Author's note:
Not sure what to think of this story really lol it came to me about 3 in the morning so it might be bad but the idea of it made me SQUEE inside :) So I ran with it even though the case is rather lame hahahahahahahaha, but its not really about the case/person of interest.
Hope you enjoy!
"Mr. Reese have you arrived yet?" John handed his coat to a young woman that was dressed in a clichéd maid uniform. He already felt out of place being in a tuxedo, inside a mansion, and pretending to be a hedge fund manager worth over a hundred million dollars. He was to attend a charity auction, but Harold was not very informative about what exactly the charity auction was for.
"Yes Finch I arrived, but what's going on?" he asked when he saw about twenty other men dressed much like he was waiting around the foyer as well. When he had gotten to the gate they asked for his name, and when he gave it they sent him to park in the back making him enter from the back entrance of the mansion with security while a few other cars drove the other way towards the front of the mansion. He was slightly confused as to what was going on, and wanted answers.
"I should have warned you Mr. Reese that this isn't your typical charity auction, but I was afraid you would have refused to go undercover."
"What do you mean Finch why would I ever do that?" he glanced in question at a man that was pinning a number on him.
"Well you see Mr. Reese you are what's to be bid on."
"Excuse me?"
"Mr. Reese it's a charity bachelor auction, and you are one of the two most coveted bachelors there. The other is our new number Mr. Henry Leiken so please try to stay as close to him as possible."
"Finch." he spoke quietly as he could. "You mean to tell me I am about to walk into a room full of women that want to bid on me?" he demanded as he hung back inching his way close to the exit.
"Have fun Mr. Reese." John felt tense, and he looked at his new number who eyed him a little with a smile. The man was his mid thirties, and had built Kirkland department store from the ground up to now having over ten stores in the New York area. They hadn't been able to figure out who would want him dead, and Finch had suggested he get close to the multimillionaire tonight at the auction. But Finch had conveniently not mentioned what type of charity auction this was!
"You alright?" the man asked as he walked towards him. "You look ready to bolt the first second you can. Is this your first bachelor charity auction?"
"I'm Henry Leiken." he held out his hand.
"John Wiley."
"Oh the hedge fund manager that's worth a lot of money its nice to meet you Mr. Wiley."
"John please."
"Henry. Well John I have done about ten of these things now, and the money is for a good cause so have some fun." John was clapped hard on the back.
"I'll try to remember that." the man let out a wallop of a laugh.
"The women aren't that bad they might try a little hands on approaches, but overall they just flirt. You can handle flirting right?"
"Not really." he usually ignored flirting whenever a waitress tried, or a woman on the street that stopped him.
"Well good luck then buddy because you are going to need it since the rest of us aren't the best looking bunch, and you out do us all in the looks department so you are in trouble." the doors opened, and John let out a loud exhale when he saw the wall to wall women inside. He felt hesitant as the men filed in, and he could hear women talking. Okay he could do this he had walked in a room with about fifty men trying to kill him, so he could walk into a room full of women wanting to bid on bachelors. John slowly entered when all the others already did so, and grabbed the last glass of champagne. He paused as he took a sip as all female eyes were on him. He forced the sip down his clogged throat, and lowered the glass. He forced a weary smile on his face.
"Hello." and with that he turned to make a beeline for the corner of the room where his new number was talking with another bachelor.
"Are you alright John?" he looked at Henry who had a giant grin on his face. "Its not so bad once you get in to meet, and greet the women."
"Or maybe in your case it might be bad." Henry chuckled slapping him on the back again before walking away. John turned around, and gulped when he saw women surrounding him.
"Detective thank you for helping Mr. Reese." Joss chuckled seeing him in the corner looking decidedly out of his element with the women literally surrounding all his escape routes. If this was a group of bad guys they would all be already on the ground beaten up, or with wounds to the knees. She tried to snuff out the bubble of laughter at John's panicked look clearly he had no idea what to do with a giant swarm of females blocking his every exit.
