How to Start a Dragon Academy

After Hiccup defeated the Queen dragon, the people of Berk and the dragons had been getting along pretty well. There was no more killing or raids and many people rode dragons, but Hiccup and I were still the best.

"Okay, guys. Best trick competition. Who's up first?"

I was one of the best, but I wasn't the best. Hiccup was the leader of our odd group and we frequently trained to become better riders.

"Me!" Snotlout jumped up, flexing his biceps.

Yes. I was still dating that egomaniac, but I loved Snotlout even though many people couldn't understand why. Honestly, I was almost as much of a jerk as he was. It's why we got along so well.

"Actually, I think it's-" Fishlegs was rudely cut off my boyfriend.

"Me!" He flexed his arms the other way.

Okay. Really hard to be irritated with him when he's doing that.

"Sweet baby Thor in a thunder storm. Go!" Astrid finally lost it and pointed out to the open air.

"Oh, don't worry. We'll go and when we go Hookfang and I are going to take Svala and Strike's place as the top-two best team. We'll light the sky on… fire!"

Hookfang jumped of the cliff side and freefell straight down toward the ocean. I love it when he does stuff like that. I heard Snotlout screaming as his stubborn dragon did whatever it pleased and broke down laughing so hard I almost fell off of Strike. See, I told you I was a jerk. Luckily, Hookfang brought him back in one piece.

"I'm alive? I'm alive!" Snotlout threw his hands up in relief then noticed everyone looking at him and tried to act all macho. "Of course I am."

I smirked confidently at Snotlout. "Let me show you how a real rider does it."

I leaned down close to Strike who jumped off the cliff and swooped up in the sky. We flew almost straight up into the clouds and then when we were high enough, Strike closed his wings and we fell toward the ocean. As we fell, Strike closed his wings around us to create a marquise shape with a spike at the tip. We spun down like a torpedo, giving us a lot of extra speed. At the last second he snapped his wings open and we broke up to fly inches above the water. Only we were flying upside down. I held onto Strike as tightly as I could until we flipped back over. I flew back up to the others who all started cheering, aside from Snotlout, who was pouting with his arms crossed over his chest.

"It's my turn! Ready Meatlug? Here we go!"

Fishlegs and Meatlug flew off the cliff, flew in a circle, and flew back.

"Yes! New personal best!"

How had he not been in the same group as me and Hiccup? He is just as weird as us!

"My turn!"

"No! My turn!"

As usual, the twins were being the twins.

"Guys. Same dragon."

"Oh, right." The two of them bumped fists to make up and then took off, flying down closer to the water. Unfortunately, they couldn't agree on which way to go and crashed into a large rock pillar. Irritated, their dragon flipped them up into the air. They plummeted toward the ground, but their dragons caught them at the last second and flipped them back into their necks. When they came back, Ruffnut was collapsed over the dragon and Tuffnut was shaking.

"We almost died."

"I know… Go again?"

There was something very wrong with them.

"Hey, it's my turn."

Astrid smirked at Hiccup. "You might want to take notes."

She took off on Stormfly while Hiccup watched her go with that puppy love look on his face.

"Okay Stormfly, tail flip." The Deadly Nadder dragged it tail through the water.

"Now twirl." They spun through the air.

"Quick! Upward spiral." Now they spun going upwards.

My trick was so much better.

"Alright, Stormfly!" They flew back down and landed between me and Hiccup.

"Yeah, but can you do it without the dragon?" Snotlout said from what he thought was safely on the other side of me.

Astrid looked at me. "Could you?"

I smiled. "My pleasure." I turned and landed a punch on Snotlout's arm.

"Ow!" He rubbed his arm. "So violent... It's really hot." He grinned and leaned over toward me. I smiled and leaned over to kiss him. Yeah, I love him.

When I looked, Hiccup and Toothless had already taken off and shot down past us toward the water. They pulled up with so much force that the water parted as they flew over it. They weaved through the rocks with incredible speed and approached a bridge like formation. As they reached it, Hiccup jumped off over Toothless, ran across it, and then jumped back on. Everyone was amazed. Toothless shot three plasma blasts which exploded like fireworks.

"They're still the best."

I nodded in agreement with Astrid. Hiccup was a natural with dragons and he shared a bond with Toothless deeper than even the one I had with Strike. "And I'm still the second best."

With training done, we all flew back to Berk. What we saw was chaos. People were arguing and fighting with the dragons as they ran around uncontrollably. Nothing new. Everyone parted ways, and I went with Snotlout to his house for lunch. Since the war with the dragons ended, Hiccup was still my best friend but I wasn't glued to his side twenty-four/seven.

