
The Exiles

Chapter Eleven

Bonding and Baffling


Soft moans began to rise as the trio reentered the world of the waking, hands and lips already beginning to roam one another's bodies as their hearts sang out to one another. Clothes quickly began to fly as the two Hands hastened to disrobe one another, instinctively desiring to bear their bodies for their Mistress, instinctively knowing not to touch Her until She gave them leave to do so.

The Exile looked on with a small, smug smile as her two cousins put on a truly glorious show right before her eyes, feeling exceptionally powerful in that moment. This, she decided, was true power. Sure, her blood gave her power both divine and physical beyond many mortal's or demigod's comprehension, but the power of having someone entrust their bodies and their hearts to her was all the more intoxicating.

Finally, both were naked, breaking off the deep kiss they had engaged in sometime during the event to turn their gazes onto Her, eyes sparkling with love and lust in equal measure as they awaited for her command. Returning their gazes with equal intent, she silently crooked her fingers in silent command and they fell upon her, stripping her slowly and sensually with kisses and murmurs of appreciation for every inch of tanned flesh that their efforts unveiled. She was their altar and their goddess, and they worshipped her with hands and tongue and lips and eyes, and she reveled in their submission. Their souls pulsed as one, an endless loop of lust and devotion that stoked their flames ever higher. Their Mistress finally lay naked before them, and they rocked back as one into a submissive kneeling position, eyes lowered as Her aura reached out to wrap around them.

"Come, my Hands, show me your dexterity, show me your strength. Learn my body as I will learn of yours. After all, the hands should know the body they serve." She said languidly, laughing softly as they dove in once more, mouths instantly latching onto the prominent, hard-as-pebble nipples that topped her large breasts, and she shuddered in delight, for the sensation was beyond anything she had ever felt in the past. The wet warmth surrounding those prominent peaks was incredible, and she felt her arousal spike in equal measure to her enjoyment. She lay a gentle hand on each of their heads, running her fingers through Thalia's short and Bianca's long locks, enjoying the similar yet different sensations. Thalia was coarse, rough, and needy as she swirled her tongue around her nipple, teeth nipping lightly at the sensitive flesh, whereas Bianca was gentle, slow, and deliberate, much like the former Huntress herself was. Her core, already warm from the presence of the two women she loved and ignited by their display while stripping, was steadily growing ever hotter as the experience continued. Her enhanced senses, both physical and not, could feel the arousal emanating from her two lovers, and she tilted her head back and closed her eyes as she basked in the sensation of pure power, once again reflecting on the true nature of that word.

As one, the two worshippers allowed their assigned hand to drift down to their Mistress' crotch, brushing lightly over smooth, bare skin to join forces in stroking her clitoral hood, teasing the small pebble-like button of bliss from its protective confines, tugging on it lightly and making Her back arch violently with an explosive gasp of pleasure. Emboldened by their success, the girl's split their attentions, Thalia continuing to focus on the engorged clit while Bianca's moved down to gently stroke Her soaking folds directly, not daring to penetrate without Her command but nonetheless bringing her immense pleasure. It did not take long for the combined assault on her breasts, pussy, and clit to bring Riven to her first climax as a woman, shrieking with delight and writhing in their arms, soaking Bianca's hand with the flood of her release, eyes rolled back in her head from the intensity of the sensation. Her lovers nuzzled into her neck, kissing it gently as they stroked her through the aftershocks, both remembering how intense it had been the first time they had experimented and cum. Riven nuzzled them each in turn, kissing them gently, before resting for a long moment. They could almost feel the change come over her, an increase of her aura in such a way that it became a physical presence, and neither resisted as she slipped out from between them to stand before the bed, body glistening with sweat and cum as she turned her ruby gaze on them, eyes hooded and lustful as she licked her lips and devoured them with their eyes, both girls subconsciously spreading their legs to her viewing pleasure, making her eyes burn even brighter.

