A/N: It's going to take a while to rewrite the old version, guys. The last one took me forever to write. And 'editing' in my vocabulary means deleting it chapter by chapter in my word pad as I rewrite the entire paragraph, add some, completely erase some, and put in loads of stuff that wasn't there. Luckily this chapter didn't take me all that long, but I got off work today and had enough energy to put into writing a chapter that completely didn't exist in the old version. I'm serious. I wrote this entire thing out of two lines of the other one that only mentioned arriving at the resort. I turned two sentences into a highly descriptive and in my opinion fantastic chapter. And this spellcheck in the doc Manager? Tried to tell me that 'I' should be 'Eye' and 'fell' should be 'feel'. Seriously?

Anyway, let me know what you think!


When Atobe said the resort was large, I for some reason didn't foresee that he meant it was ginormous. I should have known, what with having seen his house and everything, but I hadn't guessed it. Hindsight really is always twenty-twenty. The entire resort was like a log cabin, and was without a doubt bigger than any building I'd ever been in, but it was beautiful. The dark wood of the building was offset by the massive amounts of fluffy snow on the ground, and the lights shining through every window made it look warm and inviting in the way only little old country homes should. There were pine trees everywhere, and most of them were lined in pretty white Christmas lights. To be honest, half the resort was done up the same way. No greens or reds or blues in the lights, just those pretty white icicle lights. It looked absolutely breathtaking and I once again found myself astonished at just how rich Atobe's parents truly were.

I turned my head to face Atobe, and found he was already staring down at me with a smile on his lips. I felt one turn my own lips when I remembered that had it still been June he would have been giving me that arrogant smirk and haughty turned up nose, but instead I was receiving one of those warm smiles. It was truly amazing how much he'd changed. And I hadn't even done much, hadn't even tried to change him myself. Well, I had told him that if he wanted any hope of my being his that he had to lose the arrogant, cocky attitude, and maybe I had smacked his arm every time he called himself 'ore-sama' until he stopped, but he'd done all the rest on his own. I'd watched him transform over time into the amazingly perfect man in front of me, and I counted my blessings that I'd caught his interest all that time ago.

"It's beautiful, Atobe-kun." It was a whisper almost, but the way his smile widened and his eyes sparkled I knew he had heard me. I let my eyes roam over the building once again and I let out a chuckle before running the few feet of snow between us and launching myself at him. He just let out a small laugh and wrapped his arms around me.

"I'm glad you like it, Riyana." He hugged a little tighter, and wrested his chin on my head. "And it's Keigo, alright? For the millionth time." A breathless chuckle followed the last bit, and I smiled a little into his chest. He never ceased to make me smile.

"Alright, Keigo-kun then." I conceded, pulling away from his chest. His eyes sparkled again, and his hand laced with mine. He knew I was weary about calling him Keigo. I hated to think that one day I'd have to go back to calling him Atobe again. He knew just how worried I was that he would get bored with me if I accepted him, and he assured me through it all that he would never be able to. But the more and more he told me to, the more he held me like he did, and played with my fingers, and kissed me, the more I wanted to. The more I fell for him. My walls were breaking down, my worries crumbling by the minute, and surely he knew it if I was agreeing to call him by his given name. Maybe I'd get hurt in the end but wouldn't the in between be amazing?

"Finally." It was a breathless whisper, but the grin he sent me screamed volumes and I actually had to turn away to hide a blush that he noticed anyway if the hand he placed on my cheek meant anything.

"Oi, Lovebirds. Sorry to be the one to interrupt, but I'm starving to death over here!" Oh Momo. That boy is the only person I know who can eat all day and still be starving the entire time.

I rolled my eyes, and looked up at Keigo again. He sent me an exasperated look to which I grinned, and we all began on our trek into the resort once Misato had run up and linked arms with me. Ato-... Keigo... assured us all the staff was going to grab our bags as we headed forward, and he was proven right when almost twenty workers clothed in dark slacks and oxfords wearing snow boots and heavy coats came out and bowed to us before heading towards the bus. That was probably why he made sure we put tags on all of our bags before we loaded them. So they would know which bags went to each room. The boy was nothing if not thorough.

