Second Chance

Hey guys, I'm sorry if this isn't any good. I'm new to the site, this is my first fanfic. I can't guarantee it'll be that amazing. All italics in this chapter are thoughts.

Chapter 1

And so it Begins...

Robin opened his eyes and looked around. Or at least, he tried to. His body refused to move, leaving him stuck on the floor of the warehouse he was in. Or at least, he thought it was a warehouse. It always seemed to be. Where am I? He thought. He tried to focus. The last thing he remembered...Zatanna. The name entered his mind quickly, entwining itself into his thoughts and refusing to let go. Zatanna. But who was she? Robin wasn't sure. But he knew she was important, the same way he knew his name was Robin. He also knew that wasn't his real name. His real name was... was... it was right on the edge of his memory, just out of reach, like almost anything else... he could remember a mentor, and a team, but no details.

He tried to move again. This time, he was able to stand, which helped him relax slightly, but he still couldn't remember where he was, or how he had gotten there, or anything. He pushed harder, desperately fighting to remember. He felt a memory begin to emerge-his teammates, his friends... but just before it surfaced, a lightning pain shot through his mind, before fading away. Alright, so trying to force myself to remember isn't going to work... He needed to find out who took his memories and get a way to reverse the process. A name flickered through his mind. Psimon. Robin activated the computer built into his glove and began a search. He would find Psimon... and Zatanna.

Mount Justice

Zatanna was worried.

"Haven't you found him yet?!"

The ginger speedster in front of the computer looked over his shoulder at her.

"Zatanna, you asked the exact same question five minutes ago. Why do-ow!"

He was cut off by Artemis punching her boyfriend in the shoulder. Zatanna knew she was more worried than she would be if it was one of the others. She had broken up with Robin a month ago, but losing him had shown her just how much she still cared about the raven haired bird.

"It has been a week. They do not say it, but I believe the League is worried."

Kaldur was always so calm, but he was being affected by the tension in the room as well.

"Of course they're worried. We're all worried."

If Conner was worried, he didn't show it. But then, the clone always was passive. Zatanna began to pace in front of the computer screens.

"What could have happened to him?"

"Knowing Psimon?" Wally asked darkly. "Anything. Anything at all."

Artemis punched him again.

"Not helping," she hissed.

But Zatanna had barely heard. She knew that, if she was patient, there would be a chance to find Robin, and she would take it. She had already lost her father. She couldn't lose her precious bird boy as well.

Okay, first chapter, done! I hope you didn't hate it. I'll try to update every day, but I can't promise anything. But, the more reviews I get, the faster I'll write. So...