"On your hands and knees facing away from me, both of you." She commanded, vocie echoing with power, and they scrambled to obey, chests and faces on the soft matress, tight asses raised high and cum-soaked thighs spread before her. Kneeling behind them, she let her hands trail lightly down their spines and onto those firm globes, feather-light touch making the pair squirm in eagerness, both trying to raise their hips to guide those fingers to more desperate zones. She spanked each sharply, lips quirking into a please smirk as they moaned in unison, before admonishing them. "None of that, I will touch you when I see fit and not a moment sooner. Behave yourselves, or else I might have to strike you again, somewhat harder. Though you two might enjoy that, mightn't you?"

Mumbles of agreement, muffled by the mattress and blankets, immediately rose from her girls, and she very nearly cackled with glee. They would soon be entirely hers, the first and greatest, most valued, but they would not be the last, neither of lovers nor followers. She would gather more to her, bring others into the fold, and her power would grow. Teasing their puckered assholes for a brief moment, earning gasps from the duo, she quickly moved on to the real prize of the session: their sopping folds, the mingled scents of their arousal wafting directly to her nose and combining into the most glorious aroma she had ever smelled.

"And now, you are mine." She murmured before thrusting two fingers into each of them, sinking as deeply as she could without adding more fingers thanks to the incredible level of arousal that had consumed them. Their hymens, which any mortal girl would have lost long ago from the many strenuous activities a demigoddess undertook, broke beneath her thrust, and Riven pumped her aura directly into them, heightening their pleasure to the point where the pain of losing their virginity wasn't even felt. Ignoring the blood leaking out around her fingers, she began to pump them far slower and gentler than she desired to, wanting them to enjoy this as much as she was. They were warm and wet and tight around her fingers, impossibly so, and she began to increase her pace bit by bit as they began to thrust back against her.

The next several minutes were a haze of pleasure for the trio of young women, until the daughters of Zeus and Hades came with loud cries, tightening down almost painfully onto the pistoning digits, soaking them in sweet smelling fluids, and collapsing in blissful exhaustion. Crawling in between them, the Exile lay down and coaxed her lovers into curling up against her, heads pillowed on her breasts, and they drifted off to sleep together.


"What did you want to talk to us about, Doctor?" Caitlyn asked politely as Ducky shut the door to his temporary lab/office, and he put a finger to his lips before walking further into the room, and the two officers exchanged glances as they watched him come to a halt in the one spot of the room that was furthest from any doors, windows, or electronic devices. Now feeling distinctly disturbed and suspicious, the pair nonetheless elected to follow him, two pairs of eyebrows raised very curiously indeed.

"We must keep our voices down. It would be rather unfortunate if your Chief or any of his 'friends' should hear what I am about to say to you. In fact, never speak of it unless you are sure you are alone and unable to be overheard." The elderly ME said softly, eyes wary as they continued to observe his surroundings carefully. "Despite what you might have heard, I am not in fact here only to teach and observe with your own MEs. Instead, I am something of a spy. NCIS has reason to believe that Jayce and more than a few of your fellows, as well as high-ranking people within the city, are in league with a rather...undesirable element, or at the very least on their payroll."

"And you've been sent to see what you can find out subtly?" Caitlyn guessed, and the good Doctor nodded in response, a small smile on his face.

"My dear friend Jethro offered to come instead, but I am afraid that a retired Scout Recon Marine and perhaps the most legendary NCIS Special Agent would be far from subtle. Indeed, I think that while he would still find out precisely the information I hope too, he would only do so after much wailing, gnashing of teeth, and, naturally, pain on the behalf of your erstwhile colleagues." Ducky confided, and Caitlyn shot her girlfriend a pointed look that had her scoffing and looking away, folding her arms with a small pout. Ducky made the connection and chuckled lightly, it seemed that there was a female Jethro before him, perhaps? He had heard of Officer Zaun's propensity for, ahem, alternative tactics, as it were. Along with one -liners like: "C'mon, resist arrest already!", "Here comes the punch line!", and "FREEZE! Or don't, I don't care!"

