True Tails!

If I believed in fate, I'd say she has a twisted sense of humour. Why else would I be brought against my will to this godless land they call 'civilization'? SI Darkfic! PokéCentric!

"All vocalized speech is noted like this. Basically what any given human can understand."

(Anything brought over in a psychic fashion will be noted like this.)

"All vocalized speech that only a Pokémon can understand will be said like this. Humans would only hear the Pokémon saying their name, or making noises."

Chapter 3: Spring


I lick the back of my hand. Once, twice, a third time. Satisfied, I rub it against my brow and lick the back of my hand again. My motions are slow, methodic. Purposely being ever so patient, knowing what it'll mean.

(It'll take you all day,) Mother says and picks me up. She lays me on the pelt and licks my face over and over, getting every last speck of dirt off me. She licks my ears and my head and my neck. She licks every part of me, moving lower and lower. I love it when Mother bathes me, she's so thorough.

"Tch. Spoiled." Mother snaps to the Poochyena, glaring at him with outright contempt. Azjar isn't dumb enough to speak up again. She gets right back to my bath, licking my tummy just the way I like. She goes lower again, right between my thighs. I shiver with pleasure as Mother licks my crotch.

(You're almost at the age I shouldn't do this.) She says that every time, but she continues licking me over and over and over. My eyes flicker closed, my paws padding her head letting her know I'm enjoying it. Mother may claim whatever she wishes, but she spends more time licking me there than anywhere else. I keep my legs spread nice and wide for her, trembling as her tongue gets into every delicious nook and cranny.

Until at last, my body trembles and white goo gushes out of me and onto Mother's tongue. She doesn't say a word, licking me clean before continuing down my thighs. When she's satisfied, I jump up and lick her all over her face, getting nibbling on her ears to thank her.

(Are you going to let him?) I ask. Mother's arousal has been steadily building these past weeks. It's still early winter, so I don't doubt her body craves for another baby. (I promise, I'll be here to help you raise my little brother or sister)

(Are you, now?) Mother laughs, musical as ever. (Well. He should come back today or tomorrow. What say you help me get ready for him?) Mother turns onto her back, her legs spread wide. Well, I enjoy it when she does it for me. Why not?

I lick her face and her ears. I lick her chin, slowly going down her neck. Around the spike on her chest, I lick her nipples—I miss being breastfed, but that's life. Lower and lower, until I get to her crotch. My tongue slips into her. The scent of her fills the cave, sending the Azjar into a frenzy, but he's not stupid enough to try anything, not with me or Mother.

I keep licking and licking. Mother's moans grow louder, just that way I like them. Azjar, to the point of losing his mind, starts licking himself—it's the only release he'll find here, especially since Prajj is out hunting with Fyore. He knows Kandra, Henra, and I will just kick his ass. And while my Idrii can't beat him in a fight, she's mine, so I'll do it for her.

Mother's hand pushes me into her, as she lets loose a gorgeous moan and quakes. Her goo shoots out, onto my awaiting tongue, tasting of paradise.

I feel his eyes on me. Their eyes. Prajj and Fyore. I don't care, licking Mother clean to the rhythm of her sated panting.

Satisfied she's tended to, I look over my shoulder. (She's in heat.) Fyore stands there, lust in his eyes like never before. Mother grabs me and sets me on the pelt, on my back, hovering over me. Her tongue lashes out again, right where I like it most. Her tongue pauses, mid lick, her eyes closed as she jerks forwards, licking me so hard it hurts.

Mother jerks back and forward, with Fyore pistonning in and out at a fevered pace. Both of them look gorgeous, losing themselves in the moment. Until at last, Fyore jerks and shivers and shakes, no doubt emptying himself into Mother.

Azjar can't take it anymore, and pounces on Prajj, burying his erection into our brother, and riding him for all he's worth. Given they've come without any kills, Prajj isn't worth particularly all that much. A Chimchar that can't even kill something. What use is he other than as Azjar's bitch?

Sated, Fyore drops beside Mother, both panting and spent. Mother will need more meats. And berries.

(I'm going hunting.) I walk right out of the cave, knowing what Mother needs.


I've spotted them. Ursaring, with three cubs trotting along behind her. She's annoyed with them, chasing them off. They've been weaned, no doubt meant to find their own way now. But they follow her all the same. These mountains are harsh in the best of times, winter is harsher still. They aren't fool enough to think any different, but the fact is she's in heat. She thinks with her cunt, not her cares for her babies.

And that's where I come in.

Another Ursaring, up ahead. A male. He'll want to mate, but he won't show interest in anyone with cubs. She roars at the cubs she so painstakingly raised, and they fly into the shrub underneath me. So sad, for them.

Mommy Ursaring kindly fucks off, leaving three scared little morsels. I pounce, biting the first behind his neck and grabbing the other two so they can't run away and slam them into each other, knocking them out.

With my bit handled, I hoist the three of them up. One in my maw, one hoisted onto my shoulder, the last simply being dragged behind me. Fyore's an ass, no point in denying it, but he's an ass that trained me well.

I painstakingly drag the three up the mountainside, up the little trail. And right back into our cave. The cover of night is so useful when it comes to this.

(Dryn!) Mother is overjoyed to see me home, even more so with the abundance of meats I bring. I drop the one from my mouth, knowing full-well he's dead, so she can easily partake. "Son of Mew. Praised for your sacrifice."

Mother bites into the snack, tearing into him like there's no tomorrow. The one I drag behind me is tossed to my siblings—they'll need to eat if they mean to hunt soon. As for the last one? I drop her, knowing full-well she's awake.

Hmm. Keeping her means another mouth to feed. Not interested in that, but I've never tasted Teddiursa cunt before. I lean in, ignoring the oh so innocent look in her eyes as I lick her neck, lick her chest. Lower and lower, until I get to her crotch.

"Yes. Mistress, please. I'm yours. Please. I don't wanna diiiiiiiie!" Heart of a Bastiodon, this one. Her hands pet and scratch oh so gently behind my ears, her legs keep wide to show she's more than willing to serve, even after I killed her siblings. Her breathing grows erratic, her body tenses. She lets out a high-pitched moan and her sweet nectar squirts onto my eagerly awaiting tongue.

Hm. Not as potent as Mother's, but pleasing all the same. I lick her clean; her crotch and everywhere else. (You belong to me now.)

