This story takes place when Yaya and Kairi are in seventh grade in a fictitious school called Seiyo Middle School. Enjoy!

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Kairi inhaled calmly as he wandered past the bookshelves in his favorite hideout: the library. To him, it was the most peaceful place in the school, a place where one could escape reality. He was thirsty for knowledge. He loved all sorts of books, from nonfiction to sci-fi to classic novels to historical fiction... the list went on and on. Just then, a particular book caught his eye: Debate 101. He grabbed it because he wanted to join the new speech and debate club. He staggered to the corner of the library, where there were a few couches, tables, and chairs. There were other quiet, respectful scholars there. He put the books on a table. After picking up Debate 101, Kairi got absorbed into the world of debating...

Just then, a child's squeal arose above the studious silence, followed by a crash. Kairi cringed. Looking up slowly, his mouth fell open in disgust. Sure enough, it was from the source he expected. A copper-haired girl's face was smashed into the glass wall, and books were strewn everywhere. She muttered, "Some candy shop this is!" Kairi hissed, "Ace! You're disturbing everyone. This is a library!" Everyone was staring at the girl in irritation. Kairi whispered, "Sorry!" The child squealed and literally bounced off the wall. "Where is Yaya?"

Kairi slapped his forehead. His fellow guardian had to disturb the peace and quiet of the library. Picking up his books, he said, "Ace, you're in middle school! Do you mind?!" Yaya sat on a couch next to his and picked up Tom Sawyer. As soon as she opened the book, she shouted, "Yaya is bored!" Kairi stared at her. "Ace, PLEASE keep quiet!" Yaya tossed the book on the table and bounced over to Kairi. "What is Kairi-kun reading? And do you know where Pepe-tan and Musashi are?" The boy said, "Oh, the charas? They're playing in the park. My book is called Debate 101." Yaya whispered, "OOH! What's a debate?" Without tearing his eyes from the book, Kairi said, "A formal contest in which the affirmative and negative sides of a proposition are advocated by opposing speakers."

Yaya looked puzzled. Kairi said, "Basically, it's a fancy argument." Yaya said, "OOH! Yaya wants to debate Kairi!" Kairi sighed. "Whatever you say. What is the assertion of the debate?" Yaya seemed lost. Kairi quickly added, "What is the debate about?" Yaya squealed, "Candy is awesome!" Kairi slapped his hand over her mouth and ignored all the looks they got from people. Yaya's face was turning red, and she was squirming. It was just then that he realized that he was obstructing her breath. He quickly pulled his hand away. "S-sorry." He felt his own face redden. "About the topic you chose... I was thinking more in terms of... maybe banning affirmative action-" Yaya cut him off. "No! Candy is awesome. Yaya calls yes side!" she demanded. Kairi sighed. "Fine. 'Yes side' is called 'affirmative,' and 'no side' is called 'opposition.' Yaya nodded. "OK! Yaya wants to be affa-whatever!" Kairi said, "OK, then I'm opposition. Introduce yourself and give me three points and reasons for your side."

Yaya beamed and said in a moderate voice, "Yaya is affa-whatever! First of all, candy is yummy. It tastes very good and comes in many flavors! And ice cream and cake and other sweets are yummy. Chocolate is the best! Yaya also likes rainbow gummies and icing flowers and ALL CANDY! And my second point is that candy is cheap. Except for those pricey chocolates. But oh well! It's a cheap little treat and YUMMY, and one time, Mama gave Yaya some yen to buy veggies, but those don't taste yummy like sweets! So Yaya bought lots of candy and treats! And third, candy tastes better than veggies! Veggies taste bitter or spicy or yucky. Like brussel sprouts. P.U! Candy is sweet and tastes better. So the affa-whatever side wins!"

