Hiya! To actually put myself in the mood, I have read yet another ecchi/horror manga which didn't actually fail me— until the end of the third chapter. Oh well, at least I got a little idea out of it. But I won't use any of its story plots like the path to becoming a school demon or something— well, in fact, my main kid here is a real thing. Welcome to Percussive Maintenance— with the title sounding like some kind of machine-fixing method…

Which it actually is!

Set in a school where mysteries dwell as well as its causers and gossipers, our new teacher on the block named Shizuo Heiwajima finds himself stuck in a big problem when he meets with a peculiar child under his homeroom. Along with other school stuff, can he survive getting feed on by real and pure monsters from all corners of Mou Meso Primary School?

What I said about Math which was an opinion of the many. I want to disclaim that because I love all kinds of Mathematics… and I usually find no difficulties in solving—! (gets stoned by tomatoes)

Disclaimer: I do not own Durarara! And Higanbana no Saku Yoru ni. Other references also disclaimed; references exclude other ff-dot-net stories.

Warnings: Yaoi, violence, shotacon, gore, sexual innuendos, strong language, improper school parenting, bullying, and a lot more! STRICTLY OOC!

Percussive Maintenance

Summary: …means hitting something until it works. Does that actually work on broken people as well? This is what Shizuo-sensei would learn from hitting himself with reality and logic… as well as hitting on that devilish kid as everyone calls him. Their love is forbidden in more ways than one. Shizaya.

Percussive Maintenance

Ah, yeah, right. I got awkwardly bored in the city and so my never-home younger brother told me to spend some days in the provincial town instead. Rural areas are actually designed to be vacation spots— as what I personally think— and so I agreed immediately. I quitted my job at a prestigious university and then moved on to this wonderful place far away from the hustle and bustle of Ikebukuro, Tokyo. I grew up there and spent my entire thirty-five years of living… of course, I'll miss that place.

But there's no way I'll pass on moving out.

After settling everything in Ikebukuro, I had traveled for a day to this town named Ookigappu… what a strange name, isn't it? I was not sure what it meant… but it was a beautiful place— the strange name did not matter to me now. Ookigappu is like a small remote town in the middle of nowhere— despite being landlocked from three sides and surrounded by water at the remaining one. Living here felt so isolated and away from the rest of Japan…

By the way it is, Ookigappu is a perfect place for me to stay quiet for a moment and relax. However, I couldn't just sit down and live without working— first, I'm not retired yet meaning no pension; and second, I don't like my brother sending me money like I'm some kind of person that couldn't or shouldn't work. So I set out around Ookigappu for any schools to work at… until I arrived at this (cough) rundown (cough) primary school.

Well, maybe just rundown compared to my old schools and university. It had a new building but they still keep the old one for storage and memories. Most of the teachers here are older than me— because it is provincial or something. However, doesn't it feel good when you're the youngest in the workplace? Actually, no. Not for me. Being the youngest and the newest at the same time sucks…

I had made my application that summer and I will be starting to handle a class of third graders— ranging from eight-to-ten-year-old brats. I will be replacing their teacher who had died from a school accident. But I wonder if children in rural areas behave like those urban snot-noses. My work would be starting in twenty minutes and everything else was set for them.

And for that, Shizuo Heiwajima's life as a primary teacher starts off! (Especially when I have zero experience in child handling…)

The handsome tall man with blonde locks hums a mischievous smile as he imagines the next minutes of his teaching career. It is whether he would enjoy enthusiastic children or forever be banned from schools due to grave misconduct— of anger and violence. It can be imagined that this good-looking man is married or have a girlfriend— with or without kids. But the mere fact that he is still a bachelor scared those 'less-handsome' and older bachelor teachers. Nor the fact that no one actually got his attention didn't make them feel better.

Shizuo Heiwajima is a complete example of someone stuck in work— no time for love and other things in life, dedicating everything for work, work, work. However, he— though half-heartedly— wishes things to change now that he will be working in a far less intoxicating and frantic environment. And for that simple request, it seems that Mou Meso Primary School has its halls ready for such a change.

Right, I guess I should somehow ask people why a primary school be named Mou Meso. Mou Meso means 'enough weeping'… was it a call out to those brats inseparable from their parents? Aren't they taught much of that during pre-school? And the grounds feel differently without all those enthusiastic and feverish cries from the children. I also weird noises along the corridors. I wonder if that was just my imagination…

After some more pondering about his new life, the blonde man twitches as they hear the school bells ring in response to the time.