"Yes. Yes, Mistress. I'm yours. And I'm worth so much more to you alive. I'm good at hunting for berries!"

(Shush.) She meeps and tries to make herself small, so as to be unnoticeable. (Mother?)

(It's so good!) Mother is still gorging on the meat, carefully peeling off the fur to make a fresh pelt. It's always cold in here, so it should keep well. But Mother leaks baby juice. I ease up behind her while she eats, and I lick her nice and clean. Fyore's spunk is strong and thick and milky, super salty too. Should keep me going for a bit longer while I go gather berries. So I lick Mother, lick her until Fyore's scent is no longer on her, lick her until she moans and tenses and shakes and I taste her goo again, then lick her clean. Henra's quite happily licking Fyore clean, even long after his erection no longer carries Mother's scent.

He doesn't deserve it, coming back empty-handed as he did.

(You!) The Teddiursa squeaks and trembles in fear. (Come. Mother needs berries)


I haul the Teddiursa pelt mother just cleaned down the trail, down to the tree line. My little slave points with shaking hand, even as she stares at the pelt her brother wore not an hour ago. I follow her, giving her the chance she needs to prove herself loyal or not.

She points up at a tree overflowing with berries. So here's her second test, then. (Stay.)

I jump up from branch to branch, up into the higher boughs, and I fill the pelt with dozens of berries, making sure to cover each in a thick layer of snow. The whole time, I'm keeping an eye on the little snack I can still eat if she upsets me. It takes less than a minute before the pelt is over flowing.

Making my way down, I find her just where I left her. I offer her a berry as a reward, and she happily nibbles on it. We start making our way right back up the mountain.

A loud roar reverberates in the distance, a Snover engages in battle. I raise my hand, my sensors jerking upwards. Too far to smell, too far to see. The blue of the Snover mixes with the red of the human and another I can't make out, but that one is obviously not from here.

It isn't long before we're right back in our cave. I lay the pelt filled with berries in front of Mother, and let her have the first pick. (No, Dryn. You worked so hard. Come.) She picks me up and she brings a berry to me; the largest, the softest, and as I bite into it, the juiciest too.

I beckon to Idrii, and my Snorunt comes running, pouncing on the pelt and licking all the fresh powder snow I packed in there to keep the berries fresh. While I'm eating, Mother licks my ears, wordlessly thanking me for always taking such good care of her, no matter her needs.

My hand reaches out and grabs another berry, I offer this one to Mother, knowing she needs the energy for the pup. She licks my ear again, giving me a gentle little nibble as she takes my offering.

Kandra and Henra lick their lips, no doubt hungry after having to share that snack, though to be fair Henra doesn't eat meat, so she's extra hungry. (Come.) I hold out a berry for each of them, and let them bite it out of my hand. They know not to test me, so what do I care. Prajj comes just the same, still leaking Azjar's seed. I offer him one as well, but I don't like how Henra's already eaten hers. She must be really hungry. I beckon to her again, and she comes running, eyes lit up and so trusting. With another berry in hand, she rushes back over to Kandra and gorges on the treat.

Azjar sulks in his corner, muttering about how he could have gotten a bigger kill, and how 'father' always gives Prajj too many chances to screw it up. I toss two berries his way. He looks away, scoffing.

(You'll need your strength.) He's an ass, just like his father. But he's my brother all the same.

He bites into the berry, his pride bittering the sweetness.

Five berries left. Fyore hasn't eaten today, but he can fend for himself. The Teddiursa gets another berry, and she squeals with delight, munching on it. I bite into another berry for myself, and I give Mother another one.

Idrii is still happily licking at the snow I brought, so she isn't complaining. Still, she needs more than just snow. I pick her up, much to her protest, and I feed her a berry one happy little nibble at a time. When she's done, I set her right back on the pelt and she dives beck into the powder snow.

A burp jumps up from Mother and she smacks her lips, more than sated. I burp as well, agreeing the meal was delicious, but yawn. (Come, Dryn. Let us rest.)

Fyore complains about something or other, and heads out, no doubt hungry and needing something to eat. Pride won't let him take a berry from me, so that's on him.

(Azjar!) The Poochyena yelps and leaves the half-eaten berry where it lies, following his father out. As for me? I get my seat of honor, right in Mother's embrace as we doze off.


Bones, pelts, and whatever mud we can scrounge up. We use all of it to dam up a section of the cave for Mother, leaving only a little hole only just big enough to pass food through. Mother isn't worried, nor am I. I've hunted long and hard, filling her little cove with meats and berries and fresh snow, if she desires it. And we both know I'm not leaving her to raise my little sibling alone.

She has enough to last until spring, regardless. Just the way I like it.

So as the last of the mud is patted into place I saunter over to the little hole, where Mother's snout just barely fits through, and I lick her. She licks my face, almost desperate to know I'm still here. (I'm right here, Mother. I'm right here, and I won't leave you.)

Comforted, he moves back over to her new Ursaring pelt I brought her, and gets comfortable. It's going to be a long winter for her, but she doesn't suffer through this alone.

(Tread light, young warrior, tread light. Go forth, iiiiintoooo the light.) I sing the lullaby she loves singing for me, letting her know I'm here, still awake and on watch. Her gentle snores soon follow.



I jerk up, finding Kandra and Henra fighting off some smug little shit of a Sneasel. I growl, my every hair standing on end, ears pointing to the little shit, lips taught against my gums and baring my fangs. But she thinks herself above a pup like me. I rush her, but instead of going high, I go low and ram a kick right into her knee. She drops, wailing in pain as she clutches the clearly broken leg, but I don't care.

Come for Mother? Come to check if she's already laid?

I don't even care to make her more afraid, just rush her and wrap my jaws around her neck, and twist and pull until I no longer feel a pulse. And just to be sure, I yank with all my might and pop the head clean off.

Now, where is your accomplice? I know you hunt in pairs. (Mother?)

(I'm safe.)

(Found but one. Stay alert.) I sniff around, ignoring that dumbass Azjar, who's too busy humping the headless corpse. Hmm. There's only the one's scent. They always hunt in pairs. Where's the other?

