WHAT UP MA PEEPS? Okay, so it's time to try something different! Well, not really, just that instead of one oneshot, it's gonna be a BUNCH of oneshots, neatly tied up into a series. Lol, I got this idea in math class. Of all places :)

The Idiocy Chronicles

Chapter 1 - The Mysteries of the Revolving Door

For most of us who have some essence of intelligence, we seem to focus more on the major things in life. For example, when we go somewhere, we simply focus on the destination instead of the journey. However, for the intellectually deficient, the journey seems to be the destination. The same also goes for the more simple things in life. Things in life that most of us overlook. Though we may call these people idiots, who knows? Perhaps they may posses a knowledge that could surpass our own.

...Now onto the actual story! ^^

Patrick ran through Jellyfish Fields, while happily swinging his back and forth in a vain attempt to try and catch the jellyfish. As usual, he had no sense of direction, and soon found himself in downtown Bikini Bottom, and standing in front of a building with a cylinder like thing where the entrance should be. Patrick stopped running and stared at the cylinder in an idiotic daze of wonder and awe. He escaped from his daze when he saw a fish in business attire walk out of the building. He watched as the doors began to spin, while the fish walked through it, appearing to become blurred in the visual mirage the spinning doors created. Patrick began to grin, showing his single baby tooth that stood alone in his mouth, and started giggling. He ran towards the door, like a child would at Christmas morning, and began examining it. He tentatively stuck out one of his points and gently pushed one of the panels on the door. It spun slowly, making a slight squeak as it did so. Patrick flinched back at this, afraid, but then stopped when he saw it would do him no harm. He laughed stupidly, and began to spin the panels using more force. This caused them to move faster and faster, creating a slight breeze while picking up exponential speed. Patrick stopped laughing and began to reach out towards the door panels, wanting to spin them even faster, but such was not the case. No, instead, when his hand made contact with the panels, they ricocheted him away from the revolving door, effectively flinging him hundreds of feet away from the city and making him land ungainly in the grassy patches of Jellyfish Fields. He got up dazedly, while rubbing the back of his head. After noticing that he was in Jellyfish Fields, he smiled stupidly and walked in another direction, one that led deeper into the fields. He started giggling when he saw the swarms of jellyfish, and rushed in further into the swarm to continue his playing among them.

Phew! Finally finished :) this really took longer than i expected, but most of that was due to laziness :P Well, expect more chapters like this later on! On a completely different note, I'm listening to the Hamster Dance! :D

And Review Please! :D