The inside of the resort was just as exceptionally beautiful as the outside. The walls of the lobby were painted a coffee brown color that complimented the marble-topped black desk situated across from the intricately carved double entrance doors. Two hallways lead back from opposite sides of the desk to what I could only assume were rooms and facilities. Pictures lined the walls of winter landscapes, as well as pictures of families that had traveled there, and the floors were cream colored and tiled. The contrast of the room's colors just themselves were fantastic, and the two women behind the desk provided their own color splash of blonde and red, light and dark.


A familiar warmth spread to my cheeks when I heard the chimed tones accompanying the clacking of heels from the exit to the left of the desk. No sooner than I had straightened ought my jacket and fixed my ponytail, a woman with curly silver hair rounded the corner and graced our entire group with a warm smile. She was adorned with an emerald colored blouse with a collar that opened only to just above her breasts, a dark belt accentuating her small waist, and a pair of black stilettos peaking out from beneath her slacks. Her hair was down in long, curling ringlets, her equally emerald eyes sparkling behind the dark lining of her makeup, and you would never guess her age from the lack of wrinkles on her flawless face. I had forgotten his mother would be here.

"Okaa-san, we're here." The smooth drawl of the boy beside me brought me out of my daze with a squeeze to my hand as assurance. The silence behind us told me that at the very least Momo and the rest of Seigaku were fairly dazed by his mother, or else it would be much more noisy.

"Oh, I thought so! Riyana!" Her eyes lit up immediately when she spotted me and with just a few short clicks of her heels I was brought into a tight hug and had a kiss placed onto my cheek. I returned the hug lightly, and gave the sweet woman a sheepish smile once she'd released me. "It's so good to see you again! Pretty as always, I see!" I knew she was sincere in her compliment, so I smiled, but inside I was wondering why on earth she thought I was pretty with my hair thrown in a ponytail, and no makeup on my face. Let alone the jeans that I knew she found to be just a little too baggy. The only thing she ever disapproved of when it came to me was that the woman thought I should only ever wear skinny jeans because 'I had the legs, as well as the rear for them' and she absolutely hated girls wearing baggy jeans. However, with a two hour bus ride she was lucky I had jeans on and not pajama pants. I do not by any means like long car rides in denim.

"It's good to see you again, Atobe-san, and thank you." I gave her a sheepish smile that she returned with a grin before she pulled the cobalt-eyed boy beside me into a hug aswell and kissed both his cheeks.

"Keigo, I'm glad you all made it safe! And please," She eyed me as she said this, "Tell Riyana that not only is she pretty, but that I've told her a million times to call me Maeko!" A pout adorned her red lips when she said this, and I stopped my lips from twitching into a smile.

Atob-... Keigo turned to look at me and sent me a playful smirk. "You are most definitely pretty, if not absolutely beautiful, so stop being self-conscious, love." He kissed my cheek as he said it, and then chuckled, "And Okaa-san is going to throw a fit if you don't start calling her by her first name, too."

His mom sent me a bright smile and then turned to the rest of the group, "Hello, everyone. I hope you enjoy yourselves! I'll be working most of my stay up here, so I probably won't see you much, but if you need anything at all just ask, okay?" That woman is fantastically amazing, and I love her. I love her husband too, but that is probably more because it's entertaining to see an older version of Keigo whose eyes are constantly filled with mischief and who enjoys picking the woman up over his shoulder and carrying her out of the room when she tries to make me a barbie-doll.

"We surely will, Atobe-san." Oshitari's voice spoke up from the back, and she sent him a warm smile, before I took a small step towards my cousin and friends.

"Oh, err... Maeko-san, this is my cousin Kunimitsu," I introduced, and she shook his hand and sent him one of her smiles.

"It's very nice to meet you, Riyana mentions you quite a bit, as does Keigo!" He sent her a small not in response, and smiled a little.

"Thank you. It's a pleasure on my end as well, Riyana speaks very highly of you." His assurance of my fondness of her had me on the receiving end of another smile myself.

