It all started when Mike walked into the office on Monday morning to see a kid sitting on the counter of Donna's desk. He looked about ten, maybe eleven, with light brown hair that hung in his dark brown eyes and off to the side. He was swinging his legs, making his converse sneakers hit the counter every few seconds. His eyes were trained to the glass wall that looked into Harvey's office. For a minute, Mike thought he was imagining the kid. Donna didn't seem to pay the child any attention at the moment and Harvey was working away in his office without even raising his head. No one else was looking at the kid but Mike. "Uh, Donna?" Mike asked slowly, his eyes still watching the boy. The kid looked over at Mike for a second before returning his eyes to the office.

"Yeah?" Donna asked just as slowly, typing away on her computer.
"Who's that?"

"Thomas, Mike. Mike, Thomas," Donna didn't even look up. Mike looked away from the redhead to see Thomas staring at him. The kid nodded his head in a hello before hopping off Donna's desk. He started to walk away down the hallway before Donna stood up and held onto the counter. "And where do you think you're going Mister?" She asked in an authority voice. Mike looked between the two people. Donna had her eyebrow in the air and Thomas was frowning innocently.

"The bathroom."
"You just went to the bathroom seven minutes ago," She pointed out. Thomas shrugged one shoulder.

"Gotta go when you gotta go." The response made Donna roll her eyes but she waved him off. Thomas took off sprinting for the men's bathroom. Once he disappeared around the corner, Mike made his way to where he used to sit.

"Okay, what's going on?" he asked, curiosity getting to the better of him. It's not common to have a kid in the office building; in fact, Mike's never seen it happen before. But Donna seemed completely comfortable with it. "Is he your nephew or something?"

"Nope." Donna popped the 'P' as she sat back down.
"A client's kid?"

"Uh-uh," she shook her head and straightened out some folders. "Give it time, Rookie. Give it time." Before Mike could figure out what that meant, Harvey stepped out of his office.

"What are you doin' standing around? Get in here; we have work to do," Harvey bossed the associate around; it was his job after all. Mike stood up straight and looked back to the corner that Thomas went around; Mike wondered if Harvey knew about him. "Where'd he go?" Harvey asked Donna, looking around Mike at the redhead.


"Kid's gotta go when Kid's gotta go." Donna copied the boy's words. Harvey rolled his eyes, just like Donna had.

"Alright, fine. Make sure he doesn't make a toilet into a volcano again, okay?" with that, Harvey went back into his office, expecting Mike to follow. Mike did, and closed the door behind him. "We're meeting with Walton at twelve, so it'll run into your lunch break."

"Not like I ever really have one of those," Mike mumbled. "Hey, who is that?"

"Who's who?" Harvey sat down at his desk and looked over the Bingaman file once more.

"The kid? Thomas?" Harvey looked up at Mike with slightly wide eyes. He didn't think Mike had seen him.

"He's uh…he's my…"

"Yo! Boss man!" Thomas, himself, strolled into the office as if he owned it. Harvey sighed and leaned forward against his desk as Thomas reached the other side. "You might want to get a janitor or something."

"What did you do now?"

Thomas shrugged, "I may have gone a little over board with the soap dispenser." Even though Harvey was panicking about the pink pool there must be in the men's bathroom, he chuckled at the boy's innocent face. The chuckle made Thomas smirk. "At least the bathroom smells good now."

"Donna!" Harvey shouted. He knew she heard the conversation, so he didn't have to ask her to call the janitor.

"Got it!" She replied as she grabbed her phone. With that covered, Harvey sat back in his chair and stared down the kid in front of him.

"Did you at least use some of that over boarded soap?" Thomas nodded, but Harvey didn't believe him. "Hands." Thomas held them up in Harvey's face.

"Take a whiff."

"Make Mike do it; that's what associates are for." Harvey nodded at the blue eyed man. Thomas looked over his shoulder to look Mike over before holding out his hand. Mike hesitated for a moment but Harvey was watching him, so he smelled the kid's hand.

