Hello everyone!

Here we are, the beginning of the end. That's right, Shattered Hopes is going to be ending soon. I don't want this to get too long (like summer and winter) so this will definitely not go past twenty-five chapters; yeah, I know that sounds like a lot but compared to what I originally set out for this story, well, twenty-five chapters is short compared to that.

Now, as a warning, this chapter contains a lemon; boy on boy love, etc., etc.

If for some strange reason you don't want to read it, feel free to skip the chapter, because that's all this one will be.

Once again, I warn you: THIS CHAPTER CONTAINS LEMON.

So get your popcorn and lotion ready, boys and girls, because it's about to begin.

-Astridelta 4/30/14

Chapter Fifteen



Eventually Sasuke's tongue retreated, but he did not break the kiss. Instead, he bit lightly on Naruto's lower lip as one of his hands lowered past Naruto's waist. Naruto's eyes shot open in surprise to stare at Sasuke's closed eyelids. The blonde knew he was at a crossroad now.

He could stop this and potentially risk Sasuke never speaking to him again...

Or he could let this continue.

A few more moments passed, filled with their pants and greedy kisses as Naruto made his choice.


Naruto could feel the slight apprehension building inside of him; never before had he interacted sexually with anyone, boy or girl. And he could also tell he most likely would not be in control of this situation, which worried him more.

Sasuke pressed harder against his body as he warred with himself in his mind, breaking him from his thoughts as a hand wrapped around part of his ass and squeezed lightly, forcing him to gasp quietly into the Uchiha's mouth. The raven continued to kiss him hungrily as another hand pressed to Naruto's chest, right above his heart.

Naruto was then able to unleash a loud groan as Sasuke detached their lips, lowering his own head and kissing at the juncture of Naruto's left shoulder and his neck; he bit harshly, turning Naruto's husky moan to a hiss mixed with pain and pleasure, before licking at the wound and sucking. Naruto knew he shouldn't be surprised; nothing Sasuke ever did was gentle, or soft; it always had to be harsh and hard.

He found that he didn't mind that.

Sasuke's head raised slightly, sucking at the skin over Naruto's jugular, and quickly the blonde found himself disgruntled knowing that, once again, Sasuke was going to take control. He was too lost in pleasure to fight, however much he wished to.

The blonde's mind registered surprise as Sasuke's hands roughly shoved up his orange shirt, fingers latching onto his nipples and pinching. Naruto moaned and lowered his head to deliver his own bite marks to Sasuke's shoulder, hearing the Uchiha moan and earning harder grips onto his nipples. The Uchiha's hands retreated from Naruto's shirt for a moment, yanking at the offending clothing. Naruto raised his arms and allowed Sasuke to remove the covering, tossing it somewhere to the side. Naruto didn't care to know where as Sasuke's head lowered and, with a growl, his mouth latched onto the Jinchuuriki's left nipple.

The raven bit down on the bud before licking, following the same procedure as with Naruto's shoulder, his index finger rubbing on the blonde's other bud, alternating between lightly pressing and rubbing circles around it. Naruto could feel his will to protest dwindling.

Sasuke's hands then slid lower, grasping the hem of Naruto's pants as he licked a blazing trail down the blonde's stomach, his tongue dipping into the grooves of his abs and subsequently causing Naruto's knees to almost buckle and heat to pool between his legs. "God dammit," Naruto managed to groan, surprising himself with the ability to form coherent words as he stared down at Sasuke, who's head was now level with something that was straining to be free of the black pants it was encased in.

Naruto's azure eyes were locked on Sasuke as he panted heavily; he knew what Sasuke intended to do next. And dammit, he wanted it to happen.

As if hearing the unspoken consent, Sasuke's hands latched around the hem of the blonde's trousers and proceeded to, extremely slowly, sliding the coverings off. The Jinchuuriki could feel the sliding of the cloth against his erection and let out a groan and thrusted his hips forward as his pants came to his knees, leaving him in his blue boxer shorts, the tent formed by his erection sticking out towards Sasuke.

The raven's face showed no response to the sight; he simply stared at Naruto, and the more the Uchiha refused to move, the more Naruto began to grow increasingly worried, and agitated.

Oh for Kami's sake don't stop now dammit...what if he's turned off oh please no not when it's getting good...c'mon please touch me do it do it DO IT!

Naruto's eyes widened slightly when a warm hand encased his cloth-covered erection.

His vision focused on Sasuke, who's smoldering black eyes were staring at Naruto's face, a devilish smirk on his face- Just like the damn bastard used to do when we were kids but fuck he wasn't holding my cock in his hand when we were kids-holy shit!

Sasuke's hand had moved to the base of Naruto's cock while his mouth, the cursed torture device that had spewed agitating words at Naruto since childhood, was centimeters away from his head. The warm breath coming from Sasuke's nose combined with the moist pants coming from the Uchiha's mouth had Naruto's legs shaking and his erection twitching in the raven's hand, silently begging for more as an animal would a treat from their master.

