Second Chance Chapter 15

I know, I know, it's been forever since I last updated this. In my defence, this chapter was really, REALLY hard to write. But it's done now, so all's well that ends well, mais non?

Oh, that's right, I own nothing, italics is mindlink


Alright, this is the place.

The Team slid forwards, entering the building that the Titans were hiding out in. They all knew how risky it was. The Titans were tough, but they all agreed they could take it. It wouldn't be like last time. This time, all six of them were prepared to fight as hard as was necessary.

Everyone ready?

The other five all nodded to Aqualad, readying their weapons. They all knew exactly what to do. Robin crept ahead, slipping through the shadows as easily as the others could walk. Miss Martian disappeared and followed him. The rest of the Team stood still, waiting for their scouts to call them forward.


As they moved on, Robin and Miss M remained ahead of them, making sure nothing was coming. The way remained clear. Too clear. Robin hesitated, looking around him. There were cameras; he could just see them in the shadows all around the Team. They were being watched. He swore softly, then sent an urgent message to the others.

They know we're here!

He picked up on their questioning thoughts, but they didn't ask. They just moved. When Starfire burst out of cover, Superboy was ready to meet her. Robin smirked, letting out a cackle as he slid around behind the others, ready to meet them head-on… Or so it appeared. As Cyborg raised his cannon the Boy Wonder ducked, rolling neatly across the floor and sweeping Beast Boy's legs out from him in the same motion. Wally then zoomed up and rammed into Cyborg, knocking him into Raven. The two members of the Team raced back into the open, where Robin dropped a smoke pellet. They watched the four Titans scramble to clear the air as he ran to the nearest camera.

"Hey Psimon! Why're you hiding behind a bunch of teenagers? They obviously can't get the job done; come out and face us yourself!"

Oh, very well.

The Team suddenly felt something immensely powerful pressing against their collective minds, forcing its way into their thoughts.

I always thought you were supposed to be the clever one, Robin. Why would you want to fight me now?

"We beat you once. We can do it again."

The Martian beat me once. You, on the other hand, have no psychic abilities whatsoever. So what are you going to do?

"Come out here and I'll show you."

They all heard the silent laugh. I am no fool, Boy Wonder.

"You're not? News to me."

The mocking tone had its intended effect. The mental power Psimon was attacking them with increased, and it forced the Team to their knees. Their minds focused inwards at the silent battle between their youngest and the telepath he was fighting. In their heads Robin darted just out of Psimon's reach, close enough the villain could reach out and touch him one second, half hidden in the shadows of his mind the next. Psimon charged after him, enraged by the constant evasion and mental taunts the Boy Wonder was throwing at him.

"Come on, you can do better than that! I'm right here, let's go, come and get me!"

The Team watched, unable to interfere. This wasn't like Miss M's fight with Psimon; this was subtle and cautious, and they weren't trying to overcome each other with force. It was more a battle of wits. As the two combatants went deeper into Robin's mind, images flew across their vision, too fast to be seen properly. They were only brief flashes, but it was enough to keep Psimon going further and further. It was a deadly game; taunting and teasing, drawing your opponent ever deeper, hoping he won't realize what you're doing until it's too late for him to retreat. That was Dick's plan, and it was working.

After a minute, Psimon ran into a solid mental block. He turned, probably planning on circumventing it, only to run into another behind him. Robin caused a comfortable chair to appear next to him on the far side of the wall and sat down, one leg drawn up to his chest and the other hanging over the arm. He smirked.

"Having trouble?"
Psimon said nothing, instead focusing on burrowing through the barrier. There! A crack; miniscule, barely there, but a crack none the less. He smiled. Now he had him. He rammed himself against it… And the wall imploded. He was so busy enjoying his victory that he didn't notice the sad smile on Robin's face. Then the wave of emotions hit. Sorrow and agony and despair and every other negative emotion a human could ever feel. It was enough to knock him straight out of the boy's mind and send him sprawling across the floor, unconscious.

"Told you I'd beat you."

Zatanna walked over, resting a hand on his shoulder. "How did you do that?"

He smirked. "Practise. Lots of practise."

M'gann stared at him. "You… You can defeat a telepath?! With no powers at all?! I mean, that's not really in your ability set, is it?"

"Well, Batman taught me how to use memories or emotions to block someone from my mind. I used that to figure out the blasting them from my head bit on my own. Don't tell anyone; if you did and J'onn learned about it Batman would probably have to act all disapproving, because I doubt your uncle would appreciate the necessity of it."

Zatanna raised an eyebrow. "Only you would figure something like that out."

"Uh… thanks?"

She laughed and he smirked, looking very pleased with himself. "Now, we should probably deal with the Titans. They look pretty confused."


Everything had been dealt with. The Titans were back in their Tower, the Team were back in Mount Justice, and everything was back to normal. Well, more or less.


"Why not?"

"You with the power to get into people's minds? No woman would ever be safe again."

Zatanna laughed. "He's got a point, Wally."

Robin smirked, leaning against the wall. "See? Now shoo. I need to talk to Zee."

Wally grinned. "Oh? 'Need to talk to her,' you say?"

"Shut it."

The young Flash zoomed off, and slid his hand into Zatanna's. "It's been a fun week, hasn't it?"

"Fun? If by fun you mean scared out of my wits, then yes, it's been fun."

"Scared? For me?"

She laughed softly. "Shut up and kiss me, Wonder Boy."

As anyone could tell you, refusing a young spellcaster would not be good for your health. So, naturally, he obeyed her.

Oh my god, I just finished this. Yes, yes, YES! So yeah, that's this story done at last, what would you like me to do next? Until next time, and

