A/N: Completely edited but the same! And a small warning, I made Itachi slightly younger in this story... I hope you do not mind.

Konoha High was an elite school.

It wasn't for the poor or rich. It was really for both and it gave excellent education to any who apply.

One of those students is Sakura Taiyuki.

Sakura was intelligent in every class she attends. You could call her a gifted student if you wish. Although...She is not as popular as you would think.

Yes, she still mingles with her group of friends and she's blessed with the ones she had that are her real ones. They've been her friends since elementary and others more. But some of her friends drifted off into a new groups throughout the years and soon forgot each other; well her more specifically. Fortunately, Sakura is left with a some of her childhood buddies and she cherishes them more than anyone really should.

These 'childhood buddies' are Naruto Uzumaki, Hinata Hyuuga and Ino Yamanka.

Even if it's a small amount of them, they feel like a big family to this young girl. They've all promised to never leave each other like the many others have left her. It was what you called a pact.

Sakura also was a very...different individual.

This girl had a very petite form and was always on her toes to see taller things. Another thing was she had a booming voice unlike most women in her school who had soft, mellow tenors. Happily her friend, Ino, shares the boisterous side and they share it with others proudly.

This girl also had striking emerald, sea-foam eyes. Plus they were quite big; almost unusually big. But that only made the emerald orbs stand out more. It was amusing how they would change color according to her mood. For example, if she was angered or irritated, they'd turn an almost dark green or even pine, and when she's happy or ecstatic, they'd shine a lighter shade of emerald and sparkle lively. It varied to her emotions and she showed her many emotions and rants many times; sometimes it came out naturally and she could not stop it.

Also Sakura, who hated this part about herself the most, had a rather large forehead. Well it's not grandly big but just a bit over average. And still she gets teased about it from other girls. This forehead has made her very insecure and she always get the feeling someone is judging her rudely from afar and all the time. It was unfortunate.

The last thing and the most notable thing about Sakura Taiyuki was...

...that she had bright, vivid pink hair.

It was very, very rare. She has been asked multiple times if it was natural or dyed, and like usual she'd politely respond with 'It is very natural, thank you.'

This rosette had her pink hair to mid-back. Sadly she has wanted it to grow to her waist at least but her mother insists or actually forces her to keep it only that long. But even at the length, you could spot her from a mile away.

All of this sounds like she'd be a somewhat popular girl, a girl you'd want to be with, a girl who seems fun to be with, a girl who seems popular.

But it's the opposite.

Exactly the opposite.

Sakura had people making fun of her, teasing her left and right. One day she thought she was gonna break and finally do something about it. But she wasn't sure what she was even gonna do. And she was scared to find out what she would do.

It was too much to her handle for a fragile girl like herself.

Her only three great friends kept her sane and she was forever grateful for it. She'd love to make up for everything but she couldn't. At all.

Sakura was also very poor. Barely had enough money to buy the makeup she wanted with her daily allowance and small part-time job.

Her parents aswell worked all day and she would usually, after school or work, come home to an empty home for herself. She'd be alone for many hours and her beloved parents would come home in the early hours of the day.

Sakura's parents love the rosette like there's no tomorrow. They make her feel like she's a treasure they've found on a deserted island. They just love her so dearly, and the girl in question loves that feeling and she also treasures it.

And when she gets home to the empty house, she uses the spare time to think.

Think about the future. Her life, Plain life, Just everything.

But one day, Sakura thought of something. It was a wish; A wish to be perfect and the girl who shines up the room when it's dull and it needs life.

Sakura wished to be perfect.

The bell rang a shrill ring throughout the hallways of school; indicating the many students it is time for lunch.

Doors flew open and soon students flooded the outside quad. Chatter and laughter filled the once quiet scene and everyone either sat down to eat or stood up to talk with others.

A blonde along with another blonde boy and a raven haired girl walked out with the crowd of students. They all took part in small talk as they walked over to a vacant spot below a huge tree, their favorite spot. The blonde girl sat next to the ravenette and looked around with an incredulous look in her baby blue eyes. The boy noticed that and spoke with his naturally spunky voice.

"What's up Ino?" He asked.

Said girl frowned.

"Where's Sakura?"

The three all looked around the courtyard with wandering eyes and didn't see any pink blotches anywhere at all. A deep and worried frown etched onto the boy's tan skin and the two girls did the same while all meeting eyes.

"...I don't know. You don't think it's Mari? Cause if it is..."