"Oh, yeah. He used soap alright." Mike wrinkled his nose at the strong smell. Thomas smirked with pride.

"Told ya," he looked back at Harvey, who rolled his eyes. "Are we going or what?"

"What are you talking about?" Harvey frowned, "We still got an half an hour left."

"That's what you said thirty minutes ago," Mike's not sure if he imagined this either, but when Thomas rolled his eyes, it looked just like when Harvey had moments ago. "Make that thirty five minutes ago, adding the bathroom."

"Alright, fine." Harvey sighed. He stood up from his chair, straightened up his blazer and went around his desk as he buttoned the middle together. "Got your stuff?"

"Got the note?" Thomas asked with eye eyebrow in the air. Harvey pulled the paper out of his pocket and passed it to the boy as they exited the office.

"Let's go, Squirt." Mike stood still in the office. He wasn't sure what he was supposed to do. Harvey was leaving the building with a kid following him, and both him and Mike were supposed to work. If Harvey isn't working, is Mike still supposed to? Or is Mike supposed to go with them? Or should he just sit here until Harvey get's back. Who knows how long that will be. Mike doesn't even know where he went. "Hey," Mike snapped out of his thoughts when Harvey reappeared in the doorway. Mike looked up at see Thomas standing in front of Harvey with the man's hand on his shoulder. "You coming? We're running late."

"If I'm late to school again because you…" Thomas started to say, his head tilted back to see Harvey.

"Relax, punk. You'll be on time. That's what the note's for. Unless Mike decides he's going to be my new office ornament instead of my associate."

"Right, coming." Mike followed the two out of the office. He looked over at Donna as they passed. She gave him a wink before going back to work. Mike had no clue what the hell was going on, but he had a feeling today was going to be interesting.

It wasn't until the car was parked in front of an expensive looking all boys school that Mike figured it out. Harvey was smoothing out Thomas's jacket that hung a size too big on his shoulders and asked if he had the money for lunch. Thomas rolled his eyes but gave Harvey a hug when he held his arms out. Thomas was out the door with Harvey calling out the window to note forget about to give his teacher the note and it hit Mike like a tornado. He didn't say anything until Ray had the car moving again and Harvey had gone silent. For a few minutes, it was quite in the car, with Mike just studying Harvey. The older man felt Mike's stare and tensed up. "What?" He asked innocently with a slight shrug.

"Why didn't you tell me you had a kid?"

Harvey says they're not going to talk about it until this Walton meeting is over. So for the next few hours, Mike sits in his cubical, trying to work but a million questions are running through his head. He can't focus on work when he knows that Harvey has a son. A son; an eleven year old son who Harvey apparently didn't want Mike knowing about. Why wouldn't he want Mike to know? He thought they were closer than that.

"Hey," a familiar voice pulled Mike's attention make to the cubical. Rachel was leaning against one of the walls, a smile on her face as she looks down at him. It isn't until he meets her eye that Rachel sees Mike's deep frown and tired eyes. "You look stressed? What's up?"

"Nothing," Mike runs his hands over his face a few times before giving her a fake smile. "Do you need something?"
"I heard you'll be missing lunch and thought you'd like to go run to the hotdog stand for a few minutes," She suggests sweetly. Thank god for Rachel, Mike thinks as a real smile spreads across his face.

"It's not that I'm mad, I just…" Mike sighs as the two of them walk around the park area with their hotdogs in their hands. Rachel's been listening to Mike talk about the situation, which Rachel seems to know a little something about, as she eats and Mike doesn't. He hasn't taken one bit of his hotdog.

"You thought he trusted you more than that," Rachel finishes his sentence.
"Well, yeah," Mike admits. "I mean, I've been working with the guy for months now. I thought we knew everything there was to know already. How could he keep something like that from me?"

"Well, you keep stuff from him too, right?" Rachel wraps her arm underneath his and gives his arm a squeeze. "Did you tell him about your grandma?" the mention of the woman makes Mike's face drop even more. "How is she doing?"