In that school, the bells ring at exactly 7:58 AM and two minutes earlier than the scheduled subject dismissal. It is quite beneficial anyway; every class could have started on time. Shizuo gets up from his seat and off to his room with everything he needed for the first class.

Definitely unaware of what Mou Meso has prepared for him.

Percussive Maintenance

Rei Haruno —Sakura no Imooto

Chapter 1: As Bad as It Gets

The new teacher enters the classroom and then the class president yells, "Mina-san, new teacher de guzaimasu!" Shizuo smiles as the whole class greets him first, "Good morning, sensei!" Their voices are all in tune of glee though some who are still sleepy deviate. The new teacher nods and then he speaks, "Good morning, everyone. It seems that you are all— I mean, it seems that you all know that you have a new teacher."

He then writes on the board— his nose strained to repel against the chalk dust. He faces the class and then he speaks, "My name is Shizuo Heiwajima. You can call me Heiwajima-sensei. I will be your new homeroom teacher and I will be teaching you English for the first period, PE on the third period and Science on the last period…"

I forgot to mention. Mou Meso only had a handful of teachers and they asked me to teach three subjects since I was from a university…

"Heiwajima-sensei, you forgot Math!" "Kishitani-sensei said you will be also teaching us Math!"

"M-Math? That is, uhm… oh, the fifth subject." You got'ta be kidding me. MATH!? Fine, I'll work something out. Why does that bitch of a subject have to be handed to me, too? I guess I have to ask Kishitani-sensei about that. "Yeah, right. It was noted here. Thank you for reminding me…"

Shizuo can only titter at such bad taste in lining up… three major subjects taught by only one teacher. It shouldn't be a problem since he used to a university professor— but that is Math! No one makes peace with Math!

"Okay, since this is my first time meeting you… I guess everyone should introduce themselves. Tell me your name, age, and why you wanted to study." The last part comes around as a surprise and so the children chatter. However, the attention whores start making their moves— making good impression on such a cute teacher. Many try to sound good… but no one particularly has taken his attention just yet.

Shizuo checks their names at the class roster as they go… only to notice that there was a name crossed out from it. It didn't look like a permanent mark… but more of a prank. Why was this kid's name crossed out from the class roster? He waits until everyone is done… he isn't able to hear the particular name and then he calls the class president, "Yoh-kun, can you come here for a moment?"

The boy obliges and then Shizuo asks him about the name. All he gets is a look away from him and then tittering from the questioned boy. He, too, doesn't know what the cross is all about— though Shizuo knows he does know of it. The guy then hums and thanks the kid… before proceeding to the lesson. He then gets to the board to start… barely looking at the textbook. He has written and copy-read lots of thesis written in that language before… primary English is something he can teach with ease.

The classroom follows him enthusiastically and that is all Shizuo wanted to see for his first day. He wishes every period and class he handles would be like that. Soon, the backdoor slowly slides open and he hears sharp gasps from the students. He turns around and then sees a young boy walk in. He sits down at the seat at the furthest corner and he stares out of the window…

"Yoh-kun, is he… Izaya Orihara-kun?"

"H… Hai…"

"Izaya-kun." Shizuo calls on to the boy and then he turns to the new teacher. His eyes show no surprise as he finds a stranger standing in front— teaching the whole class. The teacher then speaks, "Please see me after class. I have something to ask you." After that, the kid turns away… back to adoring the clouds outside. The new teacher hums in doubt… yet he continues with his lesson.

Percussive Maintenance

The bell rings again and everyone else gathers their things and friends as they go to the Arts Room. The boy named Izaya walks to the teacher organizing his things as well. Shizuo pauses to look at the kid and then he smiles, "It's the first day of the second semester. Why are you late, Izaya-kun?"

"…Mother asked me to do something…"

"…? What kind of something?" The kid stares at him as much as he stares at the beautiful kid. His attractive porcelain white complexion appears so smooth and tempting to touch… his velvet black locks swaying at every movement the boy makes. Those seductive ruby eyes make his golden orbs stare longer than how long a teacher should. His cute face, nose and even those pinkish cream lips…

Because of those, Shizuo Heiwajima even forgets that the boy hasn't answered just yet.

He keeps on staring and staring… until the boy speaks, "Sensei, don't you have another class?" The daze bubbles pop and then Shizuo checks his watch, "Oh, right. Sorry. You should join your classmates in—"

"No, I'll stay here. I was not allowed to attend Art classes since April."

"Why is that?" Shizuo asks and then Izaya refuses to answer. He just walks off to his seat only to sit down and sleep at his desk. The blonde teacher stands up and then he hesitatingly leaves the room… seeing that a child such as Izaya is alone in there. He opens the door— eyes not parting from the child's image and then he faces front— "Boo!"