He drifted off as a scowl replaced the frown of despair earlier made. Naruto was his name and he had a soft spot for the pinkette.

Back when they were young he had the hugest crush on her and everyone knew about it, even herself. But as they grew up together -and these years included rejections and failed askings of dates- Naruto finally lost the childhood crush and the two grew together as brother and sister. Sakura was like the sister he has always wanted and he was the brother she never wanted.

Naruto was just so protective that at most times it was plain ridiculous.

One time some boy pushed Sakura down by accident; she had lost her balance when the boy accidentally got pushed into her and fell flat on her butt. Naruto saw the whole thing and chased the poor boy down with a deep, hateful scowl adorning his face the entire time.

Once he made it to the poor guy, he bluntly told him off and punched him hard in the cheek without any warning. Immediately they got into a pointless punching fight while the whole time Sakura was yelling at Naruto that it was an accident and after the incident the boy was never seen near Naruto again or Sakura.

A pale hand reached out and patted Naruto's shoulder reassuringly, resting on him as the owner of it smiled softly. The boy looked up with his electric blue eyes and they met silver, peachy ones that held the same worry he was feeling.

"Naruto-kun, she could just be talking to a teacher maybe...She would be the one to talk to a teacher after class."

Said boy thought for a moment and nodded. His signature grin grew on his face as he did.

"Thanks Hinata... But I can't help but just think about it."

The Hyuuga heiress frowned.

Hinata Hyuuga was somewhat a princess. Her raven hair that held matching blue highlights reached to her waist and her silver eyes were almond-shaped. She had soft, unblemished, pale skin to tie it all together. Sakura would always think of her a hime princess... but, well she was a Hyuuga heiress after all...

Ino, the pale blonde, shook her head and glowered at Naruto with a frown.

"You can't just assume that Mari is stalking her."

The cheer captain finished with an audible 'Humph' to her sentence and crossed her pale arms together over her chest.

"She can take care of herself! You've gotta trust Sakus."

They all stared at each other for a small moment and shrugged it off, believing 'Sakus' could and will take care of herself. But they didn't know how wrong they just were.

Sakura sat in the stall of the second story bathroom. Muffled sobs echoed throughout the empty room as she cried into her cupped hands. Her long tresses curtained her arms and face. She was just bullied by a group of girls who've been prowling at her for almost most of high school. It made going to school seem like hell, and most of the time it was because of them.

After a couple of intakes of air, she unclasped her face and looked up with glassy eyes, timidly staring at the blank stall door in front of her.

It's gotten quiet now. They must be gone.

These girls were staying outside the bathroom door waiting and she knew it cause she could hear her laughter even through the thick, wooden door. Her laugh was shrill and very distinctive to Sakura, horribly and unfortunately she was familiar with that cackle.

This girl was Mari Hyzuni. The leader of a group of girls and the meanest one. She was just plain evil for Sakura.

The pinkette felt battered from her usual words of hatred but for the first time in awhile her deadly rant got to Sakura. Mari was sneering her own parents and that was not the first time she has done it.

Mari has always belittled Sakura just for her own entertainment. Of course Sakura has tried to fight back most of the time but now she thought it was useless and instead thought it was best if she ignored them instead. Sometimes ignoring her worked and sometimes it didn't.

This time it didn't.

Mari said Sakura's parents were useless adults and she threatened to tell the whole school they were drug dealers. Sakura thought it was completely stupid to even spread that kind of rumor around, completely immature if you think about it but she knew the consequences of the rumor would be horrible. That would cause her to probably get kicked out of the school most likely and she was not gonna let that happen.

Opening the stall door open cautiously, the pinkette walked out and checked the time on her watch. It was halfway into lunch and she knew her friends were waiting for her.

Leaning against the door quietly and pressing her ear against it, she listened for anything. To her full relief there was nothing but faint taps on the floor indicating a person was walking far off down the school hall, much to her relief.

She opened the door slowly and peeked her flushed face out. When she saw no one but empty hallway, she dashed out and towards the double doors that lead to the quad.

Wiping her skirt off as she trotted towards the tree that occupied her friends, Sakura saw their faces light up from a distance. Naruto started waving both hands vigorously at her, signaling her to come over.

Sighing inwardly, she smiled and easily sat herself down next to Ino. The blonde girl smiled big in return and handed Sakura a onigiri from her box.

"Thanks." The pinkette said as she received the sloppy shaped rice ball. She never really brought lunches, it was only for special occasions if she ever did. Plus she couldn't exactly afford quality ingredients and even though she told her friends not to share their food with her, they did anyways. She took a bite right when the girl next to her spoke with a huge grin.

