Feodwyn slowed to a halt just as the road in front of them was drowned in the inky shadows of the mountains. The wall of thick black posts that Feodwyn had identified as Helm's Dike was behind them, its towering gate an odd comfort despite the harsh winds that swirled around them with the first warnings of an oncoming storm.

The Shieldmaiden didn't seem to notice the wind, or the wall for that matter. Her eyes were fixed on the towering grey walls that seemed to have been born from the sharp grey mountains that rose behind them. Somewhere behind them, Ori sucked in a sharp breath and whispered to Dwalin that he wished that he had brought his sketchbook.

Gimli wished that the scribe would shut up.

"Somethin' bad is goin' to happen here," he mumbled.

The dwarf felt Legolas stiffen in surprise behind him and twisted his head to meet the elf's light blue gaze.

"Why would you say that?" the Prince of Mirkwood asked quietly.

Gimli shrugged, only distantly aware that Aragorn had moved closer to them, his expression carefully-unreadable.

"I can feel it," the dwarf admitted. "Can't you? I thought elves were supposed to be able to sense these sorts of things."

Legolas stared down at him, his lips twitching as if he couldn't quite decide whether or not he should feel insulted.

"…The wind brings tidings of coming danger," he admitted after a moment. "I sensed that there was something wrong here before we passed through the gates. What I want to know, Master Dwarf, is how you sensed it."

Gimli huffed and straightened in the saddle, trying to ignore the flicker of pain that went through his aching bones and muscles at the movement.

"The stones, of course," he huffed. At Legolas and Aragorn's blank looks, he added "There is a certain greed and darkness that hangs across the battlements of this place. I have felt the echoes of this kind of greed before when I walked the battlements of Erebor after the battle, among other places. Stones are as susceptible to their enviornments as any bloody wind or flower, they just show it in different ways."

The elf continued to stare at him long after he had finished speaking, while Aragorn simply uttered a grim chuckle and reached over to clasp the dwarf's broad shoulder.

"Gimli, my friend," he murmured. "I don't think I have ever been more grateful to have you with me on this journey."

Gimli frowned at that and cocked his head to the side, his fingers curling instictively around the handle of one of his axes.

"I'm hopin' you'll be more grateful once ye see what I can do with an axe," he huffed.

Aragorn's smile widened for a moment and he bowed his head in silent agreement. Legolas seemed to smile as well and his grip briefly tightened around the dwarf's waist. Then Feodwyn turned back to them, her features pale and strained in the shadows, and all traces of humor faded.

"Stay close to me," she warned them quietly. "I do not know what kind of welcome we can expect from those in Helm's Deep, but it is less likely that you will be seen as a threat if it is obvious that you are in my company."

Legolas tightened his grip again and nodded enough that the bottom of his chin brushed against the top of Gimli's head. The youngest dwarf only looked at the Shieldmaiden with quiet determination, his shoulders stiff and straightened in an effort to imitate Dwalin's might. Judging from the loud snort that came from the warrior's direction, he didn't really succeed.

The small company fell silent on their way to the fortress. Gimli allowed his eyes to wander across the small valley that had been created by Helm's Dike, his gaze lingering occasionally on the scattered groups of tents, horses, and Men that had been crowded into the enclosure. A small river ran parallel to the road, its waters surprisingly-clean despite the crowds that would press close to its banks to wash and drink. Feodwyn bowed her head to the shouts of greeting and surprise that were sent her way as they travelled, her tense shoulders slumping every so often in recognition before they stiffened once again.

The Shieldmaiden failed to look surprised at the armed guard that awaiter them at the base of the ramp leading up to the gates of the Hornburg. Gimli couldn't really claim to be as unsurprised as she was; Legolas's steadying grip turned into a restraining one as the armed Riders pressed in on either side of them with swords and spears at the ready, forcing the small company to enter the fortress single file. Dwalin and Ori fell in behind them with muffled curses in Khuzdul on Dwalin's part, while Aragorn somehow managed to slip in front of Gimli and Legolas' shared mount. The Ranger of the North rode as close to Feodwyn as was physically possible, his entire body tensed as if ready to jump to her defense at a moment's notice.

