Title: The Messenger of Heaven

AN: There's an explanation about the techniques used during the last chapter and those that I'm going to use from now on at the bottom of this chapter. If you don't like this concept of mine then no big deal, just stop reading it.

I got help from kaitz-san, my new beta-reader, in this chapter and hopefully also to the upcoming chapters. That is all that I can write about that matter for now. Lastly, this is me imparting some of my knowledge to you.

"First impression is very important."



_-Breaks-_, jutsus and "powerful beings"

'Thoughts' or 'Special Things'


'Entities' thoughts'

Special reasons

Very Special

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or Koihime Musou. If I did, Naruto would be the second coming of To-Love ru and Shin Koihime Musou wouldn't have such crappy endings except in Gi. Gi's ending is excellent.

Chapter 3: Naruto, The Messenger of Heaven!


With a wide grin, the blonde introduced himself. "I've been called many things in my life. My powers earned me the title 'The All-Powerful Sage', some, because of what I contain, called me 'The Demon's Jailor', Great beings have deemed me 'The Child of Prophecy', and others know me as 'The Hero of the Elemental Nations'. But just recently I've been referred to as 'The Messenger of Heaven'. I am the one and only, Uzumaki Naruto!"


The young man's sudden declaration invoked many reactions from the people who stood witness at the spectacle. Shock for Kan'u and Ryuubi, joy for Chouhi, hope for the villagers and fear from the Yellow Turbans. Not knowing what to do or what is even going on, a Yellow Turban soldier desperately ran towards the blonde holding his sword high while shouting a battle cry. "Die!" He charged sloppily and as fast as his legs could manage.

But before said soldier could even get near, Naruto quickly started making hand signs which were gone unrecognized by the people of this world. He breathed deeply and shouted as he let all the air out from his lungs. "Wind Release: Great Breakthrough!" A barely seen gigantic gust of wind hit the man holding the sword, carrying him along the way. And it didn't stop just there, it continued going through dozens of more men before it stopped and dissipated. At the end of the path of the wreckage, several soldier could be seen lying around in a pile. They were either dead, dying or unconscious.

'Maybe I overdid it a little?' Naruto thought with a sweat drop.

The attack of the blonde sage made everyone freeze in shock, everyone but not including Aisha. She could see that a straight path was cleared in the ranks of the Yellow Turbans and they were in disarray from the distraction created by the blonde by the blonde. Kan'u saw this opportunity to strike and so before anything could happen, she reacted swiftly. "Do not let this chance go to waste! Everyone, charge!" The black-haired girl shouted, making the villager snap out of their stagnant state. Normally, she would've asked him first why he was here, but this situation was far from normal. This was a battlefield. She would take advantage of every available opportunity given the chance to do. So with Chouhi leading the charge along with Touka, they rushed towards the middle of the army of the Yellow Turbans who were slightly taken aback by the sudden reversal.

Naruto looked towards where he heard the familiar voice and quickly headed there to make his presence known to her. Once he spotted Aisha, he ran a bit faster until he reached her position. "Hey, Aisha!" He called out. She turned towards him.

"You would not believe how good it is to see you, My Lord." She said gladly, though with heavy breathing due to her fatigue. All this time, she had been fighting harder than anyone else because she felt responsible for bringing everyone into this mess. It was too large of a large burden to be carried by one person, but she felt she needed to do it because doing otherwise would be an insult to those who have already fallen. Her vision was a bit foggy, but she could recognize him by his blonde hair. The sight of him made her feel relief. Relief that washed over her body like cold water as the exhaustion that was gnawing at her had caught up. On her way as she walked towards him, she felt her knees weaken as she started to stumble and fall forward.

The blonde, with his quick reflexes, caught the black-haired woman with his chest. And as he supported her frame with his arms, he brushed away a stray bang from her face. Her face that was revealed to be riddled with scratches, probably from the battle. "Are you okay?" He asked, voice filled with worry.

Aisha looked up and was greeted with the sight of blonde's face towards her that was accented by the sun making him seem to shine as he gazed down towards her, eyes filled with concern. The sight made her blush as she tried to separate herself from him in embarrassment. After that action, she found herself falling again only to be caught by a familiar embrace.

"Woah, take it easy Aisha. You're too exhausted to be walking right now. But then again, it's not every day that a girl like you keeps falling for me." He joked as he caught her. The comment made the girl in his arms blush even more.

"It's not the time for this, My Lord!" She repeatedly pounded her fists to his chest in a cute way to cover her embarrassment.

"I know, I know. Just let me help you out first then I'll handle this for you, okay? So let me just…" The blonde said as he created a clone which surprised Aisha and the onlookers. The next thing he did was carry Aisha in a princess carry which he got a cute reaction "W-w-what are you doing, My Lord?!" from her. He then proceeded to hand her over to his clone.

