I'm a day late. Sorry. I have some good news:
Yesterday, I sang on a stage for the first time in my life in front of a crowd of 200+ people. I'm so happy! I've gotten over my stage fright!
Chapter 29
Nina's POV-
Amber was sitting at the dining table and smiled at us after putting down her coffee.
Amber: Good morning. How did you sleep?
Nina: Okay. By the way, the "one bed" thing was not cool.
Amber: I'm sorry….well, actually, no I'm not, but you know I meant well.
I sighed and shook my head, not even trying to reason with her.
Amber: By the way, do you guys do that purposely? It's so cute!
Fabian: Do what?
Amber: Matching outfits.
I looked at him and, sure enough, he was wearing a teal t-shirt with jeans and black converse. Just like me.
Nina: Um…no. No we don't. It just…happens.
Ok. That's weird. Matching outfits? Really weird. I sat down next to Amber while Fabian poured two cups of coffee for us.
Fabian: Nina, do you still like your coffee the same way as always?
Nina: Ya. Three spoons of sugar and-
Fabian: And two teaspoons of cream.
Nina: You remembered?
Fabian: Of course. I remember a lot of little things about you.
Amber and I shared a curious look.
Nina: What little things?
Fabian: Well, you're ambidextrous, even though you prefer to use your right hand. You bite your bottom lip slightly when you're concentrating really hard. You love to sing when you're in the shower-
Amber: How would you know that?!
Fabian: Um…Amber, you're room is right across the hall from the bathroom. I kind of passed by every night to go to our secret Sibuna meetings in your room. And, Nina, you sang very loud. It was hard not to hear it.
I blushed slightly and twirled my hair a little. The door bell rang and Amber perked up. Someone's excited to have company.
Nina: I'm surprised you remembered all those things about me.
Fabian: Hey. It's hard to forget the girl who changed my world.
I blushed again and took a sip of my coffee.
Patricia: Come on Sibuna! Let's get going!
Fabian: I thought everyone was meeting us here.
Patricia: Well, you thought wrong. Everyone's at the house.
Suddenly, her phone rang and she answered.
Patricia: Y'ello…you did? Where...ok. I'm on my way.
She closed her phone and looked at us.
Patricia: Good news. Sibuna found the next clue. Let's go.
Willow: Wait!
Willow came out of nowhere with a plate full of muffins.
Willow: You didn't eat anything. At least take a muffin to eat on the go.
I took a chocolate chip muffin while Fabian took a banana nut muffin. We left our coffee on the counter and hurried to catch up with Amber and Patricia. I went with Amber and Fabian went with Patricia to avoid any awkward moments.
Amber: So… you slept well?
Nina: Yes. Very well, thank you.
Amber: …did you two cuddle?
Nina: …keep that grin of yours under control. It's not like anything happened.
Amber: Oh really? Not even a kiss?
Nina: No Amber. Not even a kiss.
Amber: …you miss him, don't you?
I looked at her. She was looking straight at the road with a straight face.
Nina: Depends.
Amber: You know what I mean. You miss being with him. You miss being his girlfriend. You miss him. You miss Fabina.
Nina: ….yes, Amber. I do miss us, but it's too late. We've grown apart. He and I…it's not going to happen. I still love him but….it's not going to work.
Amber: …why do you say that?
Nina: Amber, He doesn't love me anymore. He shouldn't love me anymore.
Amber: Too bad. He still loves you. You want to know why?
Nina: …Amber-
Amber: He loves you because he's figured out who his soul mate is. Now, he's just waiting for you. Patiently.
I didn't say anything. The rest of the ride was quiet and neither of us tried to fill the empty air. When we arrived, we parked behind Patricia's truck. I saw Fabian get out with a blush over his cheeks and he came over, opening my door for me. I thanked him and we walked on. Amber and Patricia moved ahead of us so when we walked into the hallway, we were alone. We snuck in to the cellar and entered in to Frobisher-Smythe's study. The small passage under the desk was open but before Fabian could crawl in, I gently put my hand on his shoulder.
Nina: Fabian? Do you mind if we talk for a minute?
Fabian: Ya, sure.
We sat down on the couch and I realized that I had no idea what I was doing. What am I going to say? I want answers but….
Fabian: So, you wanted to talk?
Nina: Ya, um….Fabian, I want to talk about last night.
Fabian: Ah. Last night. That was…
Nina: …cozy.
He looked at me in surprise.
Fabian: Cozy? Really?
Nina: Ya…I just wanted to thank you for being so patient with me.
Fabian: Patient? About what?
Nina: Everything in general.
I kissed him on the cheek and stood to crawl in to the passage, not stopping when he called my name. Maybe I should think about us. Maybe…. Maybe Amber's right. I entered the chamber and saw everyone crowded around Alfie. Sibuna let me through and Alfie passed me the clue.
The ashed frame
To hold the reflection
Lies under the root
With the ancient connection
Alfie: Ashed frame?
Fabian: Well, it says that the frame is to hold the mirror, so maybe it's referring to a base made of ash wood.
Amber: But what roots? And what connection?
Patricia: Wait. Roots? Like tree roots?
Eddie: Ya…..I'm not following you guys.
Jerome: Neither am I.
Nina: A tree! Of course!
Everyone turned to look at Nina as she took the map of the estate, pointing her finger at one tree in particular that was not labeled.
Nina: Think about it. The base of the mirror is made of ash and is hidden under a tree with a connection. What was the only tree on the estate that we ever really used back in high school?
Fabian: The Sibuna tree!
He took her in a hug and spun her in the air.
Fabian: You genius, genius, genius girl!
He set her down as the two laughed. Patricia and Amber looked at one another with smiles on their faces.
Patricia: Is it just me or was that a déjà vu moment?
Amber: The dictionary, where today always follows tomorrow. How could I ever forget?
Jerome, Alfie, and Eddie looked confusedly at Amber and Patricia, who waved them off.
Patricia: Before your time.