"SHIT!" Shizuo suddenly hits the man who surprised him with the books and even Izaya is awakened by the commotion. The blonde teacher covers his mouth tightly for cursing out loud and then he looks back at the sleepy boy. The man who he just hit then mutters, "Hey, Heiwajima-sensei… that's bad. Cussing out loud…"

"Kishitani-sensei…" Shizuo frowns as he helps up the other teacher, "It's your fault for doing that. That's very bad for my heart." The other teacher conceitedly laughs out, "Ahahahaha! Why are you spacing out, anyway?" He then pokes his head inside the room, "Did you see something weird!? Oh!" He then slips between Shizuo and the door frame— prancing towards the pupil, "Izaya-kuuuuun~"

However, the boy just goes back to sleep as if not wanting to talk to the teacher. But the other teacher still gets nearer, "Yo, how about you just go and work on your artworks in the library? Here, Emillia gave this to me just in case you won't go in class today." The boy gets up and takes the piece of paper. With that, Izaya gathers his things and then leaves the room with proper farewells to his teachers.

"Phew. That kid is sure weird." Shizuo listens to the teacher's comment and then he speaks, "Uhm, Kishitani-sensei…" The other teacher looks and then he shows him the roster, "Is that kid being bullied?" The other teacher nods and then he murmurs, "Yep. That's just because he's far too quiet to talk and far too timid to even fight back. They can actually wrap him in tissue paper and he wouldn't even move— and they actually did."

"Catching them in the act would possibly give way for me to punish them or some sort…" Shizuo murmurs as they begin walking back to the faculty room. The other teacher then laughs out as he wraps an arm around the blond's shoulders, "Ahahaha! And then Izaya-kun won't let you do that!" He then calms down, "Emillia tried doing that before and everything backfired every time. Izaya-kun suffered more and more so we should just leave them alone…"

"But I can't just—"

"…her? That's a new one. You think I should see him some time? Nothing really. I just wanted to say hi to the new teacher! What? That's going to be weird?" The two teachers stop at their tracks as they hear yet another voice of a boy from a distance. They peek around the corner and they find a boy waving his hands around as if arguing with someone… they couldn't see.

"…God." The other teacher sighs and then he walks nearer, "Oi, Shinra!" The boy twitches and he turns around to see his— "Tou-san!" The boy named Shinra runs to him and receives a petting on the head. The other teacher whispers at him, "Could you please minimize your voice when talking with your Celty? And yeah, here's the new teacher you wanted to see…"

Shizuo walks nearer and then Shinra grins widely at him, "Hello! My name is Shinra! What's yours, sensei!?" The blond smiles warmly and pets him again, "Hello, Shinra-kun. My name is Shizuo Heiwajima, homeroom—"

"Hi, Heiwajima-sensei."

The blond teacher twitches as he hears a strange voice and so he looks around before getting up to look around some more. The other teacher gets nearer and then Shinra starts staring at him. Shinra's father then speaks, "What's wrong, Heiwajima-sensei?" Shizuo looks at the other faculty and then he titters, "…Was it just me or…?"

"Oh, look at the time! Go back to class!" The father scolds the boy and he runs off immediately. Shizuo follows him with his gaze and then the father beckons him to come quickly. The other teacher than whispers, "Listen to this and listen very well, Heiwajima-san. There are rumors about ghosts in this school likewise in every place. And normally, every school has its own—"

"Seven mysteries." Shizuo rolls his eyes as he encounters yet another absurd thing. Back in his old university, there are also seven mysteries which are all made up. The other teacher then begins murmuring, "Yeah, I know MOST are not the real deal… but remember what you heard earlier?" The blond looks at the brunet one with a pair of skeptical eyes. "That's what the students refer to as Koe-san, the fifth mystery of Mou Meso—"

"Are you bullshitting me, Kishitani-sensei?"

"…You're not supposed to use vulgar language in a primary school."

"You changed the subject. So you are bullshitting me…"

Percussive Maintenance

Ah, so tiring. So the first day turn out to be ninety-nine percent like the way I would like things to be. As for the remaining one percent… it's all about Izaya-kun. I can't actually take him off my mind. Being bullied and so submissive… though it can't be helped, I wanted to do something for him.