I lift my hand and close my eyes, casting my senses about. No matter which way I turn, there's only blue. Must be masking intent. Let's see then. The idiot humps the corpse. Kandra licks her wound. Henra holds her tummy like she's complaining about the lack of berries. Fyore's out with Prajj again. Idrii slumbers on the pelt. My still nameless Teddiursa slumbers as well. And…

I rush the little shit hiding behind Azjar. Masked his scent with fresh snow, not a bad plan. But I break his legs before he even gets close to Mother's cove, and I tear into him like I haven't eaten in weeks.

A sound, a cry. Henra clutches her abdomen, curling up into a little ball. I twist and turn, tearing this one's head off just the same, and go to my sister.

"Baby. Baby's coming." I nod, scooping her up and laying her on the pelt. She curls up into a ball, but I splay her out and start licking her crotch. "Not the time!"

(Shush.) I keep licking her. Complain as she might, in no time at all her goo slicks my tongue, and her egg is quick to follow. A huge thing—no wonder she was in such pain. She lies on the pelt, curling up into a ball once again. She reaches out for her egg.

(No! The egg is still soft. She'll harm her child.) Mother peers through her little hole. She's laid before, so I won't argue with her. I just sit here, letting the egg slowly even out, slowly form, slowly harden in the coldness of our cave. (You mustn't touch it until her wound heals.)

(Shh. Sleep. I'll take watch.) Henra nods.

"Could. You clean me up?" I ease around her, finding her crotch swollen and still bleeding. I lick and lick, cleaning her up best I can. She's in too much pain to enjoy it now, but her goo comes just the same.

(Kandra. She needs to stay warm.) Our sister comes and curls up around Henra, licking her face and ears to set her at ease. She's had a rough night, after all. Meanwhile, I grab a few of the newer pelts and make a little nest for the egg, so it'll retain Kandra's heat best as possible.


Days pass. No sigh of Fyore or Prajj. Probably got turned around in the caves again, the idiots. I keep telling them to stop hunting in there. A sound at the mouth of the cave, I slip around to the opening, where it's impossible to see me. My Teddiursa comes in, bearing berries and powder snow.

"Mistress! I'm back!"

(Don't panic.) Teddiursa goes stiff as a rock. (I'm right behind you.) She turns, finding me here and breathes.

"Had me worried for a second. Here." She hands me two berries, and goes about handing one to everyone. She even passes one through the little hole to Mother. Sweet of her.

(Many thanks.)

Teddiursa brings the last four to Henra, still curled up near her egg, guarding it jealously and keeping it warm. My sisters smile, thanking Teddiursa, and dig in. I'm quick to gulp down my meal, and ease around to Henra's crotch, licking her. She cocks her leg up to give me better access, and so I can check if she's healed yet.

"It feels so much better." I'm sure it does. She isn't bleeding or swollen. It isn't long before her goo squirts all over my tongue, tasting good and strong, better than before she laid. She doesn't even wait for me to clean her up, rushing over and taking her egg from the nest I made.

Henra comes right back onto the pelt and cocks her leg up, wordlessly asking me to continue. An amused whine erupts from within me, and I go back to licking her clean, bringing her to a shuddering climax to celebrate, and licking her clean when I'm done.

(You. Come.) Teddiursa comes to me, paws still slick from the berries she ate. I lick her paws clean, and get right down to her bath, licking her from head to toe. When I'm satisfied, I lick her crotch as well. (Your name is Andriil. The great helper.) Her paws gently scratch behind my ears as I bring her to an unvoiced screaming climax, and lick her clean when she's done.

Of course, Azjar sits in his corner, penis painfully erect and aching for release. Idrii comes running to me.

"Mistress. Don't let him have me!"

(He won't touch you or Andriil. Not without my permission.) My brother whimpers, curling up into a ball and giving himself a good licking to sate his lust, but that quickly devolves into giving himself a blowjob. He knows I'll kick his ass if he tries anything I disapprove of.

With everything handled, I go back around and check on Kandra's wound. It no longer pains her, but it bothers me. We've nothing but berries to aid, and if not for Andriil, we wouldn't even have that. That needs to change, and soon.

I lick her clean, from head to tail, and she turns over onto her back, spreading her hinds for me. I chuckle, going down and licking her yummy snatch. Her soft whimpering lights a fire in me, or is just the warmth of her juices settling in my stomach. Either way, I enjoy it, and her climaxing into my mouth hints she does too.

"Mistress, please. You haven't let me taste you in days." Idrii comes and licks my tail, gently nudging me and begging me to lie down. Well. It's not like I don't enjoy it, so cheers!


It's a day and a half later that Fyore and Prajj finally show up, with an Ursaring, still barely conscious.

(A good hunt.) I nod to Fyore. That can't have been easy to drag up here.

(A very good hunt.) Fyore pounces on his meal and tears open her gut.

(Will you stay for a few days? I need to hunt.)

(Hunt well.)

"Kandra. Please mind Mother for me."

"Of course, little sister."

(Mother. I'll be back soon.)

(Hunt well, Dryn.) Mother yawns.


I sniff the air. No idea what I'm looking for. But it's something, and I will find it. The stench of humans comes from the caves. Normally, I'd avoid them, but I need something I don't usually have. Berries just aren't cutting it anymore. Oran berries aren't in season year round, and there are only three Sitrus trees up here, so everyone fights over them.

We need something more. But what? Humans have things we don't, that much is certain. Let's see if I can find out what.

So, I cast caution to the wind, and I hunt the humans. Down, into the caves of the crown, silent as death. Sniffing to keep my surroundings under surveillance, and casting my senses about.

The red of those humans is just ahead. A pack of them. I don't know if I can take on the whole pack, but I can certainly keep to the shadows and pick them off one by one, if needed. The closer I get, the more chatter I pick up.

"We make camp here."


"Are you deaf? Or do you just prefer being an ass?" I peak around the corner, finding their pack with ease. It's dark, to be sure, caves are funny like that. But they carry these funny sticks that give off light.

Their scents show the majority are males. No use for them, other than meat. But there are some females as well, and one smells to be in heat. Hmm. Interesting. In heat female surrounded by males, and they aren't trying to mate? Maybe they'll make for better slaves than I thought. Still. I've no interest in feeding a dozen when I have my hands full feeding my pack.

No. I'll take one, no more.

"You two stand watch." The alpha barks out orders. Best to not take that one. Female or no, I don't feel like having to out-alpha her, let alone her being in heat—she might attract other humans without meaning to.

