Dean frowned, burrowing his head deeper into his pillow as something warm and wet moved across his face. Wrinkling his nose in annoyance, he rolled over in the crappy motel bed, tugging the covers after him and up almost over his head. A weight rolled off the bed as the blankets moved, ending with a soft 'thud' on the motel floor and a pathetic whimper. Dean's eyes slowly opened, and he sat up, grabbing Ruby's knife off the bedside table and leaning over the edge of the bed to peer at the small bundle on the floor.

"Damnit, Sammy, did you pick up another stray again?" A grunt issued from the next bed and Dean threw a pillow at his brother. "Sam!"

"What are you talking about?" Sam groaned, sitting up and squinting blearily at Dean, who jabbed a finger pointedly at the floor where a small, fluffy white dog was sitting, panting happily as it looked back and forth from Dean to Sam.

"Hey little guy, how'd you get in here?" Sam cooed, getting off the bed and slowly crouching down to pick up the pup. Dean rolled his eyes and flopped back down, burrowing into the covers once again. Sam held the puppy close, ruffling it's ears. "Who's the cutest wittle puppy in the whole wide world?"

A low, familiar voice answered "I am the cutest little puppy in the whole wide world."

Sam dropped the dog as Dean bolted straight upright in bed, snatching the puppy from out of the air before it could hit the floor. He glared at Sam as he held the dog up to examine it.

"Cas?" He said hesitantly. The puppy's ears dropped. "What the hell?"

A flutter of wings sounded from behind them, a noise which Dean would likely have missed if not for Sam gasping and grabbing Dean's arm in a deathgrip.

"Sam, what-" Dean's eyes widened and the puppy whimpered as Dean turned to look at a chair in the corner of the motel, where a scruffy man in a green denim jacket was smirking at him mischievously.

"Hey guys," Gabriel grinned. "Miss me?"