People lined the narrow winding streets and watched them pass in eery silence, their eyes wide and weary. Gimli bit back a sigh at the sight of their worn clothes and too-thin, wiry bodies, his thoughts flying back to thoughts of the tales that his relatives had told him of those dark, early years after the fall of Erebor, and the dim memories of dwarves in and around Ered Luin who were constantly forced to search for work and food. To see such similar sights in a civilization of Men, expecially one that existed above the legendary Glittering Caves, cut him to the quick.

The strange procession climbed up the streets until they were forced to dismount in front of a set of narrow stairs. Gimli curled his lips in a low snarl when one of their guards moved to pluck him out of the saddle and allowed Legolas to help him onto the ground with slightly less reluctance. Dwalin and Ori scrambled off of their shorter horse before any Men could even move to help them and stared up at the guards impassively as they started to disarm them. Gimli himself barely held back a growl when one guard in particular took his father's ax from his hands. He felt Legolas nudge him in the side moments after the elf's bow, arrows, and knives were also taken and glanced up at him with raised eyebrows. The elf stared back at him with the barest hint of amusement, his eyes lingering purposely on a certain area of Gimli's armor. The auburn-haired dwarf felt his cheeks burn and turned away, silently thanking Mahal that the eyes of the soldiers of Rohan were nothing compared to the eyes on an elf.

Feodwyn offered them a small, tight smile as she handed over her own weapons, her features softening into something like understanding when several of the guards flashed her looks of regret. She seemed surprised when Aragorn and Dwalin immediately moved to flank her on the way up the stairs. Gimli, Ori, and Legolas followed close behind, their every movement shadowed by a slightly smaller contingent of guards.

The narrow stairs quickly gave way to two wider sets of stairs that led up to set of five towering arches leading into the shadowed depths of a cavernous great hall. Two young women clad in worn burgundy and gold gowns and a young man with honey-colored hair waited for them in front of the largest arch. The women were moving before the guards had even brought the small company to a halt and pulled Feodwyn into a firm embrace. The man followed at a slower pace and offered Feodwyn a weary smile. The Shieldmaiden smiled at him in return and bent her head to whisper something in to the women in her arms before they straightened and pulled away.

The woman in the gold gown stepped towards the company with a ready, strained smile, while the other fell back to stand beside Feodwyn, her gaze steady and calculating.

"Hail, visitors of Rohan," she greeted them with reasonable cheer. "I am Eadlin, daughter of Fengel. On behalf of the King, I welcome you to Helm's Deep." She gestured behind her to the woman in the burgundy gown and the man at her side. "My sister Maecwen and her husband Altheon bid you welcome as well."

"Although we had hoped that there would be… others in your company," Maecwen added flatly.

Dwalin's eyes narrowed dangerously and he drew closer to Ori and Gimli, his lip curling slightly when the motion brought him closer to Legolas as well. Aragorn held his ground and offered the two women a respectful bow.

"I am sorry to disappoint you," he said. "I am Aragorn, son of Arathorn, Ranger of the North. My companions are Legolas Greenleaf of Mirkwood, and Gimli, Dwalin, and Ori of Erebor."

The others bowed as they were named. Gimli saw Maecwen's lips twitch slightly in response to the small, timid smile that Ori gave her as he bowed and dared to relax ever-so-slightly.

Then Man a clad in rich furs with a crown atop his gold-and-silver hair strode out to meet them, followed by a tall being clothed in gleaming white robes and armed with an ebony staff. Gimli felt his skin crawl beneath the cold glances that the men directed at him and his companions and reached out to tangle his fingers in the fabric of Legolas's sleeve to keep himself from reaching for the throwing ax that was still hidden in his tunic.

"Who are your guests, Fengel King?" the man in white asked, his voice so rich and smooth that it nearly took Gimli's breath away. The young dwarf heard Ori suck in a sharp breath and saw horrified recognition rise in the scribe's dark eyes even as the blood drained from his cheeks.

The other man, Fengel, shook his head, his dark eyes narrowing into a shrewd, half-angry stare.

"Indeed, I do not know, Master Saruman," he whispered. "Although, I will admit that I did not expect to find my daughter among such company."

Gimli swallowed a cry of surprise at the name of Saruman and glanced back at the wizard who had caused Gandalf's demise with a sudden thrill of fear and awe. Dwalin snarled, his muscles trembling beneath the hand that Ori had placed on his arm. Gimli felt a small shudder run through the elf beside him and unconsciously tightened his grip on Legolas's arm before he could reach for his ax again. Saruman's thin lips twisted up into a cold smile as he looked at him, his eyes glowing with a brief flash of satisfaction at their obvious discomfort.