"Aisha stay here for a while." He said to her. Next he pointed to the clone. "You, protect her till I'm back. I've got some business to take care off." He closed his eyes and stayed still. After a moment, he opened them to reveal toad-like irises with orange pigmentation around his eyes. He crouched to the ground and like a spring, he leaped towards where the fight was happening.

All the people who witnessed his deeds were left there, shocked and awed.

Aisha turned her head towards the clone. "Are you for real?" She asked slightly scared.

"Yup, I'm real as any of you. Just don't hit me though, or else I'd disappear." The clone replied with a grin.

_-With Naruto-_

While he was still in midair from his powerful leap, he created four clones. The four clones who had already received their instructions channeled chakra to their left hand as the original also did the same. A spiraling blue ball of chakra appeared in their hands which grew to a size ten times larger than their bodies as they shouted. "Sage Art: Ultra Big Ball Rasengan!" They quickly descended towards the yellow part of the battlefield which was clumped with Yellow Turban soldiers.

As they made impact, the center part of the enemy army was devoured by a very big bright blue light. Once the light faded, it revealed a huge irregular-shaped crater with a blonde standing in the middle. The blonde, with his sage mode spent, looked around him to see soldiers, who he distinguished were on the opposing side of Aisha's group. Deciding to make quick work of them, he made a hand seal and with a large puff of smoke, he created about a hundred clones which rushed towards every direction. The yellow-clothed soldiers were quick to react as they scattered to run away in a panic.

_-With Touka and Rinrin-_

They had charged reaching towards the center so they were close enough to see the result of Naruto's attack. The villagers who were with them were a bit scared, but mostly impressed by his display of strength. Who would have thought that a person from the heavens were that powerful.

"Wow! Onii-chan is so strong! It makes me want to fight him too!" The redhead said cheerfully.

The villagers and even Touka gawked at her, thinking. 'Who would want to fight that?'


They continued their charge with the blonde shinobi joining in. Naruto, who created a lot of shadow clones and ordered them to spread out, were a huge help. He and his clones started going through the Yellow Turbans like they were pigs for slaughter. The Yellow Turbans could do nothing, but panic and run from the blonde's assault. The villagers fighting with him were astounded with his abilities. He had shown that he was able to control the wind being capable of blowing out balls of air and generating mini tornadoes and to wreak havoc with his destructive spheres of energy. He was also seen to be able to make copies of himself and even if they do disappear from after only one hit, it was still impressive because it was too hard to even touch shinobi because of his speed and agility.

As the blonde was mowing through his enemies, a person stood in his path, distinguishable by the aura that surrounded him, his baldness, his lack of armor showing his bare muscled torso, and the broadsword he wielded which was as big as Kubikiribocho. That fact did not stop the blonde sage as he charged a smaller version of his attack earlier and launched himself with his left arm extended forward. The person who Naruto aimed at, pierced his sword into the ground as it started to glow. "Metal Art: Fortify!". He shouted. The blade expanded until it looked like a shield and as the glow faded, the sword attained a more shiny coating.

Naruto didn't stop and made contact to the shield with his rasengan. He expected his rasengan to pulverize part of the sword, but even after a continuous struggle to break through, the sword didn't even get a single scratch. He released his rasengan and distanced himself from the enemy. The Yellow Turban General saw this as an opportunity and picked up his sword quickly and as soon as it lost contact with the ground, the sword returned to its original form with a shatter of its glow.

The general pulled back his sword slightly as it started to glow again. "Metal Art: Extension!"

The man then quickly made a thrust towards the blonde as the the glow of the blade started to fade then extend like it was reaching for its target. Naruto saw this and with his lightning-fast reflexes, he quickly sidestepped as he felt the whooshing of the blade that ran past him. The blonde worried that someone could have been hurt and looked at the end of the attack. He was surprised that the extending blade stopped before it could reach a bunch of villagers who were scared out of their wits. The shinobi was confused by the general's act of mercy

The sword glowed and shattered as it returned to its original form again. The man then lifted up his huge sword with one hand and set it upon his shoulder. "You are as strong as Lord Kanro has foretold, Messenger of Heaven. Allow me to introduce myself. I go by the name of Zhang De and I'm the General of this force under the command of Choukaku and her sisters. Unfortunately for you, you are standing in the Way of Peace."

"Way of Peace? So pillaging defenseless villages is a part for achieving this Way of Peace?" The blonde narrowed his eyes at the man.

"It's all part of the grand scheme."

"I think there's something wrong with your logic there."

"Any how, you're standing in the way. All obstacles must be removed." Zhang De said. He lifted his sword vertically like it was nothing. The large sword lengthened almost immediately like as it shot towards the sky, the tip reflecting the glare of the sun. "It's time to send you back where you came from. Metal Art: Divide!" The extremely long sword swiftly came down upon Naruto and those along a straight path.