"Sakura where were you?!" Ino started, an excited sparkle in her eyes. "I've got big news."

All eyes went to her and awaited for her to speak. Ino was always the girl for gossip and news.

Sakura lowered her eyes to the bitten rice ball in her hand and shook her head.

"Talking to a teacher..."

She lied through her teeth and was relieved when Ino, Naruto and Hinata either nodded or sighed for relief.

"Okay good. So anyways guess what guys?"

"What?" Naruto was the first to speak. He was especially curious and he wanted to know now. Even if it was pretty dumb.

Ino giggled and continued.

"You know Sasuke Uchiha-"

Naruto groaned in disgust loudly. Loudly for a couple of heads to turn towards the group under the tree in wonder. After finishing his bellow of annoyance, Naruto looked at Ino with a frown.

"I don't wanna know about 'Prince Bastard'! ...Or his brother." Naruto's frown deepened. "...Or his whole family!"

"Naruto shut it! I'm sure Sakura and Hinata want to know..." She glared at the blonde across her,"..And his name is not 'Prince Bastard', idiot."

Sakura stifled a giggle but kept a straight face on. There was always petty arguments between these two. Sometimes there mistaken for brother and sister due to many things. For one there both blonde and have bright blue eyes, second there both loud and like to speak what's on their mind and lastly they are always having small arguments. It was pretty amusing to ponder about it, there were just too alike to not be relatives.

"As I was saying...Sasuke Uchiha is..." Ino trailed off.

She smiled like a goof and started giggling uncontrollably. They all looked at her like she was crazy, but it did look like it. The girl was cupping her mouth and giggling loudly into them while she figdited uncontrollably. Finally after stifling a couple of loud giggles down, Ino dug a magazine out of her bag with a huge smile still plastered on her face.

"...Ino what are you-"

Sakura was quieted by a magazine getting shoved into her face, harshly being shoved into her face. A silent grunt escaped her from surprise and she pushed it away immediately. Once it was gone, a deep scowl was revealed on her face.

"What is it?!"

Ino pulled up the magazine to show everyone and all eyes went wide from surprise.

Especially Sakura's.

Sasuke Uchiha was, of course, part of the Uchiha family. In Konoha the Uchihas were elite and even royalty. Literally royalty though. They had the king, queen, prince, royal system! Some thought it was ridiculous, but most thought it was amazing, especially since they had such a thing in a small town. The mayor of the town does occasions and events with them all the time. They really are a big thing.

As I was saying...Sasuke Uchiha was the one of the princes. He was Sakura's age, fifteen and every girl in Konoha High would die for him or his brother, Itachi Uchiha, who was eight-teen (turning nine-teen in about a week). These two princes were rarely seen out of the Uchiha Compound but no worry, they are seen in all magazines all of the time. T.V. shows as well. They are the most popular people in Konoha and maybe other places too.

Sasuke Uchiha was told to be mysterious and very secluded. Just like Itachi Uchiha. Magazines say that he has never been in a relationship, or in a lasting one. But now some rumors are spreading, like a wild fire, that Itachi and him are attending a school and some girls have a chance to woo them. And that school is-

"...Konoha High?! Th-That's where...We go there!" Sakura tripped over her words. "We're here right now!"

Sakura was at a loss of words as she scanned the cover of the Teen magazine just to make sure Ino wasn't pranking her. All over the cover was 'Konoha High', 'Prince Sasuke and Itachi going to school', 'You may have a chance!'

"H-Hey Sakura...Calm down."

Naruto scooted towards the panicked pinkette slowly. He watched as her facial expression changed silently to either a huge smile or widened eyes and an open jaw. Probably both actually.

Suddenly she snatched the magazine in Ino's hands and stared at it with full attention; completely ignoring Naruto's worries.

Hinata however, was completely unaffected. Truth be told she had a huge liking for Naruto and not anyone else. The blonde didn't know it but practically everyone else did and she was completely scared if someone told him.

The Hyuuga watched as Sakura stared deeply into the front of the magazine with amusement flooding her jade eyes, shining a bright emerald hue. She looked overwhelmed with the fact of a prince going to a school where she has been attending.

"...This is amazing. Ino when did the word come out?"

Sakura lowered the magazine onto her lap and cut her eye sight away from it quickly. Averting her emerald eyes to said girl, she waited.

"Yesterday! They published this morning."

