"No, no and no," Beck says for what must be the hundredth time. His tone grows determined. He reaches over and takes the pen and paper off Jade. "We are not putting that on the list." He says. He puts the pen and notebook down on his knees.

"Why not?" Jade asks, her eyes widen as she stares at her boyfriend, who seems far too reluctant. She quirks her pierced eyebrow at the boy, waiting for his answer.

"Because I don't like it." He hisses, "So, my child will never watch it. Ever!" He sulks straightening out the paper on his lap to start adding something else to the list.

"So, just because you don't like it, our child can't watch it?" Jade asks.

Beck nods "Yeah, that's right, I am not going to sit and watch it with the pair of you." He says.

Jade can't help but chuckle at the boy, his brown eyes fill with annoyance, at her lack of seriousness. "Why, why do you hate it so much?" She asks. she places a hand on his knee and squeezes it lightly. he looks down at her hand briefly, and sighs before looking up into her green-blue eyes.

"Because," he says. "It's a horrible movie, no child should ever be subject to watching it." They had been arguing about it for a while now. Jade loves the film Watership Down, Beck on the other hand is a bit different.

Jades mouth drops open, she smiles slightly through her shocked expression. "It scares you doesn't it?" She asks.

"No!" He answers. a little too fast, Jade's smile only grows.

"Yes it does, it scares you." Becks eyes fill with annoyance more, at Jades lack of sympathy to his situation. Jade had known many people in the past who had been scared of this movie, of course this was when she was younger, as she grew up, all the people she knew who had previously been scared of the cartoon, had grown out of it.

Beck shrugs "I don't know if it still does. I refuse to watch it just in case." Jade suppresses her laughter, trying to look at him with a deep amount of sympathy, though she fails badly. "It's not funny." He sulks "it's just one of those childhood fears." She nods, slowly, still suppressing laughter. "There's stuff you're scared of." He says, trying his best to argue his point.

"Not, children's cartoons." Jade says.

"It shouldn't be for kids," Beck sulks, arguing his point the best way he knows how.

"What happened to you don't get terrified?" Jade asks in a mocking tone.

"It doesn't terrify me." He says in a small voice.

"Yeah, looks like it." Jade teases. "What bothers you about it?" she asks. Jade has a genuine interest in why Beck is so bothered by a simple cartoon. In all honesty, Jade sees nothing wrong with Beck being frightened of this movie. She just loves teasing him about things.

"You know, the general, and the black rabbit." Jade stifles a laugh at Becks words. He rolls his eyes at her, and tenses his jaw slightly, getting a bit defensive about his fears.

"The Black Rabbit of Inlé?" Jade starts to laugh but Beck glares at her jokingly making her stop "Seriously, that's what scares you." Beck nods slowly. Jade takes the pen and notebook from her boyfriend before drawing a quick sketch of the offending rabbit on a blank piece of paper and ripping it from the book. She throws the pen and notebook back onto the table. She starts to mock Beck by singing 'Bright Eye's' and making the drawing of the rabbit jump around his head.

"Stop it." He says, Jade puts the paper down and looks into her boyfriend's sad brown eyes.

"I'll tell you what. We'll finish this list." Jade says "Then we watch Watership Down and if, by some chance it still scares you, we won't write down, but, if you like it we will."

Beck sighs knowing Jade will do everything in her power to get this film on the list. Or even to just watch the film in general, but every time the subject has come up, Beck has found a reason to not watch the film. But now he sees that he doesn't really have a choice, "Fine," he says "But if I don't like it, we never bring it up again, and we never put it on for pip."

Jade nods in agreement. "I mean it, Jade, never. Because seriously, this." He says before picking up the rough picture Jade drew "Is horrible."

"Okay, moving on from your worst nightmare," Jade says, taking the pen and paper back off of the table. "What other films do you think we should add to the list."

"How about, Peter Pan. He says, you know it's my favourite Disney film. My favourite film in general really." He says.

Jade rolls her eyes "Okay so that is another Disney film added to the list. This might as well just be called the lets-see-how-many-disney-films-we-can-name list." Jade says.

Beck chuckles "Yeah, there might be a lot of Disney films on there, but that's only because they are amazing." He says.

"Yeah, I know. I've seen them." Jade says.

"Everyone has, or at least should." He says.

Jade scowls at him "Just like every child should watch Watership Down but you are standing in the way of that one aren't you?" Beck rolls his eyes, at his girlfriend with a small laugh. "Okay something else, music, books anything." Jade says changing the subject away from the film debate.

Beck thinks long and hard for a while. he furrows his eye brows trying to think of any musician he can to add t the list, but every idea he has in his Jade shoots down, saying she either 'Hate's them' or she doesn't think they are 'appropriate for children.'

