A/N: Hi, guys! My first chapter of my first Fire Emblem story! Please note: This story is not based off of the official 2013 game, "Fire Emblem Awakening", meaning this story does not fit in with the Nintendo's story of Fire Emblem Awakening! I only have the characters! I do not claim the characters as mine, I only claim this story as mine! Thank you!

Fire Emblem: The Fortress of Nazanrath

Chapter 1

A young boy gently glided his hand over his mother's belly, feeling her smooth skin. "I think I feel the baby kicking it's legs, mommy!" The little boy smiled as he looked up at his mother, his brown eyes meeting hers. The mother looked down at her son, her eyes glistening with love. "It's probably excited to meet their new brother." the mother replied. The son smiled as he laid his ear against the belly, trying to hear the baby inside make some noises. After a time, he heard nothing. "I can't hear it, mommy... maybe it's sleeping!" the little boy suggested with a smile. The mother stroked her son's brown hair, brushing his bangs with her fingers. "And I think it's time for your nap, too, son. Come, let's prepare you for bed." she said.

The son nodded and looked at his mother's belly one last time. "When you come out into the real world, I'm going to be the best big brother in the whole world! That's a promise!"


Inigo slowly opened his eyes, blinking a few times to adjust his vision. He began to rub the side of his nose, slowly sitting up. He then buried his face in his hands. "Ugh... another dream..." Inigo sighed, realizing that his dream was a memory of him and his mother. The now 16-year-old boy stood up from bed, combing his tangled hair. He walked over to his drawer, taking a cloth and dipping it into a bowl of water. He then began to massage his face with the damped cloth. A gentle knock came from the door. A small girl with pink hair stepped inside, a warm smile on her face.

"Good morning, Inigo. How are you feeling?" Morgan greeted as she approached her brother. Inigo simply placed the cloth on a hanging rack. "Fine..." he grumbled.

"I made you breakfast." Morgan began. "I know you're about to take father to Lissa's cleric and I thought-"

"I'm not hungry." Inigo growled as he left the room, closing the door behind him. Morgan stood there in silence. She sighed sadly and sat on his bed. She closed her eyes, trying to hold back the sad feeling that threatened to trickle up her chest. She looked over at Inigo's drawer, a portrait that had a drawing of her brother and another woman with long pink hair that was in a braid. She was holding Inigo close with a warm smile as Inigo embraced the woman lovingly. Morgan took the portrait in her arms and held it close.

"Oh, Inigo... I wish you would hold me with such love as you did with mother..."


Inigo was slipping on his armor when he noticed a man was standing over a hill, not to far away from him. The man had white hair and a brown coat with auburn red embroidery.

"Father!" Inigo smiled as he ran over to his father. The man turned around, and a smile appeared on his face. "Good morning, son." Robin greeted as he hugged his son. Inigo returned the hug. "What are you doing out here so early?" Inigo asked. "I don't think it's a good idea for you to be out early, considering that you might have a disease..." Inigo finished. Recently, Robin has been having reptitions of coughing and mild head aches.

"I'm aware of that, Inigo... I just couldn't help but realize that Ylisstol is a beautiful place..." Robin answered as he turned back to the horizon. "This spot has a beautiful view of it." Robin finished. Inigo looked over the horizon with his father, which made him sigh in satisfaction.

The view was beautiful. Houses that had lucious brown roofs filled the lush land. Colorful flags were hung over the streets with lanterns and people with unique clothes and various colors strolled up and down the town. The tree's autumn color began to show, varying in colors such as yellow, orange, red, and brown. Further up, laid the kingdom of Ylisstol, where Chrom resided in.

Inigo took in a deep breath, a warm smile on his face. "It is beautiful, dad."

Robin nodded. "Olivia would have loved this view..." Inigo's father gently whispered. Inigo stayed silent as a warm breeze blew through his hair. He then nodded in agreement, looking down.

Thirteen. It had been thirtreen years since Olivia's tragic death. Inigo and Robin had greatly missed their beloved family member. Inigo would take sometime each night to think of his mother. Her beautiful, fair skin. Her lovely dancing. Her rare, flowing pink hair. Her majestic brown eyes. These pictures stayed vivid in Inigo's mind, promising to never fade away. Inigo's every wish was for his mother to return and for him to hold her again, however, this was only a wish... and that would never change.