They set up these funny-smelling pelts, only not to lie on but to hide under. Humans are so strange. Food gets handed around, and they have these curious rocks the keep bringing to their lips.

I wait. And I wait.

"Where you going?" the alpha demands.

"Gotta go." This one wears the same strange furs as the others, but smells female all the same.

"Stay close. This cave is more trouble than you know." The human nods to her alpha and scampers off away from me. Well, there's my straggler, but she's going the wrong fucking way! I'd take me days to get her back to the cave without tipping off the rest of her pack.

And what's worse, she travels with another female! Damn it. Hmm. Maybe I can wait until they fall asleep?

"A Riolu?" I snap to the sound, seeing one of the males looking a little too pleased to see me. I turn and run, and he, of course gives chase. Good boy. Do try to keep up.

I run and I run, leading him out to the mouth of the cave. Once outside, in the brightly lit day, I shimmy just out of the way of the cave's mouth. And I wait. No footsteps, no approaching human's scent. Nothing. Damn it!

The crunching of pebbles, a staccato of footsteps. The scent of Mightyena and Weavile. Of course. Well, I know just how to work this.

I climb up the side of the mountain, up to the plateau above. There are a few Pokémon scuttling about, but none that seem interested in testing me.

"She's up here!" I snap to the Weavile, finding a proud little smirk that suggests he thinks he can take me. Oh my dear, sweet morsel. You don't know what you're up against, do you?

"Dryn! I'll handle this. Go!" A Meditite I know from around the way puts himself between me and the utter ass.

"You speak as though he's a threat," I intone and pull my lips taut against my gums and smiling oh so sweetly for my snack.

"Mightyena! Go help Weavile!" Aw, that means I can't play with him long. Weavile rushes me, not sensing the danger he's in. Claws slash at Meditite, but he detects it and is well out of the way before the attack lands. That puts Weavile right in my range. Unfortunately for him.

I dash ahead, slip under the slash aimed for my snout, and kick the side of his knee. He drops with a sickening crunch, and I jump right for the throat.

My fangs find tender flesh, and I chomp down quickly, snapping him like a twig. Growling. The Mighyena. Female. Hmm. Azjar could use a play thing to fuck as he pleases.

(Choose. Serve me. Or suffer the same.) She growls, dropping low, eyes shining with fear but unable to back down. Grunts of exertion come from behind her, no doubt the human making his way up here. Ah, the blessing and curse that is loyalty. I spit the Weavile out, dropping his corpse.

"Mightyena! Use Crunch!" The poor thing charges me, her fangs bared even with fear in her eyes. I'll be a kinder master, more or less.

Meditite gets in the way, but I grab him and jerk him back, slamming my knee in Mightyena's head, dropping her. Her chest heaves, so she isn't dead. But she certainly isn't moving. I pat Meditite's shoulder, nodding respectfully to show my thanks. He didn't do a whole lot, but was certainly willing to fight for me.

(You will kneel.) I glare at the human. He was fool enough to leave his pack, so he's at my mercy now.

"Like hell I will! Ralts! Time to earn your keep!" He throws out a little stone, red energy jerks out and a Ralts pops into existence. Red energy, huh. Like those stories Mother tells me about how those humans kidnapped the king? "Use Psychic!"

Ralts, for her part, takes one look at me and bursts into tears. "I want my mommy!" Fearful red eyes peer out from under her helmet, even as she hugs herself. And, fierce warrior that she is, she curls up into a ball, making herself as small as possible.

I rush the human, leap, and lash a kick him right the face. He takes a nasty tumble, making a nice little hill of snow as he goes, but isn't down for the count. Clearly not weak to Fighting Type moves. Maybe Dark Type? I flash out my right paw, long black claws jutting out.

The human crawls out of the pile of snow he was just buried under. His eyes are glazed over, but he seems intent on continuing the fight. He has a curious little thing around his waist, holding those stones the use the red light. Huh. That's the thing I need. That's my ticket to providing for my pack.

I walk right up the snowy incline and grab the human by the throat. (Serve me. Or die.)

"Team Plasma will—"

My shadow claw pierces his throat, his head held at an odd angle and his face frozen in fear and pain. Well. That was useful.

Now how do I work this funny thing.

"It's called a belt," Meditite says. "Humans use them to stow their Pokéballs." I blink.

"You were captured?"

"For a few weeks, yeah. The human got sick of my attitude and set me free. Came running right back." I nod, figuring I'd do the same. "Want me to show you how it works?"

"Please." Meditite comes right over and works the belt, loosening it and some other funny thing wrapped around the human's back.

"Right. It'll be much more useful for you when you evolve. But this is called a backpack. It carries stuff, like berries and all that." Hmm, that could prove useful, yes. Meditite point to the belt. "These red and white things are called Pokéballs. Dunno how they work, but it's how they capture us."

The belt has three. Hmm, three Pokémon he commanded. I take out one, but it's all wrong. It's too small to be the same stone he used to call out Ralts. Something clicks and the damn thing swells; I drop it, fearing it'll explode or something.

But it's. It's the exact stone. I lean in, sniffing it. It smells of the Weavile. Hmm. I pick it up and feel it. There's some kind of weird line splitting it in two. And some rubbery thing, feels like Mother's nipple, really. I press it and the Pokéball splits open, the red light claims the corpse, and the Ball shuts. I press it again and the Ball opens, spewing out the no doubt cooling corpse, before snapping shut again.

Oh I like this. But how does it go back to being small? Damn it! I shouldn't have killed that little shit. He has information I could use!

Well. No point worrying about it now. "How do you make it small again?"

"Oh, that? All you gotta do is tap the button twice quick." It can't be that simple, can it? I press it twice, fast. It goes back to small. Oh fuck the hell yes!

I put the Ball, with the Weavile corpse, back on the belt. And I take the second one. It smells of the Ralts. I press the mini button and it grows large. I grin, pressing it again, and the crying Ralts disappears in the red light. I press it twice, and it goes back to small. I take the third and recall the Mightyena as well. Oh life just got fucking interesting!

"What about backpack? How's it work?" I press every little thing on it, but it does nothing.