The blonde picked up the magazine from Sakura's lap and flipped through it quickly. Stopping on what seems to be her destination, she scanned the page for a moment. Her eyes stopped scanning when a small frown adapted her pale face.

"Shoot...They don't say when they are coming. Dammit! They better come at least tomorrow."

Inwardly Sakura sighed in despair. Why can't they just come tomorrow?!

Sakura slightly jumped when Naruto let out a laugh. She looked up to see him with crossed arms and sly smirk.

"If that bastard does come...I'll kill him!"

Glaring, Sakura scoffed at him and looked back at the magazine in Ino's hands. She stopped at the cover and admired the two brothers on it. She couldn't wait for their arrival.

"I'm home..."

The silence was all that greeted her.

She bent down and slipped her shoes and her bag joined the pair of shoes next to the door. Sakura walked down the small hallway to her living area. It wasn't big or huge, but it was decent.

In the middle of the small room was a love seat, red, and worn-out couch. In front of it was a small coffee table and a small T.V. She thanked the gods she had a T.V. though. If she didn't she would've been so lost when Ino would talk about celebrities or junk like that.

The floor was a light brown, wooden floor and the walls were just a plain white. Frames of family pictures and of Sakura adorned the paint-chipped walls and a small bookcase leaned on the wall behind the sofa. It was a cozy type of room, even if it was the size of her own room.

Sakura made her way to the couch and picked up the remote on the way. She turned the television on with an audible click and flipped through channels she didn't feel like watching. She was actually looking for her favorite show. It was all about Konoha and mostly about the Uchiha Royalty.

Finally finding it, Sakura sat down the remote on the table and leaned back into the stiff couch leisurely.

"...And welcome back to 'Konoha News'!"

'Oh, Perfect timing!'

The host Kiyuki Komi was a young-adult who was just plain gorgeous. Her curly, golden-brown hair reached down to her waist and her crystal blue eyes hypnotized people. It was a mystery why she wasn't married.

Sakura pulled her knees to her chest and hugged them while her eyes glued onto the slightly cracked screen.

"Today we are gonna talk about..."

'Yeah, Yeah...The Uchiha Princes! I want to know when there coming to school Kiyuki.'

"...'The Missing Princess!'"


"Yes. If you haven't heard about this unknown princess...She's a mystery!"

A wave of laughter hit from the show's audience. While they all laughed at the odd joke, Sakura started thinking.

She didn't even hear about a 'Missing Princess' anywhere. Sakura was surprised Ino didn't tell her...

"We will talk more about this girl and her searching parents...After break!"

After hearing that the crowd cheered and clapped and soon the whole image of the talk show was replaced with commercials. Sakura used this time to dash to her bag at the front door and scoop her phone before walking all the way back. She was gonna talk to Ino about it. They would always call eachother if one of them was confused about anything.

Sitting down and dialing at the same time, Sakura brought the phone to her ear and watched the commercials with little interest as a couple of rings came through. Finally Ino's voice was heard.

"Hey Sakus! What's up?"

"Hey, did you hear about that 'Missing Princess' junk?"

Immediately Ino answered.

"Oh, Oh! I was just watching it! I wonder who she could be...Lucky girl might see Sasuke-kun or Itachi-kun."

A faint giggle was heard and Sakura sighed.

"...Yeah maybe. I'm just confused on when this all started...I wonder who she is."

"I know! I wonder if-"

They both stopped talking when the show came back on and the host was now sitting in front of a big screen. Kiyuki was now looking into the camera with a fake smile adorning her pale, unblemished face.

"Welcome back! Now as I was saying...The Missing Princess' parents are gonna have a special appearance tonight and we are hoping you, the viewers, can offer some information for our mystery girl."

Ino and Sakura were eerily silent.

"Without a further ado...Please welcome your highness...King and Queen Haruno! They reside here in Konoha as well."

As she said the last part, two gorgeous people came out. Sakura watched on the tiny screen a mid-aged women and men, side-by-side, walk out from the side and onto the two chairs by Kiyuki.

The man had very handsome features. His dark brunette hair looked well-combed and it was parted to the side with gel. His eyes were emerald, strangely almost like Sakura's own, and they shone brightly under the light above them and around. He had a beautiful suit on. It was like a black tuxedo with many small details. Also he held a polite smile that made his high cheek bones stand out and it tied everything together.

The women looked stunning. She didn't even look her age. Her skin was practically glowing and her eyes were as silver as dimes and quarters. Her grin showed pearl white teeth and her gown matched them. A white, strapless dress that fluffed at the waist and it held legible glitter and diamonds, maybe real ones too.