Breaking off the silence that was bestowed upon them, Inigo spoke up.

"Are you ready to go to Lissa's cleric?" Inigo asked as he turned to his father.

"Yes. Please be sure to get me home before sundown. I want to tuck Morgan in before night falls." Robin replied.

"Oh..." was Inigo's only response as he looked away and rolled his eyes. "Let's get going, Father."


Inigo tapped his foot impatiently as he laid his chin in the palm of his hand, sitting in a wooden chair. Inigo and his father, Robin, were resting in Lissa's cleric room, waiting for Lissa to return. Robin laid on a bed-like panel that had a white bed spread and a small pillow. He coughed hoarsely time to time and moved his position, feeling unsettled or uncomfortable. He would then shiver time to time. Inigo looked at him with concern as Robin tried to rest. Inigo looked down at the ground silently, thinking about his father's condition.

A couple of weeks ago when Robin, Inigo and Morgan moved into a house in Ylisstol, Robin had been feeling uneasy in his stomach and sore headaches would surge through his head. A while after that, his body started to feel weak and his coughs became more severe, which is why Inigo suggested that he take Robin to Lissa.

It seemed like hours to Inigo since he arrived and as if Robin's condition was getting worse by the second. The door suddenly opened, Lissa coming in. "Greetings, Robin and Inigo." she greeted casually. Robin sat up and greeted Lissa with a warm smile. Inigo stood up in Lissa's presence.

"Did you find anything, Lissa?" Inigo asked. Lissa looked down at the ground, disappointed at herself. "Forgive me... I cannot find out what is wrong with your body, Robin... whatever it is, it's internal... and my healing abilities might not be able to help..." Lissa replied sadly.

"I understand, Lissa. You did everything you could and I appreciate it." Robin nodded.

"Is there anything you would suggest?" Inigo asked. Lissa looked up with a small smile.

"Yes... I suggest that your father get plenty of sleep and not do much work." she said. She then turned to Robin. "Try to stay as relaxed as possible, and make sure to eat healthy foods." Lissa told Robin. Robin nodded, slowly standing up.

"Thank you, Lissa. Let's go, Inigo."


Inigo rode on Robin's horse, Robin sitting behind him, bowing his head in a restful state, at some points coughing. Inigo sighed and looked up at the evening sky. It's peaceful pink color scattered through the air, fading into an indigo blue. Inigo continued to raise his head towards the sky as the horse continued to travel through town. Inigo had many worries weighing down on his mind, his father's condition weighing the heaviest.

Ever since Olivia's tragic death... ever since his mom's tragic death... Inigo has been feeling as if his life has lost some of it's light. As if the sun would not break through the shady clouds. Sure, he has gotten through life, but it's lost some of it's meaning. For one thing, Inigo was inspired to become a graceful dancer, like that of his mother. He would strive to make impressing dances for his mother, striving to see her smile of approval. Olivia always held Inigo in his arms with love, stroking his hair and singing a lullaby in his ear. Now, all of that had vanished out of his life... all because of one person...

Inigo sighed, holding back tears from escaping his eye and racing down his cheek as he approached his home. He guided the horse into the stable, tying it's rope to a stable wooden stand.

"Alright, father, we're here." Inigo said. Robin slowly looked up, beginning to rub his eyes. Inigo figured he had just fallen into a restful sleep. Robin slowly got down from the mare, turning to Inigo.

"Thank you for taking me to Lissa, Inigo." Robin thanked. Inigo smiled and nodded.

"It's nothing, dad... I'm just worried about you. You haven't had something like this in a while..." Inigo responded. Robin laid his hand on his son's shoulder.

"You don't need to worry about me, Inigo. I'm sure this disease is nothing more than a reaction to the changing of the seasons." Robin reassured.

Inigo walked to the front of the house with Robin, opening the door. Morgan, who was at a table with a book looked up.