"Oh, you just gotta pull on those things to open the pouch. They're called zippers. Humans have such weird names for things." I pull on the little metal-smelling thing, and there's a ZZZZZiiiiiiRRP sound as the backpack's mouth opens wide. I peer inside, but there's nothing there. I stuff the belt in there, for safekeeping, and I zip it closed. There are like six other little zippers and I open them one by one. But there's just nothing else in there. That's weird, especially since this little mouth smells of berries—asshole must have eaten them all. Well, I know where I can find berries, and now I have the means to transport them all. Sweet!

A shame he didn't have more of those Pokéballs. That might have been useful.

"I owe you one."

"Not at all. Fyore chased off more than a few humans that tried to catch me." Meditite bows low. Hmm. Is he not the asshole he presents himself to be?



(WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!) Fyore's eyes are wild, raw panic filling him like never before. He rushes me, sniffing every part of me, and glaring out the mouth of the cave. He rushes outside, clearly intent on ripping something to shreds.

As Fyore storms back in, I hold up my paws to calm him down. (Relax. I killed the human that was hunting me.)

He pauses, he sniffs, his eyes shut and sensors flare out. "Nothing. Yet you carry his scent."

(I took his things. Including his slaves. Calm yourself and I'll show you.) Fyore skulks up to me, glaring down with a vengeful wrath I've never experienced before.

"Show me. Now."

Killjoy. I drop backpack on the pelt and zip open the little pouch, taking out a berry and tossing it to Azjar. I take out another and toss it to Prajj. My sisters get two each, as do Andriil and Idrii. And I take out another two, walking over to Mother's cove and slipping them through for her.

(No matter how many I stow, it doesn't overspill. I know not how.) I take out another one and bite into it.

"You spoke of slaves. You stole his Pokéballs."

(I did. And the belt that carries them. A Meditite you saved showed me how it works.) Fyore nods, motioning for me to get on with it. I unzip the main pouch and reach in, taking out the belt. The one that smells of the Weavile goes first.

(He's already dead. But this was just easier mode of transport.) I enlarge the ball and send the corpse out. Kandra bursts out in peals of laughter, knowing how much I enjoy killing their ilk. She saunters over, bowing her head to me, wordlessly asking if she can eat him. I nod, and she drags the corpse over to one side.

(The other two live. A Mightyena, unconscious. And a Ralts that's too young to put up a fight.) Fyore crosses his arms, lips pulled tight against his gum. I minimize the Ball and take out the Mightyena's next, sending her out.

Mightyena whimpers, looking at my hind paws. I don't know how she's awake, but I don't much care just now. She rolls onto her back, legs curled up to show submissiveness.

"State your relationship to the human," Fyore grinds out, his tone akin to a growl.

Mightyena whimpers, eyes teary. "My old master. Dead. Mistress killed him before he could put up a fight."

(Very good.) I fish out another berry and offer it to her. She snaps right around, and eagerly bites it right out of my paw, being careful not to hurt me. (There's a good pup. And if you behave, nothing bad will happen again.)

Mightyena whimpers, no doubt recalling how easily I bested her.

(Now, who wants to be the first to fuck her?) Prajj practically flies at her and stabs his erection right in; Mightyena yelps in pain. (Prajj. Pull out. Now.) My idiot brother does as is order. (Lick her. Get her ready. Then stick it in. Idiot.)

He stares, wide-eyed. Still, he leans in and gently licks her crotch. Mightyena happily curls her tail out of the way, and soon starts panting as she gets well in the mood. Seeing the signs himself, he gets back up and slowly eases his now twitching dick right into her.

"That's sooooo good," Mightyena coos. "Yes. Ram in it." He's more than happy to oblige, slamming into her with reckless abandon, and all she does is pant and egg him on all the more. Until at last he jerks and shivers, not doubt emptying himself into her.

She didn't climax, but she's more than pleased with him all the same. "Come on. I'm still good to go." Mightyena looks to Azjar, waggling her butt to invite him. I shake my head and head over to Henra. She cocks up her leg, no doubt looking for a little fun herself.

Seeing no harm in it, I dive right in and lick her.

A surprised yelp turns into a lusty moan. Azjar busts into a blinding light, growing and shrinking. No doubt his cock follows suit, and the back and forth is driving Mightyena wild. Once the light dies down, Mightyena stands up to accommodate her lover, only just in time for him to jerk and shiver sending her over the edge and slamming her into her own climax.

Much better, bro. Much better.

I get back to—

"You still have Ralts."

"And she's mine." Try as I might not to, a little growl slips in. Henra taps my nose and wiggles her butt to remind me what she needs. I giggle and get back to it, licking her yummy little snatch. Henra giggles and whimpers appreciatively, soon turning into grinding her crotch against my face.

Appreciative whimpers turn to open-mouthed moans, and all too soon her thighs clamp onto me as she quakes, gushing into my mouth. Even with her sweetness all over my tongue, I lick her clean.

Mightyena grunts, part pleasure part pain. Fyore seems to be her round three—either she's sensitive from Azjar's tryst, or Fyore's girth puts him to shame.

Not my problem. I beckon to Andriil and Idrii, and they come running. Adriil lies beside Henra, knees held wide for me. I get right to licking her, and Idrii's little stubs hold me in place, licking me just the same. This I like.


"Mistress!" I jerk up, Ralts wailing in my arms. She points to the mouth of the cave, in tears. "Weaviles."

Henra clutches her egg to her chest. Kandra keeps close to her. Fyore, of course, is out hunting again. Worthless. No wonder Mother prefers to stay in her cove even with the expanded guard.

Hand flies up, senses cast about me. Two reds inbound, coming fast. They no doubt know we're onto them. Logic would dictate they flee. Whatever.

They come right at me, one going high, the other low. I counter and slam a kick right into both their skulls, knocking them out cold. I wrap my jaws around the first's neck and snap it, and grab the second with my paws, lashing out my Shadow Claws and cutting her head clean off.

Kandra gets one corpse, Mightyena gets the other, and they both dig in with gusto. Just my luck, Fyore decides to take Prajj and Azjar this time—his argument being that Mightyena will have a litter, so we need more meats. She's been eating like a queen since she got here, so she certainly isn't complaining.

But at the rate of expansion, we'll definitely need a bigger cave. Something even Fyore couldn't argue against; surprisingly.


"Thank you." I snuggle right back on the pelt with Andriil and Idrii, and lick my Ralts's face.

