Samantha Scarlet Lily Potter woke with a start her hand quickly on her wand under her pillow, pivoting on the bed she held her wand high her body twisted in a defence position.

Daphne Greengrass's face appeared in her line of sight and she quickly ducked her head slightly embarrassed muttering a quick apology as she flung the green silk covers off herself.

"I left some of my clothes for you on your trunk" Daphne saved her friend from any more embarrassment by pointing out the formal tight black fitting dress and black flats. Sam gave her friend a confused glance, Daphne caught it and quickly reminded her.

"Umbridge told us to be up Saturday 9 sharp in the great hall then remember Professor Snape came down to the common room and told us to be dressed to impress for first introductions" Sam nodded her head in remembrance.

"So I left you some of my clothes that would fit since you have no formal dresses apart from the dress you wore to the Yule ball" Daphne gave a wistful sigh as she remembered "Although you blew everyone away you can't wear that dress again sadly so I left you one of mine!" Sam gave her friend a rare smile and quickly murmured her thanks.

Several minuets later Sam sat in front of the dressing table the five Slytherin girls shared and let her friend try to tame her hair. She blew her black hair out of her face and voiced her question to her friend as she applied some light foundation to her hand.

"Why do we need to be so formal?" Daphne paused for a second as her brow lifted in thought, sighing Daphne gave a slight shrug and continued on straightening her friends hair. "I'm not too sure but I think it must have something to do with the ministry, I think that's why Professor Snape wanted us dressed formally so we make a good introduction"

Pansy Parkinson hopped over bending slightly as she put on one of her high heels and added her thoughts "Yes I agree although I owled my mother though and she had heard nothing about it!" Her tone sounded very offended.

Tracey Davis patted Pansy's arm winking at the two poker faced girls at the dressing table who were trying not to laugh.

"I'm going now goodbye" Pansy called as she left Millicent Bulstrode following her obediently.

Sam's lips tugged upwards as her two best friends laughed at their room mates. Standing up Sam quickly assessed her two friends feeling insecure although her face didn't betray her emotions.

''You two look stunning"

They both did, Daphne's long blonde hair flowed down her back her baby blue dress matching her eyes and her tanned legs looking even longer with her black heels.

Tracey wore a black dress as well her brown hair pulled up into a stylish bun and she wore a lovely deep purple cardigan over the top to keep her bare arms warm.

"As do you Miss Potter" Daphne laughed formally.

Sam bit her lip allowing her mask to fall down allowing her two friends to see how insecure she was. The both felt hot anger towards her muggle relatives for that fact. Sam didn't talk much about her home life but the two friends had picked up enough to know the Dursleys weren't exactly supportive of their friend and her twin.

''Do I?'' she asked her tone oddly lacking her monotone voice she usually hid behind.

Daphne quickly reassured her she did, however Tracey looked at her friend with glazed eyes and Sam unconsciously cringed as she prepared for criticism.

Tracey's eyes lit up a second later and she walked over to her trunk her heels clicking on the stone floor, bending down she rummaged for a second before finding a emerald high heeled shoe.

Digging for another minute she found the matching shoe and quickly brought them over to the waiting girls.

Sam after seeing them shook her head frantically "No please I can't walk in them!" Tracey waved away her protests remembering how her friend had gracefully danced in heels the year previous.

After a few minuets of protesting the normally stubborn slytheirn caved in and pulled on the emerald heels.

Both friends held in gasps as they looked at their beautiful friend, it is a shame she has no idea how beautiful she really is they both thought.

Her body hugged the black dress showing off her curves, it had a low neckline teasing but still looked modest enough. Her black hair was tamed and straightened and her side bangs were both pulled back in a braid, her emerald eyes seemed to shine and matched her heels to a tee. Her pale skin glowed and although still smaller than both girls she seemed a reasonable height.

"You look drop dead gorgeous doll" Tracey exclaimed winking at her friend, Daphne nodded her agreement "Yeah I'm straight but I think you could turn me Scar"

Sam trusted her two friends enough to know that she looked decent enough and her masked slipped on, her posture straightened and when she spoke it sounded bored slightly cold.

"Right lets do this"

The two other girls nodded in agreement their masks slipping on and together they walked out their dorm and down into the common room.

The common room was oddly packed as people straightened their robes and touched up their make up. The clock on the mantel dinged showing they had half an hour. Many started heading out and as they left the common room their postures straightened and they stopped fidgeting, their masks slipping on showing only slight boredom.