Naruto was about to dodge until he remembered that there were a lot of villagers near him. If the attack would do what it looked like it could do then those in the vicinity are going to get badly hurt or worse. He thought of how he could stop it, but ran out of time as it already neared him. The blonde dodged, with regret. He just hoped that the casualty would be small. Zhang De surprised the blonde again as he stopped only to make slight contact with the ground, forming a small crack to where only the blonde stood, preventing any casualties from either side. The sliced wind though, created a parting blast of wind slightly pushing back those in the area. The blonde noticed that his opponents was holding back his blows and was confused, but still gave in to his curiosity towards his opponent's actions.

"Hey, what gives? You and your people raided a village of defenseless people and destroyed their livelihood, but now you're stopping yourself from hurting them. I don't get why you're doing this when your actions say that you're better than that. So why?" The shinobi asked.

Zhang De who heard the question merely sighed as he struck the ground with his sword and set it there like it was a sheathe. He then turned towards the blonde and opened his mouth. "I'm an honorable warrior in respect of a duel and not merely a cold-blooded killer. Everything we did was out of necessity. We are a rebellion therefore we don't receive food from the Empire and we can't grow our own unless we get tracked down and get massacred. We are not evil as the empire portrayed us to be. We merely sought out a path where we would be free from the abuse of corrupted politicians and we were labeled as renegades. But regrettably, I was once part of the Imperial Guard, the most venerated and honored group of elite soldiers present in the empire. They were like the heroes of legends from when I was a kid. It was a dream come true for me back then. To think, I was a part of a group that has been famous for protecting the entire nation. I was happy to have that duty and because of my enthusiasm, I quickly rose through the ranks. But as I started getting closer and closer to the empire and the royal court, the more of its darker side was revealed to me. Seizing the land and properties of a whole village that didn't receive any help from the Empire because it failed to pay the taxes that they were supposed to owe. Persecuting innocent people for crimes they did not commit because the one in the wrong was a rich politician. Corrupt officials who steal money from the poor to squander it for their filthy pleasures. And there are a lot more that I haven't mentioned. To say I was disgusted of their actions is an understatement. Those who were supposed to govern and protect the people were those that inflicted them the greatest harm. I couldn't stay after finding out." The man waited for what he said to sink in before he continued.

"I travelled the land searching for a new purpose in life and was about to die from hunger. I passed out in the middle of nowhere, thinking that I wasn't going to wake up ever again. But I woke up, in a comfortable bed with a woman standing by the bedside that told she found me unconscious near her home. I was rescued by Choukaku-sama from the brink of death. I have heard about her from rumors and was slightly scared to what she could have planned for me in exchange for saving my life. But instead of anything atrocious that I expected to be done to me, I was given food to eat and a place to stay. I stayed under her care for a while and got to meet with those people who followed her. Contrary to the rumors spread about her cruelty to her followers, they were happy and smiling without the influence of the Empire. Many things happened since then and now I am here. Just know that we of the Yellow Turbans yearn for peace as much as other people do." He finished with a deep breath.

The blonde was quiet for a moment, processing the information he received till he spoke again.

"I see. Then from what I heard I think you're a good man. My only problem is that if you really do yearn for peace then why did you attack these people? Why pillage their home?"

"To achieve the Way of Peace, then there must be sacrifices. We asked them to provide food for us, but they refused. Refusing us means being an obstacle towards the Way of Peace." Zhang De reasoned.

"So just because they refused to give you what you want, you decided to resort to violence?" The blonde sent a glare towards him. "Then how the fuck are you any different from the empire you described! How could you say that you're seeking for peace when use force to answer your problems?!" Naruto growled with his eyes changing to a dangerous red.

"You don't understand, they were a sacrifice for the greater good."

"If that's your reasoning then I don't want to understand." The blonde said as he closed his eyes, maybe to calm down, his opponent thought.

"Then I guess it's time to continue our delayed battle." The Yellow Turban General said as the sword he stuck on the ground glowed. "Goodbye. Metal Art: Emergence!"

The ground beneath Naruto rumbled before numerous different-sized blades rose from where he stood, knocking debris and dust into the air creating a cloud of smoke that hid what happened within.

Thinking that the battle was over, he picked up his sword and with a burst of light it turned back to its original form. He watched as the dust fog faded but was shocked to see only destroyed terrain with no signs of the blonde. It left him unprepared as the shinobi suddenly appeared in front of him in a blur, but with different features present such as toad-like irises and the orange pigmentation around his eyes.

"I know you're a good man because of what you did…" The sage said as his nature chakra enhanced fist connected to his opponent's guts making the man grunt in pain. "But if I see you again preying on the weak then I won't spare your life anymore." Naruto then stood back away from him.

"I-I don't know if I should th-thank you or not." Zhang De chuckled while holding his abdomen, but then he started coughing blood. "B-but I still believe in Choukaku-sama's goal. Our leader will surely unite this land in chaos." He said cryptically as he slowly fell to the ground, laying in unconsciousness.

The blonde only stood for a moment in reflection before he took off again into battle.

After the enemy general had been defeated, the Yellow Turbans retreated in small numbers with Zhang De carried by his soldiers. All in all, it took only half an hour to defeat the Yellow Turbans with the Messenger of Heaven's assistance. The villagers who fought tooth and nail will be able to return in triumph. While the villagers who stayed behind will all welcome them back with a smile.