"So who do you think they're working with? Gangs? Thugs? Mafia?" Vi asked, changing the subject away from her less-than-professional self, and Ducky's face darkened as he shook his head.

"No, I'm afraid that we think they are working with terrorists, though perhaps they are not aware that their benefactors are terrorists. In return for funds and favors, your erstwhile compatriots provide arms, information on the city, and share whatever information comes their way from OHS." He responded, and Caitlyn hissed as her eyes narrowed.

"That would explain the various weapons from arms dealers that have been 'lost' in Evidence, amongst other things. Why did this capture NCIS's attention, isn't terrorism a little bit outside of your usual fare?" she asked curiously, and Ducky nodded in acknowledgment, because it was indeed true. Terrorism and NCIS investigations rarely went together, at least they used to. Now, unfortunately, they seemed to be crossing paths more and more often.

"It used to be, but terrorists are targeting more and more members of the military, especially those on leave, and a dead sailor is a dead sailor, regardless of where or by whom they were murdered. One thing lead to another, and here I stand. At any rate, thanks to his putting you on leave, no doubt pending dismissal or worse, I thought it best to speak with you about this." He replied sadly, and the pair had to nod in agreement. In this day and age, everyone had to deal with the scum, not just OHS and the regular military, and the idea that Jayce was working with them (ignorant or not) was unacceptable and infuriating.

"What do you propose we do then?" Caitlyn sighed, not wanting to be in this situation. Not because she wanted to avoid the work that would come with this, but rather wishing it was unnecessary to investigate her coworkers for treason, espionage, and sedition. While she and Vi didn't have friends amongst the department, and barely had acquaintances, the idea that they might be so corrupted was a bitter pill indeed.

"Well, we think that your captain had...friends amongst the gang you reported massacred, which is why he so wants to find this 'Exile' and her people, as well as reacting so angrily at your own comments on their admittedly well-deserved fates. I would suggest that you pretend to arrange a meeting with this young woman, and have a discussion where one of your coworkers can hear you. Hopefully, Jayce and his group will take the bait and provide some manner of evidence on their betrayal. Myself and several FBI agents will be lying in wait to confront them and ensure your own safeties, but I cannot lie and say that this would be danger free." Ducky warned them, sounding truly regretful that they would by necessity be put in danger for the plan to work, but neither of them was swayed nor dismayed by this truth. They put their lives on the line everyday as their oath and beliefs demanded, doing so to protect the people from the depredations of those who should protect them was simply another facet of this duty.

"It doesn't matter, doc. It needs to get done, it should get done, so it is going to get done." Vi stated in her blunt way, though not unkindly, and the good doctor nodded before returning to his paperwork, leaving the pair to plan their own part of the greater trap.

"She said to call her if we need her, and this will be a lot more believable if she actually shows. Besides, I hate that she is going to be a target in all this, if we can manage to clear her name at least with the FBI I'll be damned pleased." Vi told her girlfriend and partner, and Caitlyn frowned in consideration. It would indeed, but how best could they get in touch with The Exile? They had no contact information, nothing but (to them) nebulous instructions.

"Let's drop the lure and head home, we can figure out how best to contact her then." The taller brunette finally responded, and the pair departed together. It wasn't hard for one of their 'comrades' to hear them discussing their 'plans' as they exited the precinct, 'failing to notice' him leaning up against the wall. Naturally, he scurried off to inform his Captain, and Jayce immediately put a tail in place at their home to follow them when they departed. He could kidnap the two and pin their disappearance on this murderous criminal mastermind, who would regrettably die during their attempts to capture her. Then he would have all the time in the world to break them.


As dusk approached several hours later, an apparently oblivious duet headed for Central Park, seemingly unaware that they were being followed by a good dozen disguised members of their own department with fell intentions. They guessed that they were there, of course, though they had to restrain themselves from actually trying to find the bastards, because that would probably tip them off that the duo wasn't nearly as oblivious as they seemed.