We landed outside his front door and left the dragons to wait there. When we went inside Snotlout's mother, Helga, was preparing dinner. She looked up as we came in and shut the door.

"Oh! Hello, kids! Svala, you're still joining us for dinner right?"

I smiled broadly at the woman and nodded. "Yes, ma'am."

Much to my surprise, Snotlout's parents actually liked me. The whole dragon thing had gotten me a lot of respect in the village and the Vikings finally accepted me as one of them.

She grinned back at me. "Excellent! Dinner should be really in a couple hours. We're having roasted lamb, salted fish, and fresh bread so don't be late."

"Okay, mom!" Snotlout called to her as we darted back out the door and jumped on our dragons.

We flew out to the forest and landed in small clearing with five trees in almost a perfect circle. The trees' bark was marred with deep scars. A sword and mace were stuck into one. The dragons retreated further into the forest as we wrenched the weapons out of the wood. A couple times a week, Snotlout and I would come out here and practice with our weapons or spar. Today we were sparing.

"Ready, babe?" Snotlout rolled shoulders, loosening his muscles.

I grinned back at him and held my sword in front of me. "I was born ready."

Snotlout charged forward with a yell and brought his mace down toward me, but I deflected it with my sword and ducked out of the way. I swung the blade around as if to cut him in half. Snotlout flipped over it and swung the mace at me again. I didn't have time to gracefully dodge the attack and fell onto my back. Snotlout laughed triumphantly until I swept my legs under him and knocked him to the ground beside me. I crawled over on top of him and straddled his waist, a smirk on my face. "I win. So what's my prize?"

Snotlout matched my smirk and rolled over so I was pinned beneath him. "How about this?" He leaned closer and pressed his lips to mine in a soft kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him in closer, one of his hands finding my waist.

Suddenly, he was pulled away from me. When I opened my eyes Hookfang had Snotlout by the back of his shirt.

Snotlout was thrashing around in his dragon's grip, but getting nowhere. "Do you have to ruin everything?!"

I looked up at the sky and sighed when I saw the setting sun, sitting up. "Dinner should be ready by now. We need get back."

Snotlout finally stopped fighting Hookfang and whined "Oh, come on. Can't we skip dinner?"

I giggled and mounted Strike. "No. Your mother would kill us."

"Fine." Hookfang flipped Snotlout over his head and he landed on the dragon's neck.

The two dragons flew up into the air and headed back to the village. When we got there, we dismounted the dragons and fed them their fish dinner. We came inside just as Helga finished setting the table and we sat down across from each other, his parent's sitting at the ends of the table. Dinner was great as always and when we were all finished I helped Helga clear the table and wash the dishes.

"Thanks for dinner, Mrs. Jorgenson. It was great." I smiled at her as I approached the door.

"Oh, it was no problem, Svala. It's always a pleasure to have you over."

Snotlout walked me over to the door and leaned against the doorframe. I smiled at him and pecked him on lips. "See you tomorrow."

He smiled back and leaned in for a longer kiss. "Goodnight."

I walked back to the dragons as he shut the door and mounted Strike, flying back home. We landed outside and went inside, Strike following behind me. With Toothless and Strike as small as they are, they were allowed to sleep in the house. I laid down on my bed, while Strike laid down on his slab of rock, and drifted off to sleep. Life was good.

~Three Days Later~

The next two days were pretty uneventful. We practiced riding, sparred, and just hung out. I was awoken to someone shaking my shoulder.

"Svala, wake up."

I growled deep in my throat and opened my eyes to see Hiccup standing over me. "This better be good."

"I have an idea for how to get the dragons under control. We need to gather the others and head to the Arena."

I sighed and sat up in my bed, rubbing my eyes. "Fine. I'll grab Snotlout and the Twins. You go get Astrid and Fishlegs."

"Thanks, Svala." Hiccup went out the door and I heard Toothless following him down the stairs.

"Whatever." I got up and got dressed in my usual outfit, tying my red hair up into a ponytail.

"C'mon, Strike." I grabbed piece of bread for me and a fish for Strike as we went through the kitchen. I tossed Strike the fish and mounted him while he was eating it. Strike took off toward Snotlout's house and I ate the bread on the way there. When I got there, I strolled inside like usual and went up to Snotlout's room. He was already awake and doing pull ups on a pole he had in the doorway of his closest.