Sasuke's lips parted wider, and his slick pink tongue darted out, moistening his mouth whilst he continued to stare Naruto down; his hand, barely pumping Naruto's cock and sending small vibrations from the base to his head.

"...Fuuuuuuck," Naruto groaned while Sasuke's hand began to pump slightly faster, his breaths still falling onto the blonde's cloth-encased skin teasingly. The Uchiha seemed to be taunting him, playing with him. Naruto could barely keep himself from shouting in ecstasy and frustration at the thought, and sight, of the Great Uchiha Sasuke teasing his cock.

Sasuke's hand ceased pumping the base of Naruto's hard-on, and instead moved to cup the underpart of the erection, and proceeded to sigh against it. Naruto grit his teeth as waves of pleasure and longing hit him, weakening his legs. He couldn't take this teasing much longer...

Sasuke's fingers rubbed the cloth of the Jinchuuriki's boxers against his head as he continued to breathe against the underpart of his cock, his index finger moving in small swirling motions around the slit, occasionally dipping into the crevice.

And when Sasuke's other hand moved to encase his balls, he snapped.

"Dammit!" the blonde groaned and shoved his hips forward once more; however, this time, Sasuke gripped Naruto's cock with the hand he had previously wrapped around the head and aimed it into his mouth.

Naruto let out a deep, gurgled moan as he felt Sasuke's mouth encasing his cock, still in boxers. The cloth, already damp from the sweat and precum accumulating on his erection, grew downright soaked as Sasuke's tongue immediately began to lick around the erection. The raven sucked, his cheeks hollowing inward and Naruto could barely believe the beautiful sight of Sasuke between his legs. He moaned when the Uchiha's wicked organ flicked against the underpart of his cock.

The raven's lips closed around the middle of Naruto's cock, not yet near the back of his throat yet, and he proceeded to bob his head slightly, as he had done when he had pumped the erection with his hand; toying Naruto, seeing how far he could push the blonde until he snapped. And Naruto's patience was growing thinner with every lick, every small thrust of Sasuke's head over his cock.

He longed to thrust the entirety of his cock into Sasuke's throat, to end the teasing and get on with it, but the raven had placed his hands on either side of Naruto's hips, reminding the Jinchuuriki of the fact that he was in charge, he was the one who controlled the situation, and he decided when he would slide his tongue into the slit of his head, pushing the saliva-soaked cloth against the blonde's skin and make him writhe where he stood in agonizing pleasure.

Because that was what this was; it felt so damn good it hurt, every new wave of ecstasy sent pricks down Naruto's skin. And when Sasuke paused in his torture to removed the boxers, Naruto should have known this was only the beginning.

Naruto had thought, that when Sasuke removed the clothing, the blowjob would only get better; he didn't know it would have ceased at all. So, when the Uchiha stood to his full height and licked his lips tauntingly in front of the blonde, he couldn't help but feel indulgent and unsatisfied.

"Oi," he hissed, voicing his displeasure, pointedly ignoring the throbbing in his cock, "What are you doing? I'm not done yet-"

Naruto was cut off by Sasuke's mouth pressing against his own, and he found while he didn't exactly mind tasting himself on the raven's tongue, the knowledge that the organ should have been wrapping around his erection had him slightly disgruntled.

Sasuke parted their mouths slightly just as Naruto was going to suck on the other's tongue, and Naruto opened his eyes to find Sasuke's smoldering black eyes, clouded over with lust, staring at him.

"...Get on your hands and knees," Sasuke said hoarsely, his voice slightly deeper, huskier, and had Naruto wanting to hear more; partly because he didn't understand the command. "What," he responded, noticing that Sasuke was slowly striping off his own pants and boxers. He licked his lips, thinking Sasuke wanted the blonde to suck him off as well.

He let out a shout of surprise when Sasuke's hands shoved him backward, his chakra rushing to his feet and keeping him in place. "What the hell!" Naruto said. Sasuke rolled his eyes.

"I'm not surprised you've never gotten laid before," the Uchiha commented, "if you're always protesting and fighting back."

Naruto felt his cheeks go red as he glowered at the other boy. "Fuck you," he hissed. A glint seemed to flash in Sasuke's onyx eyes. "That's what I'm trying to get at," the raven replied, and once more shoved Naruto; this time, the blonde complied and lowered himself, getting on his hands and knees in front of the raven. As if the position wasn't humiliating on its own, the Jinchuurki got an up-close and personal look at the entirety of Sasuke's erection; he found himself slightly awed at the size.

For his part, Sasuke let out a sigh of irritation. Naruto glanced up and saw the raven with his head turned to the side, shoulders shaking slightly and his hand covering his mouth. "What," Naruto asked, returning his eyes back to Sasuke's..."little" friend.

The raven stepped around Naruto, moving to kneel at his backside. "You never make anything easy," the Uchiha muttered; the sound of Sasuke spitting suddenly clicked two wires in Naruto's head that had previously remained dead.

"Wait, you're not gonna seriously-" Naruto started, choked off by the sudden feeling of something hard pressing against his asshole. "You think I'm joking?" Sasuke asked quietly; he leaned forward, over Naruto, bracing his hands against the ground on either side of the blonde's torso and pushing himself up on his arms.