"Riven, we need to talk to you." Caitlyn said to the seemingly empty park, feeling very awkward indeed given that she knew no one was actually there. Well, besides the FBI and the traitors, at any rate.

"My Mistress, the Lady Riven, is not able to answer your call at this time. I have come in her stead." A cultured and soft feminine voice spoke from directly behind them, and they spun around to see a green-eyed, red-haired young woman dressed in a long, flowing, and elaborate down of the darkest black, white trim and golden ornaments depicting sun and moon defining it against the darkness of the night. Her face was partially shrouded by the almost comically large hat atop her head, and by the sheer, mask-like veil that covered from the nose down.

"Sinister Blade?" Caitlyn blinked in shock, and the woman laughed softly and shook her head in amused denial.

"No, though you are not the first nor shall you be the last to confuse she and I, so alike do we appear. She, like our Mistress, is otherwise indisposed or else she would have accompanied me. Besides, things such as this are more my purview than her own." She responded, and Vi spoke up from beside her lover and partner.

"And who are you?"

"Ah, forgive me for my rudeness. I am Rachel Dare, loyal servant to the Lady Riven, and the Eye of The Exile. She sent me to speak with you and help you as you need it in her stead." The young woman responded with a very courtly curtsy, a small smile on her face as the pair exchanged confused glances. "I would wonder why you had called for her aid, if it had not been forseen. Come out, traitors of the NYPD, and face your punishment for your sins."

There was an interminable pause before the corrupt police officers made themselves known, along with several more friends of an unsavory and illegal type, all carrying various weapons of an equally illegal type. Nearly thirty armed men in total, spreading out in a loose semicircle around them with weapons held at the ready, though not pointed directly at them.

"Rachel Elizabeth Dare? Well, I've no idea how you knew that we were here, but your father put up a mighty pretty penny as a reward for information regarding your location, and even more if someone brought you back to him. Come along quietly and you won't get hurt." Jayce drawled from the center, eyes glinting greedily as he regarded her.

"No, not yet!" Leroy Jethroy Gibbs, freshly arrived from Washington D.C. with Kate Todd and Tony DiNozzo, grabbed Fornell's arm as the FBI agent moved to reveal himself and their team to the corrupt cops and their cohorts.

"Damnit Gibbs, it was bad enough when we were using those two as bait, but now there is a civilian stuck in the middle of it and there are twice as many as we expected!" Fornell whispered back harshly, but Gibbs' eyes told him to listen, and he sat back with a sigh. Gibbs' gut was an almost mystical thing, and he supposed he could wait another few seconds. He, the NCIS agents, and a team of 8 FBI troopers in heavy gear with assault rifles were hidden in a dense grove of trees very close to where the showdown was taking place, waiting to capture the criminals the moment they condemned themselves.

Soft, tinkling laughter attracted everyone attention, and all looked to see Rachel giggling into the back of her hand, head tilted back slightly as her body shook with mirth. They were dumbstruck, for even they would not laugh in the face of so many heavily armed criminals with little in the way of morals. Did she really think her Father's reward was sufficient to keep her alive and unharmed?

"What're you laughing at, you little brat? Your daddy wanted you back, he didn't say you had to be in good shape. We can beat you down and drag your ass to the hospital if we have to, just say we rescued you from a gang or something. " Jayce verbalized what they were all thinking, and the laughter abruptly ceased and her hand lowered, revealing that her eyes were now hard and deadly.

"You idiots couldn't manage to best one of My Lady's weakest acolytes, never mind one such as I. This is your only chance to surrender yourselves to judgment unharmed. Otherwise, it is you who will be delivered broken and bleeding to your final destination." She informed him coldly, raising her arms as if offering them to take a shot at her. "You cannot hope to withstand an Elite like myself, peons that you are. Observe the power granted to me by the one true ruler of this world!"

