Amalthea: Ok, My dreams last night was what inspired this story! KON HIT IT!

KON: Amalthea does not own Bleach, HP, Sailor moon or any songs that appear. All she does own is this idea, the pairing and the Idea behind who was reincarnated into whom! Please Read and review her stories plus vote in her Poll!

Ok so here are the Sailor scouts Reincarnations:

Sailor Neo-Moon: Serena Potter

Sailor Mercury: Hermione Granger

Sailor Mars: Momo Hinamori

Sailor Jupiter: Tatsuki

Sailor Venus: Luna Lovegood

Sailor Saturn: Orihime Inoue

Sailor Neptune: Tia

Sailor Uranus: Lillinette

Sailor Pluto: Setsuna

Asteroid Senshi (They will be reincarnated as Guys):

Sailor Vesta: Ichigo

Sailor Pallas: Toshiro

Sailor Juno: Draco

Sailor Ceres: Neville


Neo-queen Serenity watched in horror as her daughter took the blow meant for her; she caught Rini and began to cry as her daughter's light left her eyes. She then lay her daughter down and took out the Silver Imperial Crystal; she then began to wish for her daughter and the other Senshi to be reincarnated as she felt her own life beginning to die out. Her enemies then ran towards her, intent on stopping her but it was too late. Jadeite screamed in rage as his companion, Yamamoto growled and said "My Lord, there is nothing more we can do here. The crystal has split up into the rainbow crystals and scattered to the winds..."

Jadeite sighed angrily and said "You are correct, we need to recover our strength from this war then we will search for the crystals..."

Yamamoto then looked at the Queen's daughter who had refused him as a lover and spat on her corpse as he said "This never would have happened if you had just accepted me as your lover. Now everything you love is gone and once I find this Helios you loved so much...He will die also."

Yamamoto then left the throne room as he followed the man who also had a grudge against The Moon Family; they walked through the white sand desert that had once been Crystal Tokyo in the Pocket dimension the queen had hid the city. Yamamoto smirked as he listened to the sounds of the Mutating souls of the dead and said "They sound rather...Hollow."

Fast forward about 5000 years after the "Restart" of Surrey, England.

Serena Potter, known as Rini to her friends jolted awake in her small room, Rini gulped down air at the vivid dream of where she had died in the silvery blonde woman's arms and then relaxed. She stood and looked out the window as she said "What do these dreams mean? Why am I dreaming of something that possibly never happened?"

Rini looked up at the moon as it gave her some comfort like always, the Dursleys had locked in her room while they went out and she sighed as they weren't back yet. She then lay back down to try and sleep when she heard a loud crack from downstairs, she grabbed her wand and looked at the door as the doorknob jiggled and turned when she heard Remus's voice "Cub, you in there?"

She relaxed a bit and said "Yes! The Dursleys locked me in when they left!"

Remus told that they would get her out and she heard the sounds of a lock pick in the lock, she quickly packed up her stuff as she heard the sounds of the locks being picked and watched as the door flew open gently. Remus looked at her with a smile and said "Come on cub...Let's get you out of here."

She smiled sweetly and grabbed her trunk as she headed towards him and the other two people he was with; Moody was standing to the right of the door while a Pink haired girl was standing to the left, she greeted both of them politely as they headed downstairs and then she was then escorted to London where she was shown a piece of paper with an address on it. She was about to enter the property when they all felt some cats twine around their ankles and mewling, Rini looked down and smiled a seeing the Family of cats and knelt down to pet them. Moody told her to leave them and get inside as he opened the door, to every one's amusement, the cats sauntered in while looking at them with a expression saying "Well are you coming or not?"

Rini giggled and scooped the smallest cat up as she said "I think I'll keep these three, they reminded me of some people I know..."

She then placed them in her room so they wouldn't cause any trouble and headed down for supper, the three cats looked at each other with Happiness as the Black one said "Thank god we found the princess before the enemy could..."

Diana looked at her mother and said softly "Will we tell her who she used to be?"

Artemis then nuzzled his little one ad said "In due time, Diana. Let her get used to the fact she's a super hero first..."

Luna then yawned and said "We should get some sleep before talking to the princess."

The other two Moon cats nodded and curled up in a pile as the three drifted into a peaceful sleep; Rini came in a few minutes later with some ham for her new pets and smiled at the sleeping cats. She then yawned and eased herself into bed so she wouldn't wake the cats; she got comfy and then laid her head down on the pillow as she drifted to sleep...


Helios hated the weak human body he had disguised himself in after the fall of Crystal Tokyo, he then sighed as he missed Small Lady dearly but knew her Reincarnation would be revealed soon enough to him. He then got ready for his day as a shingami captain and left his home...

Meanwhile back with Rini...

Rini woke to a knock on the door and Mrs. Weasely's voice calling her for breakfast; she sat up and yawned as she noticed her cats still sleeping, she smiled and gently stroked them as she said "Hey, you three...Time to wake up!"

She then stood and got dressed in her hand me down clothes before heading down with her new pets following her, she headed into the kitchen where she greeted her godfather and the Weasely matron before sitting down. Molly greeted her warmly and gave her a plate full of her favorite breakfast foods, Molly then gave the cats some shredded chicken from Last Night's dinner as the rest of the household stumbled in for breakfast. Rini greeted her best friend Hermione happily when Dumbledore came in and said "Good morning everyone."

Rini greeted her grandfather figure happily and he smiled as he said "Now what's this I hear about you adopting three cats?"