"12…" He saw me as I came through the door. "99…100."

He leapt down from the pole and grabbed a towel off his bed, wiping the sweat off his face. "Hey, what's up? You're not usual up this early."

"Hiccup said he wants all of us to meet at the Arena. I came to grab you and the twins."

He groaned. "Oh, great."

I tilted my head to the side curiously. "What? Are they not morning people?"

"It's impossible to get wake them up."

"That's because I haven't tried yet."

I smiled confidently and spun around on my heels, walking back to Strike with Snotlout running after me. We walked to the twins' house since they only lived a few minutes' walk away. Strike and Hookfang walked behind us.

The house looked like any other on the street, only their Hideous Zippleback was sleeping outside. Apparently their dragon wasn't so keen on getting up early either. I turned to Hookfang and Strike, pointing to Barf and Belch.

"You two wake them up."

I walked inside without knocking, but luckily their parents were already gone.

"Where is their room?" I turned to Snotlout only to find him hiding behind the couch and gave him a weird look. "What are you doing?"

"Their room is straight down the hall. You can go, but I am not going anywhere near those two this early in the morning."

I groaned and walked over to the couch. I grabbed Snotlout by his shirt and dragged him down the hall. I kicked the door open and stormed in, my eyes landing on the twins. Each had their own bed on opposite sides of the room. I released Snotlout and walked over to Ruffnut first. I shook her shoulder.

"Ruffnut, wake up. We have a meeting at the arena."

She groaned and I heard Snotlout squeak. I turned my head to give him a look. "What's you pro-"

I screamed as Ruffnut lunged out of the bed and tackled me.

"I'm trying to sleep!" She grabbed my hair, pulling it out of my ponytail and shook me.

I rolled over so I was on top and twisted my fingers into her hair. "I don't care! Wake up!"

We rolled around on the floor screaming, punching, pulling, and kicking. We ran into multiple things and knocked many objects down. Her brother never stirred once throughout this. At one point I had her pinned down and, finally getting tired on this, I brought back my fist and then sent it into her face as hard as I could. She groaned in pain and went slack on the ground. Panting, I got to my feet and stood over her.

"Are you awake now?"

She nodded and held her head. "Yeah. I'm up."

I held out a hand and pulled her to her feet. Ruffnut dragged her feet into the bathroom to get ready. I grabbed my ponytail holder and walked over to Tuffnut as I put my hair back into place. I had had enough of this. When I got over to him I placed my hands on my hips, leaned close to his face, and screamed at the top of my lungs.


Tuffnut yelled in fear and fell out of the bed to my feet. He looked up at me, irritated. "What was that-"


Tuffnut jumped from the sheer volume of my voice and scrambled off to get dressed.

I crossed my arms over my chest and smiled, pleased with myself. When I turned to Snotlout he was standing in the doorway with his jaw on the floor, dumbstruck. I walked past him, grabbing his hand and pulling him with me as I went. "They should be ready in a few minutes."

As I predicted, the twins were dressed and on their dragon within four minutes. Snotlout and I both climbed onto our dragons and we all headed to the arena. Hiccup was already there with Astrid and Fishlegs, both of whom were early risers. Everyone dismounted and stood in a semicircle around Hiccup.

I crossed my arms over my chest. "You better have a damn good reason for bringing us here. I had a hell of time getting these idiots up." I jerked my thumb over to Ruffnut and Tuffnut.

"Well, as you all know, the dragons have been causing a lot of trouble in the village. I got an idea. Why not use this arena to train the dragons?"

Everyone stared at Hiccup. Ruffnut was the first one to speak up. "That's your plan? Train dragons-"

Tuffnut finished for her. "Here? Where we used to kill them?"

Hiccup grabbed a large basket and carried it over to Toothless. "Right, because we don't do that anymore. That's why it's available."

"Actually, the dragons do seem a little nervous." Astrid rubbed Stormfly's snout and I noticed all the dragons, except for Toothless and Strike, were tense and on edge.

"That's because they're very sensitive. Meatlug especially. She lost a cousin here." Fishlegs hugged his Gronckle then whispered. "We try not to talk about it."

Astrid walked over to Hiccup. "It's amazing your dad just gave us the arena."

I nodded. "Yeah, he's usually pretty uptight."

Hiccup shifted his gaze away then back Astrid and I immediately knew there was a catch. "Well, it would be if he did, yeah, but he didn't so that's another thing we should try not to talk about."

Ah, the catch.

"Wait. So we're going to behind your father's back?" Astrid asked incredulously, placing her hands on her hips.