"Of course, Mistress," Ralts coos, feeling warmer than a moment ago. She pulls back from me, spreading her knees. I tilt my head to one side. "Mistress rewards Andriil with sex."

True. And Ralts has just proven herself vital to our security. I lick her face, bathing her properly from head to toe, and get down to licking her already sopping cunt. Her first climax comes quickly; she was obviously expecting this. But I don't stop even after I lick her clean, slowly building her up to a proper open-mouthed screaming climax that has her body quaking as she gushes all over my tongue.

(Your name is Ali. Learn it well, lover, for I won't share you with anyone.)


Mother's scream jerks me out of my sleep. Something must have gotten passed us. I dive right through the pelt barring her cove, shadow claws manifested on both my paws as I prepare to rip every threat to ribbons.

As sleep sloughs off, all I find is mother holding her tummy, curled up in a ball. (The pup.)

I don't even hesitate, carefully arranging Mother on the pelt so she'll lay in the very center, and I lick her into a stupor, to help make this as easy as possible for her. Over and over, she climaxes onto my tongue, but the egg won't come. I gently work my paw into her, to loosen her canal, still licking her clit. She climaxes again, so I jerk out my paw, and the egg soon follows.

Mother lies there, doubled over in pain, panting like she had the most intense battle of her life. I help her lie comfortably on her Ursaring pelt, facing her egg, and I nudge her knees apart, licking her bleeding and swollen cunt. Instead of a gentle climax, another egg comes out, easier this time.

Well, that I wasn't expecting. So I maneuver her again, so she lies comfortable and away from the eggs. She's bleeding even more, so I quickly lick her to stem the blood loss.

(Arceus, another comes.) I arrange her to keep the eggs together without risking touching them, and I lick her to help her along. With the last egg finally laid, Mother crawls away from the eggs, and curls up, cocking her leg up so I may tend to her. Ali, Idrii, and Adriil bring her berries to and some meats for her to eat while I lick mother clean and bathe her.

Once I'm satisfied, I take up vigil near the hole I just ripped through her defenses. It's late, so attempting to repair it just now makes no sense.

(I never lay multiple.) Mother sounds amused. (But then, I have a daughter keen on tending to me.)

"Cey?" Henra comes, holding her egg.

"It's alright. Come." Mother beckons to my sisters to lie with her, though she growls when Mightyena tries it. (Dryn. Keep your bitch at bay. Pregnant or no, I've no use for her.)

Idrii brings Mother another berry, spoiling her as she deserves. She's had a rough night, after all.

I walk out of Mother's cove and order Mightyena to lie against the hole I made. I lie against her, petting her and scratching behind her ear for being such a good pup. (Sleep. I'll keep watch.)


(Who's the father?) I ask, bathing Mother.

"Fyore," Henra says, sounding annoyed. "That beast doesn't even lick me first."

(Aren't you his daughter?) Satisfied Mother's clean, I tug her knees apart and lick her to climax. Sure, she isn't as enthusiastic about it as when she's in heat, but she's happy I tend to her all the same.

"No, but would he care if I was?" Henra asks. Once I lick Mother's crotch clean of her juices, I get her a berry and bring her eggs for her to cuddle with—she's healed, after all, and they'll be warmer with her. "Dryn?"

Henra cocks her leg up, showing me just what she wants. Well, I do enjoy it.


Something feels off. Out of place.

A twinge inside me.

My world explodes into light, pain engulfing me. Perhaps a moment, perhaps an eternity, but it passes. The cove looks, smaller than it did.

(Congratulations, Dryn.) Mother's pride washes over me, far keener than ever before. I look down, finding a spike jutting out my chest, as well as the backs of my hands. I evolved?

"You were strong before," Kandra says, her arousal filling the cove. "Now I regret you not being male." An annoyed whine jumps up from my throat, sounding deeper than before. Great, now I'll have to train with this new body. Well, either way, best to start with exercising my tongue.

I barely touch Henra's thigh before she climaxes over herself. Really?


Fyore and the boys stare. I'm not sure what's so interesting about Andriil tending to my bath.

(Congratulations are in order, it seems.) Fyore drops an Abomasnow onto the cave floor. He tries to wriggle free, but Fyore steps on his head, pinning him in place.

(Mother laid three.) Andriil nudges my knees apart, more eager to serve than ever. Convinced none of the boys will be stupid enough to try anything, my thighs part and I give an appreciative moan to my little slave as she licks me. Idrii and my Ali rush to my side, already smelling male arousal, and uninterested in anyone touching them but me.

My own little harem. The thought pleases me.

Azjar and Prajj share a look, lust in their eyes. Only, Prajj is no longer the little Chimchar he was. Now a Fire and Fighting Monferno, he easily overpowers Azjar and pins him to the floor. Unlike our idiot brother, however, he's kind enough to simply leave him there.

My thighs clamp around Andriil as she eagerly laps up my juices, gushing into her awaiting mouth and filling the room with the scent of my arousal. It seems I'm in heat, but none of those dicks are going inside me.

Fyore looks to me, lust in his eyes. (Be mindful of your intentions. I may be young, but you'll fall asleep eventually.)

(Henra.) The Buneary comes out of the cove, holding her egg.

"Fyore, please. I've only just—"

He silences her with little more than a glance.

(It's alright.) Mother comes out, calm and poised and walking upright for a change. (Fyore. This is my cave, and you are but a guest here. Touch anyone without my permission, and you won't live to regret it.)

(You dare take that—)

I growl, lips tight against my gums, ears pointed at Fyore, waiting for him to make just one misstep.

(Dryn. Calm yourself.) I whimper, ears held low. Mother's eyes sweep over the cave, and she snorts in disdain. (This. Place. Is no longer adequate. Not for me, not for my pups. You've until my eggs hatch to find somewhere more suited and comfortable. And you'll have the servants and guards I require. Do I make myself clear?)

Fyore raises his paw, as if to strike her, but freezes. Ali's eyes glow, her hand held out as if reaching out for the ass.

(Tell me, husband. Do you value that paw? It seems questionable, given your actions in current company.) Mother's ears perk up, her paws clasped together. She's utterly at ease, knowing my people guard her as jealously as I do. "When the first of my pups hatch, I expect everything readied. You're dismissed."

