Hello my loyal followers, I AM SO SORRY, that i have not updated in such a long time! I just kind of lost where i was going with this story, and also just my motivation. However I will begin to write again so stay tuned! Anyways this chapter is not long, i do want to know if you like where i am going with this or if i should not go in this direction, READ before reviewing.
Anyways i do not own Harry Potter but i sure as Hell wish i did 3 I also would like to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Harry Potter himself, as today is July 31st 3
Harry rushed out of the room wand aloft. The rest of the group in the dining room quickly followed. It scared Harry, the yell he had heard. Ever since he got partnered up with Malfoy, and grew to like the git, he hated him sounding in pain. Hated anyone sounding in pain since the war ended. He remembered nearly losing his mind when Ginny gave birth every time.
"Harry!" Draco yelled out. Harry increased his speed and made it to where his partner was. Draco was on the floor, his head bleeding and his arm at an odd angle. Not only that, he was also at the feet of one Alastor Mad-Eye Moody.
"What did you do?" Harry asked immediately lowering his wand. Mad-Eye was not a threat, and knew that if he kept in wand trailed on him, that Mad-Eye would think he was a threat.
"Potter?" Mad-Eye asked as he addressed the older Harry. At the same time, the rest of the group gathered in the living room. Harry was still on the floor quietly mending Draco's wounds. "I'm guessing that you are our guest from the future?"
"Yes" Harry said soberly. "Draco you okay now?" Harry asked as he helped his partner up.
"Peachy" Draco said sarcastically.
"What the bloody hell happened?" Harry asked.
"Moody here cursed me as soon as he saw me!" Draco stated "Real nice trip Potter. First I get attacked verbally by weasel and the rest of the damn Adams family. And now by the big bad Auror too!"
"What?" Ron asked confused.
"It's a muggle reference Weasley" Draco replied.
"How do you know Malfoy?" Hermione asked confused "You hate muggles"
"I did Granger! Or this me from this time does. I don't! I grew up, can't you guys understand? Plus the Auror training has changed a bit. We have to study Muggle Police Customs in Auror Academy not just the normal Wizard ones." Draco said in a neutral voice, though Harry knew he was frustrated.
"So Moody just attacked you?" Harry asked wanting to understand what happened.
"Yeah I did Potter." Mad-Eye replied "What the bloody hell are you doing with a Malfoy?"
"This is honestly getting old" Harry said simply "In this time things are different, I understand but what you guys need to understand is that in the future things are very different. Much better in fact"
"That's good to hear" A voice said from the door way. All heads turned to see Albus Dumbledore walking into the room. "Harry, my boy, it's good to see you"
"The greeting goes both ways headmaster" Harry said in a light voice "Never mind the circumstances"
"Indeed. Everyone if you will, follow me into the dining room where I feel this conversation should take place, and please no more violence. We are all on the same side here" Dumbledore spoke to the room in general.
"Now Mr. Potter" Dumbledore spoke to older Harry once everyone was seated "How are you? Please tell us how everything went after the war was over"
"Well sir, once Voldemort was dead, I spent most of my time with Teddy" At this Harry smiled and turned to face Remus "He is an amazing man Remus. I love him like a son and well he is my son in all but bloody. I hope in the short time you had with him you learned to love him."
"I know he is and I do, and did learn to love him" Remus said happily "Thank you Harry for raising him like your own"
"I loved Teddy and like I said I spent most of my time with him. I even moved in with Tonks mother just to help out more. When I wasn't with Teddy then I was helping rebuild Hogwarts or some other part of the wizarding world." Harry said.
"How long till everything was good again?" Ginny asked quietly
"Long enough" Harry relied to his future wife, giving her a small smile "When everything was good, I finished my final year at Hogwarts, then started Auror academy. Before my graduation and my 20th birthday I proposed to Ginny"
At this Ginny Weasley blushed and older Harry winked at her. Malfoy snorted before saying "Give it a rest Potter, you're going to give her a heart attack" making a few people in the room laugh.
"So yeah I married Ginny, then James Sirius showed up and I couldn't be happier" At this Sirius laughed loudly.
"Pup thanks for naming your kid after me! But did you consider Sirius James?" Sirius asked jokingly.
"Of course I did Padfoot" Harry said also laughing "But what good would that do if he couldn't say Well Sirius is my middle name?" At this Draco wasn't the only one who rolled his eyes.
"Anyways a year after James was born I got partnered with Draco and it was alright. Then Draco had his son and then Ginny had Al. Don't start with me on his name" Harry said cutting himself off when he saw the distasteful looks. "Albus Severus is a fine name that Ginny and I came up with."
At this Albus gave Harry a big smile while Severus just glared at him.
"What Snape? Don't like that I used your name to name my son? Don't like that I call you Severus when you never gave me the right too?" Harry mocked lowly. He knew he shouldn't but he had to get to the Professor the only way he knew how.
"Potter you insufferable-"
"Hey! Watch it Snivillius" Snape snapped his mouth shut as did everyone else. Because the voice that said this did not come from Harry or from Sirius who had stood up. No it came from James Potter. The original marauder.
Before anyone could say anything, the lights went out, and there was a scream. Only one scream.
So what did you think? Do you like the direction in which i started or should i not go there and just go back to the way the story was before? Also again HAPPY BIRTHDAY Harry Potter 3 Please review and let me know what you think. I will wait to update till i know what direction my readers want me to go, okay? Thanks for reading!