Hiiii! It's me again! I'm here with another fanfic because my mind is just being attacked with new plots and stuff! So, I hope you guys like this fanfic! This story is a Fem!Naru and Itachi, and Naru is 3 years older than the rest of Konoha 12.

Small Differences, Big Changes

A red haired, blue eyed child around the age of seven years old, was sitting all alone in Konoha's biggest forest. She was spending time away from all the mean villagers and her hard training. She closed her eyes and breathed in, opened her eyes and breathed out and she repeated this for a while until she spotted a butterfly.

She smiled a toothy grin.

"Pretty butterfly" she whispered, and jumped up to catch the blue and purple butterfly much like a normal civilian child would. As she chased the butterfly, she didn't see the sleeping nine year old, raven haired boy, sitting against the tree with his legs out.

She tripped over his legs and tumbled to the ground, scratching her elbow on a sharp broken off tree branch. Blood flowed from the wound and she hissed, not in pain but in annoyance. As she made the quiet sound, the boy's eyes snapped open and he immediately looked to her and then redirected his gaze to her wound.

"Girl, what happened?" he asked, his black eyes looking at her with little concern.

She glared at him.

"Well stupid, I tripped over your dumb, giant, feet and that stray tree branch scraped my elbow and made me bleed, if you can't see that already, ttebayo!" she said angrily, briefly shoving her elbow into his face, making him flinch back at the sudden bloodiness so close to his face. She then moved her arm away, cradling it, feeling a bit happy that she startled him.

He then composed himself and bowed his head for a few seconds, before lifting it and stood up, offering her his hand so she could stand up. Once she stood, she pulled her hand away from his and went back to cradling her arm.

"My apologies. Let me look at the wound so I can clean it and patch it up, so you don't get an infection from the branch" he suggested, his hand reaching towards the shinobi pouch on his left thigh.

The girl shook her head and looked towards her arm again.

"No need, it's already closing up and I won't get an infection, I never do, but thanks for asking though" she replied, moving her hand away from her arm.

Skeptic, the boy frowned and looked towards her arm, and the wound was in fact closing up, and right in front of his eyes, it healed and no scab was left on her arm, but small wisps of red chakra circled her arm, making almost inaudible hissing sounds.

He held back a gasp, and looked towards her face, or more importantly, the whisker marks adorning her cheeks. Slightly, his eyes widened.

'Wait, this is her?'

"Hey boy, whatcha looking at? The girl asked a bit concerned, since he wasn't paying attention for a little while.

'She even sounds like her but more childish' He shook his, and looked at the girl again.

"What is your name, girl?" He asked wondering if it was her.

She smiled gently, doing a complete 360 from the annoyed child to a cheerful adorable girl.

"My name is Uzumaki Naru, the best kuniochi you'll ever get ttebane! Sorry for the verbal tick, it's something I got from my mother among other things. Anyways, what's your name?"

"I am Uchiha Itachi,I don't mind your tick, it's quite cute" he said, the last bit coming out involuntarily.

They both blushed and avoided each other's gazes before their names registered in the others mind.

Naru sighed and Itachi groaned mentally due to who he has been speaking to all this time, and blushed a bit more because he complimented.

"Hi, Itachi-kun" she said nodding, her playful look being replaced with a serious look better suited on an adult.

"Naru-sempai" he replied nodding back.

"You always forget. There is no need for formalities, Itachi-kun, we are not on duty and you know me better than that, so you don't need to call me 'sempai', call me Naru-chan" she said blushing a bit at what she implied.

"Okay, Naru-chan. I almost didn't recognize you, because you've grown your hair out. Anyways, what were you doing out here by yourself, defenseless, where anyone could get you and take advantage of such a pretty young lady like yourself?" he asked blushing, and a bit amused when she blushed, and put her hands to her cheeks and looked at him, fluttering her eyelashes.

"Why, I was about to ask you that yourself, Itachi-chaaan" she said, dragging out the honorific, making him scowl slightly.

She laughed and dropped her hands, but a bit of her blush remained.

"I'm only joking Itachi-kun, though at this age, most people will mistake you for a girl, since you look so much like Mikoto-sama" she told him.

He nodded, knowing he looked a lot like his mother and many people have and will call him 'such a pretty girl'.

"Yes I know, I don't like it but it helps when infiltrating an enemy base, acting like a little girl" he replied.

Naru giggled.

"Yes, that was a good mission, though I never knew you would look so good in a dress" she asked slyly.

Itachi scowled again this time more clearly.

"Shut up. Now stop avoiding the question and tell me why you were out here"

Naru sighed and dropped to the ground, laying on her back and spreading her arms wide, while motioning for Itachi to do to the same. He silently lay down on her right and put his left arm under her head, so she could use it as a temporary pillow and he put his right hand on his stomach.

"I just decided to come here to get away from all the villagers" she said slowly.

Itachi frowned.

"I know they don't like me but, I always hope that one day, a villager that used to hate me, just one villager would turn around, give me a smile and tell me that they don't hate me. And that they mean it. That they aren't lying and that they truly mean that they don't hate me" she said, gazing up at the sky.

It was quite for a bit as they both stared at the sky, watching the different cloud shapes being so free up there in the sky. They watched a dog go across the sky, fading into wisps before it, ironically, turned into a cat that turned into a mouse that randomly turned into cheese.

"It will happen. Not today and not tomorrow, but it will happen soon and the whole village will love you and you'll become a legendary figure that will change the world and bring peace, like you've always wished, and just remember, that by then, the whole village will be behind you. You're already on the track to becoming something great, so don't let anything stop you and you'll be what you've always wanted. So don't worry about the villagers because in time, they will grow to love you, though they will still be a bit bitter, but that's natural" Itachi told her, still looking up at the sky, seeing a cloud the shape of a female with long hair that had her back faced to the both of them.

Turning on her side to face him, she smiled and kissed his cheek gently, making the most of them blush fiercely.

"Thank you, Itachi-kun. As my best friend, I'll expect you to help me. I can't do this by myself and I hope you can be a legendary figure as well" she whispered, moving closer to him and placing her head on his chest. He blushed even more, as his cold demeanor came crumbling down in front of the young energetic red-head. Only she could do that fully, while his four year old little brother, Sasuke can only do that partially.

"Of course" he murmured into her ear and put his hand into her hair, treading through the slightly long red strands.

They stayed like that for almost half an hour, her with her eyes closed and just listening to his heartbeat and, him treading through her hair and still looking up at clouds.

They looked like a cute young couple. So when three ANBU elite suddenly appeared with two cameras and an envelope, this is what it looked like when the ANBU with the dog mask and the ANBU with the cat mask took pictures and the ANBU with the bird mask threw the envelope at them.

The two young kids were only shocked for a second before they jumped up and away from each other and tried to catch the ANBU, but they had already gone, leaving the envelope.

Naru cursed and Itachi bent down to pick up the envelope. He motioned Naru over to him and she stood next to him as he took the letter out of the envelope and read it.


I hope you don't mind if we show some people these pictures? We couldn't resist, you two looked like such a cute couple.

Also the Hokage wants to see you for your next mission.

From ANBU Dog, ANBU Cat and ANBU Falcon.

Groaning Itachi dropped the letter and Naru growled.

"After we do this mission, they are dead" she said.

Itachi nodded slightly and the two ANBU disappeared to get their new mission.

Hi thanks for reading and i hope you like it. please R&R and wait for the next chapter