"I'm very fond of her too. I'm only hoping she'll finally give in to my Keigo here soon." She sent me a small wink as she said it and I giggled when I heard Keigo mutter his agreement. Kunimitsu nodded with another chuckle of his own, and I pulled Oishi forward next.

After the introductions were over and various questions had been asked and answered, she finally let out another giggle and motioned behind her towards where she'd come. "I should probably show you guys where your rooms are. Just follow me, alright?" An assortment of nods and agreements met her words, and she spun on those dangerously high heels of hers like it was nothing and walked off towards the left hallway with us following. I seriously admired that woman for being able to walk in heels like that, let alone spin! Then again, I am fairly clutzy so maybe it's less admiration and more jealousy.

"Excited, Riyana-koi?" Ato-... I really need to remember to call him Keigo, but either way it was him talking to me while I spaced out trying to remind myself of his name change. I spared him a sideways glance and spotted the amused glint in his eyes and stuck my tongue out at him before dropping back to Eiji behind us when I heard him whisper a question about how young Maeko-san looked.

"She does look really young, I told her that when I first met her. I honestly thought she could have been At... Keigo-kun's sister. Older sister, by a few years, but not mother!" I whispered back. He nodded his head in agreement and I heard Oshitari chuckle behind us.

"That and for her age she has fantastic legs." At my highly disturbed look, and Eiji's look of horror, he simply raised an eyebrow. "You've yet to see her during the summertime in one of her skirt-suits. You'll understand someday."

"And here I thought you were just a pervert, not someone who was looking for a sugar-Mommy." It was a mumble but the scoff he sent back assured me that he'd heard me.

"Not so much a sugar-mommy as a mistress." The blue-haired boy had the audacity to wink at the completely disgusted forms of both Eiji and I, so the two of us shared a look and promptly fell back next to Momo instead. I needn't say we were both mentally scarred.

"Do I want to know why the both of you look green in the face?" His eyes narrowed at the both of us, and the almost violent shaking of our heads must have convinced him for once because he dropped the subject. "Alright then... This place is huge! And it's so nice!"

I let my eyes wander again to take in the splendor of the well-lit hallways and the grandeur of the entire resort as a whole, and shook my head with a small smile on my lips once again. Only Keigo, Maeko-san, and Hiruma-san could have possibly come up with- as well as spend the money for- this. Sometimes it worried me that Keigo had so much money. I had initially thought that would be all he cared for, and that when he realized that I was only just above middle-class he would leave in the blink of an eye, but he didn't. He seemed to honestly enjoy spending the rare day at my house, or going out to a burger joint once in a while (although it had been hell to convince him to at first. It 'wasn't suited to his pallor nor his diet'). He flaunted his money though, that was for sure. He was constantly trying to spoil me at every given moment despite knowing that I hated to be spoiled. I hated feeling like I owed someone something. He chose to ignore it and simply took the bruises to his arm he received. I may be slightly abusive towards him... Maybe I should stop?

"Riyana," Maeko-san's voice chimed from the front and I locked eyes with her as she walked down yet another hallway. I was going to get lost here for sure. "Keigo made absolutely sure that there were a few bags of marshmallows in your room, just so that you know." She giggled. I could almost feel my eyes burn from lighting up, and sent Keigo one of the biggest grins I could. He returned it with one of his signature smirks, but I could see the pleased look in his eyes.

"If nothing else, he knows the way to your heart, Riyana-sempai." Choutarou's voice cut in from behind me with a chuckle. I spared him a calculating sidelong glance before eyeing Keigo in my best 'analytical' look. He simply snickered at me and I could hear Maeko-chan's giggles from this far back.

Oh yes. He was most definitely onto the yellow brick road, there. Marshmallows are my weakness. Marshmallows, caramel, and peanut butter. ...Not together, but that actually does sound rather yummy...

Maybe Momo wasn't the only one who was hungry.

A/N: Yeah. Entire chapter that wasn't there before. I never put his mother in the old one, I think. And I certainly didn't have a whole chapter about them getting there and heading to their rooms. But I love it anyway. Let me know what you think!