Feodwyn's voice tore Gimli's attention away from the wizard. The Shieldmaiden had gone to kneel before her father and the wizard, her head bent in submission despite the obvious tension in her lithe shoulders. She spoke to the King in a tongue that was unfamiliar to the dwarf, her words flowing faster and faster even as Fengel's features darkened. The king cut her off with a snarl and lashed out before she could finish speaking, his palm connecting with her cheek with a low crack. Feodwyn's crumpled at the blow and landed heavily on her side, her expression hidden by her long golden hair. Behind Fengel, Eadlin cried out and hurried forward to help her sister, only to be shoved away by her father before she could so much as touch the fabric of Feodwyn's cloak. Maecwen caught Eadlin before she could fall, her eyes dark.

Gimli gasped and felt Legolas stiffen again behind him. Dwalin let out a low, snarling howl of shock and took an unwilling step forward, only to freeze before the nearest guard could send a sword through his throat.

Aragorn didn't move, his eyes flashing with a bright, roiling anger that would have sent any sane man running.

Fengel didn't appear to notice the anger and outrage that his actions had caused. His eyes lingered with obvious disgust on his daughter's crumpled body before he turned back to Saruman, his expression morphing into a sickening look of polite regret.

"I am afraid that we have not yet been able to locate the being that you seek, my lord," he murmured. "Although perhaps you would be satisfied to question these travellers while we continue our search?"

Saruman hummed noncommitally and studied the small company, his eyes lingering on the dwarves.

"…Dwarves of Erebor, did you say?" the wizard murmured to no one in particular. "The name is familiar to me… As are two of its residents." His eyes locked on Ori with an intensity that had the young scribe trembling while Dwalin attempted to step between the two of them with another snarl.

Saruman smiled.

"Yes," he purred. "I know you, little dwarf. I have felt your presence before in my trees. Such a pity that my… men could not have disposed of you sooner, but I suppose that everything happens for a reason. Perhaps now you will be able to tell me what it was that sent you into my realm."

The white wizard strode forward with such power and confidence that all resistance seemed to fade away. Aragorn nearly stumbled out of his way, his expression dazed, while Ori remained frozen where he stood, his face as pale as death as Saruman reached for him-

Gimli whipped the ax out of his tunic before a conscious thought had formed in his mind and flung it at the wizard with all the strength that he could muster. Saruman recoiled with a shriek and clutched at the blood that now poured from the wound on his shoulder, his eyes blazing with fury and madness.

"How dare you," he hissed. "Scum of the earth and mountains, you will pay for the blood that you have drawn-!"

Gimli sucked in a sharp breath and took an involuntary step back as the wizard turned on him. Within moments, Legolas and Aragorn had blocked his view of the tall white man, their bodies tensed and ready to attack at a moment's notice. The Man and the Elf shifted in obvious surprise when Feodwyn took her place beside them, followed almost immediately by Eadlin, Maecwen, and Altheon. Gimli frowned and darted up to peer around Legolas in time to see Saruman stop and glare at the four people of Rohan with obvious shock.

"What is the meaning of this?" he demanded. "Will you not allow me to take my vengeance? Will you not permit me to take the prisoners that your king has promised me?"

"The dwarves and their companions are visitors of Rohan and are under its protection," Feodwyn growled. "As Captain of the Rohirrim, I will not violate that protection. You may not have them."

Saruman's eyes narrowed dangerously and he glanced over his shoulder towards Fengel, his lips curling into a satisfied smirk when he saw the rising outrage in the king's pale, weathered features.

"You would dare to violate the orders of your King?" the wizard purred.

Feodwyn and her kin held their ground.

"You may not have them," the Shieldmaiden repeated, her voice as sharp and cold as ice.

Fengel cursed and shouted for the guards to restrain his children, only to stop when he saw that all of his men had stepped away from the Aragorn, Legolas, and the dwarves with expressions of resigned defiance. Saruman snarled and took another, half-involuntary step forward that ended with Altheon's sword pressed against his throat.