_-Somewhere in the vicinity-_

Two figures clothed in black robes with white adornments stood far off in the distance, watching the blonde who was fighting in the middle of the battlefield.

"So… He has arrived in this world." One of the figures said.

"It is all within my calculations, we'll let him play around for now. Eventually, he may or may not prove useful to us."

The second figure then turned towards the battlefield.

"And so… the waiting has begun. Do enjoy your stay here. It will come to an end, sooner or later, Uzumaki Naruto-san."


They had return from the battlefield and came back with victory at their side. The army made up of villagers had split up to rejoin their families who greeted them with a warm welcome. While the three sisters and Naruto remained in the main street.

As Kan'u looked at the smiles blooming on their faces, she finally felt like they had won. However reality soon came crashing down on her. Because next to those cheerful smiles were the villagers who shed tears of sorrow. They tried to look for the face of someone they knew among the returning soldiers, only to be disappointed when they learned the unfortunate fate of their loved ones. They were the families of those soldiers who have fallen and died in battle.

'I brought all of this upon them.' She thought as if berating herself.

She hadn't known what she was saying at the time. She only thought about ridding the village of the Yellow Turbans. Though she wanted to save them, she still lied about the Messenger of Heaven, giving them false hope. Maybe if she had waited for the Messenger of Heaven to appear, maybe the losses wouldn't have been so great. Speaking of which…

She was brought out of her thoughts when a hand was placed on her shoulder. She looked at the owner of the hand and saw that it belonged to their blonde savior, Uzumaki Naruto.

"Is something the matter?" He asked.

"It's nothing." She said in a sad tone. "I'll get used to it."

To others it might look like she was fine, but to the blonde it was as clear as day that she was suppressing something. Naruto's face took on a melancholic look. He remembered about the time when he saw Neji die. He died taking the blow that was meant for him. His friend had reminded him that his life was not his own anymore. To bring hope to people and let them depend on you, to hold their lives in your hands, while your presence is like a fountain of hope to them. He went through that responsibility, so he would know what Kan'u was feeling right now. Thinking that a lesson from him was as good as any other, he supposed that sharing his experience wouldn't hurt.

"Actually, you won't." He said looking at her.

Kan'u was shocked at what he suddenly said and she looked at him in confusion.

Naruto, seeing that she was puzzled, decided to enlighten her. "You really don't get used to seeing the results of war. Many lives are lost and while some could have been avoided, it's a fact that someone would die either from your side or the enemies'. Sometimes you ask yourself 'Is all this really necessary?' or 'Why is there still war, what's the reason for it?' or 'Why can't this all just end?' But nobody knows the exact answer to that. If we did, then war wouldn't happen everywhere. Over time you may be better at hiding your emotions, but unless you're an emotionless doll or a cold-blooded killer, you won't ever get used to it. I could go on about the cycle of hatred, but that's a story for another time." The shinobi then gave her a kind smile.

Kan'u looked at him in awe. "You are indeed the Messenger of Heaven and thank you for appearing when we needed." But then her face turned into that of shame. "I'm sorry, but I think I may have failed your test."

Naruto was now the one who was confused. "Test? What test?"

"Back then when we met. You must have wanted to test me if I could identify and am worthy of you as the Messenger of Heaven, did you not?" She asked. The sincerity in her eyes showed that she was not joking and genuinely curious.

"No, no, no that wasn't any test and I don't even know if I'm the real Messenger of Heaven!" He answered quickly lest he get interrupted again like other times.

"Then why did you help us and how did you get here? Weren't you somehow guided to us by the heavens?"

Naruto chuckled a bit thinking about his answer to her question on how he found them.

"Finding you wasn't easy, I tried finding you by foot, but when I thought I was getting nowhere, I decided to use a certain ability that gives me the power to sense from afar. I sensed a lot of people in this area and found this village. I asked if they saw someone like you then I heard about this bandit event then I went to you guys. To the question why did I help? Well, I couldn't let a beautiful girl alone when she's in trouble now, could I." He finished with a fox smile and a wink.

"Why… A girl you say?! I am nothing of the sort! I ask that you please do not insult me!" She said as she was blushing.

Naruto found her reaction funny and laughed. If she was this easily embarrassed then it would be fun teasing her in the future.

"I ask that you do not disgrace me by treating me like a girl ever again!" She was angered by his laughter. Nobody had ever shamed her like that. Not even cute blondes.

Naruto smirked. Teasing her was too easy. Deciding to take it further. "I didn't mean to offend you or anything. But why not? Can't I tell a beautiful girl she's beautiful?" He said with a gentleman-like smile and reaching for her hand like a gentleman would.

Kan'u's face was now red like a tomato, maybe even redder if it was possible. Trying not to provoke any further teasing, she decided to just stay quiet. But she did pout at him and it was the cutest pout he had ever seen.