That last thing and most notable thing about this women was...

...that she had bright, vivid pink hair.


Ino's wobbly words made Sakura come back to reality and she couldn't stop staring at the couple.


"That girl...has hair just like yours...and that guy has eyes..."

"...just like me?"

She finished it for Ino.


The two quieted and watched the couple sit down with full elegance and poise. Kiyuki smiled at them and crossed her legs while leaning into their chair, a somewhat fake smile on her lips.

"So...King and Queen Haruno...Where do you think your daughter is?"The pinkette was the first to answer.

"I honestly don't know Kiyuki-san. That is why Kezuki and I are here tonight."

Kiyuki nodded with a smile still plastered onto her face.

"What do you have to say Haruno-san?"

Kezuki Haruno lost his smile and sighed almost silently.

"We've been searching for my daughter in almost every country and we stopped here in Konoha hopefully being able to find her..."

"May I ask how you lost her Haruno-san?"

Kezuki frowned and nodded.

"We...gave her up for adoption when she was a baby."

Many gasps of shock filled the room and one also came from Ino and Sakura. The two girls watched intently for more.

After the gasps and mumbles died down, Kiyuki spoke without a smile now.

"If you don't mind...Can you tell us why?"

Immediately the king shoke his head.

"No. I am sorry but it's personal."

In agreement, his wife nodded slowly and frowned.

"That's perfectly understandable! Now for some more interrogation..."

Kiyuki said jokingly, receiving chuckles from both distraught parents and a bellow of laughter from the audience. They just laugh at anything...

"Okay...So have you seen her at all since then?"

The women shook her head and her frown deepened, showing her age by slight wrinkles.

"Unfortunately no...I can barely remember what she looks like. All I remember is her pink hair that matches my own."

Sakura felt her jaw drop to the floor and she was almost for sure she almost dropped the phone in her hand. She also heard Ino gasp loudly into the phone. The crowd mumbled once more and Kiyuki gave the two a reassuring smile.

"Well Haruno-san...I am truly sorry. She must be beautiful if she has your hair and hopefully your emerald eyes Haruno-san!"

She looked over at Kezuki with her smile still on.

"If only we knew...Wait a second, do you remember her name Haruno-san?"

Kiyuki asked almost to eargely and she leaned out of her chair out of her own will. Everyone was silent and awaiting for either one to speak and answer her crucial question.

Kezuki leaned back into the cushioned seat with a small frown still lingering on his lips. Shaking his head, he looked over at his pink-headed wife with rock-hard eyes.

"No...We don't."

Kiyuki gasped and so did the audience. The hostess placed a hand on her chest softly, indicating silent heart pain and deeply frowned.

"That must make it worse! Don't worry King and Queen Haruno! We will find your daughter."

Cheering roared throughout the room.

"You will find your petal-haired daughter here in Konoha, I swear it!"

She turned to the camera and looked straight into, straight at the at-home audience. Cheering still lingered in the background as she spoke loudly.

"If you happen to spot a pink-haired girl, with-or-without emerald eyes...Call us! You never know...You could have talked to a princess today!"

After her request, the camera zoomed away from her and all the way out until you could see the cheering audience and smiling King and Queen. With that a number scrolled onto the screen and it was over. Commercials came back on and Sakura was still staring at her screen with an open mouth.

Ino must've been doing the same since she hasn't anything at all. Silence, except the talking from commercials, lingered into the room.

Finally Ino spoke, but with a soft and wobbly voice.

"Sa-Sakura...?! You still there...?"

Sakura blinked.


Silence came back and resided for a moment until Ino spoke again.

"Sakura...They just described your appearance...on national T.V...on Konoha news...The most popular show in Konoha..."

Sakura reeled from that sentence and she felt sweat bead onto her forehead and mix in with her vivid pink hair.

"...Ye-Yeah they did."

Silence once again moved in until a shrill scream and conclusion rang through Sakura's phone.

"You are the 'Missing Princess', Sakura Haruno!"

Ahhhhh! This story came to me when I watched a pageant. Sakura is a missing princess and she is very surprised and...something else that'll be announced in the next chapter! *smirk smirk smirk*

Itachi and Sasuke will actually be introduced next chapter~

I'm deeply sorry for any mistakes or anything wrong...I will edit this all soon.

Reviews are deeply appreciated and they make my day and night!

Until next chapter~! ;)