I grinned and leaned sideways on Strike with my arms crossed and one leg crossed over the other. "Wow, Hiccup. Welcome to the rebellious side."

Hiccup skirted around Astrid and paced in front of us. "There you go talking about it… uh… alright, everybody here's the thing. The dragons are out of control. We want them to live in our world without destroying it, but they can't without our help. They've been blowing things up in the village. We've got to do something about that."

Tuffnut cut Hiccup off before he could go on. "Got it! Help dragons blow things up. We can totally do that."

Hiccup tried to correct them, but that can be a bit difficult once they get going. "No. I believe I said-"

"Here's how we're going to do it. First, we make them really really angry."

"No problem. We anger everybody."

I walked over and slammed their heads together hard enough to make them drop to the ground. "That's not what he meant you idiots."

"You guys this is serious! Mildew wants all of our dragons caged! And I don't know about you, but that's not okay with me."

Everyone shared a look, finally releasing how dire the situation was. Even Ruffnut and Tuffnut got the gist.

"Your right. She's sorry."

Ruffnut glared at her brother. I shook my head and returned to Strike.

"Okay then. Next problem." Hiccup walked back over the basket and pulled out a loaf of bread. "The dragons are eating everything in sight. Now, when a dragon grabs something it's not supposed to have. You can get them to drop it by giving them a little scratch just below the chin."

Hiccup allowed Toothless to grab the bread and then scratched him under the chin, sending him into a relaxed state.

Snotlout walked over and snatched the bread out of Hiccup's hand. "Maybe that works for you and Toothless, but Hookfang and me… we do things a little different."

Snotlout threw the bread at Hookfang which the large dragon easily caught in his mouth. Snotlout strutted back over to his dragon.

"When I want this big boy to do something I just get right in his face and- DROP THAT RIGHT NOW! YOU HEAR ME!"

Startled, Hookfang lowered his head to the ground then did as Snotlout said and dropped the bread. He then replaced it with Snotlout himself. Mildly pissed off, Hookfang shook him in his mouth.

"See. He dropped it." Snotlout's voice was a muffled from inside the dragon.

I laughed as we all stood around Hookfang, looking up at Snotlout.

"Heh. Should we help him?" Tuffnut laughed.

"Yeah... In a minute." Astrid smirked up Snotlout.

Ruffnut looked at me from the other side of Tuffnut. "He's your boyfriend. You get him down."

"Fine." I drawled out and approached Hookfang as the others turned their attention back to Hiccup. "Come here, Hookfang." I spoke to the Monstrous Nightmare in a much softer voice than my arrogant boyfriend.

Hookfang lowered his head to my level so I reached under and stretched his chin. The dragon instantly dropped Snotlout and collapsed on the ground, completely relaxed. Snotlout laid on the ground, covered in dragon saliva. I grinned down at him. "That worked out well."

Snotlout groaned and climbed to his feet. "Bite me."

"I would, but the dragon already did… as shown by the layer of spit."

My eyebrows knitted together in confusion when he started grinning. I yelped when he suddenly pulled me to him and wrapped me up in a hug, successful coating me in spit. I squirmed around in his grip until he finally let me go.

"Eww!" He broke down laughing as I held my arms out and stared at myself in disgust. Thick drool dripped down my body. I growled at him with narrow eyes and half-heartedly punched him in the shoulder. "You jerk! What the hell?!"

Snotlout quieted his laughing fit and pulled me back to him. He wrapped his arms around me tight enough that I couldn't get free to kick his ass and rested his chin on the top of my head. "Sorry, babe."

I stopped struggling, the angry draining from my body with that one word, and leaned against him. "It's fine. That was actually really funny."

I looked up and met him half way with a kiss... until someone had to ruin the moment.

"Get a room!" Ruffnut yelled at us.

Snotlout smirked at her. "Maybe we will."

I raised an eyebrow and gave him a look. "Or maybe we won't."

Tuffnut laughed. "Ooh… rejected!"

Snotlout pulled me close to his side. "At least I have a girl to reject me. All you have is your sister."

"No! I have… uh… Astrid!" Tuffnut tried to put his arm around Astrid's waist, but she grabbed his wrist and twisted his arm around his back.

"No, you don't."

She released him and crossed her arms. Tuffnut scrambled off to the safety of his sister.

"Uh, guys? Can we get back to business?"

Everyone suddenly remembered Hiccup and turned back to him. Hiccup reached into the basket and pulled out more bread. "Alright. We got a lot of training to do, but together we can keep these dragons under control."