"But-but, you can't just do that!" Naruto exclaimed, feeling more and more panicked as he felt Sasuke pressing harder against his entrance. "Sure I can," Sasuke replied. He emphasized the point by nudging forward, and Naruto felt the tip of the raven's head push itself inside of him.


Whatever pleasure Naruto had felt earlier, was easily wiped out by the intensity of the uncomfortable intrusion currently entering him through a hole meant only for things exiting his body. On the contrary, he could feel Sasuke's breath against the skin of his back growing more and more labored and forcibly controlled, the more he slid his cock into Naruto.

The intrusion had the blonde digging his fingers into the dirt underneath his fingers, and he had to fight off the chakra that instinctively protected his body from pain as Sasuke's seemingly endless penis finally reached into Naruto's ass, all the way up to the base. Sasuke's breaths sounded more like barely restrained groans as he panted against Naruto's back.

Naruto could barely keep himself from trying to remove Sasuke from him as quickly as possible; he couldn't force himself to feel into it even if he wanted to try. As it currently stood, he was barely keeping himself from bawling like a child who had scraped its knee; if the pain of some removed skin could compare to being ripped apart from the inside.

"...You okay," Sasuke grunted; the raven shifted his weight behind Naruto, and the blonde grit his teeth as he felt the other's cock move inside of him.

"...It feels like I have to take a huge sh-"

Naruto cut off when Sasuke's dirt and sweat-covered hand pressed against his lips.

"Don't you dare...finish that sentence," the raven growled. Naruto scowled.

His glower turned into wide-eyed shock when Sasuke began to pull out. He was about to ask what happened when, suddenly, the Uchiha slammed back into Naruto, knocking the breath out of the Jinchuuriki. He couldn't keep a groan from tumbling from his lips this time; whether it was from pain or pleasure, even he couldn't distinguish.

"Ah...fuck, fucking warn me you bastard," Naruto panted as Sasuke thrusted slowly, barely moving inside of Naruto now. "I'm not about to deny myself the greatest pleasure I've ever felt," Sasuke growled in response. Naruto felt his temper rise at the comment.

"So, what? Am I your fuck-sleeve now," the blonde sneered as he glared ahead of him to the trees. Fingers laced into his hair from behind, and his head was forced to the side so he could slightly see Sasuke's furious, yet still smoldering eyes.

"...Never say that again," the Uchiha said, accentuating the words with growing intensities of thrusts that had Naruto moaning against his will. The pain wasn't necessarily fading away as of yet; rather, it became easier for Naruto to distinguish it from the slowly creeping pleasure and to not focus on it.

Sasuke's thrusts grew increasingly rougher and harder, until he was practically pounding against Naruto's ass. The sounds of the twos' pants and the slapping of skin on skin filled the air, and the blonde suddenly found himself flipped onto his back and Sasuke's ink black hair draping down over his face as the raven braced his arms on either side of Naruto's.

The Jinchuuriki could feel his cock twitching with every thrust Sasuke made, and as the Uchiha leaned down to slam his lips against Naruto's, he also lowered one of his hands to Naruto's erection and began to pump it in time with the thrusts, of which with each the blonde could tell Sasuke was drawing closer to the finish.

A few more thrusts and a thought suddenly came to Naruto, and he let out another husky moan as Sasuke thrusted particularly hard. "...D-Don't...cum inside..." Naruto panted. Sasuke's thrusts became suddenly spastic and erratic, and the blonde knew the Uchiha hadn't heeded his words as a warm liquid filled him.

"...Too late," Sasuke groaned out the words, his voice practically dripping with pleasure as his hand tightened almost painfully around Naruto, pumps growing harsher and quicker. Naruto groaned, and could feel his muscles clenching whilst he finally prepared to cum.


Naruto sighed as whiteness overcame his closed eyelids, his eyes rolling back into his head as warm spurts streaked across his skin and Sasuke's hand suddenly sent almost painful shocks down his cock as he continued to pump.

The raven pumped a few more times, before slowly detaching his hand from Naruto. The Jinchuurki, breathless, could barely open his eyes as weariness overcame every single damn muscle in his body. He groaned as Sasuke began to pull out; it was the reverse of before. Now, slight pain came over Naruto as the Uchiha removed himself from his body.

Neither said a word, Naruto content with laying where he was and simply breathing. But not before groaning as he felt something pooling out of his ass.

"Ugh," he drawled, hearing Sasuke shift at his side. "What," Sasuke's voice asked. Naruto couldn't help but notice a slight coloration of worry. "Are you hurt?" the raven continued.

"...Damn semen," Naruto muttered. "Never shoulda came in me..."

Sasuke sighed; then gripped Naruto's shoulders and dragged the blonde across the dirt towards the campfire. Naruto was past the point of caring about being manhandled, but not enough to feel the surprise of a blanket falling over his form and a body settling behind him, curving to conform to his position.

Neither of them said anything, but as Naruto drifted to sleep he felt Sasuke's lips press against his neck lightly, and a small smile worked its way to his lips.