Rini laughed and said "It's more like we adopted each other..."

Dumbledore chuckled and said "Just remember you can only take one of them to Hogwarts..."

Rini nodded as Dumbledore then told them that they were going to have some Exchange students from Japan and some of them were ones that Rini knew quite well. Rini blinked in shock and then said "You didn't!"

Dumbledore laughed and said "Your cousin and a few of their friends have agreed to come to Hogwarts for the next three years."

Dumbledore found himself being hugged happily by Rini as she chanted "Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!"

Dumbledore smiled and told her she was welcomed and that her cousin and the other exchange students were going to be arriving just in time for her birthday in two days. Rini cheered happily as Molly laughed and told her to finish eating, Rini nodded and quickly ate as the adults talk about small stuff. She then headed upstairs to get what was left of her homework done, her cats followed her and Rini smiled as she closed the door behind them. She had been working for about an hour when she sighed and leaned back to stretch, she then turned to her cats and said "I guess I should name you guys..."

Rini began to think when she suddenly heard a female voice speak up and say "We already have names, Rini-san..."

Rini looked at her cats in shock then blinked as she asked "Did you just talk?"

The Black cat smiled and nodded as she then said "My name is Luna; it's a pleasure to meet you."

The white cat then said "I'm Artemis, Nice to meet you."

The smaller Gray cat/kitten then said "Hi, I'm Diana!"

Rini blinked then smiled and said "I'm Serena Potter but you can call me Rini."

Luna blinked and said "You seem rather calm for meeting three talking cats..."

Rini snorted and said "I and My cousin Ichigo are far from Normal when it comes to doing, seeing or encountering the impossible...We tend to be magnets for this kinda of stuff."

Luna and her family looked curious and Luna said "Could you give us an example?"

Rini sighed and told them the story of the Basilisk she had slain in her second year, Luna then said " rather messed up."

"You have no Idea..."

They talked for a little longer when Luna then did a flip and a pretty pink crystal heart shaped brooch with a gold crescent moon, trim and wings, dropped into Rini's hands. Rini gasped as Luna said "This Locket...Belongs to you now."

"It's beautiful...yet familiar somehow..."

Just then a knock on the door and Hermione's Voice rang out "Rini? May I come in?"

Rini smiled and said "Sure, Hermione! Come on in."

Hermione entered then closed the door behind her as she sighed in relief, Rini knew that sigh and said "Let me guess, Ronald was bugging you for a date again?"

Hermione growled as she nodded causing Rini to say "I honestly don't understand why he harasses us for dates...neither of us are interested in him."

Hermione sighed and nodded in agreement as they heard a knock on the door and Molly asking them to come help clean up the house...

The next day, Meanwhile...

Ichigo laughed as Orihime ran around with Tatsuki to find some last minute things they may have missed, Ichigo then said "You guys packed everything yesterday remember?"

The others chuckled as Orihime and Tatsuki stuck their tongues out at him and they then headed off to the airport to catch their flight to England. Ichigo laughed as his human friends playfully argued about who would get the window seats on the plane, they then heard their plane being called and quickly grabbed their carryon bags as they boarded the plane. Ichigo looked at his friends and said "Here we go on our next big adventure..."


Rini sighed as she managed to get permission to take a walk outside; Luna and Diana decided to go with her and were walking beside her. They then noticed people suddenly collapsing around them and a woman standing in the middle of them with her back to them, Luna recognized the creature and said "It's time for you to use your new brooch to fight that monster! Just say the words "Neo-Moon Crisis Makeup!"

Rini nodded and did as Luna said, "Neo-Moon Crisis Makeup!"

Rini gasped as she was lifted into the air and was surrounded by beautiful red and pink ribbons, when she touched the ground...she realized she was in a suit that reminded her of the sailor uniforms in Japan and her hair had turned into a soft silvery pink with jewels decorating it. She looked in a window to see her hair had also changed in style with two "Rabbit ear" buns and two long pigtails trailing from them that reached just below her thighs. She then smirked and said "Cool!"

Sailor Neo-Moon then raced towards the monster and hit it from behind in a forward tackle, the monster tumbled as Neo-Moon flipped backwards and the creature turned and said "Who the Hell are you?"

"The Name is Sailor Neo-Moon, Ugly!"

The Monster's eyes went wide as Neo-moon then seemed to teleport and punched the monster in the face; the monster staggered then started laughing as she attacked the New Sailor scout. Neo Moon yelped as she quickly dodged the attacks then she took her tiara off on a hunch and yelled while throwing it "Moon Tiara...ACTION!"

The Monster screamed in pain as the attack hit and destroyed her, Neo-Moon then saw the Police arrive and she bowed Japanese style as one police officer asked "Who are you and where is the creature that attacked these people."

Neo-Moon then said "My Name is Sailor Neo-Moon and as for the Youma...I took care of it. It was draining Life energy from all these people and my attacks are the only things that can destroy the monster."

The police officer blinked then smiled as he said "Thanks for the Testament, Sailor Neo-Moon. I hope you have a good day and thank you for saving these people..."

Neo-Moon smiled and said "You're welcome and remember these Youma can sometimes control people besides draining their life energy, so if you come across one...Run and don't fight it!"

She then said good bye and raced away to an area where she could return to normal, Rini then headed back with Luna and Diana to the house. They arrived just as the exchange students arrived at the house and Rini squealed as she ran to meet her cousin and friends from Japan...