Kairi was rather impressed by the girl's debating skills. She wasn't bad for her first debate. Her copper-colored hair shone in the library's lights, and her eyes sparkled at the thought of her beloved sweets. Oh, god, he thought. He had never seen her like that ever since he lost his first love, Amu, to Ikuto. He thought Yaya was an odd little thing, but definitely adorable. He also admired her unflagging spirit. Was he falling in love with her...?

Kairi stood up, adjusting his glasses. "I introduce myself as Sanjo Kairi, Opposition side of this debate. I would like to refute all three of my opponents points that clarifying that candy is unhealthy and there are more nutritious substitutes, like fruit. Also, saying that vegetables are bland or not delicious is merely an opinion. My three points are: A. Candy is unhealthy. Candy contains lots of chemicals, and other sweets contain lots of fat. This leads to obesity and mental damage. Point B. There are healthy substitutes to candy. Fruit may taste good too; candy is not the only delicious food out there. Point C. Candy is addictive. Many people find it hard to stop eating candy, and they become unhealthy. Thank you for hearing my speech."

The Ace stood up and retorted, "Well, candy is YUMMIER!" She stuck out her tongue, and Kairi shook his head. He said, "Well, it's not nutri- Ace," he said, cutting himself off. A tingle of red crept up his cheeks. The Ace was actually rather cute. Yaya shouted, "IT'S NOT ACE, IT'S YAYA!" Kairi stared at her, aghast. "I'm sorry... Yaya." He took a step back. Yaya said, "What is it, Kairi-kun?" Ignoring her question, Kairi said, "You win this debate!" Yaya grinned.

Kairi gathered up the courage to say what he had wanted tell her for a long time. "D-do you w-want to g-go t-to the ice-c-cream s-shop with m-me?" A bit confused, Yaya cocked her head, compelling him to go on. He stuttered, "So-um, would you l-like to?" She smiled. "Like a date?" Kairi nodded quickly, flushing as red as a cherry. Yaya squealed, "Yay!" It was just then that they realized that they were still in the public library. Kairi stuttered, "S-sorry!" as the two rushed out of the building, leaving all of Kairi's books behind. Yaya grabbed Kairi's hand, dragging him down the stairs. Amu and Rima were walking by, and they saw the two holding hands. Amu smiled at Rima. "Does this mean what I think it means..."

Yaya dragged Kairi to the sweet shop and said, "Hi, Kii-tan!" The high school-looking student at the ice cream stand smiled back at her recurrent customer adoringly. "Hello, Yaya-chan. What do you want?" Yaya quickly said, "Monster Sundae!" The girl smiled and looked at Kairi. "Is this your boyfriend, Yaya-chan?" she said. Kairi and Yaya blushed and said at the same time, "No!" The girl laughed. "What would you like?" Kairi said, "I'd like a scoop of plain vanilla ice cream. No toppings, please." The girl said, "Be right back!" In a few seconds, she returned with both children's order. Yaya's was a huge pile of colorful ice cream scoops. Kairi's order looked small next to Yaya's. Shocked, he said, "How did you process her order so quickly, ma'am?" She laughed. "She buys it so often, we make it just for her." Kairi nodded, puzzled at how strong this girl's metabolism was.

The two seventh-graders walked outside and sat on a bench together, licking their ice creams. By the time Kairi was a quarter through his single scoop of ice cream, Yaya was finished. She said, "I want more ice cream!" Without asking, she leaned in to take a lick of Kairi's ice cream. Incidentally, he was licking it at the same time. Shocked, he dropped the cone on the floor, and their lips met. In a few seconds, they separated, both blushing furiously. Kairi's glasses were fogged up from Yaya's soft breath. He took them off to rub on his shirt. Yaya was shocked at how beautiful his bright blue eyes were. She stuttered, "K-kairi-kun?" He looked into her beautiful honey-colored eyes and whispered, "What is it?" Yaya gulped. "Do" Kairi knew exactly what she was too shy to ask, and he pressed his lips on hers again. When their lips came apart again, he smiled.

"I definitely do... Yaya. And it's definitely not debatable."