So I have looked up about that kid. Izaya Orihara, eight, a kid from the local orphanage. He has been attending the school for less than three years and he had flunked every test every term every year. Normally, a student like that are the ones bubbly and talkative… but he seems to be the opposite. Izaya-kun looks frail and smart… but he is somewhat a stereotype-breaker. Well, anyway…

I feel so weird whenever I think about that kid. It's like my heart cries while thinking about him— all the bullying situation and shit. Aw, crap. My mouth— I mean, my mind keeps on weaving curses because I feel so messed up! I should find Izaya-kun and maybe I will feel better if I see him well and— oh, shit. Am I just going to stand here and watch this?

The blonde teacher peers down from the window as he witnesses yet another bulling act from the pupils of III-B. This time they are ganging up on Izaya as they are cleaning the classroom. They are either messing the classroom… throwing the dust and dirty water on Izaya. However, the kid doesn't budge and just stand there… holding on the broom.

Shizuo takes a deep breath and runs off towards the classroom… only to get there with the noises already subsided. He opens the door and then finds Izaya cleaning the whole mess. Shizuo looks around and then he gets near Izaya, "I saw the whole thing. But making them apologize will make it worse, right?" The boy only looks at him with that soaked small body… "Sen…sei…"

! W-What is this!? Thump! Thump! Thump! I feel my fingers tremble and… and no… stop it. Shizuo then looks away and then he takes off his cardigan, "You'll get sick. You better change in the toilet. I'll… I'll take care of this." Izaya stares at him and then… the most fearsome thing happened. The pretty boy suddenly smiles his happiest as he receives the cardigan, "Thank you, Sensei!"

Shizuo terribly blushes and then he turns away to hide it— using hand gestures to make him go away. The boy runs off to change and then the teacher sighs, "…Shit, shit, shit. I never felt anything like this… but anyway, I have to clean everything." The teacher raises his sleeves and takes off his shoes and socks. With a determined deep breath, he begin washing off the bullying stains on the classroom along with the weird sensation Izaya's heartfelt smile brought to his heart.

However, along the dancing lights, a weird shadow is standing from afar… "Heiwajima-sensei's… different…"

Percussive Maintenance

Sparkle. Sparkle. Sparkle. Shizuo looks around the super tidy room and he scratches his head, "Maybe I overdid cleaning it. And Izaya must be home by now." He gets up and then sneaks around to avoid having other faculty from seeing him in folded sleeves with the cleaning materials. Or else the whole class is screwed— or what he thinks. Putting the materials back in the janitor's closet and wiping his forehead clean from sweat— "Oh, Heiwajima-sensei?"

The guy shrieks and then he flings to the teacher far behind him… "…?" Shit, who was she again? She smiles back after reading into his face, "…That's an adorable oh-shit-I-forgot-her-name face you got there, Heiwajima-sensei." He then bows down in apology, "I'm sorry. I'll remember it the next time." She then dashes to him and blows on his face— which make him shriek again, "You're so nervous. Is that because you cleaned up the classroom some pupils are supposed to~?" The teacher grins in returned mockery, "And I won't tell you which class~"

"It's alright…" She smiles kindly as Shizuo starts pulling down his sleeves, "It's probably Izaya-kun's class again." The blonde teacher twitches and then he stares at the also blonde teacher with a meaty chest speak with a finger on her chin, "Being the new homeroom teacher of III-B must be tough, neh? It's more of a 'the whole class versus Izaya-kun' type of bullying. Everyone else participates and no one gets sold out…"

"They're a big pain in the ass. Why did it become like that anyway? I heard it all started last year…"

"You're right. After the whole class did a test of courage at the old building." The busty teacher then faces him and speaks in a serious tone, "They finally heard about the seven mysteries and then they went to the toilet in the old building where Nani-Nani-san is supposed to show up. After which, their class vice president disappeared when he went with Izaya-kun. The boy has come back but not his partner… ever since then, they blamed Izaya-kun for everything that has happened."

"Shitty seven mysteries…" Shizuo sighs and then he looks back at the direction of the boy's toilet, "They are always making children suffer." The woman then snuggles Shizuo's arm with her arms and between her breasts. The new teacher flings to her and then she licks her lips, "It can't be avoided in a place filled with rich imagination. Why don't we… try it?"

"Try what?"

"…The test of courage…" Her pinkish lips part slowly as if seducing the other blond… though it is evident in her eyes that she just wanted to try out the test of courage. Shizuo stares at her and then he gazes at the window from where the old building can be seen…

To prove that seven mysteries do not exist… The guy smiles back at her and then he nods, "Okay. Let's go to the old building and check out this 'seven mysteries' shit of yours." The woman chuckles as she let goes of him, "Aren't you a different type of sensei? You still behave like a college student." She leads the way, "Come along, Nani-Nani-san shouldn't be kept waiting…"

End of Chapter 1

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