We each grabbed a loaf of bread and started practicing with our dragons. Luckily, Snotlout tried Hiccup's approach and Hookfang didn't use him as a chew toy again. After we all decided we had gotten the technique down, we returned to the village square. Surprisingly, everything was quiet and there was no one in sight.

Fishlegs voiced everyone's thought. "Huh, no dragons."

"That was easy." Ruffnut shrugged.

"Lunch?" Snotlout was always thinking about food.

I nodded, looking around the empty bazaar. "Yeah, we worked hard today." Then again, so was I.

"That's weird. If the dragons aren't here, where are they?"

Suddenly, a shrill scream rose up from another part of the village. It was followed by a large explosion.

"Something tells me, that way."

We all looked at Astrid then took off running toward the food storage. When we got there, the place had been ravaged and many dragons were still there including….



Astrid and Snotlout each called out to their dragons in surprise when they saw them chowing down on fish.

Hiccup ran up to the storage building, but the rest of us hung back. Stoick soon appeared out of the wreckage.

"They've eaten everything. We've got nothing left for the Freeze."

Old, cranky Mildew hobbled up to them, looking smug. "I warned you Stoick, but did you listen to me? No! You put a bunch of teenagers in charge!"

Mildew gave us a nasty look, which we all gladly returned tenfold. "Caging is too good for those beasts!"

"Dad, I swear I can fix this. We-we were just starting to-"

"Enough Hiccup! How can I trust you to control all the dragons when you couldn't even control your own?"

Stoick gestured to Toothless who was helping himself to the fish. Strike was next to him. Stoick ordered the dragons to be caged for tonight and then Hiccup was to send then away in the morning. Despondent and heartbroken, we dragged our feet the Dining Hall and quietly huddled at our own table in the empty room.

"I can't believe we have to send them away." Even though his dragon didn't listen to him half the time, Snotlout was just as upset as any of us.

"It's going to be weird. I got used to Stormfly's face being the first thing I see every morning." Astrid stirred her soup absentmindedly.

I sat between Snotlout and Fishlegs with my arms on the table and my chin on my arms. I couldn't eat. I was sick to my stomach. "I've been through so much with Strike and now I have to make him leave."

"Every night before I went to sleep Meatlug would lick my feet. Who's going to do that now?!" Fishlegs threw his hands up in despair and then collapsed over the table.

"I volunteer Tuffnut!" Ruffnut nudged her brother, trying to lighten the mood.

"Whatever. What time should I be there?" It didn't work. Tuffnut couldn't have care less about anything. He was way too depressed.

"C'mon guys. Let's get this over with." Astrid stood up and we all followed suit.

"This is the worst day of my life! We're never going to see our dragons again!" Fishlegs cried. No, seriously, he actually cried a little.

I stopped at the door when I noticed Hiccup wasn't coming with us and told the others to go on without me. I returned to where Hiccup was standing by the fire. "I'm sorry you have to send Toothless away."

"We can't let that happen. Toothless is the best friend I ever had." Toothless bent down to pet Toothless.

If I wasn't so sad, I probably would've been offended.

"Oh, Toothless! I'm going to miss you so much!" Mildew came over with bowl soup and salt to pour over our wounds.

Toothless growled at him and Hiccup stood up to Mildew. I crossed my arms over my chest and glared daggers at him.

"You know what your mistake was? Thinkin' dragons could be trained. A dragon's gonna do what a dragon's gonna do. It's their nature and nature always wins."

Mildew laughed and walked away.

I bared my teeth and growled. "That's it! Let's see him talk after I ripe his tongue out." I clenched my fists and stalked toward the old man, but Hiccup held me back.

"No. Violence isn't the answer."

I growled, but backed off nonetheless. We heard Mildew laugh as he left and Hiccup expression turned crossed.

"We'll call that plan B." He corrected himself.

A couple men opened the door which allowed a cold gust of wind to blow in and put out the fire. Toothless quickly lit it back up.

"Oh, thank you Toothless." A random woman thanked the dragon.

"You know what? Mildew's absolutely right!"

I scrunched up my nose in distain. "He is?"

"Yes! C'mon guys!" Hiccup bolted out the doors.

Toothless and I looked at each other than took off after him. For a guy with one leg he could run pretty damn fast. Strike came flying up soon after we left. I looked up at him as he flew above me then at Hiccup. "Where are we going?!"

"To the Arena!"

"You know we have dragons that can fly right?!"