"Well John isn't going to be able to stay close to Mr. Leiken he has to deal with about sixty females wanting to talk with him. I'll go up to him to see if I can find out anything from him as a perspective buyer." she grinned shooting John one last look before making her way over to the man in his mid thirties who was grinning as he eyed the chaos around John. "Aren't you a little jealous?" she sidled up to him, and he turned to look at her.
"No when his assistant called to sign him up, and he sent me a photo of Mr. Wiley I knew he would draw in big numbers tonight which is good. Its for cancer research, and I am hoping it gets downright competitive for Mr. Wiley to drive up his price."
"You sound like you really like this charity auction, and don't care about who buys you."
"I do because I set this up this charity auction it's my baby, and my way to raise some awareness along with money."
"So this is your mansion?"
"Yes every year I do two of these."
"Someone close to you pass away?"
"Yes someone very dear to me my fiancée."
"I'm sorry."
"Me too she was my one and only. We are close to a breakthrough with cancer research, and I want to help in anyway I can to save someone from the pain of losing someone they love."
"Well I wish you the best of luck."
"Thanks, and happy hunting." the man grinned raising his glass up in a toast. She smiled this guy was so nice who would want to harm him?
"I think I'm going to try to go speak with Mr. Wiley if I can wrestle my way over there."
"Poor guy looks ready to run for his life."
"You can say that again." she chuckled eyeing John. The man could handle guns being shoved in his face, but not aggressive women which made her smile as she tried to make her way over to him. Joss stood waiting for about a half hour, and finally the crowd around him began moving away. Joss watched as he downed another glass of champagne as she made her way towards him. The man looked tense as all hell, and not at all the normal calm, cool, and collected man he usually was. "Well isn't it fancy seeing you here?" he blinked and turned a little to look at her. Did John realize how good he looked in that tuxedo he filled it to perfection? No wonder the women didn't want to leave him alone they wanted to bask in his hotness. She was wearing a formfitting burgundy colored strapless gown, and Joss felt his eyes sliding across her body making her feel beautiful.
"What are you doing here Carter?"
"I'm your backup." she looked behind him watching the women watching him. "And you're so going to need it." she chuckled.
"What do you mean?"
"John the women are drooling all over you while the other men are hating you because all the women are looking at you." she smirked as she took another sip of her wine. "But I have a feeling that you can handle the anger from the men easier compared to the aggressive women."
"Carter they are cutthroat they were arguing amongst themselves over who got to stand near me. A few grabbed me in an awkward place, and I haven't felt this on display ever in my life."
"You can't leave though John this is for a good cause, and you need to stay close to Mr. Leiken. You can handle being eye candy for a couple hours, and going out on a date John." she stopped when he looked unsure. "You do remember how to date right?"
"I should ask you the same question Carter do you remember how to date?"
"We aren't talking about me."
"Oh but you turned down detective Beecher in seconds flat."
"How did you know about that?" she demanded, and he shrugged. "You listened in on my conversation with him!"
"I'm just saying if you were more aware of your beauty you'd realize why Beecher, and other men are persistent. You should give one of them a try."
"So you're saying I'm beautiful?" John looked at her.
"Surely you know you are beautiful Carter, and been told it repeatedly."
"Not from you." they stared at one another. Sometimes when they looked at one another it felt like the outside world faded away leaving just them, and this was no different. She forgot about the charity auction she forgot why they were there everything seemed not to matter anymore, but him. John broke the eye contact first, and effectively broke the spell she was under. She heard talking on a microphone, and she turned around.
"Please ladies take your seats, and bachelors please come up to the front of the room." Joss watched John a little, and he looked like he was just sentenced to his death as she took a seat in the back. John walked by, and several women were calling his name, but he kept his head down. Joss felt her phone buzz. She pulled it out of her clutch while the man that was the auctioneer began talking about each of the men. She answered it quickly.
"Yes Finch?"
"Detective I need you to buy Mr. Henry Leiken."
"I don't have that sort of money Finch."
"Don't worry I will foot the bill."
"What about John?"
"Don't worry I sent in another reinforcement to buy Mr. Reese."
"Who?" she asked quietly, and felt the seat next to her being taken. "Never mind." She hung up with Finch placing her phone in her lap, and eyed John's fake wife. "Zoey."