The world warped around them, a wave of crimson light emanating from the girl, its passage changing the fabric of reality. Gone was the grass and stone of Central Park, gone was New York City. The moon glowed an ominous red, the sky a malevolent violet, the ground cracked and burnt as if scorched by a great fire.

"Welcome to the Dark Mirror, my favorite extra-dimensional plane for obliterating contemptible wastes of flesh like yourselves." Rachel chuckled darkly, a strange object now floating above her right hand. It looked like some sort ancient rendition of a globe, but it had strange bars and such rotating around it, in addition to what looked like a small flock of cards orbiting the entire device. "The stars themselves will judge your souls and decide your Fates. Declare: Dominance of Fate!"

The cards abruptly scattered, swirling through the air like a whirlwind, and after several revolutions a series of five stopped, one after another, in a pillar hanging before the girl, glowing faintly. To baffled by what was going on, the criminals and law enforcement alike couldn't move or speak. Rachel looked at the horizontal line of cards before her and gave a chilling laugh. "Your fates are decreed!"

The first card spun around to reveal itself to the onlookers, bearing the upside-down image of a king in crimson robes wielding a sword.

"Justice Reversed! You have sold your loyalty to darkness, forsaken your vows, and pervert the law in order to further your own gains!"

The second spun, revealing the upside down form of a man on a green-cloaked white horse with a stave in his hand, a crowd behind him similarly armed.

"Six of Wands, Reversed! You have fallen into disrepute and will meet your downfall because of it!"

The third spun, this one right side up and showing the image of an trumpet wielding angel overlooking people rising from their coffins with arms raise high in praise..

"Judgment! The time has come for you to pay the devil his due, traitor, for none escape The Maker's punishment!"

The fourth was easy enough to decipher, the upright image of an armor-clad skeleton on horseback with a corpse at his feet.

"Death! Your just punishment has been decreed, all that remains is to see at whose hands this fate will be delivered unto you!"

The firth card revealed itself to be a naked man and woman gazing up at an angel that was framed against the rising son, eyes closed peacefully.

"The Lovers! Ones who share values and love with one another and divine strength from that bond! I honestly thought that it would be I who would claim your life, but it seems that this is not to be so! Have you any last words, scum?"

"Yeah, bitch, fuck you and your cards. I'm going to fucking kill-" Jayce sneered, raising his submachine gun to gun her down, but a series of shots echoed and his body jerked as if on a marionette before collapsing. Rachel looked over to smile at Caitlyn and Vi, whose still smoking pistols were pointed at their former comrade with unwavering determination.

"As I had foreseen." The Eye mused, pleased that some small manner of Justice had been served, before facing the rest. Her cards flew again, this time stopping far more rapidly and revealing themselves to be The Devil, Strength Reversed, and Hierophant Reversed. Chains of molten red energy poured forth, wrapping around the group, even as they collapsed and weapons fell from suddenly powerless fingers. Smile broadening, she turned to the pair of NYPD officers that had not been struck. "I have taken their strength from them. Even should they not be chained, they are no more a threat than a newborn child. Do with them as you will, and never forget to call for help should you require it. One of us shall answer the call."

"And just who are 'us', missy?" Fornell chose that moment to reveal himself, his troops moving to take possession of the secured prisoners while he and the NCIS agents came over to the trio of young women. "Who are you people, and what happened to the city?"

"Haaaa~? I have forgotten to dispel it." The girl murmured, and a moment later the world snapped back to normal. Once more they were in Central Park, the ground, sky, and moon back as they ought to be. "As for who we are, it is not my place to tell you all you wish to know. I can tell you that we who call ourselves The Exiles' swear unwavering loyalty and undying devotion to our Mistress, Riven, from whose title we take our name. I am her Eye, the one to whom she turns for Sight and Speech, and it is for this reason I have come. To address you on her behalf. Ask of me what you wish, and I may yet answer."