Hiccup slowed to a stop as he thought about this. "Oh, yeah."

I rolled my eyes. I thought he was supposed to be the smart one? We mounted out dragons and then took off toward the Arena. When we got there, they were closing the gate to lock the dragons in. Hiccup and I yelled at them to stop. We quickly landed and jumped off the dragons. I grabbed onto the gate lever and pulled it back up as Hiccup stood between the group and the Arena.

"We are not locking them up."

"What happened? Did you change your father's mind?" Astrid asked excitedly, approaching Hiccup. "… or are we going behind his back again?" Astrid became skeptical, backing away from him.

I went down into the Arena and got the dragons, bringing them back up.

"Uh, one of those. Look. The dragons are going to do what they're going to do. It's their nature. We just need to learn how to use it!"

From their expressions, I'd say the others liked the idea. I walked with Hookfang over Snotlout and looked at everyone. "What do we have to lose?"

The next morning, everyone got up early without any fuss and we all met at the Arena. Everyone was mounted on their dragons and looking at Hiccup. Hiccup looked each of us in the eye. "Alright, guys. This is our last shot. We need to make it count."

We all yelled out enthusiastically and took to the skies. The first thing we did was fly out to where Mulch and Bucket were trying to catch some fish.

"Snotlout! Scare us up some dinner!" Hiccup directed Snotlout then flew back to the rest of us to give the other orders.

We headed over to cranky Mildew's farm and helped him plant all his cabbage. I had Strike gather up a little rain storm, with a touch of lightening of course, to water the plants after the dragons got done fertilizing it. We then rounded up the yaks and boars and everyone met up at the barn.

"That was awesome!"

I nodded in agreement with Fishlegs and leaned down to hug Strike. "Totally!"

"How did you know that was going to work?!"

"Cause they're dragons and they're going to do what dragons do. We just have to work with them and not against them. You know who we should actually be thanking-"

"There they are, Stoick! Those dragons don't look like they're in cages to me."

I walked up and stood beside Hiccup with my arms crossed over my chest defiantly. "Plan B?"

Hiccup glanced at me then at Mildew. "Not just yet."

"No. This is not what I asked for. Kids. I want you to all go down to the Arena and cage those dragons."

I and Hiccup looked at each other is shock, Hiccup stepping forward. "But Dad-"

"NOW." Stoick told us sternly. His tone left no room for conversation.

We all looked at each other then slumped our shoulders and got on out dragons, returning to the Arena. We did was Stoick said and locked them up in a cage. I reached my hand through the bars and placed it on Strike's snout. "You won't be here long. I promise."

Stoick and Gobber approached the Arena, a small group of villagers standing outside watching. The seven of us huddled together, afraid of what he was going to do. I gripped Snotlout's hand tightly.

"Oh, no. What's Stoick going to do to us?" Fishlegs squeaked from behind the rest of us.

"I'm too pretty for jail."

"Where'd you here that?"

Even in the face of danger, those two were bickering.

We shut up turned our attention to Stoick when he began speaking. "You all disobeyed my orders and there will be consequences."

"I told you we were going to get in trouble. Uh, you never listen to me."

Astrid bitched Hiccup out until he stepped forward to face his father. "Dad, if anyone is going to get in trouble it should be me."

"Nope. You all had a hand in this. You took over this place without asking. You released the dragons against my wishes. Things are going to change around here. That's why-"

"You're getting a Dragon Training Academy." Gobber jumped in front of Stoick and cut him off.

"Gobber! I wanted to tell them!"

"I'm sorry. Your right. Go ahead."

"Well, you took most of it!"

"You can tell them the part about how proud you are of them."

"Gobber!" Stoick sighed and turned back to us. "Hiccup… well… what he said. You've all made me proud."

We all grinned at each other, relieved and excited. Stoick walked over the door lever.

"This dragon training academy is for you." He pulled down the lever, thus releasing all of our dragons.

I screamed in excitement and ran over to Strike. He met me half way and I threw my arms around his neck. "I'm so sorry I put you in cage!"

"Now all you have to do is train them."

"Not a problem, dad. After all, I've got him."

Astrid coughed and Hiccup remembered us. "And them too."

I grinned and looked over at all my friends. I did a double take. Yep. Hookfang had Snotlout by the back of his shirt.

I laughed, looking over at Strike. "I better go do that chin scratch."

He grumbled at me and we went over to get Hookfang to drop my boyfriend.


Life was good.

My only regret was that I never got to rip Mildew's tongue out.