"Detective." she grinned crossing her legs. The bidding began for the first bachelor, and she eyed the front seeing John, and Henry Leiken were at the end of the line.
"So I guess here we are bailing John, and Finch out of a jam again."
"I guess so detective." Zoey eyed her. "However, I couldn't help but notice something of interest while I came in here."
"What?" she asked sipping her wine nervously playing with her paddle she was given.
"The way you, and John look at one another." she choked on her wine a bit.
"We don't look at each other in any way."
"Denying it makes it worse detective. Normally I don't try with men they try with me, but with John he's a little different an exception to my rule. I tried a lot with John, but I have a feeling that no matter how much trying I do it won't amount too much."
"I'm really at a loss of what you are talking about, and the guy I am supposed to bid on is coming up next." Joss looked up watching as Henry Leiken stood up. She couldn't believe how quickly the bidding went making Henry, and John the last two men left.
"Detective you so owe me for this, and I will cash in my favor eventually." she smiled when the bidding started. Zoey raised her paddle. "I bid three million dollars."
"What are you doing?" Joss demanded, and her phone buzzed again almost immediately.
"Three million dollars going once, going twice, and sold for three million dollars." the auctioneer banged the gavel, and Zoey smiled down at her as she stood up.
"Happy bidding detective I think you might have your hands full with getting John." she said before making her way forward to go greet the man she just bought. Joss picked up her cell phone out of her lap, and answered it.
"What Finch?"
"What's going on detective?"
"I don't know but your reinforcement to buy John just bought Mr. Leiken."
"You need to purchase Mr. Reese."
"I know that what's your limit?" she asked watching as John stood up slowly when he was called the second time from the auctioneer.
"No limit just win Mr. Reese we can't have him out on a date with some random woman who a lot of resources, or they might discover who he really is." she sighed hanging up, and when the bidding started at a measly one hundred thousand dollars all the paddles went up in the room. John appeared at ease with his hands in his pockets, eyeing the room with his piercing blue eyes, but anyone who knew him could tell he looked very uncomfortable by the set of his jaw.
"One million." Joss blinked her eyes turning to see a pretty brunette who couldn't be older than twenty five wearing a tight blood red gown stand up, and was grinning at John as if she already won.
"Two million." Joss forced herself to speak as she stood up refusing to back down. John's eyes widened as he looked at her.
"Two, and a half." Joss glared at an older woman who had to be in her fifties now getting into the bid war.
"Three." Joss countered.
"Three point five million." the woman in the tight red dress grinned at her as if knowing she couldn't afford that.
"Four." Joss couldn't believe she was even attempting to outbid probably an heiress who was used to getting her way.
"Stop trying to outbid me for him because I don't lose especially to a frumpy looking woman like you. I say a night with that man up there is worth big money that you probably don't have. So I bid seven million dollars." the young snot said loudly for the room to hear. Several awed sounds made it out of women, and Joss wanted to slug this girl so badly. The other men were talking amongst themselves, and Mr. Henry Leiken looked gleeful that John was raking in so much money. She prayed Finch wouldn't be upset with her.
"Eight million." she said before she thought about it.
"Too rich for my blood." the old woman sighed sitting down.
"I can't explain eight million dollars to my daddy!" the girl snapped.
"Well then I suggest you sit down, and shut up since I don't need my daddy to buy me anything. I guess Mr. Wiley is all mine." Joss grinned as the auctioneer called out sold, and the brunette woman looked pissed off at the moment. Joss lifted her chin as she moved forward towards where John was standing holding a rose for her. She walked up to him, and he leaned down to brush his lips against her cheek sending a small shiver through her.
"What's going on?"
"Nothing John." she kept a smile on her face as she took the flower. She looked around, and noticed that Zoey was grinning at them as music filled the room. Joss watched as several other bachelors were dancing with their women that purchased them. John looked more relieved as he held out his hands. She took his hand while his other arm wrapped around her back, and she swung her clutch over his shoulder feeling it buzz. Finch was probably calling in shock over how much it cost to buy John, but all that gave way as they swayed to the music. "I can't believe I spent eight million dollars of Finch's money to buy a date with you." she chuckled looking up at him.
