baby. Wash up." Her Dad added, as he ruffled her blonde hair.
"Ok." She nodded. "Thank you Daddy." Both parents turned and evacuated the room. Conan desperately wanted to shut her eyes again and disappear into the dream she had been having.
She had met four boys, who had been kind to her, so kind; she had even shared her ice cream with them.
She sat up now, her hair a wild mess and her face creased from her pillow.
A slight breeze came in through her window. That was a little strange, she thought to herself, she hated sleeping with the window open.
As she stood on her bed to close it, she noticed a balloon tied in a neat bow around the post.
Purple. Her favorite colour.
But she could have sworn she had lost it last night on the Boardwalk.
"Conan." Her mother shouted up to her.
"Coming." She shouted back.
She shrugged to herself. Maybe she hadn't lost it after all.