AN: I'm kind of obsessed with Clintasha and I couldn't really find that many good fanfics about them so I decided to write what I wanted to read. Just to be clear Hansen is sort of like the villain in this, but doesn't make any sort of appearance or plays any major role so I won't explain that much about him.

"Hansen started a new mission, called Shattered Glass. His people are taking people who formerly worked against him including SHEILD agents, and… changing their minds. Shattered Glass was supposed to go undetected so it could make its subjects into spies and give information back to Hansen. But, the behavior change turned out to be unexpectedly drastic, so we were able to get onto it and send an agent to get on the inside, he found out all about Shattered Glass and was able to get one person out of their base in time, before they discovered him. She was lucky; her full conversion wasn't yet completed. What's happening to her is very similar to what happened to you with Loki, agent Barton." a blond female SHEILD doctor, dressed in a lab coat told Clint.

"So, everything she is and believed in is turned around?" He asked with a small laugh, not believing anything that horrible happened to her.

Clint looked into the room from the outside through the glass window that stretched from one end of the wall to the other with the doctor.

"I'm afraid that's exactly what happened to her." She regretfully told him with a pained look.

His neck snapped away from her and toward the doctor. "What?"

This wasn't real. This couldn't be happening. Someone was mistaken. Clint's mind was racing with disbelief.

"But, the situation is somewhat different, Agent Barton. Her feelings, beliefs and her memories have been altered. If she does remember you, I think…" she trailed off.

"She'll what?" the Hawk questioned, terrified of the answer.

"She'll hate you, agent Barton. I'm sorry."

He stood staring at her for a minute. There she was, his Tasha lying on a black, cot shaped bed in the corner of the room, her hands and legs strapped down. How could this be?

What he had experienced a year ago was something he couldn't even wish on his worst enemy. If anything even similar was happening to Natasha….. he felt his heart sink and break.

"Let me in there." He turned and said determinedly to the SHEILD doctor, keeping all he was feeling tucked on the inside.

"You can't do that."

Reading her name tag, he started again. "Dr. Burke, let me in there. I need to talk to her!" he was starting to break down.

"Nobody is allowed in there right now, Agent Barton. I can try and see if I can you in later but for now you'll just have to wait."

He put his hand up against the glass letting some of the misery slip through, his eyes glistening with the making of tears. "Oh, Tasha." he whispered. This was all his fault, if he had just stayed and protected her he was sure this wouldn't have happened. He might be the one tied up, but it didn't matter as long as Natasha was safe. She would be safe, she would be alright.