"Thank you."
"What you didn't want to go out with the brunette viper?"
"Not really she talked a lot about herself, and how great in bed she was. She pinched my ass kind of hard too, and I still can feel it." Joss chuckled, but cringed when John stepped on her foot.
"You have had to dance before right John?" she said staring up into his eyes, and she wondered if he knew they sparkled under the dim lights?
"I'm a bit rusty I haven't done this in years."
"Well your stiff as a pole just relax a little."
"Yeah you know where you aren't tense. God John you need to get out more often."
"Carter this isn't for fun we are trying to stay close to Mr. Leiken."
"I'll say you have stepped on my toes like a billion times now John." he looked down at their feet, and then back into her eyes.
"Sorry." he sighed as they continued to slow dance. Joss bit on her lip to keep from crying out when he stepped on her foot again. "Sorry again Carter."
"Remind me next time when Finch asks me to be your backup at some mansion NOT to do so if there is dancing involved. You're lethal to a girl's toes." and hearts by the way the women who didn't win him were eyeing him with such longing. Joss felt funny as he pulled her closer towards him feeling cherished in his arms. What was going on here? She wasn't quite sure why all of a sudden she felt an overwhelming urge to capture his lips with hers, or really go on this date with him. There relationship was easy, and in no way did she want to complicate things between them. Sure she thought about him in a more than pure fashion, but she was a woman appreciating a nice looking man. Joss stared into his eyes as they swayed together pressing close, and he was looking at her in a way she hadn't noticed before. It was sort of a way that made her feel breathless, and want to know if it meant anything.
"Deal." he smiled lightly at her making her heart flip a little which she didn't like at all. He looked over to where Zoey was dancing with Mr. Leiken, and her gaze followed.
"So I bet you are saddened that your wife didn't buy you instead huh John?" she said while John looked at Zoey, and Henry Leiken. John immediately looked down at her she hid a cringe when he stepped on her foot again.
"First of all I explained that situation to you about Zoey, and secondly why would you say that?"
"Well you keep looking at her." she couldn't compete with a woman like Zoey, and she didn't know what Zoey's game was but clearly it was working. John wanted to go be with her, but he was forced to be stuck with her.
"I keep looking at Mr. Leiken our person we are trying to stop whatever bad thing is about to happen to him, and not at Zoey."
"John you don't have to spare my feelings okay I didn't even want to buy you I was supposed to buy Mr. Leiken." his bad dancing got worse because he stopped altogether.
"I'm sorry Finch forced you to do something that clearly you did not wish too."
"John that came out wrong what I meant was Zoey was supposed to buy you not me." she sighed as he stepped back.
"Stay here." he walked around her, and she watched as he followed Henry Leiken out. Zoey walked over towards her with a knowing look on her face.
"Look I don't know what you are up too nor do I care either, but John's feelings matter to me so stop playing games." Zoey chuckled heartedly. "What's so funny?"
"You are detective Carter! I can't believe you are that blind to your own feelings, and that man's for you. John wants you detective, but he won't make a move on you without a sign that you want him too."
"John, and I are just friends."
"My business is knowing people detective, and John's a riddle I don't understand him which usually makes me like people less. But not with John I viewed him as a puzzle a fascinating puzzle that I wanted to figure out. You, however, aren't nearly as hard to figure out you detective."
"Oh so I'm easy to read is that it?"
"You like him, you respect him, but you don't know what to do with these feelings for him that you have. He is a rule breaker while you are not, and sometimes that causes friction between you two. But let me guess when you are alone thinking of him, and how angry he makes you the anger changes to passion." Joss opened her mouth to snap it shut. "How am I doing so far detective?"
"I haven't even thought of him that much."
"Lying is unbecoming detective because you think about him just as much as I do. We are both attractive women appreciating a good looking man that his aloofness makes him even more attractive. You think about his mouth, his hands on you, and you think about what it would be like if he let loose a little of that precious control he has." Zoey chuckled as Joss shifted a little feeling uneasy at how easily this woman knew what she thought about. "I know because I thought about the same things detective, but the only difference is John wants you not me. He flirts with me, but that's all it will ever amount too unfortunately for me. But with you he treats you differently with great care almost as if he's afraid to touch because he'll break you."
