Eight months later

Linda packed her bag for the weekend as her husband sat there staring her not saying a single word, "It isn't too late Vince."

"Too late for what? For me to book myself a weekend away in the Bahamas?"

Glaring at her husband she slammed her suitcase shut, "No, it's not too late for you to come to your senses and change your mind about the Wedding and come with me, I am sure Stephanie would be thrilled."

Rolling his eyes Vince stood up not wanting to have this conversation again, "For the six thousandth time in the past eight months I would like to inform you that a ring on her finger doesn't change anything and it certainly does not fix her behaviour. I am more than happy spending the weekend here at home catching up on the work that my wife has avoided as she has been too busy doing other things that she deemed more important."

Slamming her hands on the lid of her suitcase in frustration she then picked it up and put it on the floor, "I was not doing something else that I 'deemed more important', I was helping our daughter prepare for her wedding which is more important. Why can't you just put the past behind you and move on and be happy for them."

"Because I just don't care. She isn't my daughter so the only thing I care about is her doing her job and that is what she is doing, well apart from this holiday she has taken, so nothing else matters."

Aware that she didn't have the time to waste on him she just shook her head, "Fine, whatever you say. If you change your mind the address is by the phone."

Making sure she had everything she needed she made her way out of the door because she didn't want to be late.

Leaning against her fiancé as they took a limo to the hotel ready for their wedding this weekend she was so relaxed and happy, "I can't believe we are actually doing this."

Tightening his arms around her he kissed the top of her head, "Are you ready to do this?"

Looking up at him she smiled, "Yes, absolutely I'm ready to do this."

"Even without your Dad?"

Her face fell at the mention of Vince, "If Vince doesn't want to be a part of my life and a part of this day then that is his choice. All I need for this weekend is you and everything else is a bonus and if he is here to walk me down the aisle then great but if he isn't I will be more than happy with Shane because he has supported us all along."

Hearing his fiancée say that she was satisfied without her Dad being there made him feel more relaxed about it all.

After settling into their separate rooms for the evening they met downstairs for dinner with the families.

Sitting down side by side they held hands beneath the table as they talked with his parents waiting for her side of the family to arrive.

Sensing the tension rising in her body Paul turned to look at her, "Are you okay?"

Biting her lip she shook her head, "What if they have all decided not to come?"

Patricia felt bad for her, "I think they will come, your Mom does not strike me as the kind of woman that would say they are coming but then not come."

"I want to believe you, I really want to believe you . . . I just can't. I wanted to believe that my Dad would come around but he hasn't so I don't believe anyone in my family."

Watching the door Paul breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Linda rushing in with Shane and Marissa trailing behind her, "You were saying."

Turning to the door Stephanie was so relieved to see her family and quickly stood up and walked around to greet them, "I'm so happy that you came."

Hugging her daughter Linda wasn't entirely sure why she seemed so surprised, "We said we were going to. Sorry we're late though, there was a crash that held us up but we got here."

Moving to her brother and sister-in-law she hugged them both, "Thank you for coming. We haven't ordered so take a seat and we can order but first let me introduce you to Paul's parents Patricia and Paul and his sister Lynn and her husband Jeffrey and their children Peter and Neysa."

The families greeted each other before everyone took a seat and had a nice dinner before they all retired for an early night ready for the next day.

The next morning Stephanie was getting ready with her Mom and Marissa whilst Shane hung around in his room giving the girls some space.

Standing in front of the mirror looking at herself in her wedding dress she couldn't help but wonder, "Am I really that unlovable that Vince disowned me and doesn't even want to be at my wedding?"

Marissa looked to Linda to take the lead, "Your Dad is just mad that you disobeyed him and he still has this irrational fear that the company is going to collapse because you are with Paul. It doesn't matter that you have been together in the open for months now and nothing bad has happened, he is a stubborn old man and has too much pride to back down and say that he was wrong. You are very loveable and Paul loves you very much and so does everybody else so don't let your Dad ruin your day, it is his loss that he is not here."

Running her hands down her dress smoothing it out a little she looked at her Mom hopefully, "You really promise me that this isn't my fault?"