"Music, hmmm," Beck says, he rubs his chin with his hand thoughtfully before saying something he knows even Jade won't refuse. "I know… Fleetwood Mac, they're amazing."

"Yeah, I think Pip already likes them." Jade says with a slight smile on her lips. "I was listening to Rumours earlier, and he just wouldn't stop. He was wriggling around and kicking like crazy. But then again, he could have been asking me to turn it off."

"Yeah, but I am sure she will love them if she is anything like either of us." Beck says putting emphasis on the word 'She'

Jade quickly scrawls down the words Fleetwood Mac on the list, before adding The Wind in the Willows to the list as an example of a book, she would like their child to read or be read as it grows up.

Beck and Jade, don't really have all that much in common, so finding things that they both like is harder than either of them imagined it would be. They like similar music, but still have different opinions on what bands are better. If Beck says The Rolling Stones, guaranteed Jade will say The Beatles. It's always been this way between the two teens, they don't agree on much at all.

"This isn't as easy as I thought." Beck says. Before wrapping his arm around Jade's Back, and rubbing it lightly.

Jade shakes her head "Nope, especially not when you're scared of cartoons." Beck suppresses a smile, and shakes his head. Jade winks at him, with a small smile of her own playing on the corners of her lips.

"I'm not going to dignify that with a response." He says.

"Damn, I was really hoping to get a retort from you," Jade says sardonically with a shrug. Beck rolls his eyes at his girlfriend's, before placing a hand on her stomach.

"Do you think you're momma is mean to daddy?" He asks in a baby voice, cooing at their unborn child.

"You're a dweeb." Jade says looking at Beck with a slight smile on her lips.

He nods his head "I know, but for you and our baby, I'll gladly be that if it makes you happy." He says.

Jade makes a mock gagging noise. Before she looks Beck in the eyes and smiles at him.

"Come on, lets make this list then, we have like… ten things on it." Jade says as she scans the paper, reading the small list that the couple have made.

"I was thinking, do we have to make this list, like right now. I mean, can't we add to the list as our child grows, when our child actually has a personality?" Beck says. "I mean, we're making this list, right now. But what if our baby doesn't like this type of music, or doesn't find reading all that interesting. Are we going to force that on our kid?" Beck asks.

Jade shakes her head "No, I won't force our baby to do anything it doesn't want to do, but shouldn't we give our kid a good start, have it interested in books from a young age. If we read to Pip, I am sure that he will grow to love books and appreciate them. Plus, if he grows up hearing the music we play, he will most likely like it. But, he can like what ever type of music he wants to. Though I do draw the line at people like Miley Cyrus." Jade says with a slight joking edge to her voice.

Beck chuckles slightly at this, and wraps his arm tighter around Jade, pulling her close to his body. He tilts her head up and places a light kiss on her lips. Jade smiles behind the kiss before whispering "Tell me you love me?" Against Becks lips just as she has on many occasions before. Jade knows Beck loves her, but she loves hearing him say he does.

"Magic word?" Beck says with a small grin on his face.

"Please," Jade says pouting slightly.

Beck nods "I love you, so much."

"Thank you." Jade says. Beck doesn't need to hear it in return. She has told him numerous times before, when they have been alone and in private. So he knows how Jade feels about him, he doesn't ask. Instead he places a chaste kiss on her lips before pulling away and looking in Jade's eyes.

"I have an idea" He begins "Why don't we, leave this list for now. I'll go get the comforter from our bed, we'll snuggle up on the couch, and I can't believe I am going to say this but, we'll watch Watership Down."

A small smile spreads across, Jade's lips at the proposal, she nods her head slowly "That sounds great."

Beck leaves the room to run and grab the comforter from their bed, as Jade stands and walks slowly to where her's and Beck's DVD's are, she shifts her eyes across the DVD's and stops when she finds Watership Down. For two years she had tried to get Beck to watch this film, and for two years he had said 'No.' Jade smiles as she pulls the DVD off the shelf, feeling happy that for once since she has been with Beck, she doesn't have to watch this movie alone.

Beck comes back down just as Jade is loading the DVD player.

"You okay?" Jade asks. "You look a little, worried." She arches her eyebrow and smirks at Beck.

"I can't imagine why." Beck says with a smile on his lips, as he rolls his eyes.

The two teens snuggle up on the couch, placing the list on the table beside them. Beck presses play, and turns off the lamp on the coffee, table. He wraps his arms around Jade and rubs her stomach slowly, and kissing the top of her head.

Later update this time, I have been busy. Anyway, please read and review, tell me if you think anything could be better. And feel free to leave any ideas/suggestions you have, I will try and incorporate them into this story.

P.S; Only a short chapter, this time but the next one will be longer, and will contain more of the list, again, I would just like to thank Myfriendfiction again for the great idea.