Fyore jerks back, rage in his eyes but cautiously regarding me all the same. "This isn't over."

Mother claps her paws together and a bone forms between them as they pull apart. The message is clear; step up or back down.

I stand to my full height, motioning my slaves into the cove with the eggs, where they'll be safe. Henra and Kandra are quick to join them.

"I said. You're dismissed, Fyore." Tail between his legs, he kindly fucks off. Mother's arousal drips down her leg, drunk on the power she once again wields. (Come, Dryn. This is your preferred meal, isn't it?)


I traipse along. My backpack and belt wrapped around me as I try to get used to the odd feeling of wearing them. The first day of spring is upon us, and Fyore's been unsurprisingly scarce recently. Not that I don't have Azjar to worry with, but frankly Mother hasn't let him set a nail out of line.

The Oran and Sitrus trees are overflowing with berries, ripe as I please, so I try to gather as many as I can now. I don't doubt we'll have quite the journey ahead. Whether because Fyore actually does something, or because Mother asks me to find somewhere for my little brothers. They haven't hatched yet, but their energies are most definitely male.

"No, stop!" My ears snap to the sound. Human, young, female. My hand reaches out, my sensors flare up. Two Sneasels, male. Hmm. Mother's been craving more meat, her body preparing milk for the pups. And it's not like I don't enjoy killing those asses.

Up the path, silent as death. It isn't long before I spot the human and her Miltank beset by the two troublemakers. Miltank is already on her back, unconscious. The human recalls her slave into the Pokéball, and calls out another—a Buizel. Not the best match.

While they're figuring out who's the stronger, I keep inching closer, so I'll be ready to strike. Buizel gets in a few good hits, knocking one of the Sneasels out, but he takes a decisive blow to the gut, and is down for the count. The human calls him back, sending out another, a Ponyta, but one that's already to the point of passing out.

"Just a little more, Ponyta. You can do it!"

Sneasel seems to have other ideas and gets in a sucker punch, knocking her out. The human panics, obviously out of slaves and would have to either run or fight herself. She calls back the Ponyta, and turns heel, running in my direction. Thank you for that.

I jump down, right in her path, and she freezes. The Sneasel takes one look at me, and chooses life, rushing to gather his buddy and hightail it out of here.

The human breathes a sigh of relief. She has the most interesting furs. I can tell she's human, and her scent and the mammary glands hint at as much. But they all wear different furs, for some reason.

(This isn't human territory. Why are you here?)

"You. You can talk." Her brown eyes widen, her jaw hangs low.

"Not the brightest, are you." I circle around her, sniffing to memorize her scent. (I said. This isn't human territory. Why are you here?)

"I'm sorry. I got separated from my friends two days ago. This place is so confusing that I got turned around." Her stomach gurgles and whines, turning her face red as she wraps her arms around her middle. "I'm really sorry. I haven't eaten in days. Please. I need help. Do you know where a town is?"

(I might.) I push her back, just as the Flygons brothers cry out overhead. Those assholes just love diving in on easy prey, and this one's mine. (You wouldn't last the journey. Not as you are.)

"Please. Don't hurt me. I'm. I have food." Her tummy gurgles and whines, proving her a liar.

A shriek. A girl this time, also human.

"That's Dani, it has to be." She tries to push passed me, but I pin her to the mountainside.

(And what will you do if you find her?)

"That's my little sister. I'd die before I let anything happen to her!" She tries again, but I exert no more energy to hold her in place than before.

Much as I wish not to, thoughts turn to my little brothers. (You'll never make it in time.) I turn and sling her onto my back, rushing up the path towards the screaming.


A human pits himself against a Houndoom, putting himself between the cowering human up on the lowest branch of the tree behind him. The little girl holds a crying Cleffa, trying to stem the bleeding. This little shit thinks this is her territory?

I jump down, right behind the human, and set the girl I already claimed on her feet. She rushes to the tree, climbing up for her sister. I walk ahead, glaring at the snack that dares hunt in my pack's territory.

"Dryn. I. Uh." The Houndoom suddenly doesn't look so tough. "They started it! Pelted rocks at me, hit my pups!" She glances at a little alcove, where two pups yip and whine, clearly needing milk. But that means she's lying. She needs meats, and her mate's probably up and left her—or got himself killed.

"Bring them to me." She growls, fear in her eyes and ears tucked back. I punch her right in the throat, knocking her down, but not out. She yelps. She's already weak from guarding them from the Sneasels, so she's no doubt desperate to find food—and here I am denying her an easy meal. Figuring this out isn't hard, but that doesn't mean I'll tolerate the disrespect of entering my pack's territory without consulting us first.

Still. Mother desires guards, and Houndooms are second to none in that respect.

I fish out a three berries, holding but not offering them. "We can either do this the nice way, or I thrash you and take you just the same. Choose." Houndoom looks to her pups, looks to the berries. It isn't a difficult choice—she bows her head, tail tucked between her legs. I set the berries down and let her eat in peace, heading back over to the humans.

I glare up at the branch, finding my new slaves huddled together. The boy puts himself between me and them, fists balled and fear in his eyes. He rushes me.


I duck under his punch and slam him into the tree trunk, pinning him there with my paw on his chest. My lips tighten against my gums, revealing every reason in the world not to test me just now.

"Mistress, mercy!" The little Cleffa cries out, tears in her eyes. "Please, mercy."

Yipping little pups are brought my way, begging for their meal. Houndoom plops onto the snow and lets them feed as they please, already warning them that their mistress may want to leave any moment, and to please hurry.

"Lucario, please!" The girl holds her little sister. "Please. We'll starve without your help. Please, help us."

I fish out a berry and bite into it. (I've a one-time offer.) Biting and chewing, I let the fool get the 'oh no, you can talk' out of his system. (I know this mountain well. You'll never make it out of this canyon before you starve. Either serve me, or I leave you here to die.)

The Cleffa doesn't like her odds, especially since she's still bleeding. She jumps right down, into my arms. I lick her wound, finding it's quite deep. A Sitrus berry is fished out this time, and I carefully feed it to her. It'll trouble her for days, no doubt.

"Go, Ultra Ball!" I kick the thing so hard hits him in the face, knocking him out. Who the hell announces what they're about to do?

"And humans are the top of the food chain?" Houndoom hisses out a wheezing laugh, most amused. I toss her another berry, liking her just a little more.