Thinking that he had enough of teasing her, Naruto shrugged his shoulders and spoke up. "Anyway, how about this? You, Touka and Rinrin can decide that or maybe this world will be the one to decide that. So, for now, you can call me the Messenger of Heaven, whenever you want. But if you think I can't handle it, abandon me then and there. I don't want anyone to get hurt because of me." He said calmly.

She hesitated a bit, but still asked. "But… is that what you truly wish for?"

"Of course! Besides…" He said.

Kan'u tilted her head a bit signifying him to continue.

Naruto flashed her one of his foxlike grins. "Whether she considers it a disgrace or not, I just don't want to see a beautiful girl suffer. So what do you say?"

Kan'u blushed again, but still managed to speak out. "W-why, of course… Yes…"

"Okay, then we're a team now." Naruto then held out his hand towards Kan'u.

She looked at his hand in confusion.

"A handshake. To be on the same team." He said to her as if answering some question.

"No, I cannot do that." Kan'u shook her head.

"Huh? Why?" Naruto asked her.

"After hearing your words, I am convinced that you are indeed the Messenger of Heaven. Therefore…" She bowed deeply as she spoke. Naruto tried to interrupt, but failed to do so. "My Lord, Messenger of Heaven, may we fight together and quell these wars."

He sweat dropped. "Lord? But-"

"Yes. I have hereby acknowledge you as my Lord. Rinrin and aneue – I mean Chouhi and Ryuubi – must feel the same. Therefore, please call us by our true names and treat us as your retainers." She said politely.

He sweat dropped again. "Retainers? Still-"

"Yes, my name is Kan'u, my common name is Unchou and my true name is Aisha. Please call me Aisha from now on. Hence forth, I shall call you My Lord."

"But- but-" Before Naruto could speak he was interrupted once more.

"Onii-chan! Aneja!" Rinrin said as she tackled Naruto in a hug.

"Hey, Rinrin! Don't be so rude." Touka who came with her, scolded, but Naruto held out his hand. "It's alright um… Touka, right?" He said, to which the pink-haired girl replied with a frantic nod.

Rinrin looked up and smiled at him. "Rinrin thought that we were goners! Thank you for saving us, Onii-chan!" She shouted gleefully.

"Don't worry about it! Just doing my job!" Naruto answered just as cheerfully. He then remembered her fighting, his world might let kids fight, but they were ninjas by choice. He patted her head and began petting her hair. He then looked at Rinrin and asked. "Didn't it bother you, Rinrin? Fighting, that is"

"Not at all! Rinrin's strong enough not to lose to anyone!" She answered

Realizing she misinterpreted his question he thought about what to say for a moment before asking again. "But, being strong means you can kill a lot of people, right? Doesn't that bother you?"

Rinrin then released him from her hug. Her face changed to a sad look. "It does, but it doesn't." She said.

"It does, but it doesn't?"

Rinrin nodded her head and said. "The thought of killing innocent people bothers me… but the people I fought today were bad guys. They made weak people suffer. I want to protect everyone from people like that. That's why I decided to fight alongside Aisha. That why it doesn't bother me. It does, but it doesn't." She said. Naruto looked at her, for a moment she seemed older than what she was supposed to be. She was definitely stronger than him when he was her age.

"My Lord." Aisha interrupted.

"Hmm? What is it?"

"Well, you see…" She looked troubled as she led a group of villagers to me.

"What's everyone doing together?" Rinrin asked.

One of the villagers spoke. "We've decided."

"What have you decided?" Naruto asked.

"We want you to be our chief magistrate!"

Naruto was confused. He scratched his head. "What's a chief magistrate and why would they want me to be one?" He asked.

Touka then answered his question. "The country's governor is one way to describe it. Normally, the Imperial Court appoints someone to the position in order to collect taxes and maintain an army to control uprisings."

Naruto cupped his chin. 'Just like a hokage with the daimyo.'

The villager then said. "Our magistrate ran away in the chaos caused by the Yellow Turbans' raid. He abandoned us."

"How dare him! That's horrible!" Rinrin commented.

"Right? That's why we won't trust the Imperial Court anymore. We're going to protect this village with our own hands! But we don't think we can govern a city on our own… So we want the Messenger of Heaven to govern our city." The villager said.

"What? Me?" Naruto asked.

"Yeah! We'll follow you until the end!" The villager said.

"Yeah! We all will!" The rest followed.

"Well… but…" Naruto didn't know what to answer so he peeked over at Aisha. She just answered with a nod. Naruto then signalled with his eyes. 'What? Why are you nodding?'

Touka approached Naruto and reached for his hands. "Naruto-sama, don't be too modest. Just accept it." She squeezed the hand that she held a little bit.

"You agree with them, Touka?"

"Yes. If there's no magistrate, then there will be no army to protect the village either. If we were to leave them alone, the Yellow Turbans might attack them again." She answered.

"It is as aneue says. Also we can't ignore the people who are willing to support us, can we?" Aisha added.

