This story is based on the Naruto Anime and Manga series. The holders of the copyrighted and/or trademarked material appearing on this site are as follows:
NARUTO © 2002 MASASHI KISHIMOTO. All Rights Reserved.

(I do not own any of this, sad but true.)


(A few hours before Naruto and Sasuke leave on a mission)

"I'm telling you now...if anyone of you mess this up for me you're dead!" She yelled at them, "Now get out of here and kill the blond, and make sure they can only recognize him by the color of his hair. Dismissed."

Once they heard the stony commands from their mistress the assassins disappeared into the night. Looking for the one named Naruto Uzumaki.

Present day

(Leaving for the mission)

"Hurry up Naruto" Sasuke shouted as the person in question ran towards him, "We're already late leaving on this mission...dobe, Kakashi and Sai went on ahead." He told Naruto when he finally caught up to him.

"Honto ni gomen yooo ~ Sasuke" Naruto said looking sheepishly at him. "I wanted to see Sakura chan before we left. I haven't seen her since our last mission out." He explained his reasoning with a frown.

"Me either" He said turning to walk out of the big Konoha doors that were being guarded by Izumo and Kotetsu. They always seems to be there Sasuke thought.

"Man you guys are always here, rain or shine huh? No lives right?" Naruto said laughing with not a care in the world.

Sasuke couldn't believe his ears, well on second thought he who was he talking about? Naruto thats who, the guy couldn't keep his mouth shut for the life of him.

"Ne ne Sasuke, I'm right...they'll be standing right there at the age of 80." He said still laughing.

Sasuke sighed thinking that they weren't going to catch up to Kakashi and Sai no time soon, they had at least a half an hour start.

"Lets hurry up dobe," Sasuke said dragging Naruto by the back of his jounin vest.

"Cho cho chotto maaatte Sasuke" Naruto whined. "I'm coming you don't have to drag me..."

"Hm" Sasuke said and let Naruto go as he was midway in the air.

"Ahhh Sasuke you bastard" Naruto yelled as he tried to catch his balance on the nearest tree. "I'm gonna get you for that teme" He growled as Sasuke started to laugh and then the two stooges.

Naruto glared at them all as he made his way to the top of a tree in front of konoha. He took off hopping from one branch to another at breakneck speed.

Sasuke chuckled to himself, he just loved messing with Naruto in more ways then one. Maybe in this mission he could try the other ways he thought to himself as he picked up speed to catch up to his partner.

Sasuke smiled at that, if only Naruto realized the kind of partnering he had in store for him.

But little did the two know that they had much more in store for them than just catching up to Kaka Sensei and Sai and a little love problems here and there. As some new enemies follow in their wake.