"Father!" Morgan exclaimed happily as she ran to hug her father, seeing that her family had returned home. Robin smiled and embraced his daughter warmly. Inigo simply stood by a nearby window, gazing out.

"Hello, Morgan," he replied, smoothing out her cape that draped over her shoulders and back.

"What did Lissa say about your condition, father?" Morgan asked her father, who sat down on a wooden chair. Morgan knelt down by him, laying her arms on his lap.

"Nothing you should worry about, Morgan. I just need some rest." Robin answered. Morgan looked up at her brother, who was still gazing out the window.

"Hello, Inigo... did you have both have a safe trip?" Morgan asked. Inigo continued to look out the window.

"It was fine, Morgan." Inigo said, his voice sounding as if he was annoyed. Morgan slowly looked down.

"Lissa suggested that I get some sleep. I better start preparing for bed." Robin explained. He kissed Morgan's forehead. "I'll see you in the morning, Morgan." Robin said. Morgan smiled at her father before hugging him. "I hope you get better, father." Morgan replied. Robin nodded and walked off to his room.

Morgan started her way back to the table and looked back at Inigo. Inigo now had his back to the wall with his arms crossed, bowing his head. Morgan began to rub her index finger with her right hand, continuing to gaze at her brother, sensing that something was wrong with him. "A-Are you alright, Inigo?" Morgan asked as she slowly approached Inigo. Inigo said nothing as he continued to look down.

Morgan began, "If there's anything you need, I can get it for you-"

"Why would I need anything from you?" Inigo countered back, now looking at his sister with a cold look. Morgan took a step away from him, looking down with slight despair. After a moment of silence, she began to start her way back to the table, taking a seat. She opened up her book that she was reading previously when a feeling of uneasiness settled in her throat.

"Um... Inigo?" she stuttered. She did not hear a response from Inigo, so she continued to talk with hesistation.

"I... I just got down reading this book... it's about Ylisstol's legends-"

"Legends don't exist, Morgan. You know better than that." Inigo interuppted. Morgan silently fidgeted with the pages of her book, the feeling of sadness whelming up in her eyes. She slowly continued.

"W-Well... there was this really bizzare one... it was about a legend in the forest..." Morgan said. "It says that... well, can I read it to you?" Morgan asked as she turned to her brother. Inigo sighed before answering. "Fine..."

Morgan took in a deep breath before reading the passage on the page of her book.

"In the forest that rests outside of Ylisstol lies an ancient emperor of evil. This emperor concealed himself within the trees of the forests, making a canopy fortress. The emperor had a power that was abnormal from ours and that came from a mysterious power source. The emperor was revealed to be named Nazanrath, clothed in layers of black and his face hidden in a black mask with the appearance of a man. Ancestors before his time did practices of punishment upon unforturnate souls. Trespassers who entered the unforseen canopy fortress than faced the terrible wrath of Nazanrath, never seeing the light of day...

There will come a day when an unsuspecting soul falls into the canopy fortress and the evil emperor Nazanrath, will certainly lay his eyes upon them and-" Morgan stopped, taking a breath, her shoulders shivering and her lips quivering slightly.

"I-Inigo... this legend... really scares me..." Morgan finished. Suddenly, Inigo's hand slammed the book closed. Morgan yelped at the surprising action Inigo made. Morgan looked up at her brother, who was looking back down at her.

"Morgan, you know how easily scared you get by reading these kinds of things so why read them at all?!" Inigo raised his voice at her, scolding her. Morgan looked down shamefully, holding back tears. Inigo took the book from under her hand and walked away with it.

"Don't stay up all night." he said as he entered his room, closing the door behind him. Morgan laid her arms on the table, burying her face in them. She silently wept at how cold her brother was to her, how cold his eyes and voice was. She then looked up.

"...What if I'm that unfortunate soul..?"

A/N: Hi, guys! First Fire Emblem story and chapter, hope you enjoyed! Please leave a review and give advice on how I can improve the chapters and story! The next chapters will explain a lot more about Morgan and Inigo's relationship! I would also love to give credit to Grovyrosegirl in help with characters! Check out her epic stories here on Fanfiction! Thanks for reading! :D