This was published far later than I had hoped, sorry! I was busy on my new YouTube Channel, my name is Zobby TheSTHMC. Anyway, on with Fan Fiction, enjoy!

Sonic in his Dark condition awoke to the sound of a bang; its source was an air vent's entrance, not the one that Sonic was in, but the sound was near. Sonic turned to his right and saw the sky-blue pony named Rainbow Dash sleeping peacefully. Sonic shook the dozing pony until she awoke, and spoke,
"Argh, mom, a few more minutes." She said tiredly.
"Rainbow Dash, we have to go, now!" Sonic looked down that air shaft and another bang sounded, it sounded like someone was opening the doors of the air vents. Sonic crawled over Dash, he looked at her and purposely slapped her on the face, and she jolted.
"What was that for!?" Dash yelled.
"We have to move." Sonic repeated.
"Why?" then grenade explosions made Rainbow Dash say, "Right behind you." The shaft was only about 50cm tall and wide, so the two had to crawl. "How long did we kip for?" Dash asked. At that point, another vent door was above Sonic. He looked up and there was a clock, it read '9:30'.
'We slept for twenty minutes!?' Sonic thought, he spoke, "It's better to not know." He continued to crawl, and then he was met by a hole in the shaft. Sonic gazed down the tunnel for five seconds before jumping down it, Dash followed suite.

Sonic landed and looked around, no hostiles in sight. Sonic was just about to stand when Rainbow Dash landed on his back with a thud.
"Oops, sorry!" Rainbow Dash got off of a frowning Sonic. He stood, and studied the room. Then his enhanced vision, given to him by his Dark form, spotted a Desert Eagle, it had a small ACOG Sight attached to its barrel. Sonic rushed for it, grabbed it and checked the ammo, seven rounds. Sonic looked for anything else that he could use, but there was nothing. "Uh, Sonic, what's this?" Rainbow Dash showed Sonic what she had found, Sonic jumped at what was in her grasp, a Chaos Emerald! However, the colour of it was black, the Chaos Emeralds turn black if their power is drained, or if someone is in their Dark form, only one person can be in their Dark form at a time. Because Sonic is in his Dark Super form at the minute, the Chaos Emerald is black.
"Tha-that's a Chaos Emerald! I haven't seen one in years." Sonic froze.
"If it's an Emerald, then why is it black, as if it's been drained?" Dash asked. Sonic sighed.
"There are seven Chaos Emeralds in existence, there are many copies, but none are as beautiful or as powerful as the real ones. The Chaos Emeralds are the most powerful things that exist, even more powerful than your Elements of Harmony." Sonic was interrupted by Dash,
"How do you know the Elements of Harmony?" She looked away slightly.
"As an ex-pony executer, I was called to know every detail of your powers, even some things that Eggman didn't know about." Sonic explained. "The Chaos Emerald's energy is just amazing and once all seven of the Emeralds are brought together, you could experience the most power you will ever sense. That Chaos Emerald there is black because its energy has been drained…by me. It's the way I look, I'm in my Dark state, and in it I absorb the Chaos Emerald's Negative Energy. Even if they're on different continents, they all turn black when I go into my Dark form. There are two ways to revive them, first, I could exit my state, but that is risky at this point in time. And second, the Master Emerald. That Master Emerald is more powerful than the seven Chaos Emeralds combined a million times over, and I can access that power, very few can; in fact, now I am the only one who can. But now that it's destroyed, I don't know what to do. I can't turn Hyper, can't turn Ultra, nothing." Sonic sat on the floor with his head in his hands. Rainbow Dash walked over to him,
"Let's put that egg in the pan. What do you say?" Sonic looked at her, and stood.
"Alright, let's do it." The two smiled. Then, the garage door to Sonic's left opened. Dash gasped. Sonic said,
"Shit, get down!" Sonic rushed to the side of the door, as did Rainbow Dash, but she went on the other side. Sonic cocked the Desert Eagle, Dash kept the Emerald under her wing. Suddenly, a hail of automatic gunfire scattered in the room, it seemed that it was a single minigun firing with a massive spray. It fired for twenty seconds, and then it stopped. Sonic lent out of the garage doorway and fired his silver .50 Calibre Desert Eagle He fired it a second time and Sonic rose. "Come on." He said and he pulled her front right leg. They were met by a bright light, a search light. They ran across a field, followed by turret and sniper fire, they stopped next to a wall which had chunks taken out from it. Rainbow Dash was panting at the sudden sprint, but Sonic had a straight and focussed face. He looked at Dash, "I'll take out the light and sniper. You stay here."
"What? You're crazy!" Dash said shocked, but her words had no effect on Dark Super Sonic. He just walked to the other side of the wall and the wire that enabled the search light to be powered just happened to be there, but then again, Sonic has been at the facility for 3-4 months. Sonic tore off the wire and took a .32 Calibre hit to the arm, he showed no pain. He aimed his Desert Eagle at the sniper, fired and scored a head shot. Sonic ran to the tower that held all of the troops of the settlement, it also housed some heavy weapons. Rainbow Dash was stunned at what Sonic was doing,
'He is incredible,' she thought, 'he took a bullet to the arm, a light that can blind and what now?' Sonic climbed over the tower's walls and disappeared for a few minutes. After four, Dash became worried. Then, the gates of the tower exploded, a part of the gate flew over Rainbow. She looked at where the gates had been, and saw a massive single cannoned tank roll out of the gateway. The tank turned to its left by 60°. It was aiming at the settlement's 50cm thick gates. The tank fired. The gates were obliterated into nothing. Rainbow Dash was in awe, she looked at the tank once more, and Sonic appeared from the hatch. Sonic ran back to Rainbow Dash and picked her up. Sonic crouched and said, "Hold on."
"What?" Rainbow said just a millisecond before Sonic zoomed off with her in his arms. The two boomed past the facility's walls and was lost in the distance.

"What do you mean they escaped!?" Eggman roared at his robotic crew.
"Well, he just, took the M4300, shot the gates and ran off with that blue pony." One robot spoke.
"But the gates are 50cm thick! How could the tank blast through that in a single shot!?" Eggman was obviously angry.
"Uh…" the robots replied.
"Why I oughta-" Eggman raised his fist, and then he was interrupted.
"The M4300's cannons are 50cm in diameter and the projectile is 2 metres long." Eggman turned around to find a blue spiked robot, "The projectile can puncture a 1 metre thick wall. A 50cm gate would be like a hot knife through butter."
"Metal Sonic, what a pleasant surprise!" Eggman smiled. Metal's red eyes shone at Eggman.
"What is needed Master Robotnik?" Dr. Eggman chuckled,
"I wonder if you could do me a favour if you wouldn't mind?"
"Anything as long as it results in Sonic's demise." Metal Sonic stared into Eggman's eyes as if it was a death look. Eggman chuckled once more.

Well, what do you think? Again, I am sorry that this took so long, YouTube and stuff, better late than never as they say. The next thing to be published my new Sonic story, I cannot wait to publish it! Again, I do not claim copyright for Sonic or My Little Pony. I hope that you have enjoyed this chapter, nearly 450 views already!? Tell me if there was something that didn't make sense or if there was a punctuation error. Thanks and see ya next time!