It takes most of the day, but I eventually get my new slaves up into our cave. Mother takes a look at the humans, especially the still out cold male I drop on the cold floor, and she laughs. I set about taking their backpacks and belts, laying them at Mother's feet.

(You have a sense of humor I've come to enjoy, Dryn.) I chuckle, quite enjoying it myself, but Mother cocks her leg up. (Come.) Don't mind if I do.

I practically dive between her thighs, licking her and serving her like the queen she is. I don't stop with the first polite climax either. It isn't until the cave is filled with the scent of her arousal, and she's gushed into my mouth a third time, do I finally let up and simply lick her clean.

(There's a good girl.) Mother licks my snout clean. (Houndoom. You may lay your pups on that pelt. No one enters this cave without my permission, understood?)

Houndoom bows low and brings her pups over to the Ursaring pelt, settling in and letting them suck in their warm meal again. I fish out a berry and toss it to her, knowing she could use it just now. She grumbles out her thanks, digging in just as eagerly as her pups.

(Mightyena laid while you were out. Five eggs. I don't envy her.) I shiver, hoping her laying went smoother than Mother's. From the pained whimpering in the cove, I have my doubts. (See to her.)

I head over there, finding Ali and Andriil still fussing over the little nest for the eggs, and Idrii crying in the corner, muttering how she never wants to lay. Mightyena looks harried, worn down. I offer her a few berries and get right to licking her swollen and still bleeding crotch. Poor thing likely didn't have anyone lick her during the worst of it.

"Mistress. Mistress, please. It was horrid. Don't let me lay without you ever again." She whimpers, not even hungry for the berries. She's lost a lot of blood.

(Eat. You need your strength.) She's hesitant, but she nibbles all the same.


Henra lies beneath me, her glow dimming from her long-awaited evolution. She looks up, lust in her eyes and her thighs still very much spread for me. "Don't you want to be the only one to touch me?" The gorgeous look of the Lopunny spreading her lips and wiggling her hips to entice me further, it's hard to turn down.

(What if I want you to lay again?) I ask, curious.

"If I'm yours, I'll mate with anyone you want." I hear the 'other than Fyore' she doesn't say. Really, everyone here knows I hate sharing my slaves, especially with that ass. "As long as you're with me when I lay, and they only touch me when you want me bred."

Tempting, tempting. (Very well. Then you're mine from this day.) Henra flips us over and cocks my leg up to tend to me. (Prajj is the only male I want touching you.)

Prajj lets loose a please cry, even as he empties himself into Houndoom. She isn't in heat, so letting him mount her isn't anything other than them enjoying themselves. Spent but not sated, Prajj comes over to us just as Henra's tongue slips into me to see to my needs.

"May I?" Prajj asks. I nod, knowing Henra is more than lubricated enough to accommodate him. He slips his erection into her with almost no resistance, slowly rocking back and forth to let her tend to me while he still gets in his fun.

My gaze falls on the three humans, quietly munching on their berries in the corner under Ursaring pelts to keep warm. So fragile, these creatures. I smell their arousal, as they watch Prajj take another lover, as said lover so carefully tends to me.

"Mistress?" Ali comes, blushing and warm, her desires dripping down her leg. "Please. I can't take it anymore."

I pull away from Henra, much to her disappointment, and lay Ali on the pelt, on her back. I tease her a bit, licking her face and her neck first.

"No." She nudges me lower as she spreads her thighs for me. "Please. Please, Mistress. Please." Little licks trails down her tummy, over her thigh, down to her inner thigh. My tongue lashes out, getting only the outer labia. "Stop teasing me, you'll drive me crazy!"

I chuckle, quite enjoying her insistence. So turned on is she, that the first proper lick has her whimpering and clamping her thighs around me. By the third lick, she's already squirting over my tongue, her body trembling as she cries out.

"Don't stop, Mistress. Please. I need this so bad." She's in heat. Oh this is just perfect. "Please, Mistress. Please!"

(You want me to love you more?)

"Arceus, yes! Fuck me!"

(Then evolve for me, and I'll love you all you can handle.) She tosses her head this way and that, begging and pleading with me, grinding her crotch against my snout. (Not another lick until you do.)

She's engulfed in light, showing just how desperately she craves my undivided attention just now. When the light dies down, revealing her having doubled in size with much sleeker legs that she quickly wraps around me to pull me in under her skirt. I get right to licking her into a catatonic state, as she deserves.

(There's a good girl. Mistress is pleased with you.) She fills my mouth with her almost explosive squirting, climaxing so hard that she looks about ready to pass out. I carefully lick her clean, figuring she's done.

(I love you, I love you, I love you.) Her thoughts are steeped in lust and love, as she climaxes again, right at the tail-end of the last one, screaming unintelligibly as she gushes into my mouth in a thicker, gooier ream than the last. I gently lick her clean again, her body trembling as I scoop her up and bring her to my backpack. After all that, she needs to eat.

(I love you, Mistress. Please don't make me leave your side again.) Warmth fills me. A sense of belonging I can't say I've felt for anyone other than Mother. The berry breaks into little bite-sized chunks, and I carefully feed her every juicy bit of it. (Promise me, Mistress. Ever.)

(I'm still going to fuck others.)

(I don't care. As long as you're mine, and no one touches me but you.)

"Prajj. Come." He pulls out of Henra, still not sated. I lick his engorged red penis, sucking him into my mouth. (Lie on your back, Ali. I'm going to breed you myself.)

That's all it takes for someone to shoot his hot salty seed into my mouth. I catch as much as I can on my tongue, and move in between Ali's thighs, slipping a finger into he and fucking her that way to open her as much as I can. Slowly, I lower onto her swollen sex, hook my arms under legs, and lift her up to me, spreading her with my digits and spilling the seed into her. Laying her down again, my finger slips into her to act as a plug while I bring her to another peak. My tongue lashes out a total of five licks before she slams into another climax and passes out.

"I don't care what anyone says." Prajj grins, his erection swelling again with the scent of all the bitches in heat around him. "That's hot."

(Yes, yes. Please get back to putting a pup in Henra.)

"Mistress? Could you…maybe do that to me, too?" Wherever we're going, we'd better have a LOT of space.


End Chapter 3


A/N: How could this possibly go wrong?