"Harry we better start heading down"

Harry nodded and let Hermione pull him and Ron out of the portrait, he gave a annoyed sigh and rubbed the back of his hand.

Hermione pursed her lips but for once did not comment.

"What do you reckon this is about?" Ron asked slightly curious as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.

"I don't know" Hermione sounded annoyed as she admitted defeat, Harry and Ron exchanged amused looks over the top of her head "but Umbridge has organised it so it wont be pleasant" Hermione added quickly.

Harry snorted in agreement, nothing with Umbridge was pleasant.

Entering the hall Harry felt a slight prickle at the back of his neck and rubbed it absent-mindedly and then he noticed that instead of house tables there were several couches and arm chairs instead, although the head table remained the same with a few added chairs.

Next thing he noticed was that many of the students were dressed formally and he felt very out of place in his jeans and t-shirt and Hermione shifted next to him so he guessed she felt it too. It was mainly Slytherins and Ravenclaws that were dressed up.

Ron didn't seem to care as he walked over to were there were red couches and arm chairs and sat down and quickly took the offered toast the floating plate offered.

Sitting next to Ron with Hermione at his other side he also grabbed a bit of toast and scanned the hall. Dumbledore was already up at the high table with all the teachers who all looked rather worried except for Umbridge who looked smug and Snape who gave away nothing.

As he chewed thoughtfully looking at the few added chairs at the head table that were empty he felt Hermione stiffen and he looked around and saw her.

Sam stood with two of her friends at the entrance, they had stopped for a reason Harry did not know, he couldn't help feeling this urge of annoyance when he saw several boys from all houses looking at his sister.

Her eyes flashed around the room before landing on him, he raised his hand in a wave and she gave him a polite nod before walking off towards the green couches with her two friends.

Hermione seemed highly annoyed for a reason he did not know.

"Why are they all wearing formal clothes!" Her voice was slightly high as her eyes took in his sister and Harry thought he saw a flash of jealously in her eyes but he shook it off.

Before he could tell her that he didn't know the great hall doors had opened with a loud thud and Harry felt his stomach drop as Fudge walked in with several ministry officials including Percy Weasley, Ron groaned glaring at the lost brother.

After them were ... Harry gave a giant smile his heart lifting as Remus Lupin walked in a black dog following, mummers grew as they saw their old DADA professor.

Following came Kinglsey and Tonks who both took seats at the high table with Mad-Eye and Amelia Bones, Mr and Mrs Weasley came in with Bill and Charlie.

After greeting were exchanged the four Weasleys (Mr and Mrs, Bill and Charlie) and Remus took seats on the red couches and 'Padfoot' curled around Harrys feet after of course licking Harry's face.

"Its great to see you all again" Molly Weasley smiled hugging her daughter.

Remus Lupin frowned as he looked at the group "Wheres Sammy?" Harry frowned at the nickname, when had Remus and Sam become close?

Hermione seemed annoyed as well that one of her favourite professors had a nickname for Sam and she answered her tone slightly off "Over at her table"

Remus nodded pretending not to notice Hermione's tone and after catching sight of his god-daughter he gave a friendly smile and her lips quirked. Remus felt warmed knowing that his god daughter was warming up to him.

Padfoot searched for Sam as well and after seeing that she was safe he lay his head down unconcerned.

Molly Weasley was looking slightly startled at the mention of Sam and her lips drew into a scowl when she spotted her. Harry ignored it like he always did.

Bill and Charlie Weasley ignored their mother and waved at her which she returned whole-heartedly before her mask slipped back on.

Remus felt upset that he didn't get that response.

Harry felt annoyance creep up inside at the twos brotherly actions.

Molly Weasley looked away.

''Hem Hem..." Umbridge called for attention scowling at some of the unwanted visitors Dumbledore had invited.

"I think its time the truth is revealed don't you?"

Disclaimer - I do not own HP!

Hey guys i know i know another story but don't worry this is just a idea i was thinking of ... so if any of you like it let me know! Cause i know there is a lot of the reading of the books and i decided i wanted to do it with plenty of twists! so be warned!

MAJOR BASHING! for ... everyone including HARRY!


So if you like it let me know and i might continue it AFTER i have finished at least ONE of my other stories! This is just a draft so i haven't went over it sorry!