Nodding her head she walked to her daughter and placed her hands on her shoulders, "I promise you that this is not your fault and you should not think that you are to blame and you should not let him taint your day. You only get married once so ignore all thoughts of him and focus on the fact that you are getting married and the people who love you the most are here surrounding you."

Smiling softly she was going to try, "I will, I promise. I can't wait to be Mrs Levesque."

Taking that as their cue to be able to change the subject Marissa smiled, "I can't wait to be an Auntie."

Laughing Stephanie threw the hairbrush that was nearby at her, "You will be waiting a while for that."

"I'll believe that when I see it."

As Shane entered the room he was confused, "What will you believe when you see?"

All of the women looked at each other and laughed knowing that Shane hated talk of his sister having sex.

Getting ready with his Dad Paul groaned when his sister walked in, "What are you doing here?"

Shrugging she ushered her children over to the bed to take a seat, "I'm ust making sure that you'd not gone missing but judging by the look on your face you might be about to."

Sighing he fiddled with his cuff links, "It's not like that, I'm just worried if this is the right thing to do with her Dad not here."

"But you have done everything you can possibly do to get him to come, it's not your fault Paul."

Flashback to one month previous:

Walking into his boss' office he knew this wouldn't go down well but he had to do this for his girlfriend, "May I have a word with you please Vince?"

Nodding his head the older man motioned to the chair in front of him, "What can I do for you?"

Taking a seat he rubbed his palms on his pants, "I am sure that you are aware that Stephanie and I are getting married in a month and we would really like you to be there and I know that she really wants you to walk her down the aisle."

"I'm not sure how many ways I need to say this or how many times I need to have this conversation but she isn't my daughter, I disowned her, this wedding is nothing to me and I have no interest in being there so if you will excuse me I have work to do."

Standing up Paul turned to leave but stopped before he reached the door and turned back to him, "I know you're mad Vince but don't punish both of you by missing out on the one time you get to walk your daughter down the aisle."

Exiting the room he didn't think there was a whole lot left to say between them.

End flashback

"I guess you're right Lynn but it doesn't make it any easier."

Paul Snr. patted his son on the shoulder, "Don't dwell on Vince, focus on Stephanie, she is more than happy to go through with today with Shane by her side so don't question her or yourself because he is missing out and not Stephanie."

His Dad was right and now his entire focus was on his soon-to-be wife.

Standing outside the doors of the church with her brother beside her Stephanie felt so nauseous, "Did you feel this sick when you married Marissa?"

Shane laughed at his sister's comment, "I actually think I felt worse, I mean she was more than half an hour late so I thought she had done a runner. Paul is probably feeling worse than you right now but the second you see each other all of your anxiety and fears will disappear and I bet any money his face will light up when he sees you."

Slipping her arm through her brother's she was going to hold him to that and hope that she didn't throw up over anyone.

As the church doors opened and everyone stood up she only had eyes for one person and as her eyes locked with Paul's her brother was right, all of her fears and anxiety disappeared, in that moment nothing else mattered but the two of them.

Standing face to face with Paul at the front of the church in front of everybody as she listened to the Vicar talking she couldn't stop a smile from taking over her face as he said, "I now pronounce you husband and wife."

Smiling Paul slipped his hand around her neck as he kissed his wife with all of the love and passion he had in him that was suitable for eyes of all ages. When he pulled back from the kiss the blush on her cheeks was adorable.

Resting his forehead against hers he smiled, "Your blush is adorable Mrs Levesque."

"You are adorable too Mr Levesque. Thank you for being the most amazing and supportive husband a girl could ask for."

Pulling back he linked their hands together, "Today is the first day of the rest of our lives."

Squeezing his hand she smiled at her husband, "Together forever Mr Levesque, no looking back."

Holding hands they walked back down the aisle as the audience clapped to begin their lives as Mr & Mrs Levesque with no regrets and no looking back, because today really was the first day of the rest of their lives.

Thank you for supporting this story, I hope you all enjoyed it :) Feel free to check out the rest of my stories.