"I'm not made of glass."
"I'm usually a very selfish individual, but when it comes to John for some reason I become selfless. Maybe its because he saved my life, but whatever the reason is he makes me strive to be a better woman to think of others so that's why I am telling you this."
"Look Zoey I appreciate your candor, and yes I think of John from time to time but I'm quite positive he doesn't think of me like that. If anyone he has a thing for it would be you so nothing is going to happen between us." Joss sighed when John came back with Henry Leiken both men talking quietly. John hurried with him over to where they were standing.
"Mr. Leiken's new business partner just tried to kill him upstairs, and make it look like an accident. I already called the police, and detective Fusco is on his way over." John said and she nodded her head.
"Are you okay Mr. Leiken?" Joss asked the man. He was a great philanthropist that the world needed.
"I'm okay but you missed your date saving my life he knocked Brock out with one punch. I have never seen a hedge fund manager beat up anyone before." Henry chuckled.
"He's in an upstairs room unconscious tied to a bed post awaiting detective Fusco." she nodded her head.
"I can't wait to thank you Mr. Wiley publicly, and call you the hero that you are to the world." Joss's eyes widened as John's did realizing this guy wanted to put John on the news.
"Oh its no big deal Mr. Leiken."
"I beg to differ Mr. Wiley its huge news you saved my life, and I want the world to know about it you deserve to be called a hero."
"Really I don't want the press to know I saved your life."
"Why not its good publicity? You're a recluse aren't you? It would make sense as to why I never heard of you before."
"If I might suggest something that you could do in thanks to Mr. Wiley." Joss eyed Zoey for a moment wondering what she was up to.
"By all means Ms. Morgan." Henry grinned.
"How about you treat Mr. Wiley, and his lovely date here to dinner paid for by you."
"That's absolutely perfect Ms. Morgan."
"Oh no that's really not necessary either." both John, and herself tried to wiggle out of it since they weren't planning on going on their date.
"Oh nonsense you saved my life Mr. Wiley surely I can repay you with buying dinner for you, and your lovely date." Joss shifted her eyes from Zoey who had a gleam in her eye to Fusco entering the room. He walked over.
"Where's the guy that attacked you Mr. Leiken?"
"In the upstairs library it's the first room to the left." Fusco nodded his head following where he pointed.
"Well in all fairness Mr. Wiley Henry here could just tell the world that you saved him, and they would search for you till they got a scoop from the man that saved a multimillionaire whose in the news regularly." Zoey grinned ignoring the looks both John and herself sent her. What was she doing they were supposed to be keeping John's identity a secret?! "So if you don't want that I think taking him up on his offer to send you, and your lovely date here to a romantic dinner is a good idea."
"Yes one way, or another I will thank you Mr. Wiley either publicly or personally."
"Well I guess we are going to dinner now Jocelyn on Mr. Leiken's dime." Joss eyed John nodding her head. Dinner with John in a romantic setting just the two of them?
"Sounds lovely."
"Good, and please Mr. Wiley come by my mansion to allow my driver to take you wherever as well I want everything perfect for you two, and paid for by me in thanks for saving my life."
"Even better Henry." Zoey smiled, and Joss eyed John. They were trapped into going on a date with one another, but deep down inside her she knew it was no burden at all.
Author's note: Love it or hate it? Just the idea of Joss, and John trapped into going on a date even though deep down inside they both want it was just too good to resist to write lol. But if it sucks I won't continue since I did write this in the early morning this morning so it could suck I had no perspective this morning since I was like up for a while not able to sleep :(
But poor John having all those women swarming him, and him not knowing what to do would be hilarious to see on the show :) Its not like he can shoot them or anything hahahahahahahahahaha. I love the idea of a character sort of seeing their attraction even though they don't want to acknowledge it themselves, and in this case I used Zoey to do so. Maybe someone else will call John out on it if another chapter is wanted of course.
Well thanks for reading, and letting me know what you think as always I appreciate it, and coming soon my alphabet themed Creese story is coming once either the Sexy Moments is finished or my Psych story ;)