"But… are you sure you want me to do it?"

One of the villagers then spoke. "It must be by you! It must be you, Lady Kan'u, Lady Ryuubi and Lady Chouhi!"

"That's right! You fought with us, and that's why we want you to govern this city." Another villager said.

Naruto stood quiet. Thinking about his answer.

The villagers then bowed. "Please! Lead us!"

"Alright. I don't know how good we'll be, but I'll accept the position of chief magistrate." He answered. He decided to take that first step and chose to take root in this land.

The villagers then cheered.

"Ohh! Thank you! Thank you so much!"

"Yeah! Let's work hard and rebuild this town! Let's make this the best city in the land!"

"That's right! This will be a safe city where everyone can live peacefully! Let's turn it into a grand city!"

As Naruto watched the villagers surround them, expressing their joy…

'No more going back now. As long as I'm here, I will be the Messenger of Heaven for the sake of those who believe in me…' He decided to learn of this world and to live in it.

_-The Day After-_

Naruto, and the three sisters, were walking along the main street as they looked over the townspeople rebuilding their houses and shops. There were muscular men that passes them by from time to time as they carried wood to different places. Men who were hammering and sawing wood. Some of the women were handing out food and water to the workers. Kids were playing around the debris and were told by their parents to be careful. Merchants were selling goods with temporary makeshift stands. All those mentioned, had greeted them with smiles in their faces which warmed the heart of the blonde as he and the three greeted them back.

Speaking of the group of playing children, one was holding a bucket of water and another one approached the blonde.

"Hey mister, are you the one that saved us? " A small girl shorter that Rinrin went in front of the blonde and asked.

The newly appointed chief magistrate kneeled on one knee to be on level with the girl. "I guess I am." He replied with a smile.

The next thing he knew, he was suddenly hugged by the girl who said. "Thank you." Before she stood back again."

The blonde reached out his hand and patted the girl's head. "No need to than-"


The feeling of cold water pouring down upon him was followed by laughter from the children and Rinrin with Aisha and Touka holding in their laughter.

"Come play with us, Onii-san!" The one holding the bucket said joyfully.

"Play catch with us, Onii-san!" Another said.

Naruto stood in front of them with serious eyes which made everyone watching silent as they thought what punishment awaited the kids. The blonde walked in front of the scared kid holding the bucket and reached for one of the kid's shoulder with his hand. The audience waited with baited breath as to what will happen next.

"Listen here, kid. Listen well. Don't splash me with water." The shinobi started intimidatingly. "You should splash Aisha-oneechan or Touka-oneechan." He gestured towards the two. "Dripping wet, clinging to the skin, revealing the shapes underneath… These are the three components which you will come to enjoy later in life! So grab more water and come back to fulfill your mission." The blonde saluted to the boys in the group.

The scene caused the people watching to sweat drop and smile.

"My Lord, the fact that I don't think I would like to be bathed forcefully in the public aside, we have patrolling to do and assistance to provide for the villagers." Aisha pointed to the blonde in an as-a-matter-of-fact manner while blushing from his speech earlier.

"Nonsense!" The shinobi grinned. He created about a bunch of clones and made them scatter around the village.

"Now that that's settled..." He said as the boys from earlier have with them a bucket of water each.

"I'd like to play a game." His hands started wiggling in a perverted way as he spoke menacingly.

Touka and Aisha started to fall back in terror. "Naruto-sama. As much as we'd like to play I must insist on declining right now." Touka said making an excuse, but it was too late as some of the other children had surrounded them with Rinrin joining.

"Rinrin! What is the meaning of this you traitor!" Aisha shouted at Rinrin.

"Hehehe. Aneja, as the saying goes if you can't beat 'em, join 'em." The redhead answered.

"Well then my minions. Commence Operation: It's getting hot in here!" Naruto ordered his troops as the children headed towards the two targets.

_-Later at Lunch-Tavern-_

They had spent the rest of the morning playing tag with the children, Rinrin and Naruto trying to splash Touka and Aisha with water. The funny thing was that the only one who got wet, over and over I might add, was the acting commander of the Get Wet Brigade. Good thing he had spare clothes to change into. It was near lunch that the parents of the children took them home for lunch. Luckily the first one who splashed the blonde was the owner of this tavern who wanted to thank them for saving the village and taking care of the kid by offering them free lunch. They tried to decline it, not wanting to feel obliged. Though that reasoning was completely thrown out the window by the boy begging them to do it. Now they're sitting in one of the tables of the tavern, enjoying their meals.

Naruto faced his companions who were sitting in front of him while also taking Rinrin into account who was seated beside him to make idle chat with them as they ate.

"So… Are you really sisters? 'Cause I can't really see any resemblance except for…" He glanced at Aisha and Touka's bodies for a moment then continued. "Certain features. But aside from that, I can't see any similarities in your looks." He ended his sentence by stuffing his face with a piece of food.

