"When one door of happiness closes, another opens, but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened for us."

–Helen Keller


"Come on, smile."

As soon as Murasakibara said that, Aemi blushed and scurried away from the library as fast as as she could. Even after she got home, Aemi could not erase those words inscribed in her mind.

The next day, Aemi hid in front of the shelves and looked at their corner. Murasakibara was there, not eating anything for some reason. He had a far away look on his face.

"Come on, smile." These words replayed on Aemi's mind again, causing her to flush bright red. She paced back and forth restlessly.

"Should I go to him? What if things get awkward? What should I do? Would he accept my brownies?"

"Hungry..." Murasakibara thought. He purposely did not bring snacks because the snacks that Aemi brought him were much more delicious.

Yesterday, Aemi had promised him to bring brownies before leaving suddenly after he said...something he could not remember. Ah! It was something about her smile. It was a pretty one with a dimple. It was shy, and it looked gentle.

"By the way, why isn't she coming?"

When Murasakibara was wondering this, he heard silent steps on the library carpet. When he looked to that direction, he saw a red-faced Aemi who was pacing back and forth. Murasakibara chuckled. He wondered why Aemi always seemed like a puppy when she was with him.

"What are you doing? Come here."


"I wonder what Aemi-cchi is doing?" Kise said to Kuroko.

"...I'm sure she is doing well,"

"What's with that worried expression? If you're worried about her, just go see her!"

"I can say the same thing to you,"

"Hahaha... I'm not ready to see her yet,"


"I miss her... All of the members of the Generation of Miracles miss her...Well, probably,"

"Except for Atsushi-kun. He never met Aemi before,"

"Oh yeah! Well, too bad for him!"

Another Meanwhile...

"Wa...Why do they have to be so lovey-dovey in a library? Food is not allowed!

If only I was as tall as him..." the library caretaker cried.

Stop, stop, stop! Stop torturing me!

Things were going so well... I didn't care if anyone made fun of me and mocked me. I have one person that doesn't see me as a slut!

But...Will he betray me like the others? Why am I doubting him? I know that he is different

Please...someone...make these nightmares go away...

Ring, ring, ring...

"Hello? Aemi? It's Kuroko. There's a reason why I'm calling you and not texting you. I just want you to listen to me.

I'm sorry I couldn't be with you... I thought that we needed some distance between us. I never meant to leave you when you were having a hard time. For that, I'm very sorry. Kise is very sorry, too.

When I go see you, will you greet like how you did before?

I miss you."

Aemi hung up the phone and went to sleep. The nightmares did not bother her anymore.

Hello, my dear readers! I'm very, very, very, very sorry for the late update and the shortness of this chapter. Things have been...chaotic.

Please don't throw tomatoes at me!