The white wizard raised his staff and sent the Man of Rohan flying onto the stairs below them. Saruman's lips twisted into a savage smirk at the scream that rose from Maecwen's throat in response, his eyes widening slightly when the woman lunged at him, her spindly fingers curled around the hilt of a curved, gleaming dagger. Saruman pulled away from her easily and flung her away with another sharp wave of his staff. The wizard whirled and fled down the stairs before any of the furious guards could move to apprehend him. Feodwyn barked a few short words in that unfamiliar tongue that kept the guards from following the wizard, her long legs already carrying her to her sister's side. Eadlin waited until Maecwen had been helped into a sitting position before she joined them.

"Mae-," she began shakily.

"Altheon," Maecwen gasped. "Is he-?"

"He lives," one of the guards called back. "Although he will not wake."

"Will you allow me to look at him?" Legolas asked.

Feodwyn nodded and motioned for the guards to allow Legolas to approach the fallen Man. Aragorn hesitated and cast Feodwyn a brief, searching glance before following the Elf, leaving Gimli alone for a brief moment before Ori and Dwalin joined him. The scribe's features were pale and his body still trembled with the last echoes of fear, although he managed to give Gimli a small, tight smile.

"…Nice throw," he murmured.

Dwalin nodded and reached out to clasp Gimli's shoulder in silent thanks, his lips twitching at the scarlet flush that rose in the youngest dwarf's cheeks in response.

Somewhere behind them, Fengel howled.

"You fools!" the king of Rohan snarled. "Do you know what you have done? That was our last chance at attaining peace with the wizard. His armies are gathered- He will destroy us all because of your failure!"

"Then we will be ready for him," Feodwyn bit back. "Ceorlin! Hamren! Escort the king to his chambers- make sure that he is comfortable."

Fengel snarled and stumbled back when the two guards moved to follow Feodwyn's commands, his entire body trembling with anger.

"You- You would listen to her?" he howled. "I am your King! You are bound by law to obey me!"

"You appointed me Captain with the expectation that I would place Rohan and its people above everything else, my king," Feodwyn murmured. "I am only fulfilling my oath to you now. Ceorlin. Hamren."

The guards nodded slowly and led Fengel into the shadowed hall with gentle firmness, their heads bent beneath the furious howls that the king roared into the air. Feodwyn turned away before her father had truly disappeared from sight and looked to her sisters with an expression that was almost pleading.

"Will you support me in this?" she asked.

Eadlin nodded immediately, her gesture mirrored a few moments later by Maecwen. Feodwyn offered them a tight smile before turning to the remaining guards.

"Send men to gather any civilians that still remain outside of the Hornburg," she ordered. "Bring any man able to weild a sword to me so that I may judge them. Maecwen and Eadlin will take all women and children into the Caves for safety. I want a messenger sent to Edoras for the remaining members of the Rohirrim and those in their company. As soon as they have come to Helm's Deep, I want the gates to Helm's Dike secured and I want the guards on the walls doubled. Pull back every man the moment you see a glimpse of Saruman's forces on the horizon. The wizard's forces will outnumber us, but we have a chance at survival if we stay behind these walls."

Gimli watched the Shieldmaiden take a deep, steadying breath and stepped forward before he could stop himself, his hand pressed firmly against his chest.

"You have my ax, Shieldmaiden ofRohan, if you require it," he pledged solemnly. "I will do all in my power to help you defend your home against the armies of Saruman."

Feodwyn smiled for the first time since she had entered the Hornburg and knelt in front of the dwarf, her calloused hands curling around his in a warm, firm grip that sent a flash of pride through his veins.

"Thank you, Master Dwarf," she murmured.

"Gimli," he offered.

Her smile widened.

"Gimli," she repeated. "I would be honored to know that a dwarf of Erebor is among those helping to defend my people."

"Good," Gimli huffed, unable to ignore the heat that had begun to creep into his cheeks beneath the Shieldmaiden's intent gaze. "Good that's… good."

Feodwyn winked at him and pulled away.

"Take our guests to a place where they can rest," she ordered. "Tomorrow, we prepare for war."

Hey all! So, this is a bit shorter than I had intended for it to be, but… Well, what can you do? Anyways, winter break ends in two days, so once again I have no idea what my updating schedule is going to be like. Just bear with me, okay? You guys have been awesomely patient with me these last few months, thank you!

Please let me know if you guys saw anything wrong here or if anyone was too OOC, and tell me what ya'll think, okay? Thank you!