Touka who was surprised by the question which was indicated by suddenly stopping from eating, put down her utensils and wiped her mouth with a piece of cloth before answering. "As you have said Naruto-sama, we may not look alike or connected by blood, but we are bonded by the oath we made when we have sworn to bring peace to this land. That is what makes us sisters." The so-called eldest answered for all of them with complete sincerity.

"Hmm, so how did you met? Was it on some kind of series of events that seemed too much of a coincidence or something?" Naruto leaned in, showing his curiosity.

She chuckled at the description of his assumption. "Well, it all started when…" Touka also leaned in, her face right next to the blonde and her mouth directed to his ear which cued the blonde to come near. The pink-haired girl had now piqued the interest of her master as he moved his face closer and as his fingers slightly tensed on the edge of the table. She let several moments pass before opening her mouth, slowly whispering. "Secret~ (Hi-mi-tsu~)". The girl then returned to her position whilst holding in a giggle as she put her hand to above her lips to add to her mischievous ploy. As for the blonde, his face was similar to that of a person who witnessed something unbelievable, but quickly turned to that of dejection as he rested his back on the seat and slumped in his place.

"B-but, why?" He pointed a trembling finger to the still giggling girl, accusingly.

"All in good time, Naruto-sama."

Naruto turned towards the other two seeking for help or answers. All he got was an amused shake of the head from Aisha and a mocking chuckle from Rinrin. But before they could continue, the mother of the boy or the owner stood in front of their table holding a clay, which the blonde assumed was sake. The owner then held out the bottle towards them.

"Here you go, as thanks for everything you've done for us. It may seem small compared to saving a village, but that's all I have for now." She said, apologetically at the end.

The blonde was about to deny it, but was beaten to it by his black-haired companion. "No need to thank us, madam. We didn't help to receive compensation. We helped just because it was the right thing to do." Aisha spoke with a gentle smile which made the blonde smile as well.

"Yep, no need to thank us lady. We fight to protect those in trouble from bad guys so we're like heroes and heroes don't need anything in return." Rinrin joyfully added.

"Then consider it as a gift for celebrating Messenger-sama's appointment as chief magistrate. And also from hearing your speech from the black-haired girl, it makes me want to cheer you on you four." The woman smiled as she gave the bottle to Touka before leaving.

The action stunned her at first before also smiling. "Y-yes, thank you very much." She bowed at the woman in thanks as she clutched the gift in her arms.

Naruto watched the exchange in silence as he thought. 'Do these girls really have such a grand ambition.' He had heard what they planned to do, but he hadn't heard first-hand what the goal they had set upon.

They continued their lunch, as the blonde wondered what the speech was about.

_-Main Entrance of the Village-_

After they had finished lunch, the girls dragged Naruto with the bottle of sake and four cups in tow. The shinobi was clueless to the the destination they were heading. He lagged a bit behind in contemplation as they chatted with one another.

"Phew, I'm stuffed!" Rinrin exclaimed as she rubbed her tummy for emphasis.

"Be careful, Rinrin. You wouldn't want to become fat because of eating too much." Aisha chastised her jokingly.

"We don't need to worry about that Aisha. Rinrin's too active for the food she ate to turn into fat." Touka said amused at the thought.

Meanwhile, Naruto, who was silently walking behind them decided that he couldn't hold his curiosity anymore. "U-ummm…. Touka, about earlier… From what the the lady back at the tavern mentioned… What was that about?" He asked with hesitation, a little nervous that he might've been too privy.

Touka freezed in her tracks as soon as she heard the blonde's words while her sisters also did the same. She turned her head towards Naruto, her face marred with a bit of loneliness as she called out. "Naruto-sama… What-" She interrupted herself with a low cough before continuing again, speaking as they walked.

"What do you think of this village? Although bustling at first glance, it lacks something. There are people starving and diseased, falling prey to robbers. And then, there are the better-off people who only watch and do nothing, living only for themselves."

She had paused to survey the place. The toad sage looked around to see that they had already changed places. From the village, the surroundings were now filled with trees. Trees that had flowers shaped like bells and light pink in color falling from it in a seemingly endless fashion. But his attention was reverted back to Touka who continued talking.

"If nothing up to this the the whole nation is doomed to stay this way or eventually something more awful. If no one comes forward, nothing will change. These two are my closest companions, my precious sisters, who believe in the same dream. But just the three of us alone can't achieve anything. I want this world to become a better place." She then turned towards her male companion.

"Naruto-sama, to achieve this your powers are indispensable. So… so please, lend us a hand." Touka finished as she clutched one of her arms, seemingly in pain albite having no injuries.

The blonde in question, stood still, mulling over what he had heard. It went on for several moments before finally opening his mouth. "So… what are your plans now considering we already got this far?" He said as he smiled at them.

The pink-haired girl, was still shocked at how he had said 'we' so naturally, that she was at loss for words. "Hmm.. What to do first? Ummm… There are a lot to be done..." She mumbled barely audibly.