"What does your organization do?"

"We seek out and eliminate those who threaten the Balance of this world, those who would use powers meant to protect and serve Humanity, to instead to enslave and harm. Much as you and your compatriots do, yes?"

"Who and where from is this Mistress of yours?"

"You would not know of her, for all memory of her has faded from this plane. She was once a mortal, loving child of a mother and step-father. Her parents were murdered and displayed by her enemies, and so she now seeks to crush them like the gnats they are and ensure it can never happen again."

"You say she was mortal as if she is something else now." This time is was Kate Todd who asked, and Rachel looked at her with appraising eyes that were far too old for so young a woman.

"We have all become more, for how can we protect the People if we have not the strength to do so? Fear not Caitlyn Todd, we are neither demons nor devils nor worshippers of Darkness. Not all with powers unnatural are those who follow Evil, and not all who cloak themselves in purity stay true to The Light." She responded cryptically, turning away and beginning to leave, prompting Fornell to reach out and grab her. Or, at least, try to, for as his hand began to close on her arm she burst into a shower of brilliant white light that scattered with a final comment. "Remember: If you cry out for us, we will come to you."

"I have no idea how I'm going to write this up." Fornell grumbled, dropping his hand back to his side, and Gibbs chuckled with his damnable smirk creasing his lips and shrugging.

"Right what up? Two officers of the NYPD were forced to kill their treasonous Captain when he attempted to fire on a civilian, and the rest of his compatriots were taken alive. The Hows and Whys of all of it isn't to important, is it Tobias?" he said slyly, and Fornell eyed him before chuckling and shaking his head.

"You scare me sometimes, you know that Gibbs? How've you not been shot yet, either by your family or your boss, or any bastard whose ever met you on the street?"

"My charm and dashing good looks, obviously. C'mon Fornell, I thought you were supposed to be a smart and skilled investigator!"

"Cheeky bastard..."


It was funny, The Eye of The Exile mused to herself as she rematerialized on the deck of her Mistress' flagship as it surged through the ocean towards New York City at the heart of her fleet. Travelling through time still felt so bizarre to her, yet her Mistress did it almost daily, effectively allowing her to be in multiple places at once. Such it was that she could send her Eye to help Caitlyn and Vi during a time where she had not yet come into her power, had not yet even claimed her Hands...or rather, was likely in the midst of it.

Arriving at a heavily armored door guarded by a pair of armed demigods, one Greek and one Egyptian, she was admitted with twin salutes which she returned, before stepping inside. The room to which the door led was lavishly decorated and inhabited by numerous young women, both armored and not, all reclining comfortably on couches, chairs, and even Roman-style klinai. At the top of an elevated dais, surrounded by several other young women, sat her Mistress on a large throne-like chair gazing down at her with a small smile. Kneeling at the base of the dais, one arm sweeping to the side in a dramatic but honest gesture of respect and adherence, she smiled up at her ruler and friend.

"Milady, I've returned victorious, though of course you know this already, for indeed we travel to meet those whom you sent me to aid." She reports, and Riven's lips quirked into a small smirk of amusement as she nodded her agreement. "Regardless of this, I think perhaps I was more theatrical than was truly needed."

"Yet it was amusing, was it not, to call out your cards and divine their fates aloud?" Riven responded, and Rachel nodded with a similar smirk as several others of The Elites of the Exile tittered in amusement and agreement. "I thought as much. It will be all the more amusing when those friends we have gathered amongst the agencies bring their superiors to view our glory. After all, they've no comprehension of our strength, despite all their efforts in the last two years. It is time to show them."

"By your command." The room chorused dutifully, and Riven's smirk broadened as her fleet sailed ever onward towards the site of the battle that would decide the fate of Humanity and gods alike.


The whole seen with Rachel was supposed to be very different, but when I decided to incorporate the NCIS and FBI teams into the scene, I decided to make her act very dramatically as a sort of display of power, an act to inspire awe, as it were.