"Not better, but not worse," Mike shrugs his free arm. He doesn't really want to talk about his grandma right now. "But that's a bit different, don't you think? At least Harvey knows I have my grandma; I didn't know there was a Harvey spawn out there." Rachel chuckles at his words. She throws out the wrapper of her hot dog and grabs his free hand in hers to stop them.

"Look," Rachel looks Mike in the eyes, making his heart stop a little. "Harvey will tell you everything you need to know when the time comes. You know him; everything has to go his way. He probably has a plan for this and you finding out like this wasn't part of it."

"I don't deserve you, you know that?" Mike smiled. Rachel shrugs teasingly.
"That's why you don't have me." And man, does that suck.

The Walton meeting went swimmingly, because it is Harvey in charge after all, and the two men are out of the man's house in an hour tops. They get into the car and Ray drives off. After a few minutes of silence, Harvey speaks up. "His name is Thomas; he turned eleven last Thursday. That's why I had the day off," he explains. Mike wasn't really paying attention until he feels Harvey's eyes on him. "I didn't tell you because I didn't want you thinking of me any different."

"Why would I do that?" Mike frowns. "You're still Harvey Specter, my boss."
"No," the older man shakes his head, looking out of his window. "Before, I was Harvey Specter, your boss; now, I'm Harvey Specter, your boss with a kid." Harvey looks back at Mike with his eyebrows frowning. "Now you're reanalyzing me, questioning everything that you know about me because things are different."

"Okay, fair enough," Mike gives him that. "But how come I'm the only one that didn't know? I understand Donna knowing, because, well she's Donna…" Harvey smiles a little, "And Jessica because you can't not tell your boss that you have a son to look after but apparently when you're the boss, you don't have to tell your associate." And the smile is gone.

"You're still learning. You're just getting good and things are tough right now with Hardman back and Jessica on both our cases. Throwing Thomas into the mix would only complicate things more. There are certain parts of my life that I want separate; Thomas and my job happen to be two of those things. They're the only things, actually." Harvey explains.

"So, you're saying you didn't tell me for my own benefit?"

"That makes no sense. At all."

The lawyers are working silently in Harvey's office, the closer at his desk and Mike on the couch. They've been like this ever since they got back from the Walton meeting. Neither of them have said a word to each other after Mike started to raise his tone back in the car.

Every once in a while, Mike would look up from his work and watch Harvey through his eyelashes. And once Mike looks away, Harvey does the same. Now they're both reanalyzing each other. Donna is watching them from her own desk outside, smiling when she catches Harvey blush slightly when Mike notices him staring. Those idiots just need to open their damn eyes, already, Donna thinks before her desk phone goes off. "Good afternoon, Pearson Hardman office," She announces into the phone.

"Hello. I'm calling for Harvey Specter. I am the dean at Grove middle school." Donna almost drops her phone before groaning. She's gotten this call many times before.

"What did he do now?"

So Mike and Harvey are back in the car for what feels like the millionth time today, silence remaining between them as they go back to Grove Middle School. They're halfway there, hitting some traffic when Mike breaks the silence. "Who else knows?"

Harvey sighs. "Donna, Jessica, Louis…"

"Louis?" Mike interrupts with a gasp. He sits up straighter and glares at Harvey, "Louis knew before me?"

"Of course he did. I've worked with him for too long," Harvey shrugs as he leans back into the leather seats. Mike rolls his eyes and sighs. "Hardman doesn't know and that's not ever going to happen. Rachel knows but she's never met Tommy before. That's it; work life…personal life," the way he says it reminds Mike about his 'life is this' speech. He wonders how high Thomas set that bar.

They're just pulling up to the school when Mike gets a thought. It's one that would bother him for nights on end if he doesn't ask if. "Harvey? If I had worked at Pearson Hardman beforehand, just like everyone else…would you tell me?"

"I should get in there." Harvey out the car door before Mike could blink.
"That's a no."

A/N: I like Thomas; he's got spunk, right? Should I continue this? I wrote it forever ago if you can't tell. I don't have any ideas for it really, so I may need prompts but I don't know how much I'd follow through with the story. Let me know your thoughts!