It was a good thing that Aisha stepped in to her rescue. "My Lord, we need to expand our influence if we are to make our dream come true, though we are still starting so we must attend to the basics first. First of all we must take care of the necessities which are food, supplies, weapons, armors, or mainly money. Money is also absolutely necessary for recruiting new soldiers in the future. Normally, we get it through taxes, but right now we must wait for things to go back to the way it was." The black-haired girl stated, in lecture mode.

"After that we can have people to join our army willingly for protection and fighting battles. But if the higher-ups are against you then things get complicated which seems to always happen to us in our travels. Thankfully you are the higher-up so we can go at it as we please." Rinrin butted in the conversation.

"That seems time-consuming. Is there any faster or easier way?" The blonde said with closed eyes and crossed arms thinking over his question.

"We don't have to shoulder everything, My Lord. We just have to do everything we can for now." Aisha said, ending the topic.

"So why are we here anyway?" Naruto looked around to show that he was still kept in the dark.

The three smiled at each other knowingly. The two prepared everything while Aisha held two cups with her hands as she offered the other one to Naruto. "If you want to know, My Lord. We will do what we have done before, except this time you will take part in it. You may call it the renewal of The Oath at The Peach Garden."

The red-headed girl, Rinrin, went around pouring sake on each of the cups before setting it on the ground.

The three of them raised their cups together as each of them took turns saying.

"The four of us, although our surnames are different, we come together as brother and sisters."

"Let us combine our efforts to save this troubled land and help the suffering people."

"In return, we seek not to be born on the same day in the same month of the same year. But we ask to die on the same day!"

Touka, Aisha and Rinrin looked expectantly at Naruto, gesturing their gazes at the free space between them.

The blonde stared at the beautiful image of them with the falling flowers as their background, the wind complementing them as it blew with sweet caress. He may not know where he was right now, that question though… All the troubles within that question dissipated upon hearing their oath. They awaited his decision with eyes that were filled with hope and the passion to help others.

'I don't understand what I'm doing this for. I think it's not because of excuses such as "I'm a nice person" or anything. It's just that I also want to be part of this moment.'

The blonde with his decision made made his way towards them with firm conviction. As if the moment called for it, he raised his cup along with the others as he looked at each of them and nodded.

"Cheers! (Kanpai!)"

Okay, that's a wrap. Next will be a relationship build-up for the three girls especially with Aisha so expect a filler kind of chapter.

AN2: I'm going to introduce to you all to my concept of The Yin Yang Forces and The Five Elements that I will use in this story. In this world many are sensitive to nature energy and in some rare cases they are able to make use of this nature energy. So in this case, those who can use raw Nature Chakra in combination to their own chakra in the Naruto world are called sages, while in this world those gifted with the ability to use nature energy are those called Chi practitioners. The difference from the Naruto world counterpart is that in this world, people, through birth, training or experiences, develop their bodies towards a certain element which determines what kind of battle style they use and what affinity they are. Now on to Yin Yang. Yin Yang is basically what type of energy you are more abundant with (birth) or what you have trained or your expertise are (Body or mind) within a more complicated note they are also the result of how an individual lives which consists of his or her behavior, beliefs, personality and most importantly their life experiences. I will end the explanation of Yin Yang because if I reveal more I would have to give you spoilers.

Lastly the elements which are Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. This are phases which consists of a diagram that I will try to summarize for you. In strengths and weakness: Woods splits Earth (Roots penetrating the earth), Earth contains and absorbs Water (Earth blocks the water's flow or in swamps the earth absorbs water to create mud), Water extinguishes Fire, Fire melts Metal and Metal chops Wood. In special cases: Wood dulls Metal, Metal shields against Fire, Fire evaporates Water, Water washes away Earth, and Earth breaks Wood. In collaboration or strengthening: Wood feeds Fire, Fire creates Earth (Ash), Earth bears Metal, Metal enriches Water (referring to how water with minerals are more beneficial than pure water), and Water nourishes Wood. In theory: Wood represents wisdom and is purely Yang with the deviation of Wind which represents Knowledge, Fire represents Will and is mostly Yang with the deviation of Lightning which represents Conviction, Earth represents Perseverance (Patience) and is balanced with no known deviation, Metal represents Intuition and is mostly Yin with the deviation of Crystal which represents Rationality, Water represents Prowess and is purely Yin with the deviation of Ice which represents Image. Mentioned deviations are what is currently known. When equilibrium is achieved either through meditation, mastery or external influence an individual may achieve Musou (Peerless) Mode which greatly increases the combat capability. There are legends though that states that there is an even more powerful mode.

To identify the affinity of our characters. Touka is Wood, Aisha is Earth and Rinrin is Fire. Naruto uses his chakra (Inner energy) which is closest to the characteristics of Earth (He is still not Earth, mind you), but has a body attuned to Wind. Kurama is raw energy imbued with malicious intent collected from emotions of humans and its own which makes it potent, unlike the pure energy which is undiluted and potent by its own.

Congratulations for staying this far, you guys are awesome.